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A weird guy who loves to write
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mondnomer · 3 years ago
Statement of Purpose
I’m writing this blog as a venue for the INTAC’s I’ll produce. It can help those who are reflecting on God’s Word, trying to understand how it applies to life. A pray this will bless other people, how I prepare my messages and how effective the BOOK OF LIFE is if applied in REAL LIFE. God bless!
Why FaithINTAC?
This blog talks about FAITH in God and His Word. INTAC is an abbreviations of my outline, which I was trained with during our Preaching Class in Christ’s Commission Fellowship. I is introduction, N is need, T is text, A is application and C is challenge. This helps me to produce a material that will help the person to reflect on God’s Word personally.
Hope it helps you go beyond just reading but applying it in your life.
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mondnomer · 3 years ago
“I think the reason we sometimes have the false sense that God is so far away is because that is where we have put him. We have kept him at a distance, and then when we are in need and call on him in prayer, we wonder where he is. He is exactly where we left him.”
— Ravi Zacharias, Has Christianity Failed You?
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mondnomer · 3 years ago
Seeing Discipleship as a gift from God
This past few weeks I constantly am asking God, if Discipleship is a gift why does it hurt?, if Discipleship is a commandment then why others don’t do it?, When is there really a right time to be a qualified discipler and so on. And it’s amazing how God answered on how HE modeled ministry (discipleship) must be.
Yes, Discipleship hurts Jesus felt it when Judas betrayed Him, Peter denied him, Thomas doubted him, Paul Persecuted him, & the rest of those who believed & yet forsaken Him. it’s amazing How God showed His love to them (us), How He still stay with them even at the first place He knew that crazy things will happen.
Yes, Discipleship hurts and it will hurt more if we will not abide in Him.
Yes, problems will come because it is inevitable but Praise God we have a supreme God who is in control in everything.
Yes, People will leave you nor disappoint you but God is still there to satisfy you.
Yes, the whole world will break you but God will help you to move & heal you if we will allow Him to just move inside & out.
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mondnomer · 3 years ago
And from death to life I will sing your praise! 😭🙌
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mondnomer · 3 years ago
A letter for all the youth leaders/volunteers/pastors/ministers etc.
Hey there! I know it's been a rough year for you, for all of us there are so many dissapointments from the people around you.
I know it's hard to live in this sinful world, I know it's hard to not be conformed by the earthly things, I know it's hard to live by faith. There are so many doubts about the existence of God, so many unanswered questions but hey don't quit. It's all worth it investing to young people, may seem risky especially the youths are not yet firm on their decisions, not yet matured enough to tell big things from them that they may take it in the wrong way. But know that God putted you there for a purpose to lead them in Christ, to empower them that there is such thing as eternity.
This generation needs you, they need someone who's willing to intentionally teach them, fervently pray for them, & patiently disciple them. God is so proud of you.
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mondnomer · 5 years ago
A letter for all the youth leaders/volunteers/pastors/ministers etc.
Hey there! I know it's been a rough year for you, for all of us there are so many dissapointments from the people around you ++ the unprecedented times.
I know it's hard to live in this sinful world, I know it's hard to not be conformed by the earthly things, I know it's hard to live by faith. There are so many doubts about the existence of God, so many unanswered questions but hey don't quit. It's all worth it investing to young people, may seem risky especially the youths are not yet firm on their decisions, not yet matured enough to tell big things from them that they may take it in the wrong way. But know that God putted you there for a purpose to lead them in Christ, to empower them that there is such thing as eternity.
This generation needs you, they need someone who's willing to intentionally teach them, fervently pray for them, & patiently disciple them. God is so proud of you.
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mondnomer · 5 years ago
If I'm wrong about Jesus (eternal life) then I've wasted my life. But if you're wrong about Jesus (eternal life) then you waste your eternity.
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mondnomer · 5 years ago
It's not just about singing praises, dancing like King David, attending small groups, reading book that will equip you (us). Christianity is more than all that things, it's all about applying what we learn in every meeting, if Christ is calling us to be the light of this broken generation then we must shine in the darkest part of this world.
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mondnomer · 5 years ago
what i learned is that God will change your heart, before He will change your situation
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mondnomer · 5 years ago
Dream your dreams with your eyes closed, but live your dreams with your eyes open.
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mondnomer · 5 years ago
If you can’t be thankful for what you have, be thankful for what you’ve escaped.
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mondnomer · 5 years ago
I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
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mondnomer · 5 years ago
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mondnomer · 5 years ago
One thing I learned in life:
We need to fix our eyes on what is eternal!
"Life is not about how high your grades are, how high your position in your job, how financially stable you are. It's all about having the heart to do the will of God."
"What's the use of fortune & fame if the people around you is your enemy?"
"Life is not a competition"
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mondnomer · 5 years ago
Fix your eyes to Jesus
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mondnomer · 6 years ago
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mondnomer · 6 years ago
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