mikaxander · 5 months
Violent Delights Pt. 2
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Summary: On a trip with your father to Shanghai, your caravan is overrun. You are taken back to a compound of one of the most ruthless Mafia bosses in all of China: Enishi Yukishiro. Who was in need of a new plaything.
Pairing: Enishi Yukishiro x f!reader
Words: 5.6k
A/N: Whelp. Here we are again. Completely unhinged and riding the train to filth town. While the first one may have been filthy, dare I say, part 2 is like mega filth. Idk if I keep writing parts to this if it’s just going to get more unhinged (you know, porn with plot and all) or what it’ll be. For now, I just hope it’s something everyone can enjoy. Welcome to the deranged part of my brain. Much love 🖤 Jenn
Warnings: This shit is dark besties. It’s dark. Mentions of kidnapping. Dubious consent. Mafia trope. Knife play. Harem. Mentions of violence. Fingering. Voyeurism. Unprotected PnV. Oral sex. Its Smut. It's Filth. Please do not read if you are not 18+ (If I miss anything please let me know).
Part 1
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Enishi’s solution to ruining your dress was simply getting rid of it all together. 
The moment he’d stepped out of the bath, droplets clinging to the ends of stark white hair and racing down an exposed chest, he made his way to where you sat on the bed. Your hands were still clutching to the fabric - the last known extension of yourself. It didn’t take long for Enishi to easily knock your hands away. A strong grip on your thigh controlling you to keep you from scooting away. 
His grip was vicious enough that you knew it would bruise. 
The only thing left for you to do was to reminisce on what little was left of your former life. The home you would never see again. The fiancée who you’d been promised to and barely gotten to know. Would he move on easily once everyone heard about what happened? What about your friends? Would the lingering ghost of your presence haunt them in any way, or would they easily dismiss you? The plans you’d had for your life were now a fading memory - left standing inside a burning house. The truly worst thought that plagued you was the thought of your father’s body floating out into the Pacific Ocean never to be found. 
You hadn’t even been able to mourn him, yourself, and your now-dead life. The only thing you could focus on was survival and surviving meant fighting.
And you wanted to fight him. 
To claw your nails down the hard plains of his muscles, until they created a river to rival the water on his skin. You wanted to lash out with kicks, slaps, and hate-filled words until it dimmed the look of conquest in his eyes.
You would do anything to prove to him that, just because he’d coaxed your body to come apart on his fingers, it didn’t mean he got to claim you. 
You weren’t his. 
But Enishi was always in control of everything around him and now that included you. 
He was quick to squash your small act of defiance. The arms you’d placed across your chest to help hold what little of your bodice remained - what remained of your dignity - were knocked away. A controlling hand applied pressure on your throat - delicious pressure - just enough to ease you back against the bed. Into the sheets that housed the sweat of your skin and your orgasm that soaked into the cotton fibers. 
Enishi kept the pressure of his fingers wrapped delicately on your throat, holding you down, as his free hand tugged and ripped what was left of the top of your dress. Once he worked the material free off your shoulders, it only took a matter of seconds for him to work it down to your hips. 
During the whole process, you’d remained motionless for him. Your pulse threaded against the callous digit of his thumb. Deep down you knew he placed it there - perfectly - to take notice of what would make your pulse tick faster. 
Enishi was all about control and, while he held you on the bed, you practiced your own form of control to not show him how his roaming eyes affected you. The way they darkened - darker than shadows - as his gaze drank in every inch of your body he revealed. 
You fought to keep your breathing even; your face expressionless. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of showing him a hint, one fucking ounce of emotion, besides hatred. A hatred you were struggling to hold onto as he drew his fingertips to trace across your collarbone, dipping down between your breasts.
It was such an intimate touch. One Enishi didn't deserve to give. In that one touch, it held the exploration of a lover, but a tenderness you hadn’t expected. Not from a man like him. It made your brain struggle against what it was shown, what he’d done, and the softness of his next touch. 
You’d remained unmoving through so much. You didn’t struggle when he knocked your hands away or fight him while he removed your dress from your shoulders, or wrapped his fingers around your neck like his long fingers were meant to grasp it. Through all of this, you were a good girl and didn't move.
Not until he touched you so sweetly, and his eyes lost the hard edges of demand. The soft dimming of control exposed something else you weren’t ready to see. 
You knew the minute Enishi felt your pulse speed up. The sneer at the thought of winning wore itself plainly on his face, and whatever softness his previous touch had lulled inside your consciousness quickly evaporated. 
All your earlier rage sparked fresh and all attempts to obey were wiped away. Without thinking, your hand lashed out and you felt your palm connect with his cheek. The sound of flesh meeting flesh fell heavy in the room. Enishi’s face didn’t even move from the impact, but before your hand was able to drop, you found your wrist caught tight in his hand. 
His grip tightened - tighter, tighter - until blackness cropped in your vision. You thought this was it. This would be the moment he finally discards you, possibly kills you, like you’d witnessed him do so many times to so many others - your father - in the few days you’d been held prisoner in his room. 
You welcomed the idea of oblivion. No longer being a prisoner to uncomfortable change - a prisoner to thoughts of a man who held you captive -  and maybe Enishi could feel it too. Or maybe he just meant to get you close to the edge before he brought you back with your lungs greedily sucking in air through a cough. 
Enishi’s hold on your neck remained, but the wrist he’d held captive was gone. His free hand was back to violently tugging, pulling, what remained of your skirts. The rich baritone of his voice carried as if he was yelling. His words deepened and rose in tone while he jerked on the last bit of your skirt until you heard the tearing of cloth crack like thunder. 
You were jarred by the burst of cold that hit you. Then came the shock of realizing he’d completely removed your entire dress and your underclothes. You were naked before him, and Enishi hungrily drank every inch of your exposed skin. 
You attempted to cover yourself. A choked sound of shock made its way past your lips as your legs tried to rise up off the mattress, your hands back to guarding your chest. Again, Enishi shoved them away. His hand gripping behind your knee to pull you closer to the edge of the bed. 
This time Enishi slotted himself between your legs and a gasp you refused to name etched itself into your throat. 
Unlike the first time, there was no cloth, no dress, to keep away the feeling of his cock as it pressed against your folds. Nothing to keep him from seeing your arousal - the way your body shamelessly hungered for him. His eyes were transfixed on your cunt and the way it coated his hardening cock. 
You watched his cock swell and grow in length - thick, so impossibly thick - pressed against your cunt and inches away from your entrance. For a brief moment, you were almost compelled to beg, to plead and cry for him to destroy you. Your mind selfishly followed the desire that flooded your body. A need so potent to know what it felt like for your cunt to stretch around him, and to feel the delicious searing pain as he pushed deeper and deeper until you threatened to burst. 
You knew the raw power Enishi wielded. You’d witnessed it dozens of times whether it was in the form of violence or sex. He was always in control and maybe that’s why you didn’t want to be just another tally added to the list. A conquest he’d have the satisfaction of claiming. 
He spoke again. While you couldn’t understand his words, what it was he truly meant, the fire in his eyes told you plainly: you were his. 
You belonged to Enishi, and he would not be denied what he claimed as his. 
You waited to feel the tip of his cock press at your entrance, and it left the air in your lungs suspended in anticipation. Your eyes took in the rise and fall of his own chest and realized for the first time it wasn’t steady. He was breathing fast as his eyes roamed over your body and you realized, for the first time, maybe he wasn’t as in control as he wanted to be. 
In a dizzying moment, you went from being pinned back against the bed, embarrassingly ready to let him fuck you, to feeling the absence of his demanding touch. Enishi released the hold he kept on your neck and moved away from the bed. The sound of his feet padding across the floor was enough to tell you his presence was still here. 
You wanted to get up but you knew what was coming. The sound of the chain rattling in the distance was a reminder of the nightly routine you’d fallen into since you’d arrived at the compound. Before Enishi went to sleep he always made sure you were secured to one of the marble pillars that lined the grandeur of his bedroom. You waited for him to come back, to grab you by your arm and haul you off the bed. 
Except this time that’s not what happened. 
