mfxlme · 10 years
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ooc; apologies for being slow, but i am in fact a full time highschool student, and thus, education comes first. i'll reply when i can.
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mfxlme · 10 years
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Marianne hasn’t been around for very long in fact, I made her a week before the film even came out and she already has a decent amount of followers that I’m very happy with and can only wish would continue to grow but whether it does or doesn’t I made a little shout out banner for the people who thought to give this badass sword wielding anti-fairy princess a chance! SO THANK YOU.
              : ` inamabiilis / summalis ; podacity ; imperialiis ; archikos               ; bogxking ; xdaringx ; dianran ; ofhawkins ; ahkmenrxh               ; wxrt ; severeharmony ; yvurio ; enveigle ; stariter ; stariter               ; magiiya ; mfxlme ; meaningmoon ; lunaeterea ; rosariors               ; kiinkyboots ; ilhuicac ; enviesque ; inhxrmony ; svikinnar ✿ .
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mfxlme · 10 years
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ooc; heavy sigh
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mfxlme · 10 years
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                       ❛ Rest assured, my children are far from FEEBLE. Young girls are known to be quite fickle, my lord. Do remind me… what were our t e r m s? ❜
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          ` i'm sure they are.
   an intervene worth perceiving, visage became stern and glacial.
          ` my men are in n e e d of a camp, and i             had hoped that you would be willing to...             provide, t e m p o r a r i l y.
   but they were anything but men-- and to be called anything but    men was an invective to them. they were a [ congregation ] of    relentless beasts-- artistry something they found to be extraneous,    they had contours adorned in brawn and digits rigid with talons,    these femme fatales were some of the most malignant predators    the king had accessible to him. like s i r e n s they both allured the    enemy and preyed upon them. but to m o c k them with a title of    'soldiers' rather than the p r a i s e of being superior to their male    counterparts was ] absurd [. because they weren't men, they    exceeded; no lion could come to par with the a p t i t u d e of    his lionesses.◢
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mfxlme · 10 years
ooc; apologies for the slowness, i'll see about shooting out some replies as of this evening. i have some school work to get by first.
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mfxlme · 10 years
mfxlme liked this for a starter
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                         ❝You know, if you would just step to the right,                                   we could stop doing this awkward dance.❞
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          ` if [ you ] would w a t c h where you             place your feet, then we wouldn't             have this problem-- would we?◢
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mfxlme · 10 years
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"Satisfying? For…oh, dear."
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           ` yes of course-- and you, my d e a r,              look ravishing.◢
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mfxlme · 10 years
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                  “W-Woah, you talk—?                     Since when can lions do that?!                        I’ve never met a lion, so uh…                                     I apologize if this is rude!”
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         ` you're simply hearing things.
   a short interval of time would come to surpass them whilst the left ��  rim of his lip was quirked up in slight. he aired an [ a c u t e ] factor    of distaste as a glare pivoted in the male's general direction.
         ` it is.◢
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mfxlme · 10 years
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        “The fact that you had to ask yourself that          should be answer enough to your question,          don’t you think? “
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         ` i don't-- but your tone of v o i c e            speaks [ wonders ].
   the manifestation upon his facade had coiled into a s t o i c displeasure--    a scowl fueled by u t m o s t malevolence-- the very [ crease ] in his    brow was e n o u g h to foretell any further words.
         ` you have [ such ] a p r e t t y face,            frowning like that doesn't do you            j  u  s  t  i  c  e.  .  .◢
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mfxlme · 10 years
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                                        ❝ Well aren’t you a real Prince Charming .                                                                         Anyway , it isn’t like that’s the                                              first time              someone’s said that to me .                                              Maybe you should find another          INSULT                                                                                                and THREAT . ❞                                              
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      ` was l e s s of me [ attempting ] to insult you,         and m o r e of me [ telling ] you to silence         yourself; l e s t you p r e f e r [ i ] do it for         you.
   the brawn within his stocky nape constricted upon the condensing    of his jaw; blossoming a far more r i g i d line that entailed quite the    s t r i c t embodiment. this line was [ gratingly caressed ] by the    despondency of malice. such wicked sage eyes would directly    b o l t upon her own visage with a savage luminosity.◢
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mfxlme · 10 years
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             ` i can feel the power w r i t h i n g                off of you.◢
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mfxlme · 10 years
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         ` more you t a l k, the more i feel a need            to silence you.◢
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mfxlme · 10 years
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◤have              ` you finally developed the courage to throw a               p u n c h or two, [ mikaela ]?◢
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mfxlme · 10 years
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          ` are [ clearly ] a woman of power--             you wouldn't let such f e e b l e             things get in the way of our             agreement, would y o u?◢
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mfxlme · 10 years
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            ` o d d-- i do [ not ] recall agreeing to any such                thing.◢
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mfxlme · 10 years
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      ` [ queen ] such as yourself must be         g r e a t l y... adored.◢
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mfxlme · 10 years
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           ` it something i said?◢
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