mediamondays-blog1 · 7 years
Social Media and Me
In today's post I shal be reflecting on ways in which I have participated within the media via social media platforms. In starting, I must confess that I myself am a relatively private person online. I tend to keep security settings to the optimum allowing only people I know and want to see my online life able to do so. However In saying that, as with many individuals I will post personal statuses of successes major changes within my life and I use these platforms to keep in touch and connect with dear friends across the world. Also like many individuals, I follow celebrity figures who I feel empowered by, even if it is just a publicist writing their posts. For me social media is meant to be fun, if I am not getting any enjoyment out of it I simply case to use it and come back to it the next day. In terms of connectivity and contentment I do agree that sites such as Facebook, Instagram and snapchat alow for this. I believe the use of social media within big brand companies are an interesting topic. In my opinion, Companies and celebrities are very clever in submerging themselves within these platforms as it allows for them to reach greater audiences and connect to them on a personal level. I know I for one have had my opinions changed when seeing a brand pop up on my feed. It allows for them to be seen at a more human level, giving a perception that the walls have come down so to say. Although as stated, I do like to remain relatively private online within social media, I do believe that so I'll media has the ability to slow everyone to feel as if they are on the same page and connected together.
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mediamondays-blog1 · 7 years
Celebrities and advertisements
Celebrity endorsements have long been used by companies to sell their products to the masses. People look up to public celebrity figures, idolising their successes and in which wanting to be as similar to them as possible. Brands home in on this, using successful, well liked celebrities to endorse their products. I will be discussing the use of a successful dominant celebrity, and how their presence not only sold products, but also in how their fall caused for an immediate dismissal from the brand. Tiger Woods was once the face for men's grooming brand Gillette whereby his face was plastered all over advertising campaigns. Being one of the first sportsmen in history to make $1bn he became incredibly valuable to the branding world. Tiger Woods was a man of success, drive, passion and family values to which many men across the globe could look up to and aspire to be like him. In his time at Gillette, Woods dramatically helped the company gain publicity and sales. However Gillette decided to drop Woods from its campaign in 2010 following the news of his string of affairs and dropping world rankings, failing to win a single golf tournament within 2010. According to researchers at the University of California, Shareholders of Gillette, Nike, Gatorade and other Tiger Woods sponsors lost a collective $5 to $12 billion in the wake of the scandal involving his extramarital affairs. Therefore Gillette were not the only brand to drop Woods from their campaigns, with these other companies following in suit. This proves just how important celebrity faces are to brands, and to which costs they will drop these faces to protect their images and sales within the general public. Brands want to use celebrities who are fulfilling their ideologies and representations, and when a celebrity ceases to do so, the company must look for alternatives.
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mediamondays-blog1 · 7 years
Stricltly come dancing and the positivity it brings around the world
Strictly Come Dancing has dominated the screens of UK family's since it first premiere 2004. Since its premier the show has become a staple to the screens of Saturday night and it's fanbase is getting bigger than ever. Perhaps the success of strictly could be due to the fact that it is an easy to follow reality television format. Audiences watch the celebrity's learn new dances and routines far away from their professions in order to escape the dance off and return to compete another week. Audiences find this concept easy to grasp and become fans as it is so easy to become engaged with known celebrity faces. Many times the show will include a diverse range of stars from sports men to entertainers so they can reach a greater fan base. Due to the simplicity of the format, it is so easily interchangeable across the globe, therefore multiple countries can get on board and tweak it to its own demographics. Even the main concept can be tweaked, for example, shows such as dancing on Ice and dancing with the stars in the United States have all stemmed from the simplistic yet hugely successful format of strictly come dancing. Globally other shows that go by the name of Dancing with the Stars stem across the globe from Europe to South America. The format has been licensed to over 42 territories and this number is only growing. Strictly Come Dancing has grown and grown in success over the years, and it doesn't loo like it will be disappearing from our screens any time soon.
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mediamondays-blog1 · 7 years
Digitisation and Television
Television is not as we knew it many years ago. From the sturdy box situated in only the wealthiest households in the 1950's it has seen a big change. The introduction of colour, video players and multitudes of channels are few of the vast improvements that have changed television over time. However, none quite as drastic as the evolutions that we have seen in recent times. Digitisation has drastically changed how audiences watch their t.v from what they watch, to when and where they consume it. Catch up sites such as BBC's Iplayer has allowed audiences to watch shows they may have missed due to time constraints in their day to day lives. Then with the introduction of Netflix audiences can pick and choose shows that best suit them instead of being stuck to the strict TV schedules. Digitisation has opened the door of accessibility to the masses, allowing individuals to watch their favourite shows from their laptop, smartphones and tablets. However, as easy and accessible as digitisation has made t.v. Can one really say that digitisation has only brought good to television? Television use to be a family activity where siblings and parents alike would gather around and socialise. Now tho, people individually consume the television that best suits them, therefore causing many people to consume it alone as a pose to the big groups they previously watched it in. Perhaps then, digitisation is negatively causing isolation amongst individuals. It could also be argued that there is a loss of originality from producers. With the ability to see what their audiences want, directors and writers almost feel obligated to pander to their audiences wishes to keep them happy. With platforms such as Facebook and Twitter producers are constantly in touch with audiences and are able to hear what they want and are expecting from their shows. Many production company's hire specialists to feedback what viewers are posting on their sites so they know wether they are doing right or wrong. In this though, producers are potentially sticking to content that they know their audiences will want to watch as apose to developing cutting edge and ambitious content. All in all, I don't believe digitisation in television is solely negative. I do believe there are many pros to digitisation in development of television, and that with all technology, one can only guess what's waiting around the corner.