Enishi grabbed you by your arm but only to force you up towards the headboard. Once he had you where he wanted, he released his hold on you and moved to wrap the chain around your right ankle and locked the lock into place. You watched, dumbfounded, as he wrapped the other end of the chain to the wooden leg of the bed frame. 
You couldn’t ask him what he was doing or why he was doing it. What it was that suddenly made him decide to chain you closer, closer to him, in his room, and what that meant for you. All you could afford to do was guess his intentions, his next steps, by the body language he rarely showed outside of rage. You barely knew Japanese and it’d become painfully apparent Enishi spoke both Japanese and Chinese. Neither one of them you understood.
You were pulled from your thoughts by the mattress tipping as his weight distributed on the bed. Your body swayed gently as if pushed by a wave until he settled back into the sheets. He barely covered himself in the soft goose-down comforter, the deep v of his hips devilishly exposed, with his head resting against his arm with those endlessly dark eyes trained solely on you. 
How did you know he was looking at you when you refused to acknowledge him? Your spine was brutally straight and unyielding to lie back against the soft cradle the bed provided. The answer was simple. When Enishi’s eyes were on you, it sent an electric current of want and fear - a maddening mixture - to flare across your skin. 
Just like now.
He spoke to you. His words ghosted over your exposed skin like an intimate caress that seized you as violently by the throat as his hand had earlier. His words were drenched in a drowsy alto that only seemed to grow deeper the longer he spoke. Enishi was so close to sleep and yet…
Your body lurched forward at the callous touch of his fingers drifting over your hip. It earned the sound of a deep chuckle that burrowed itself inside the marrow of your bones and took ownership. 
At some point in the refusal you’d strongly held on to not falling asleep beside him, you’d done exactly that. You were woken up by one of the concubine’s, Keiko, you believed was her name, raised up in caution. She was Enishi’s favorite concubine from the few days you’d been here. She never protested to anything he did to her or objected to what he asked. Not that you would know what he said, because you couldn’t understand. 
And here she was kneeling beside the bed. A bed that was now empty of Enishi’s presence - the whole room empty of it - with just Keiko and you being the only souls inside. You were suddenly very aware that you were still very much naked. Keiko didn’t appear to be the least bit fazed and offered you a small smile to try and ease your panic. 
“The master - he asked me to prepare a bath for you.”
It surprised you how well she spoke your native tongue. The surprise displayed on your face no doubt was the reason a smile spread across her face. Warm and bright enough to make you forget for a split second where you were. Who she was. 
“Would you like a warm bath?”
Did she even have to ask? You couldn’t answer her right away. A sharp nod of your head was the only response you were able to give as your mind mulled over her words. 
It’s what she’d called him without hesitation and with no hint of disdain tinging her words. A part of you wondered if she enjoyed calling him that - if she called him that while he buried himself to the hilt inside her. 
A flash of jealousy flared in your chest as you followed her to the washroom. As quickly as it rose up, you were just as quick to squash it. Bury it down, down, down inside the graveyard of your mind and refuse to allow yourself to dig it back up. 
Keiko pushed open the washroom door and, when you stepped inside behind her, found a Japanese soaking tub full of warm water. 
A bath. A real honest-to-goodness bath.
 It’d been so long since your skin was scrubbed clean. You weren’t sure if you were allowed to just step right inside the steaming water or if you would need to wait for Keiko’s instructions. In the end, you focused on the latter and when she gave you another soft smile, her hand gesturing towards the tub, you didn’t hesitate to sink beneath the water. 
When you surfaced from the water a sigh made its way from deep in your chest. A bath couldn’t soothe everything, but it was enough to help make you feel human again. You were leaning against the side of the tub, your head back and eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the water, when soft fingers began to massage your scalp. 
Your body involuntarily jerked away and you spun to see who touched you. It felt silly. You knew it was Keiko. It could only be Keiko and yet, you couldn’t swallow past the dread that lodged itself inside your throat. Your own heart pounded like a caged beast against your ribs. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I only want to help wash your hair.”
Keiko’s hands were where you’d left them: splayed open with the suds of soap and the scent of bergamot lifting up to greet you. She didn’t push you to return to her. She waited patiently for the panic to subside before she gently motioned for you to return. 
“Can I wash your hair for you?”
“Yes. Yes.”
It’d been so long since you've used your voice, aside from yesterday when Enishi had torn curses and moans from you. A memory that sent heat rising to your cheeks that you quickly tried to hide by giving your back to Keiko, offering up your head for her to finish what she started. 
After you were properly bathed, and your skin and hair were drying with scent of oils, you expected to be brought a kimono. If not a kimono at least a robe. So, when Keiko instructed you to sit back on the bed after she’d combed your hair, with no clothing in hand, the first real sting of panic began to bloom. 
You watched her while she moved around the room. Her hands tidied up areas and her eyes carefully trained on her task at hand. Never on you. 
You knew better than to ask her if you could have any clothing items. You were sure part of the instructions Enishi gave her also dictated what you could be given after you were made clean, which was nothing. Enishi was going to make you wait for him with no way to hide your body. 
A wave of blinding rage overtook you in that moment. The realization that you weren’t even being given the dignity of having clothes, a robe, or a fucking towel, to cover yourself with made you want to scream. You wanted to tear him apart. Instead, you scooted back farther on the bed, your legs working closer together with your balled-up hands in your lap and your arms desperately trying to cover your breasts. 
You were completely lost in your thoughts. So lost, you hadn’t even realized when Keiko departed the room. You didn’t realize you were alone until the sound of the door opening and closing brought you out of your thoughts and back to the present.
It was Enishi and Keiko who’d walked back inside the room. Keiko was closing the bedroom door behind her while Enishi walked further inside. His hands were tucked inside the large open sleeves of the amber and cerulean Haori draped over his body that matched the hakama pants he wore. The material looked finally woven - silken - and expensive. The hakama was cinched tight on his powerful waist and against a thick black vest material. A pair of small glasses adorned his face and sat low on the edge of his nose. 
It felt surreal seeing him dressed. You’d grown so accustomed to his naked frame moving with intensity, power, around the room - commanding to be witnessed. The clothes he wore now did little to dim that unspoken demand. 
He made his way over to the desk in the corner of the room. Not one ounce of his body showed any sign of acknowledging your presence. He simply pulled his hands free from inside his Haori and placed a scroll, rolled tight and sealed with black string, inside a glass jar. 
A part of you was beginning to worry. The whiplash of going from panic, rage, and now fear made you dizzy, but you needed to focus. Focusing meant you realized not even Keiko acknowledged your existence. It felt silly to be worried about the lack of a look because shouldn’t you want to be invisible? To go unnoticed? 
The sound of rustling brought you back from your thoughts. A flash of amber drew your eyes back to Enishi who removed his Haori and left it dangling over the back of a chair. No longer were his eyes intent on his scroll, his desk, or anything else. The discontent you felt at being ignored was now answered with the full attention of his gaze. 
You immediately dropped your gaze from watching him make his way towards you. The sound of his glasses being placed on his small table made your hands squeeze tighter together. Your knees press closer. Enishi was almost to you and the only thing your brain could think to do was two options: run or hide. 
Enishi must have known because his pace quickened and, within a few more steps, he was in front of you. His fingers pressing underneath your chin and forcing it up to bring your gaze to meet his. 
You didn’t know if it was night or day. If you would ever see the outside of this room again. If you’d leave this compound wrapped in cloth or on your own two feet. If one day you’d get to remember what it felt like to be free. The only thing you did know for certain was the look in Enishi’s eyes was a warning of what was to come. 
He kept a tight grip on your chin, refusing to give an inch, as he spoke. His Japanese was commanding, harsh, and left no room to be disobeyed. Enishi words weren’t directed at you, you realized, but to Keiko who was still in the room. You couldn’t see her any longer. Enishi didn’t allow you to look at anyone - anything - that wasn’t him, but you could hear the shuffling of her feet. The soft sound of her kimono as it rustled until she came to a stop. 
“Master has instructed that, starting tomorrow, I will tutor you in Japanese.”
Why did it matter if you could speak Japanese or understand him? It wasn’t like you were brimming with conversations that could be had about art or philosophy. Did he think you would learn and you’d both what? What did Enishi want from you?
