micahofengland-blog · 6 years
⋆ ° ⟡ ( MATTHEW DADDARIO, twenty seven, cismale, he/him ) i always see MICAH AUGUSTINE wandering around the citadel. i wonder if they find themselves longing for ENGLAND, after all, they’ve been here for A YEAR. i consider the CROWNED PRINCE to be CUNNING, however everyone knows they can also be VINDICTIVE. you can always find them at the gardens and i heard they’re planning to GIVE HIS CHILD LEGITIMACY.
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hello m’dears, lucky here. this is a semi new muse of mine, altered for this rp. i’m very excited to be back in a royal group so take a brief read of this sloppy intro (ive had a few glasses of champagne) and tap the heart?? i’ll surely slide gracefully into your dms.
crowned prince of england, next to take the throne from his father, he has anticipated this moment for years and is generally ok with the idea, he knows how to lead his country after shadowing the king and is prepared
is a bit of a playboy however in his younger years, sleeping around fairly often which ended in an illegitimate child with the princess of switzerland (pls someone take this chara)
he cared for her, unlike the other women he spent time with and decided to wed, mostly against his fathers distain due to the childs birth occurring before the wedding, his heir now holding no proper right to the throne, he intends to change this when he becomes king. his child is now about two years old and is in hiding back in england
his plan for his kingdom is simple, he wants excellent reign over his kingdom and to keep his cousins in line, he’ll avoid war until the end but if it comes down to it he does not care if he needs to send men to the trenches.
is still flirtatious by nature, knowing in his position he’s allotted a mistress though he is hesitant, he has not seen his wife in a few months and is unsure of when she will arrive. 
very adventurous and free spirited, he loves to read, explore the grounds and spends most of his time in the gardens. 
caring and charming at best, carried conversation very easily and is liked by most in his mind though he is sure to crash heads with other princes, power struggle really
very close to his sister, the princess of england. the two are often spotted causing mayhem around the castle, getting into the wine and slurring their way around the citadel. the sibling duo is often looked at with watchful eyes by their guards, always managing to slip away from them 
will either be your best friend or worst enemy, there is no inbetween
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
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Here’s how to start your day like a VIP, featuring actor Matthew Daddario via GQ Report
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
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Thoughts ~ #157
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
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never fade by alexandra bracken (2013)
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
He tore the beauty from his face, and called it terror.
v.c | and he would weep until slumber arrived. (via erebius)
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
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Car Radio, Twenty One Pilots.
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
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a savage a n t i n o u s
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
and she can kiss a man or slit his throat.
 a storm of swords, george r. r. martin (via rhodestark)
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
a smile pulled at the corner of her lips as her shoulders shrugged upwards slightly and the hand holding the unknown beverage was offered out towards the other’s out held hand, “what can i say. caffeine is a great way to anyone’s heart. anyone that rejects a free coffee—don’t trust them.” a single finger pointed outwards the girl before stepping a little closer to the peer over the edge of the desk at violet’s piece of work. her head attempting to twist awkwardly to view the piece of art the right way up. even from her slight upside down view of the piece, it was pretty amazing to her untalented and unknowledgeable eye. “all this craziness pulling at those inspiration strings huh? good to know someone’s benefiting off of it all.” 
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violet took the cup gracefully from jess, taking a quick sip and sighing with relief. she needed the kick, her thoughts were far too clouded for her own liking and she needed to get her mind straight. “you always know the way to my heart.. my love.” she teased and adjusted herself on her stool, tapping her chin a bit as jess admired her piece. she wasn’t quite sure what the end goal was of the painting, she’d probably scrap it that night and restart. “mmm, something along those lines. figure hiding out in here is better than the looks i’m getting. plus, open 24/7 and i’m not looking to get hacked next.” she purred, dodging most of the looming secrets of hers spilled across campus. “what about you missy? come to hide for a bit?”
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
after spending most of her day locked up in the art room violet needed an escape. she had indulged in a few of her favorite substances before leaving the building, finding it easier to interact with her friends with a bit of a high looming over her head. after hearing about talia’s secret being exposed she felt a bit on edge, not angry... just rather confused as to why she hadn’t heard the information correctly. though she wasn’t one to talk, her own secrets locked behind closed doors had never been a topic she willingly brought up to the blonde.
  with coffee soon in hand violet made her way to talia’s place, less eager than normal though the other requested her company. she made her way through the building, finding her door with ease as she used her own personal key to unlock the door and barge in. “i come baring your favorites..” she called out, using her foot to close the door as she set the tray on the counter, shrugging off her jacket soon after.
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
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Cori resisted the urge to taunt when she realized just how stressed out Violet seemed at the idea of everyone knowing her secret. Cori herself didn’t quite care about everyone else, it was more her parents hearing about it. She was shocked they hadn’t yet. Still, she didn’t judge Violet, she couldn’t when she struggled with similar issues, only those weren’t entirely public knowledge, thankfully. She supposed that’s why the other girl felt comfortable with her. “I meant about the investigation, but you don’t have to tell me twice,” she laughed, reaching for the wine her friend had set out for her, downing half of it in one go. The bitter taste of wine was something she never quite enjoyed, but it got the job done. “So, no murder, no secrets. How about conquests? Any lucky victims so far? Aside from me, of course.”
if violet’s secret had been anything but controversial she would not have cared as much, she would have brushed it off her shoulder, even made a joke of it. though she couldn’t and here she was, drowning her sorrows in a substance she probably shouldn’t. “right, sure yeah.” she brushed the comment off with a small laugh as she grabbed her own wine, taking a long sip and letting out a sigh. “no murder, no secrets. conquests however? lets see.. couple boys down the hall caught my eye, sure. but the sophomore girls are looking quite appealing.” she admitted with a wiggle of her eyebrows. “and hush, you’re certainly not a conquest.” she teased.
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
be on in a bit for replies !!
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micahofengland-blog · 6 years
“no, absolutely not.” of course blair didn’t mind watching horror movies, because that easily meant hiding up against violet and getting the best cuddles in return. but she was not about to downplayed to only one rom-com. “we watch two rom-coms, and i’ll even let you pick the second one. and then i’ll give you an iconic back massage and we can watch horror movies the rest of the night.”
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“perfect, thanks love.” violet hummed and lifted her hand to twirl a stand of blair’s hair. she took a few swigs of her drink, eager to get a buzz over her body. she looked forward to the night with her friend, it kept her mind at ease. “let me pick? shit alright don’t mind that. also you’re going to make me fall in love with a back massage, i’ll gladly take one of those.” she exclaimed
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