misapisces · 6 years
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tomato boy turning tomato
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misapisces · 6 years
Toxic Relationships
Warning: Slight spoilers.
V’s route is about saving two people from a horribly toxic relationship. Neither V nor Rika ever truly experienced love in their lives. They weren’t ready to be in a relationship because they didn’t love themselves. If you don’t love yourself, you cannot love anyone else. Not truly. That is what V realizes about halfway through his route. It’s the same thing Dr Phil can tell you.
If you romanticize Saeran’s abandomant issues, you’re setting yourself up for a toxic relationship.
Saeran feels abandoned by the mother that never loved him, abandoned by the brother who was supposed to help him and abandoned by V who promised him a better life. Saeran would have had a chance at a normal life if it wasn’t for Rika. She wanted to feed whatever negative feelings Saeran had. She made those feelings stronger for her to use by force to get what she wanted like an evil team in Pokémon. She was a leech that fed off of him.
Cheritz has Saeran in the route to show us what Rika is capable of. She took the boy who loved ice cream and cloud watching and turned him into someone else that thrives off lies and false/misplaced hatred with her brain goop juice. He wouldn’t have been that way if she hadn’t taken him from V. She forced Saeran to have extreme dependency on her. She could never show him the love and affection he needed.
Then MC comes along. Saeran falls for MC because we have the options to be so nice to him. We can treat him warmly, compliment him, tell him he’s doing an amazing job. We can validate him. And he soaks that up like a sponge because he’s so deprived of kind words like that. He feels that MC is there because of him, MC is happy because of him, and MC will stay because of him. He believes he’s in love with MC because of this.
But similar to how V felt about Rika, he doesn’t love MC, he’s OBSESSED.
He freaks out when he can’t find you in your room one time, he doesn’t want you getting close to any of the RFA members and tries to paint them in a dark light so you don’t think about them, he tries extremely hard to please you by making you breakfast and bouquets. He wants to make you stay. He mistakes his feelings of affection towards you as actual love. He just wants to feel what love feels like. But there is no possible way to be in a pure, equal, and wholesome relationship with Saeran as he is now. I’ve seen people liking how obsessive he is.
Cheritz doesn’t want you to. That’s why there are options in later chats to suggest Saeran getting help. Because he needs professional help. You cannot date someone who is in a mindset like that because it will only end horribly. This route shows that Saeran still has a sensitive heart. One wrong word and he’ll become upset and begin blaming himself. Again, he doesn’t know how to love himself so how could he love you? You’d be stuck in a relationship like V and Rika by constantly having to validate him. And it would be easy, so easy, to abuse the way he feels about you. He’d do whatever you’d say because he doesn’t want you to leave him if you’re upset. He wouldn’t argue with you because he’s afraid you’d leave him because you’re upset. He’s afraid you’ll leave him, too.
Even if he is fictional, there are people like him in real life and I worry about players, 12 or 22 or anywhere in between that fall for these qualities in Saeran because that could mean you’d fall for that person in real life. And that could be life threatening. Obsession is a terrifying thing. Help them, don’t try to have a relationship with them yet. I have heard about people with these issues stating they will kill themselves if their partner leaves them because they would have nothing left. Does that sound familiar?
To add on to this, there is a reason why we didn’t start a relationship with V until after two years. He needed to find himself and learn how to stand on his own and love himself. Saeran needs the same time.
{Also, I wonder if anyone sees the Markiplier reference.}
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misapisces · 7 years
i love mob so much please for the love of god tell me about ur feelings on 100% ecstasy
OH BOY WILL I !!! ABSOLUTELY 100% (pun unintended but warmly embraced) 
out of all the 100% events, ecstasy is my favorite. the drama… the tragedy… will fiction EVER peak like this again? i don’t think so. but BEFORE I DELVE INTO ALL OF THAT, there’s something i want to talk about first: mob’s psychic powers as an expression of his emotions. 