“To be able to speak without me present.”
Keiko’s words jolted you out of your thoughts. Had the question left your mouth without you being aware of it? It must have happened because Keiko answered. 
He spoke again and released the hold he kept on your chin. You were about to search for where Keiko stood when you felt Enishi’s hands dip between the mattress and your legs. You didn’t have time to think, to try and comprehend what was about to happen. One minute you were sitting upright on the bed fighting for modesty and the next your back was against the sheets. 
It was the surprise of it that trapped your next breath in your lungs. It quickly escaped in a yelp of surprise when his hands pulled you closer to the edge of the bed again. Your hands lashed out to find purchase in the sheets, to pull you away, but you knew it was pointless. It wasn’t until Enishi had your ass hanging halfway off the bed that he stopped pulling and used both hands to spread your legs wide. 
The suddenness of having your cunt exposed to the room - to him - caused a scream to tear free from your throat. Your hands scrambled to peel his hands away from your thighs. The hands that kept your legs pried open under his watchful gaze. The thunderous sound of his words ricocheted off the stone walls and, for a split second, the fear from his voice, the fury behind it, left your body still. Keiko was quick to tell you what he said. 
“He said behave or he’ll tie them open.” 
You watched him as she spoke. Enishi’s eyes were no longer dark with desire but were replaced by something fiercer, darker. One that requires obedience and would accept nothing less. You knew he meant it. The words he spoke and forced Keiko to share in warning. If you didn’t give him this, give him your body freely without a fight, he would punish you for it. 
You fought to relax your legs in his grip and to hide your shame you tried to turn away from him. To hide yourself back inside the sheets once more. 
You should’ve remembered your lesson from yesterday. 
The minute you went to turn away, close your eyes, Enishi’s fingers dug into your cheeks and brought you back to face him. Another angry shout. You didn’t need Keiko to tell you what he meant - what he wanted. 
When Enishi was sure you wouldn’t try it again, that your eyes were focused where they needed to be - on him - he drew his hand away from your face. His fingers lazily traced a path along the curve of your jaw, a thumb under your lips, and down to the hollow of your throat. As he etched out a path along your body his eyes followed with each movement of his fingers causing his pupils to grow wider, ever wider, with lust until his entire iris disappeared. 
A shaky breath rattled through your bones. A sound that only seemed to excite him more. His fingers moved between your breasts and his eyes caught sight of the perfect imprint he’d left of his teeth in the soft skin. The pad of his index finger lazily swam up to trace along the bruising flesh. His next words registered so low, almost non-existent, you weren’t even sure if he’d spoken. It wasn’t until Keiko spoke his next question that you knew he had. 
“The Master - he wants to know if you’re married. If you’ve…been with any men.”
What should you say? You weren’t a virgin. You knew the desire and wants of men. How a woman’s body could turn them into helpless fools when they confused a woman’s sex for love. You were engaged to be married and you and your fiancée hadn’t waited for your wedding night.
You could vaguely recall your fiancée’s touch. The way you felt. It wasn’t anything like the way Enishi made you feel. A hard truth that you loathe to admit even to yourself, but a truth nonetheless. You’d both been fumbling in the dark and while your fiancée had come, you hadn’t experienced a real orgasm until Enishi had been knuckle deep inside your cunt. 
You refused to tell him this. 
If you told him you’d had plenty of lovers would he throw you out? Discard you? 
Your train of thought came to a screeching halt when two of his fingers moved through your folds to scissor your clit. You sucked in a shuddering breath. Your hips dipped down against the bed as your back arched up. You tried to keep your moan housed inside your body but Enishi began to massage the pads of his fingers against your swollen clit, driving a cry of pleasure to tear free from you. Your legs involuntarily clamped shut around his arm and Enishi was quick to punish you. His free hand smacking down on your thigh that only coupled with the pleasure of the next flick of his fingers. 
The hard smack against your thigh was enough to release his arm, and Enishi dropped to his knees between your thighs. You wanted to ask what he was doing - demand to know. All thoughts were silenced as he gave one last stroke of his fingers before he pushed both between your folds. 
The minute you felt the delicious pressure of his fingers another moan crawled its way up your throat. It quickly turned into a scream at the feeling of Enishi’s teeth biting down into the soft flesh of your inner thigh. Pain and pleasure melded together until you weren’t sure if the sparks behind your eyes was from the curve of his fingers inside your cunt or the way your nerves came to life under the pressure of his teeth. 
He pulled away just enough - his voice guttural - to ask his question again. Again Keiko repeated it and with the next curve of Enishi’s fingers, curving, curving up, up, you felt yourself close to breaking. You were about to give him the answer that he craved, coaxed, out of your body. You would’ve told him right then and there as his thumb massaged your clit, fingers sliding in and out of you, when he growled his next words in English. 
“Answer. Me.” 
It wasn’t perfect, but those two words didn’t have to be for them to make the impact they did. 
“I was engaged.” You huffed out. “I was going to be married.”
You couldn’t tell if Keiko relayed your answer to him. You weren’t sure of anything except the coil that was tightening low in your belly, tighter and tighter. A mewling sound filled the room and was growing in octaves. It took you a moment to realize it was you making the sound, but it was the only moment of clarity you had before you felt something unexpected.
Enishi’s fingers removed themselves from your cunt with a squelch. Before you had time to mourn the loss of him, his mouth latched over your mound. His tongue mapping out a figure 8 between your folds. 
Your chest collapsed in a moan that violently rippled through your body. Your legs shook and you tried to find purchase, to hold onto something while the waves of pleasure rolled through your body. Another roll of his tongue and the feel of his lips gently suckling at your clit sent your body spiraling. Your hands fisting deep to the roots of his hair - pulling, pulling, and it didn’t feel enough. 
Another breathless moan shuddered through your body. What Enishi was doing felt salacious - under heard of. Your mind raced to remember if any of your girlfriends shared stories of their suiters, fiancées, ever latching their mouths to their cunts. Their tongue greedily lavished relentless strokes - the way Enishi did now - as your body trembled in his palms. Your hands fisting his hair harder at the root.
You were sure Enishi would let go. Punish you for touching him this way. His hands only dug further under the mattress and took hold of your hips, to bring your cunt closer to his mouth. It allowed his tongue to fuck into you; three solid thrusts before he stopped. 
Keiko was still in the room. You knew she was. She had to be. Enishi hadn’t dismissed her and you knew they wouldn’t just take it upon themselves to just leave without being given the order. The thought alone should’ve been enough to drive the cloud of desire from your mind but it wasn’t. A sick thrill of the thought that for once they were watching Enishi take pleasure in you only peaked your arousal. 
The coil that’d been tightening low in your lower abdomen grew and grew. Your fingers dug tighter in his hair and you did something that, if you’d been in your right mind, you’d have felt the heat of shame on your cheeks. 
You didn’t have time for shame right now. 
Your hips moved up to meet the next thrust of his tongue. Eager and wanton in chasing your own release. You wanted to come on his tongue. To coat those pretty lips in the memory of how you tasted long after he’d finished with you. It was in the next flick of his tongue that sent you barreling over the edge. 
You thought you were screaming the way your mouth tore open, but no sound came out. It was shuddering breaths that shook free from your chest. You were well aware Enishi was still between your thighs. His tongue hungrily lapping up every last drop your orgasm offered until a quiver of a whimper came from your lips. Your hands that had fisted in his hair to keep him there were now trying to push him away. Your clit overstimulated and sensitive to the touch. 
Oh, so deliciously sensitive. 
Enishi pried his mouth from your cunt and you wanted to take a moment of pride at the sight of your arousal around his mouth. His chin. You watched as he worked the metal latches on his vest off one-by-one until it dropped to the floor. He worked his way out of the hakama and let it fall at his feet. 
His cock sprang free from the fabric aching and hard. You watched, wanton and eager, as Enishi took his cock in his hand and stroked it. He was already hard, painfully hard, so you knew it was meant for you to watch. So, you watched a pearl of precum leak from his tip. You watched his thumb gently smear it like lubricant before he moved to the edge of the bed. With his hands back under your hips, Enishi aligned his tip with your entrance and in one hard thrust was inside you. 
