mia--doherty · 11 years
Um, well, I would call an ambulance, if I were you...
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It hurts so bad.. I’ve just got.. It’s a long story but it’s so painful right now and every tune I move them the pains super sharp.
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mia--doherty · 11 years
Can you pull yourself up onto your knees?
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Just.. I can’t move my legs right now so I’m stuck in the bath
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mia--doherty · 11 years
By what, exactly?
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Uhh I’m kinda really stuck..
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mia--doherty · 11 years
Are you okay there?
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I can’t get out of the bath tub… and I hate to ask for help but I really, really can’t get out…
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mia--doherty · 11 years
When she heard Darcy tell her to stop, Mia pulled her fingers away without a second thought. “Don’t be sorry, honey,” the brunette said, tucking a piece of loose hair behind the other girl’s ear. “We can take this as slow as you want.” Mia didn’t blame the girl for feeling uncomfortable. After all she had been through, she sort of expected it. “Besides,” the brunette added, looking for her underwear. “I was kind of surprised you said yes in the first place. You don’t recover from something like that quickly.” She found her underwear and started to pull them back on, and then put her bra back on as well. “How about we finish for the night?” Mia suggested. “We can cuddle instead, if that’s what you want.” She placed a kiss to the other girl’s head, admiring her courage for saying no. A lot of girls wouldn’t have done that.
Alone time || Darcy & Mia
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mia--doherty · 11 years
I'll do Mia's, then Kendall's and then Hayden's.
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mia--doherty · 11 years
Wintaire is perf, and all the ships in this RP is perf oh god.
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mia--doherty · 11 years
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mia--doherty · 11 years
Those two were already on my list aha. So far I have:
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mia--doherty · 11 years
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mia--doherty · 11 years
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mia--doherty · 11 years
Mia wouldn’t start until she knew that Darcy was completely comfortable with what she was doing. In fact, the brunette was surprised that Darcy was even okay with it, but was touched that the other girl trusted her enough. She placed her fingers at the other brunette’s entrance, taking a deep breath before she started. “Tell me to stop if you get uncomfortable,” she said to her girlfriend. Slowly, she plunged a finger inside of the other girl, starting to move it in and out inside Darcy. This all felt strange to her, but she knew that she had to stay calm in order for Darcy to do the same.
Alone time || Darcy & Mia
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mia--doherty · 11 years
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mia--doherty · 11 years
“Good,” Mia said as she rode out her orgasm. She’d read in so many Dolly Doctor articles that the first time was meant to suck, but hers was fucking amazing. “That was so great, Darcy, but I think now it’s your turn, but only if you’re comfortable with it.” She didn’t want to do anything that would freak out her girlfriend, so instead she just decided to kiss her on the lips, then moving down her neck, all the way to her stomach, and to the skin below. “If you want me to stop,” she said, lifting her head up. “Then tell me. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Alone time || Darcy & Mia
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mia--doherty · 11 years
Mia didn’t know how much longer she could hold out, feeling herself getting closer and closer to ecstasy. She pulled Darcy down to sloppily kiss her own the lips, wanting more and more of her. “I’m s-so close,” the brunette stuttered, not sure as to whether she should hold back or not. Deciding to let go, she closed her eyes and screamed Darcy’s name in pure ecstasy as she finished.
Alone time || Darcy & Mia
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mia--doherty · 11 years
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mia--doherty · 11 years
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