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we all know that mob suppresses his emotions to avoid outbursts of psychic power. but THAT implies that mob’s psychic power is a form of self expression, in the same way that body language is expression. 
he can direct his psychic powers – the same way we can direct our bodies’ actions – but there are other components that are difficult to stop, similar to how people’s shoulders tend to hunch when they’re angry or upset, how they subconsciously cross their arms and direct their feet away when something is making them uncomfortable, etc. 
unless you know about these bits of body language, and make a deliberate attempt to suppress them, it’s difficult to stop your body from revealing something about your emotions. similarly, one function of mob’s psychic power is as an extension of the way he expresses himself. these things happen subconsciously and mostly without mob’s control. 
for example, one of the trademarks of mob’s 100% events is that mob starts releasing waves of psychic power that push his hair back. other side effects include cracking the ground under him, often to dramatic effect.
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mob doesn’t push his hair up on purpose, it’s just something that happens – as a result of him releasing his pent-up emotions in the form of psychic power. these little bits of expression aren’t something he can control.
mob also says something REALLY INTERESTING in his first 100% event:
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during 100% rage mob uses his psychic powers to fight dimple, yes, but these lines suggest that his outburst of power happened because he finally had to express his anger. and that implies that, in order to show his emotions, and express himself, mob has to use his psychic powers. 
which is something he almost never allows himself to do. 
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never forget the disdain / loathing mob had for himself at the beginning of the manga, and how convinced he was that he couldn’t allow himself to express himself OTHERWISE SOMETHING LIKE THIS WOULD HAPPEN. 
further material to consider: the lines that he said right before his 100% animosity / hostility event 
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at this point, mob hasn’t taken any action against koyama yet. his outburst of psychic power, radiating outward and blanketing the area, is not doing anything but expressing his hostility – to the extent that mob expects koyama to be able to feel it. 
in addition to that, during mob’s fight with toichirou, he cycles rapidly through a LOT of emotions, and this is what he says about it:
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canon suggests that it’s not just a buildup of of emotions that cause his powers to run amok; allowing his powers to run amok also allows himself to feel the full intensity of his emotions. his psychic powers are key to expressing himself.
I COULD GO ON… but i’ll just leave things here for now. to summarize: mob subconsciously uses his psychic powers to express his emotions, which is why suppressing his emotions also suppresses his psychic powers. 
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figure 1: a helpful venn diagram of things 
the fight against toichirou is possibly the first time mob has been able to fully utilize his psychic powers. the first time he’s had to, even. all the unconscious limits he’s put on himself – not allowing his psychic power to go free, stifling his emotions and powers – all come undone. 
mob is allowing himself to be himself, wholly and fully. he’s removed his inhibitions. he’s running wild and free. he’s no longer expending energy trying to regulate his psychic powers – he’s allowing himself to feel. this intensity of emotion and action is something mob has never given himself before, and the freedom of it… feels good. incredibly so. he feels free, he feels alive, and toichirou – the only individual to ever stand on a level close to mob’s – understands perfectly. 
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this is a level of joy mob has never felt before. 
the release of his psychic power even comes hand in hand with mob’s body language becoming much freer and more expressive than it is in daily life. look at him go!! mob, for the first time in years… letting himself feel the intensity of his emotions, just as they really are.  
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but of course his happiness isn’t going to last 
because mob wants to be a part of society, and he thinks he has to keep his psychic powers sequestered away in order to do that. his greatest fear is accidentally hurting the people he loves with his own psychic power, and when he remembers that possibility… 
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the tragedy of 100% ecstasy is that – for just a brief moment, mob released himself from his self-imposed limits. for a moment, he let himself really feel, he let himself be, and in that moment he experienced a richness, an intensity, a moment of being so utterly present and alive that it brought himself to heights he’d never reached before. 
 and mob will never willingly allow himself to do that ever again. 
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misapisces · 7 years
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Now Bakugou knows all truth about All Might’s secret. He is a part of “Chosen One” team. And he likes it.
He is not only rival for Deku but his guardian as well.
Deku is so happy to hear advices from Bakugou. Don’t forget that Deku admires Bakugou as hero more than anyone.
Bakugou accepts that Deku is chosen. He understands why All Might chose Deku, because Bakugou knows Deku better than anyone and already saw all his value.
Bakugou is no more blinded by his own misjudgement of Deku. Now he understands that everything Deku ever did to him was because of admiration not of disdain. Bakugou feels he is owed a lot to his friend-rival-shittyhead. 