Your walls gripped him tightly as Enishi pushed his way into you. You knew he felt it too - the tightness, the resistance that your cunt offered. You could feel it in the way his hips stuttered and the sharp exhale that escaped him once he was fully sheathed inside of you. 
You didn’t have time to prepare for the stretch - the searing delicious, oh so, so, delicious pain - that came as your cunt tried to accommodate his thickness. You remember seeing him. You remembered imagining what it would feel like to have him take you and to feel him break you and make you anew. With the next role of his hips you felt your lips part to give praise just as he bottomed out. 
Your fiancée didn’t feel like this. Your fiancée hadn’t fucked like this. 
Enishi moved your hips further off the bed. His hands pulling you up at an angle that on the next thrust created stars to spark behind your eyes. He pulled your thighs up towards his hips and somehow it only deepened the next. Deeper, deeper, until you threatened to hollow out. The wet sounds of your bodies meeting over and over began to fill the room and you felt yourself becoming lost. 
With each unrelenting brutal thrust of his hips, Enishi claimed more and more of you. You struggled to remember why that was a bad thing. How could it be so bad when he made you feel so good? 
You were trying to remind yourself of what he’d done - who he was, but with his face inches from yours, your mind went blank. You didn’t know why your hands cupped his face or your thumb touched the small bell of his earring. Enishi was so close, so vulnerable, that for a split second you believed if you brought him down to kiss you, his mouth would’ve eagerly met yours. 
In all the times you’d watched him fuck his concubine’s - women like Keiko - you never witnessed him sharing a kiss with any. He used their bodies relentlessly. He broke them and whittled them down to puddles of sweat and come. Never did he kiss them. Never was he truly intimate with any of them.
Did he want to know the intimacy of your mouth? To claim you fully in a way he hadn’t claimed any other? 
It was a question that remained unanswered because with the next brutal thrust of his hips your world exploded. Your nails found a home in the groove of his back and dug in as your orgasm overtook you. It felt endless as his cock continued to stroke your walls until you felt his hips give one last thrust and, seconds later, felt his spend spill fill you.
For a brief moment, you should’ve been worried but you couldn’t think past your racing heart and aching body. 
The afterglow of the moment quickly vanished and the two of you were left a sweaty, heaving  mess. You were painfully aware how close you both were - foreheads almost completely touching - and it made you wonder, if only for a moment, if anything changed. Your hand ached to reach out and push the sweaty strands of hair out of his face. 
Your chest was tight with a need to bridge the few inches between you. Enishi hadn’t shook away your hands that were still cupping his face. There was no denying in such a small confined space that his eyes were lingering on your mouth. 
Did something change? 
You received your answer a moment later when Enishi violently tore himself from you leaving you raw and aching alone on the bed. You were vaguely aware of him barking orders at someone - most likely Keiko - as his padded feet stormed off to the bathroom. The door slamming shut behind him. 
As always, thank you so much for reading! Comments and reblogs are always appreciated.
Tag list: @ellisaworld @missroro @ram716 @misfits1a
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mikaxander · 5 months
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As for dressing Fraser as Rick O'Connell, Bloomfield wanted a very striking look. Something slightly laid back, but very heroic. For the character of Evelyn, Bloomfield went for absolute extremes. She starts off as a museum librarian, looking quite sedate but still very beautiful. Then she removes her glasses and lets her hair down.
THE MUMMY (1999) >> Costumes dir. Stephen Sommers costume design by John Bloomfield
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mikaxander · 10 months
I want to be fucked in one of those 70s conversation pits so bad
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mikaxander · 10 months
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mikaxander · 11 months
Roronoa Zoro Live Action fics recommendations
(Reader inserts) Recommendations of my favorite headcanons/imagines/fics/scenarios (I don’t own any)
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angst fluff / wake up
angst fluff / unexpected comfort
fluff / crush
fluff / dating
angst fluff / intertwined ribbons
sfw / "don't touch her"
fluff / pretty in that (part 1)
fluff / nobody but you (part 2)
angst fluff / teasing love (part 1, part 2)
fluff / making him laugh
sfw / mise en rose
angst sfw / bet on losing dogs
angst sfw / how to disappear
angst fluff/ chaos in their bones (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7)
fluff / he gets in a fight
angst fluff / daybreak
sfw / the blade daughter (part 1, part 2, part 3)
nsfw / wet dreams
fluff / passionate kissing
fluff / "one more kiss? please?"
angst fluff / I'd die for you
fluff / late night talk
fluff / tiny mishap
fluff / relaxing together
angst fluff / hold me (still)
angst fluff / hazy eyes, clear thoughts (part 1, part 2)
Anime Zoro masterlist Other One Piece Live Action fics
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mikaxander · 11 months
Violent Delights
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Summary: On a trip with your father to Shanghai, your caravan is overrun. You are taken back to a compound of one of the most ruthless Mafia bosses in all of China: Enishi Yukishiro. Who was in need of a new plaything. 
Pairing: Enishi Yukishiro x f!reader
Words: 3.3k
A/N: I apologize in advance for the filth. This is literally 99.9% smut and 1% filth. I blame @pauking5  for indulging me too much with wanting to write Enishi. But also the minute she told me she couldn't find too many reader insert fics for him my body felt COMPELLED to make this for her so....I hope you enjoy this filth I made you lol. I’m like sorry, but not? Because he doesn’t give me cute smiles and rainbow vibes. He gives me spit in my mouth and make me call you daddy vibes. I hope someone out there enjoys the filth. 🖤 Much love, Jenn
Warnings: This shit is dark besties. It’s dark. Mentions of kidnapping. Dubious consent. Mafia trope. Knife play. Harem. Mentions of violence. Fingering. Its Smut. It's Filth. Please do not read if you are not 18+ (If I miss anything please let me know).
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The smell of sex was beginning to overpower the room. The sounds of her moans grew louder and out of control. It was the wet sound of him thrusting into her, his hands keeping her steady as his hips pistoned into her. 
She was only growing louder with each thrust and you hated it. You wished she would shut up. That he would find a new toy to torment in the seclusion of the prison that was his bedroom. It’s been three whole days since he and his men had descended on your father's caravan. Three days of being housed inside this room and unable to leave it.
Like the previous nights before, he’d stationed you in different areas of the room. Areas that allowed you to perfectly see - to watch - as one of his concubines rode him. While he fucked them into an oblivion that left them dazed and unable to walk by the time he finished. 
Tonight, Enishi forced you to sit at the edge of his bed while he’d chosen to fuck one of the many girls in the chair he sat in now. You could still remember when she first walked in the door - the way he’d laid her over the intricate table that sat in between the two chairs in the bedroom, lifting her skirts to expose her to the room. To you. The lewd noises that followed as he licked and sucked at her cunt caused her to practically howl his name as she came. 
The nice one - you’d forgotten her name - explained the best she could through the language barrier that they were concubines. 
You’d heard of tales from your father and mother when they’d come back from their grand adventures about women like this. Kingdoms where the kings got to have their wives and children and women just like her on the side. Women who did whatever was sexually asked of them and took whatever the man did because it was their duty. Deemed only for the pleasure they could bring and not conversation or substance. 
Just their body. Just their cunt. 
You could feel your cheeks burning as you focused on the edges of your dirty dress. You tried counting the frayed edges of one side that had torn when they’d ripped you from the carriage. The mud that had smeared on one side where you’d been dragged had completely dried and now began to flake. You ran your fingers over the dried dirt and watched it turn into sand with each rub of your finger. 
It would’ve been a solid distraction if the sudden octave from the concubine hadn’t increased. If she didn’t shout in surprise that left you involuntarily turning to make sure she was alright. 
Of course, she was alright. Enishi had simply changed positions. He’d moved her to be face down against the same round table from earlier, but now her hips were angled up to take each punishing thrust that he gave her. The sound of skin on skin filling the room back up at a punishing speed. 
It wasn’t the sight really that made a heat wave start across your skin that threatened to burst from your chest from sheer embarrassment. It wasn’t the angle he had her in either. 
Enishi was looking at you. 