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mediamondays-blog1 · 7 years
Transmedia is the ability to carry one piece of media across different platforms, in the form of both new and old. Many new productions chose to work from a trans media perspective as it allows for many more audiences to be reached and better promotion of their media. For my trans media example, I would choose to produce a television game show. I know from past shows that these kind of game show genres have much success globally as well as interlinking with trans media. Take for example 'Eurovision Song Contest' started in 1956, the longest annual running international tv contest with over 40 nations taking part. Primarily my show would be on a television platform however I believe the program would have the capasity to reach audiences through diffrences platforms and on the basis of the show. I would endorse rate different nations into the competition, therefore a global market can be reached. I believe the show could be expanded digitally. Like Eurovision, I would incorporate links to a website allowing individuals to access the show at any place and any time. Thurther more, the use of social media allows people to share their own opinions and get attached to the program by conecting with others across the global. An online game could also be created in the format of the original to game, allowing users to feel encore rated into the television game, this once again developing the audiences relationship with the original program. Lastly, off screen media could be established. A real life board game and trivia game relating to the show can be produced in any language to cater to the individual nations. Memorabilia such as clothing and merchandise could be made for committed fans to buy into. I feel with a game show, there are many possibilities to expand into trans media and provide multiple platforms for audiences to engage across. The codes and conventions of the television game show genre could be summarised as reality TV, a genre that is only growing in popularity and holds a wealth of success across the globe. Reality Television is so successfully as it allows this watching the show to feel as if they are living the moments with the contestants and escape from their day to day lives. With this I feel that a game show is to the the most successful in trans media.
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mediamondays-blog1 · 7 years
Brexit and the Media
In the summer of 2016 the vote to leave the European Union was a result met with mixed reception. As with every political vote, inderviduals hold a set stance on wether they agree or disagree to the decision. With such a tight win, 51.8% leave and 48.2% stay, much controversy has arisen on wether a revote should be taken and wether with such tight margins, the win was justified. Regardless of my political stance on Brexit I will try and examine both the pros and cons of leaving the EU and what the referendum vote reveals about the UKs collective attitude towards globalisation. Perhaps it could be argued that a pro to leaving the European Union would be to gain our own independence within the media. Many nations are now influenced by others with regards to popula media and retail, with this, loosing touch their identity and national heratige. However, vice versa, one could argue that it is foreign influence that allows nations to grow and develop economically. As the vote was so tight, I do believe many value the importance of globalisation and that the United Kingdom gains much benefit from being in a union with other countries. It is clear that globalisation has given much benefit to nations and allowed them to grow from trade and influence of foreign media. Perhaps this is one of the biggest questions in going into Brexit, how will the changes about to take place impact the UKs trade and media exchanges?
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mediamondays-blog1 · 7 years
The BBC, the U.K's leading public service broadcaster. This Government funded institution gains its income from the use of T.V licences across the country, enabling them to have a constant financing for their shows and content. With this, revenue is guaranteed meaning they do not have to worry about the wants from advertisers who fund other commercial broadcasting channels. Therefore, the BBC are able to produce high quality content that follow the three ethos; Inform, Entertain and Educate. Using popular comedy news show 'Have I Got News For you' (HIGNFY) I will briefly explore how these ethos are incorporated within the production.
Firstly, being primarily a news show, HIGNFY informs the general public of both national and global news that has occurred within the week. The program goes on to educate the audiences by keeping them up to date with current affairs, enlightening them on the big topics that are taking place. Lastly, sticking close to its comedy roots, the show uses guest host and panel members, mainly consisting of comedians and such, to give their entertaining opinions. First broadcast in 1990 the show has maintained great success over the years and in maintaining the three simple ethos, it has allows for the show to be a staple BBC production.
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mediamondays-blog1 · 7 years
Globalised Media
In today’s society global Media is bigger than ever before, with people able to access content and products from all over globe at any time and from any place. However, what is it that makes today’s media so accessible and foreign media so appealing to people from different cultures? I believe the change in accessibility to media is one of the major contenders in media globalisation. From the likes of 50 years ago when cross continental travel was only available to the uber wealthy, today’s rates for flights have plummeted, making cheaper travel accessible for all and allowing us to experience media from other lands. Not only this, but with technology also becoming more accessible, people are able to connect with others globally across the Internet with a simple clock of a button. Social factors such as social media allow users to share their opinions and thoughts on a multitude of media ranging from TV shows to latest fashion. These opinions can be shared within seconds and can be reached by a multitude of followers from every corner of the earth. However, it is worth remembering many of the big name contenders in the global media trade are American corporations. In the recent Forbs ‘The worlds biggest public companies 2017’ rankings, the United States dominated the list with 11 of the top 20 companies being American owned. Perhaps Machin and Leeuwen were correct in stating that 'the idea of globalisation is really another name for the dominant role of the United States’. Yet these big name corporations such as McDonald’s and Disney know how to become a global success and dominate the global market. For example, the golden arched fast food empire have both a set menu and an international menu to match the clientele of the host country. In The Netherlands the McKroket (Kroket being a Dutch delacacy) sits alongside the cheese burgers and nuggets as a staple menus item. Having local items such as these integrated within their menu allows coustomers to feel at home as well as sample the foods from abroad. As discussed, many factors are to play for the globalisation of brands and media, however it is how these big name brands are able to understand their target markets across the globe that allow them to be a success.
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