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misapisces · 7 years
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Here’s the GIF form of my edit from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4CaTFJ6yzM The part where Killua actually hugs Gon was all edited and hand animated by me! I hope it looks real. :x
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misapisces · 9 years
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(〣⊙ ͜ ⊙ )ᕗ  。 。 (;;⊙ △ ⊙;;)
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misapisces · 9 years
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Important Things to Remember about Van Hohenheim:
He was born as a slave and manipulated into being involved in the genocide of his own race, then forced to live with the burden of having an immortal body filled with the crying souls of the thousands of people who had died.
He devoted at least a couple of centuries conversing with over 500,000 souls, getting to know each and every one of them, befriending them, and cooperating with them.
Hohenheim did not leave his children alone. He left them in the (more than capable) hands of Trisha, where he knew they would be raised well. He trusted that Trisha would be able to explain his absence to Ed & Al without revealing the truth about his body. He couldn’t have anticipated her death, and as he was travelling the entire country he had no way of keeping in contact with Trisha to check that she and their sons were doing ok (this is assuming the Elrics didn’t have a telephone).
Hohenheim had difficulty interacting with people, even his own family. He would probably have a very hard time writing letters back home, or talking to Trisha on the phone. He more than likely thought it best to keep his distance 100% until he could return home for fear of ruining any of his relationships with his family.
Hohenheim was immortal and had already lived for hundreds of years. A year or two probably wouldn’t have seemed like a long time to somebody with such a huge lifespan. Hohenheim likely still pictured his sons as young children, even after 10 years of not seeing them.
When Hohenheim returned to Resembool he expected to be greeted by the love of his life and his two young boys standing at the doorway to his family home. Instead he found a pile of burnt rubble, Trisha’s grave, Edward’s automail, and Alphonse’s empty body.
He completely blamed himself for Ed and Al’s attempt at human transmutation and subsequent injuries. He understood that they were lonely, grieving children and in his eyes the fault was all down to him and - taboo or not - the brothers had not done anything wrong.
Despite being the most powerful character in the FMA universe, Hohenheim was a pacifist and did not fight or injure a single person in the whole series.
He always put everyone else before himself.
The things which made him happiest in the whole world were all to do with his children. Alphonse trusting him, Ed and Al helping him on the promised day, Ed calling him Dad for the first time, getting to shake Al’s hand after recovering his body… his whole life revolved around his sons as soon as he met up with them again. He was willing to sacrifice himself for Ed and Al’s sake.
He died happy because he was so proud of Ed and Al and he knew that they had made incredible friends who would look after them for the rest of their lives.
Without him everyone would be dead.
All he wanted was a normal life.
Van Hohenheim was not a bad person.
Van Hohenheim was not a bad father.
He is romantically cheesy as hell
He wears glasses just so he looks slightly different to Father
He used to fly into an Ed-like rage whenever anyone called him unintelligent
The first thing he said to Alphonse after reuniting with him was, “My vintage armor!!”
One of the first things he said to Edward after reuniting with him was, “we have the same hairstyle”.
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misapisces · 9 years
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We study our story arcs Inherently good Or were we broken right from the start? Our hesitant fingerprints Trace every mountain Lace every valley Until we’re convinced
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misapisces · 9 years
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6K notes · View notes
misapisces · 9 years
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dead mekakushi dan ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧
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misapisces · 9 years
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in which hinata gets too excited before a game (again)
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misapisces · 9 years
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and it changed my whole fucking life.
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misapisces · 9 years
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older sibling squad wadddddaaaaaap
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misapisces · 9 years
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so… about chapter 554…
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misapisces · 9 years
The most important day is the day you decide you’re good enough for you. It’s the day you set yourself free
(via kushandwizdom)
Good Vibes HERE
(via kushandwizdom)
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misapisces · 9 years
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♪ It’s the time, of the season for ♪
sailor lolita and me to feel especially poor. god damn you, Victorian Maiden, why do you do this to me?
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misapisces · 9 years
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Sometimes, your fans can be worse than the people who hate you.
I can’t believe that this is a thing. I seriously CANNOT believe that this is a thing and is happening.
This is, by far, one of the WORST things a fandom could ever do.
What gives a complete stranger the right to harass a famous person’s significant other?
Especially a youtuber’s?
It’s downright disgusting and pitiful when a fan attacks the wife/girlfriend of a famous internet personality.
Calling them names.
Belittling their contributions to the fandom of their significant other.
If you get joy from harassing these poor women, then you are a horrible person and not a true fan.
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