Dark brown eyes bore into you as he held the concubine's arms back behind her. His body pinned her to the edge of the table so she had nowhere to run. Just like you. He continued to watch you as she came; her walls squeezing him as she struggled to get away from him as he continued to fuck her. 
You refused to look at him or acknowledge him at all. What you hated the most was that you already knew what he was planning to do. 
The first time he’d done this was two days prior. The first day you’d been kidnapped and held at his compound. He’d fucked two girls that night and you’d been more than impressed at his stamina. You’d tried to look away from him. He was your father's killer, for Christ's sake, and yet…
He was all tight corded muscle and shamelessly walked around the room naked and exposed. The first time you’d seen his cock it had been slick and wet from recent sex with one of the girls. His cock was still hard and had an enticing vein that ran down its side, begging for you to look. Enishi had a good length but what replayed in your mind was how thick he was. Insanely thick is what you shamelessly remembered and you hated how your body reacted as you shamefully rubbed your legs together to get some form of friction. 
The second day was when he’d noticed it. The way your legs moved under all that fabric of the skirts of your dress desperate for friction to ease the ache that had started at your core. With each snap of his hips and the cry of pleasure that came from one of the girls it sent you spiraling. You hated it. Felt betrayed by your own body. 
After he’d finished and sent the girls back to their room he casually came over to the chair he’d forced you to sit in. The same one he’d been in tonight. You tried to ignore him as he came over in nothing but a robe with the front still leaving him exposed. Your mind was worried about so many different possibilities of what he might do to you, that you never expected him to grab you by the throat and force you back into the chair. His feet kick your legs wide apart. 
Enishi controlled you easily. The way he applied just enough pressure to arch your back until you looked at the ceiling. His deep baritone resonated over your skin in his native tongue. You couldn’t tell what he was saying and had no way of knowing what it was. You just knew whatever he said as he lifted your skirts, was filthy. 
His knees kept your legs open enough that his free hand made its way through your undergarments to touch your wet cunt. You could still remember the devilish smirk that stretched across his lips as he continued to speak to you. 
Was he calling you a good girl or something or worse maybe? He could’ve been calling you his little slut for all you knew or even hinting that you liked it; like watching him devour the women he brought to his bed. Something nowhere near endearing and more centered around stripping you of every last ounce of what dignity you had left. You struggled to fight against him. To break free and do…what? 
Even if you somehow magically removed his hand from your throat and got away you had nowhere to go. Just outside the door of his bedroom were an endless number of guards. They would easily stop you and bring you back. 
Those same nimble fingers that touched at the edge of your cunt now moved between your folds. A soft whimper left your throat that you wish you would have swallowed back down. The pads of calloused fingers grazing your swollen clit wasn’t enough friction for release, but it was enough to bring your desire flaring up. 
Enishi pulled his hand back from you to find it covered in your juices. You watched as he played with it, his fingers scissoring to make a slow string appear. It was lewd. Vile. Yet you couldn’t tear your eyes away. Your heart now thundering for another reason as you watched him take your body’s betrayal between his lips and suck his fingers clean. 
Like clockwork, you heard him pull out. The lack of sound of skin on skin made the room achingly quiet. His words were sharp, demanding, and harsh as he took her by the head and pushed her towards his cock. His hand fisted it as he pulled long hard jerks leaving strings of come to lace over her waiting tongue - with his eyes glued to you. 
You fought not to shiver or let your hands curl in your lap as your heart hammered in your chest. 
Steady breathing. Deep…steady…breaths…
You faintly heard him dismiss her. Your eyes catch her hurrying back into her kimono and tying it sloppily. However, the look Enishi was giving her was enough to inform her plainly her usefulness was over. 
You’d seen what he could do that day he tore your world apart. The finesse he carried shattering bones and the ease of snuffing out life. You’d seen it in the way he handled some of the women he brought to his bed. All it took was one wrong move - word - and their moans turned to sharp whimpers before they were dismissed. 
There wasn’t any denying that Enishi was a man possessed by the devil and full of rage. He was terrifying, but also…
The sound of the door slamming shut behind the concubine brought you back to the room. Your heart was beginning to race as you realized you’d zoned out, leaving yourself unprepared for whatever was about to happen. A majority of the time he left you alone. He’d stare at you or move around you like you weren’t even in his room, except yesterday was different. 
Today felt different.
Enishi wasn’t anywhere near you, however, and you felt yourself breathe easier. Maybe you would get lucky and he would go back to treating you like a nuisance trapped inside his room. A nuisance he created. 
He was standing next to his desk and it only took a flick of your eyes to know he wasn’t dressed. He was still naked. It only meant one thing. Suddenly, you were confident to try and run away from this room - from him. The alarm in your head only grew louder as he poured himself a drink from the whiskey canter and set it back on the desk. 
He’d started talking and you weren’t sure if it was at you or to you. It was growing increasingly difficult to not grow more frustrated at the language barrier between you. The only good thing was spitting and the middle finger was a universal “fuck you” from the universe. 
You dared to spare a look up from where you sat on his bed. It was then you saw the wakizashi in his hand. The sheath missing and the blade glinted angrily in the light. Your mouth was suddenly dry, and you couldn’t stop yourself from trying to retreat. Your hands flew back on the soft sheets to try and pull you away; desperate to get some space. 
In one swift motion, Enishi tipped what was left in his glass into his mouth and launched it against the wall. The glass shattered immediately on impact and sent sharp fragments flying across the room with one scratching across your face. You screamed as you felt the sting of the air as it entered the fresh cut. You were concerned about whether you would crawl back into the glass when a hand wrapped around your bare ankle and tugged.
A fresh scream rose in your throat and just as you were about to release it, the wakizashi was pressed tightly against your throat. It was close enough that if you swallowed too hard you might just get cut. Enishi pulled you back down to the bed with your legs spread to make room for him. The duvet that had bunched at the end from your struggle was the only thing that saved you from feeling his cock pressed against you. 
Enishi waited until he had your ass barely on the edge of the bed, the rest hanging off and controlled by his waist. This was the closest you’d ever been to him. Your eyes hungrily took in the sight of the muscles in his stomach and the definition in his chest. The veins in his arms that shamelessly matched the veins in his cock. 
Enishi was raw power and if it wasn’t for the fact he had the wakizashi to your throat maybe you would’ve appreciated him more. What were you even thinking? This was the man who’d set your whole world on fire. Kidnapped you and left you a prisoner in a foreign land and at his mercy. 
A fire of rage lit up inside you and you no longer cared about being complacent. Safe. You wanted to tear him apart. Enishi noticed the change because a wry smile of a challenge lit up his face and when you went to move away from him, your hands clawing at his chest, he easily grabbed your arms and pressed them down. He did the same with the blade of the wakizashi and you felt the first warm trickles of blood slide down the side of your throat.  
He leaned forward until your faces were almost touching. His eyes peeked out from the blades of his air like a tiger in the grass. The richness of his voice smoked across your skin. All words you couldn’t understand, but the body language you could. 
He would kill you if you did it again. You were kept alive on the whim of entertainment for him. You wanted to spit at him. Tell him to fuck off just to see if he would do it. Death had to be better than this. 
The train of reasoning and fury came to an end when you felt the first traces of his fingers at your entrance. Panic flooded you while you realized he’d worked the skirts of your dress up leaving you exposed to the room - to him. 
It came out rushed and through your nose. You tried to pull your arms free from under the forearm that held them, blade at your throat be damned, but Enishi was a mountain of strength and you had none left. You were still wet and you hated the way it made you seem wanton. 
Enishi mumbled one last thing before you felt two fingers push their way inside you. The reaction he received was instant. A moan sharp and wild burst from your mouth and enveloped the room. The sound was all the permission Enishi needed to start thrusting his fingers in and out of your cunt.
You wanted to tell him to stop - to tell yourself that you didn’t want this as Enishi buried his fingers knuckle deep over and over. His fingers curved upwards deliciously and you found your back arching against the sheets. A fresh sting from the blade carving across your skin as one hand grabs at his forearm and the other bunch in the sheets. 
God, you hated the way you were coming undone for him. The way your cunt tightened hungrily around his fingers to pull him in deeper in hopes of feeling fuller. The only way that would happen would be to feel the delicious stretch only his cock could provide. You wouldn’t go there. Wouldn’t allow this monster anymore of your body. 
With the hand on his forearm, you tried to make him stop and only succeeded in feeling the muscles work below the skin with each thrust from his wrist. 
Slowly, he removed the wakizashi from your neck and drew the blade across your collarbone. Even lower it continued until you heard the sound of fabric ripping as it was sliced open. Enishi timed each shred into the fabric with each pump from his wrist. When he finished the whole front of your dress - the last of the life you’d owned - was bared open exposing your breasts to him. 
One minute the blade was there then gone and replaced with the rough pads of his hand as they groped each breast. His fingers took the raised buds between calloused fingers that gently pinched.
Your body reacted to every touch of his hand on your skin and the demands it placed on it. Your hips were now moving in a desperate rhythm to meet his fingers. Your hand still locked on his forearm while the sheet was fisted in your hands. The duvet cradling around your head and practically smothering you as a throaty moan of, “Fuck,” came from you. You tried to smother it inside the duvet, refusing to let him hear just how good you felt with his fingers knuckle deep inside you. 
You pulled the duvet closer with your head turning to greet the soft fabric when it was ripped painfully out of your hand. The hand that had been at your breasts now was at your face squeezing it hard and forcing you to look at him. 
Enishi growled something - you could only assume it dealt with ownership. Whatever sounds you made belong to him and for him alone because as he spoke his thumb pressed down against your clit and rubbed in circles as the pace between your thighs grew brutal. The stimulation tore a moan from you instantly and you tried to pull your face away but Enishi held tight forcing you to fall apart as he watched. 
With the dual stimulation, it didn’t take long for your orgasm to build. Your walls fluttered around his fingers as your breathing became labored. 
Again, he spoke to you. His voice caresses along your skin like an extension of his hands. His thumb flicked up on your clit and he released his hold on your face allowing it to fall back on the pillows. This time you didn’t try and cover all the sounds he fucked out of you with his fingers. 
Just as your orgasm was about to crest Enishi brought his mouth down against his breast and bit down. His teeth tearing into the soft flesh turning your panting moans into a scream. Suddenly, your orgasm hit you with a violent intensity. The feeling of you gushing all over his hand - his bed - made your body feel euphoric as your orgasm rolled through you but the violence of his teeth imprinting against the tender flesh of your breast edged it towards pain. 
You knew he was marking you on purpose. One part because he could and the other because you were property - his property. 
When the aftershocks of your orgasm began to fade you were greeted with pain. Enishi pulled his mouth away from your breast and a wicked smile beamed down to greet you- a tint of your blood staining his lips. Again he spoke to you and again you wished you knew either the Japanese he spoke or the Cantonese he used whenever he spoke to most of the men who entered his office. You wish you could tell him how much you hated him and that he could claim you like this as many times as he wanted, but that hatred would never dull or fade. 
He must have seen it on your face because that smile spread into laughter as he pulled away from you. He was still completely nude and uncaring as he grabbed a towel and tossed it in your direction. Enishi gave you one last look before his bare feet padded towards the bathroom. 
You’d been dismissed. Just another toy he proved to himself he could have in the many at his disposal. You tried to remain calm as you sat up at the edge of the bed. Your hands shook uncontrollably as you took the towel he’d tossed and began to clean up what you could. 
The front of your dress was completely ruined. You weren’t even able to fold it over you. Fresh tears sprang to your eyes as you realized you had nothing left and maybe that was how Enishi wanted it. No family to come looking for you. Lost in a foreign land and kidnapped by the head of a criminal organization. He would take what he wanted because you weren’t strong enough to fight him or deny him. And maybe Enishi’s goal all along was to make the only person you could depend on be him. 
As always, thank you so much for reading! Comments and reblogs are always appreciated.
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mikaxander · 8 years
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Meet Japanese Grumpy Cat, Who Is Even Grumpier Than The Original One
Meet Koyuki, the Scottish fold cat that is angrier than Grumpy Cat, and with whom Koyuki will no doubt battle one day for Internet supremacy. She has been hiding out for nine years in Yokohama, and now, as the hour for battle draws near, the only thing you need to remember is: “There can be only one!”
Photos by ©Koyuki - Via Bored Panda
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mikaxander · 8 years
Master Post: Scenarios
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Black out [smut] Pool time [smut] Wake Up [sad] Feel Better, Yeobu [fluff] Come Join Me [smut]
Missing Him [fluff] First Time [smut] Lost Without You [smut] I Fell for You [smut] Fanmeet [fluff] Anniversary [smut] Late Night Texts [smut] Tease [smut/gender neutral] Falling in Love with Your Rhythm: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 [fluff/series] Suga Smut [smut] Teach Me: Pt. 1 , Pt. 2 ,Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 4.5, Pt. 5 [fluffy smut(Kinda)/series] Next to him  Pt. 1, Pt.2 
A Secret Obsession: Chapter 1, Chapter 2 [Fluff/series] Alone Time: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 [smut/series] A Sailorman’s Hymn [sad] Hoseok’s Birthday [fluff] First Time [smut] Soon-to-be-Parents [fluff] Dance Practice [smut] How to Save a Life [angst] Often [smut] Birthday Dinner for Two [fluff/smut] It’ll Be Okay [Fluff]
Rap Mon:
New Arrival [smut] Have You Been Bad? [smut] Saving Some for the Fishes [smut] 7 Minutes in Heaven  You’re Mine [smut]
Love to Hate You [smut] Spy Imagine [smut] Jimin Smut [smut] First time [smut] Dance for Me [slight smut] Blowjob Fic (with blowjob advice!) [smut] New Boyfriend [fluff] Pre-wedding Visits [fluffy smut] 7 Minutes in Heaven 
V Smut [smut] Lost [fluff] A Rainy Tuesday [fluff] Morning Sex [smut] Study Buddies [smut] V Fluff [fluff] Teasing Taehyung [fluff??] Yours [smut??] I Need U [smut/angst] Love Story [fluff] Dance Practice [smut] First Kiss [fluff/gender neutral] Spanking [smut/male reader] Just a Dream [fluff] Don’t Go [angst/sadness] The Perfect Guy [Murder death doomy doom] Just a Dance Partner [smut] 20 Seconds [angst/fluff??]
First Time [smut] Confession [fluff] Recovery [fluff/gender neutral] Grinding [smut??] Singing with Kookie [fluff] Smile for Me [fluff] What’s Wrong, Noona?: Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3 [smut] Be Careful What You Wish For [smut] What Are You Wearing? [fluff/male reader] Better Than a Shirt [smut]
Multiple Members:
V-Reader-Jungkook [smut/oral] Maknae Line-Reader [smut] Schrodinger’s BTS: Teaser, Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Pt. 6, Pt. 7  
*Updated as of 6/17/16*
Request are currently closed 
<3 Admin Sugar, Bibi, and Sinnabun
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mikaxander · 8 years
For You - masterlist
general info on this story
pt. 1 - deja vu
pt. 2 - faces
pt. 3 - flutter
pt. 4 - dugeun dugeun
pt. 5 - oppa
pt. 6 - velvet
pt. 7 - smirk
pt. 8 - pretty boy, pretty girl
pt. 9 - wishes
pt. 10 - haunting
pt. 11 - fate
pt. 12 - the best
pt. 13 - jealousy
pt. 14 - recharging
pt. 15 - beautiful
pt. 16 - good to you
pt. 17 - tonight
pt. 18 - mother
pt. 19 - fun boyz
pt. 20 - you
pt. 21 - sweet, sour, bitter
pt. 22 - bunny and butterfly
pt. 23 - young
pt. 24 - sweet dreams
pt. 25 - heart to heart
pt. 26 - boiling
pt. 27 - love
pt. 28 - happy
pt. 29 - future
pt. 30 - forever
the end
bonus 1
bonus 2
bonus 3
bonus 4
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mikaxander · 8 years
{PART 1} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Vampire!AU, Fantasy, Angst, Smut
Summary; You drive to your boss‘s house with the intention of returning his wallet he left at the office. You feel uneasy, seeing his manor for the first time - Jungkook also feels uneasy, but for reasons that you could never begin to imagine.
A/N; This is the first instalment of a request I received that I decided to turn into a mini-series that will contain smut. I’ll release a new chapter every Tuesday, I hope you enjoy part 1 ^^
{PART 1}
Keep reading
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mikaxander · 8 years
Gaby x Illya list of fic RECs
Sharing a list of the 31 Gallya, Man From UNCLE, fanfic RECs I have shared so far in my blog.  Hope you enjoy them as much as I did ♥  
ACCOMMODATIONS  by  spicehnoodles
PICK UP LINES  by  Weather
RIDE OF THE VALKYRIES  by  edenforest 
BREAK THE ICE  by  Stratagem 
THE BEST DEFENSE  by  krakens
SOAKING AWAY SORROWS  by  dearxalchemist
STOMACH FLU  by  bexlafon 
DARK AND STORMY  by  DunkinLove
CAN I BORROW YOUR TROUSERS  by  girlscantell
CAST  by  theredhoodie 
ILLYA’S JOURNAL  by  Pickwick12
DON’T LET ME BE GONE  by  eruditedauntlessness
TENSIONS  by  bexlafon 
STRONG  by  maiarose
TOO BAD  by  floral cactus 
ON THE TABLE  by  Psyren
KITTEN  by  katyfaise
THE CAT  by  prescellphone
AT THE BEACH  by  bexlafon
CLOSER  By  Alchemy Between Them
DINNER  By  eruditedauntlessness
BOARD VISION  by  katyfaise
PIECES OF ANOTHER LIFE  by  dearxalchemist 
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mikaxander · 8 years
geisha are absolutely not prostitutes btw
They are the equivalent to strippers here. They never engaged in sex acts but if you look throughout their history they were not treated well. Most being sold into that profession.
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mikaxander · 8 years
So good. Please continue
Lost One
Pairing: LayStal (Lay and Krystal)
Also posted in aff
The night was cool and elegant. The grandiose hotel was packed - from the veranda to the function hall - with men in neat suits and women in prestigious and expensive dresses. Everybody wore with them their sophisticated smiles and greeted every soul with formal handshakes and business jargons. Every thread of their outfits claimed a competition for pennies spent. Every step of polished shoes and high-heeled stilettoes competed for the grand entrance. Everyone looked forward for the night - everyone except the jeweled beauty, Jung Soojung. 
She embodied the family’s name - a family well-known for their success, expertise and professionalism in the world of business. She brought with her the very prestige of what it was to be the heiress of large-scale and word-class entrepreneurship. For her, however, these possessions were invisible. All she saw was the emptiness in her life. No hanging out with friends. No right to choose a college. No right to stay at home on a Saturday night. All she had was a set of busy parents, a closet full of elegant yet uncomfortable clothes, certificates and medals in a college she did not want and a pile of given up dreams. She sighed heavily as large lens cameras flash everywhere - following their every move. She could not help but want to escape. That night, she was certainly aware - was the night she had been dreading over the years.
“Soojung, dear.” Her mother called her with a soft voice. “This is Mrs. Kim, remember?”
Truth was, Soojung did not remember any business affiliate her parents had. “Yes, I remember.” She said, anyway. “Good evening, Mrs. Kim.”
“Such a fine lady you have here, Mrs. Jung.” The impressed woman complimented. “Beautiful and smart.”
“Thank you. It’s an honor to hear such impression.” Her mother giggled, before turning back to Soojung with a meaningful stare, as if telling her to act appropriately. “And dear, this is Kim Jonghyun, a fine man raised by Mrs. Kim.”
And that was where the trouble began. Without even a consent from Soojung, they started babbling about wedding plans and merges of companies. They talked about lies of how well their children match well as a couple. Making Soojung even more pissed, the young man grinned in such evil expressions. Not to be trusted, Soojung told herself.
To make things even worse - or worst, to be exact - Kim Jonghyun made his way next to Soojung and whispered a perverted statement, making Soojung want to kick him and scream. She felt like a commodity, a dirty woman, a hopeless being. She stood there, frozen and in the verge of breaking down, but she could only flash her ice cold stare, a defense mechanism she managed to hold a habit. 
“Oh, look. The kids seemed to get along perfectly fine.” Mrs. Kim remarked, making Soojung question if she had some common sense of anything near that kind of intellect. 
Soojung scoffed to herself, thinking how hard she readied herself for the final encounter with the possible most dreadful part of her life, but still, she was unready -  so unready that she hoped of having a different life instead.
Unknown to her, a pair of eyes were set on her, observing her every move as if in inspection. The eyes darkened in emotion as a bewildered and lonely Soojung was caught in sight.
Soojung observed as she saw her father heading to their direction. Her eyes focused on her parents, walking with linked arms. If she had not lived with them, she would have thought they were a couple living in their happy-ever-after. That was not the case, though. Just before they went to the venue, her parents were fighting over a lost business document, throwing spiteful words at each other. For the sake of reputation, however, they acted like they were perfectly fine. They could have been actors instead, Soojung thought.
Not being able to breath in such pretentious and dirtily competitive atmosphere, the well-dressed lady made her way out of the hall, hoping not to be seen by anybody.
Lucky for her, she found a serene place near the hall. A few decibels can still be heard, yet was not audible enough to piss her off. She sat beside a clear well-lighted fountain as she took off her laced gloves and dipped her fingers on the water, feeling the coolness run through her touch.
“The water is even luckier than I am. It can flow freely and peacefully, unlike me. Until when exactly should I continue to live in this prison cell?” Soojung monologued - or so she thought.
“Those were such lonely words for a lovely lady.” A voice came. Surprised and anxious, Soojung turned around only to see a fine gentleman in bow tie, holding a tray in hand. “Champagne, madam?” He offered, handing the still in doubt lady with a glass.
“No, thank you.” She replied, hesitant to receive such attention from a waiter. Zhang Yixing, she read from the man’s tag pinned on his left chest.
“Are you sure?” He asked. “These were bought from Italy. The hotel has especially prepared this for tonight’s guest.”
“Wine.” Soojung stated. “Can you get me some wine? Not a glass.” She shook her head. “A bottle.”
“But, madam, you might…”
Soojung cut him off. “No, no, no. A bottle of wine or you’ll lose your precious job.”
He obliged as he was told, being the worker who obeyed to a guest. It took just one bottle - no, just half or more - to transform the fine well-mannered lady into a tipsy ordinary girl who laughed at herself and spoke of nonsensical syllables.
“You’re drunk, madam.” The concerned waiter said. “I must tell your…”
“No!” She screamed, pulling the waiter down to sit beside her. “You, mister, must drink with me. Don’t worry, I’m not as selfish as those wide-brimmed hypocrites. I know how to share. Come, come, drink with me.” She was obviously drunk.
“You’re drunk, madam.” He reminded.
“No.” She shook her head. “I’m not drunk. I’m free!” She said, not being able to sit still. She almost lost balance and fall to the fountain’s water. Lucky enough, his strong arms took shield of her and held her to place. 
“Oooh, Zhang Yixing. You’re such a gentleman.” She said, laughing in alcohol, as she poked on the name tag. “You’re not Korean, are you? Uhh… Taiwanese? Chinese? Hmmm? Now, tell me, why are you here in Korea?”
Thinking that Soojung was drunk anyway, Yixing told him the real rationalization. “Well, I’m in search for someone.”
“And who is that lost one? Parent? Sibling?” She smiled cheekily and poked Yixing’s tag again. “Lover?”
“Someone I came back for to keep my promise.” He replied, looking intently at the Soojung as if memorizing her face. “But I don’t think I can keep it the way I promised her.”
“You’re a bad man, then.” She remarked. “You must be making that person wait. Such bad man!”
“Yes, I am.” Yixing nodded. He pursed his lips as he supressed a deep breath, making his dimple plunge deeper. 
To his surprise, Soojung laughed with moon-beamed eyes. “Look, you have a dimple.” She poked it several times, just as expected for a drunk lady. “Omo, so cute. You know what, you remind me of someone.”
Yixing looked at him intently, making her smile.
“He’s my best friend. He also had a dimple like yours. He was chubby though - very cute and chubby - unlike the skin and bones kind of person like you. He’s my favorite playmate. He even made me a wooden airplane before he left.” Soojung then laughed with tears in her eyes. It was evident, however, that the latter dominated, and that the loud sound was a cover-up. “Yes, he left. He told me that someday, he’ll come back for me, riding in a big big big airplane. He told me to wait for him, because when we grow up…” She paused his speech and looked down, leaning against Lay’s shoulder as she rested her head. “He’ll marry me.” By the finale of the statement, she was crying, with no laughter as cover up anymore - just pure melancholic and longing sobbing. “He promised me he’ll come back and marry me.”
A long pause of silence followed them. The only sound that was heard was her breathing to catch for her tears. 
“He must have some reasons. Or maybe he lost his way and did not know the way back anymore.” Yixing said as he cut the silence off.
“I’ll still welcome him anytime, though.” Soojung said. “But he must hurry. It might be too late for me.”
“I’m sure he misses you.” Yixing uttered in a soft tone.
Soojung nodded. Just as he bobbed her head the third time, a sudden sound ticked. It stabbed daggers into the fragile man as the sing song melody turned into empty rhythms signalling them that the time was up.
“Oh, is it midnight?” Soojung asked as she clenched into Yixing’s sleeve.
“Yes, madam. It’s midnight.” Yixing nodded. “It’s time for me to go.” He stood up and slowly untangled her fingers from his arm.
Taking a few steps away, his motion was ceased when Soojung spoke. “Oh, wait. I forgot to tell you, I miss him too.” Yixing closed his eyes as he took one deep breath. “Actually, I love Lay.” His heart was pinched into an unbearable hold. “Do you think he loves me, too?”
  [a/n] Send me feedback :)
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mikaxander · 8 years
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oh okay. 
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mikaxander · 8 years
Damn. Preach. This is lit af
SM is not appreciating Lay enough. Please repost.
I want more people to see this. Please repost. People need to see what Lay, Zhang Yixing, has done.
I was just watching EXO Monster music video, the Chinese version. A lot of people were saying Lay wasn’t getting enough lines in M versions and how it’s a Chinese song where the Chinese get two lines. Then you get comments like:
“Well everyone needs to remember that everyone has their designated roles in the group. Lay has improved greatly in terms of singing, and he is indeed better than he used to be, but he came to SM as a dancer. Just because he’s Chinese does not mean he has the right to all the lines.“
“Maybe Lay’s voice didn’t suit some lines within the song in comparison to the other members.“
“The problem is that he can’t sing as well as baek and kyungie.”
“…because LAY has too much personal activities…”
I don’t even want to continue.
People keep saying ‘Why do Chinese members keep leaving’ and how Chinese people always ‘leave for money’. Look, Lay is here staying in the group and not going for the money and supporting his brothers, he is keeping to his words ‘we are one’. Yes, it’s true that Lay has his own personal studio in China and is doing variety shows and dramas in China but he still has to give SM a big part of his income. Don’t know whether it’s 100% accurate but according to a website in China, half of Yixing’s person studio staff was employed by SM and Yixing has to give 70% of his income to SM. Well, 30% of is income is actually a lot considering how well he’s doing in China but bare in mind Yixing is the one doing all the work and he has to give SM 70% of it. 
Lay has make his way into the Chinese market and had gotten so popular recently starring in variety shows like Go Fighting and honestly, he can do so much better and so much more if he left the group and focus on his career in China but is he leaving? No. He’s not leaving. The reason why Chinese members keep leaving is because of this. This is a song in Mandarin and a Chinese members get two lines. TWO FUCKING LINES. Kris and Tao used to get one lines or two lines in songs and maybe not even have a proper line in K versions. If you search Kris voice on YouTube, someone made a compilation of his solo lines from MAMA to Overdose (M and K version included) you would find that he only had 8.33 minutes overall. And for Tao, he only got 4 minutes. There is a reason why members want to seek for more opportunities and want be able to do more. There are members like Sehun where all his lines were E-X-O (well he did have more lines in Love Me Right and recent songs).
How do you expect them to still stay when people like Kris who trained for 7 years, not knowing whether he’s going to debut and when he does, he get two lines in a song(except raps) and would always be placed at the back while performing live. He was originally supposed to debut after training for 3 years but the date got pushed back and SM told him, ‘Just wait another year.’ Another year became two years, three years, four years. He had became the foreign trainee who has trained for the longest time in SM. How do you expect him to still stay? I don’t even want to go into how Kris’s body conditions were and how he has serious problems with his body. See how well Kris doing in China and even starred in Hollywood films, would he be doing that if he stayed? 
Back to Lay. I hate it when people say stuff like “Lay only focus on his career in China and doesn’t even do EXO stuff anymore.” Excuse me, how dare you say that. Yes, Yixing did spend a lot of time in China filming and doing variety shows but he’s trying so hard to keep up with both EXO and himself. Let me tell you Lay’s schedule and after this you wouldn’t dare say he doesn’t try. 
This is his schedule for the past two months. 
5th-Beijing to Gimpo
9th-Incheon to Shanghai
13th-Back to Korea
18th-Incheon to Beijing
19th-<To Be A Better Man> Conference
20th-Beijing to Seoul
23th-Incheon to Xiamen
25th-Xiamen to Shanghai
28th-Hongqiao to Seoul
5th-Seoul to Shanghai
6th-<Old Nine Gates> Conference
6th-Premiere of <To Be A Better Man>
7th-Back to Korea
8th-EXO comeback showcase
This was his schedule for the past two months. How dare you say that Yixing is not doing enough EXO stuff. Not a normal person can bear with the stress and tiredness flying almost every two days. Why do you think he keeps flying back to Korea? He could have stayed in China since he has so many conference to go to. It’s because EXO comeback has a lot of planning and practicing to do. If he has ‘given in to money’ like some people like to say, why do you think Yixing has given up his time for resting and flying back and forth China and Korea. If he has really ‘given in to money’ why shouldn’t he just leave? Why does he keeps mentioning EXO in China? At the end of interviews he would always tell people to not only support him but also EXO. He doesn’t need to do any of that. He really don’t. He could’ve just left and continue what he’s doing in China. But he keeps his promises. He promised to stay with the members, he promised to not leave, he promised to prove that Chinese people are trustworthy. 
You can’t judge Yixing if you haven’t tied sandbags to your body to practice dancing for almost two years just because you think your dancing wasn’t going anywhere, it was to a point where he can’t even stand up because of the damages he has done to his waist. You can’t judge Yixing if you haven’t seen the amount of time he puts into making a ‘better Zhang Yixing’. You can’t judge Yixing if you haven’t had a cramping leg but still managed to finished a short interview and the whole Love Me Right choreography and immediately collapsed to the ground after the performance. These are all happening when people call him names like “attention seeking bitch”. He is still standing. He doesn’t deserve all this. He doesn’t even to work half as hard but chose to because he wants to prove to all those people who judged him, who attacks him, who call him names. If you haven’t gone through what Yixing has gone through, what gives you the right to judge him? 
“Hope that I will be able to let the others see, everything of Zhang Yixing is good, only then I feel it’s really amazing. Let the others see he result, the process ins’t really that important.”-ZhangYixing 
If you’re judging him or has judged him, think about whether you’ll be able to go through all this and still put on a smile for everyone.
Zhang Yixing is so hardworking and is such an amazing human being. SM need to change, and SM need to appreciate the effort Yixing is putting into EXO. 
We’ve already lost three members, we couldn’t afford to lose more.
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mikaxander · 8 years
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N E U T R A L S https://www.instagram.com/shachu_hair/
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mikaxander · 8 years
Look what the cat dragged in - Taeyong/Ten
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Group: NCT U Members: Taeyong + Ten Genre: Smut, threesome Warnings: sexual content!, threesome, oral, facial
SMUT REQUEST you can find the request here
You squinted your eyes at the yellow ones that were looking back into yours. You were not going to back down, but he just kept staring at you without blinking. You felt your eyes dehydrate and they started to sting. The uncomfortable feeling was too much and you couldn’t help but blink. The cat meowed triumphant.
Keep reading
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