maskedmaster52 · 12 days
And we all know how narcissists work
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Honestly I’m glad Josh and ink rose are no longer bothered by ink rose because with how much of a hole Lilly has dug herself into anyone with a brain can tell who’s the better person here
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At this point Lily is no different from mitsuo kubo from persona 4
A delusional narcissistic attention seeker who’s a total shell of a person at this point
And honestly her new beef with Anthony is just laughable at this point and further highlights how much of a pathetic narcissist she really is
Yeah Lily Josh is the pathetic man baby who can’t take criticism meanwhile you try and cut down Anthony
I’ll think I’ll just end with this photo that I think sums up lily orchard
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I apologize for the suddenness of this, but Lily Orchard is currently in the process of telling her fanbase that you were actively dating Ink Rose back during, that, era. And calling you a child predator that she could not report due to simultaneously being homeless, and you having her street address and actively threatening her into secrecy.
She's been trying to smear me as a groomer for a while now. But threatening to reveal her address? That's a new one.
Honestly, I think it's starting to get funny now. Almost a decade later and she just now pulls out that information? And she's trying to claim that I threatened to send her address to 8chan when she tried to peddle the lie that it was 8chan that sent my family horse poop? Also, how could I threaten to give her address to someone while she's homeless? Is she even trying anymore?
Looking back, I feel so silly that I was ever afraid of her. Let her keep lying. I don't care anymore.
To quote Labyrinth: "You have no power over me."
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maskedmaster52 · 13 days
I apologize for the suddenness of this, but Lily Orchard is currently in the process of telling her fanbase that you were actively dating Ink Rose back during, that, era. And calling you a child predator that she could not report due to simultaneously being homeless, and you having her street address and actively threatening her into secrecy.
She's been trying to smear me as a groomer for a while now. But threatening to reveal her address? That's a new one.
Honestly, I think it's starting to get funny now. Almost a decade later and she just now pulls out that information? And she's trying to claim that I threatened to send her address to 8chan when she tried to peddle the lie that it was 8chan that sent my family horse poop? Also, how could I threaten to give her address to someone while she's homeless? Is she even trying anymore?
Looking back, I feel so silly that I was ever afraid of her. Let her keep lying. I don't care anymore.
To quote Labyrinth: "You have no power over me."
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maskedmaster52 · 20 days
Hey ! You asked me a question about Grimmer from Monster, but I apparently can't answer you in private, for a reason I don't understand, so I decided to answer you by sending an ask through your askbox. Sorry for the bother ^^".
So, about the Magnificent Steiner, first of all it was really a show that existed and that Grimmer watched as a kid. However, considering the experiments he went through as an orphan who lived at Kinderheim 511, this is also the name he ended up choosing for his alternate personality.
This alternate personality is unleashed when Grimmer is enraged or in peril, which is how he becomes capable of extreme violence. This is all the result of suppressed emotions during the Kinderheim 511 Hell, in order to become a "perfect human being" and an "efficient spy".
This alternate personality of his eventually disappeared during the last arc, when he fought his last fight, conscious of his anger (ch155, sorry I can't add images), proving that he eventually gained the right to "feel" all his emotions, including the deep sorrow he felt about losing his son, long ago.
Eventually, this proved that the Kinderheim 511 was entirely wrong about its experiments on creating "perfect children", if we needed any kind of additional confirmation, besides Johan, Roberto and so many other examples. This also proved that Grimmer was a good man and that even the hell he went through during Kinderheim 511 didn't take that away from him.
I hope this makes sense ? I wish you a nice weekend !
It does thanks for you answer
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maskedmaster52 · 1 month
Refuting linkspooky on akechi
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First sentence is a lie maruki is better
Okay jokes aside let’s address this
The first problem here’s is simple
Akechi isn’t a shadow character or even a character who works similar to a shadow like Adachi
A shadow in persona is typically portrayed as the distorted and exaggerated darker side of a person
Akechi Isn’t any of that
Nor is he a case like Adachi as someone you could become if anything maruki fits that more
Second off
Akechi outlived his usefulness to shido so he decided to kill him there are other factors at play besides the main character sympathizing with someone
And while that is true about personal 5 what’s also true is fighting to avenge those who have been abused by those in power and guess what akechi’s death did that by giving you more incentive to kick shido’s ass
Also the third game left his fate in the air so
(I’m going to be using this a lot with linkspooky aren’t I)
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Maybe the writers wanted to let the audience come to their own conclusionn
Also see above argument
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It’s been established that shido’s cognitions serve as guards for him it makes since with what we know about shido’s cognition at the this point why do you miss things like this
Once again linmspookies bizarre takes I have to put down
I responded to this before but I don’t think I expressed this in the most effective way
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maskedmaster52 · 1 month
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being persona is suffering
(based on this)
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maskedmaster52 · 1 month
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Something I liked recently is how sumire takes getting friendzoned still acknowledging she loves joker and wants to be with him but fully respecting his decision
Which makes it all the more annoying I decided to romance makoto before sumire dang it
Somehow I just respect characters who love someone but are willing to put that aside out of respect instead of the stupid love triangle bs we see all the time
I just like it
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maskedmaster52 · 1 month
Having just recently finished the game I disagree
After all ren is helping her find herself after all that time as kasumi and establish sumire as her own person
Not to mention how she reacts to rejection still loving ren but respecting his decision without coming off as needy or desperate
So I disagree
shusumi so cute.. and unhealthy!
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maskedmaster52 · 1 month
Hey guys so I’ve been off tumblr for a bit mostly because I had to deal with anxiety problems
Now that I have relief for now I wanted you to post something
And after seeing a twitter post by @psychewritesbs
I wanted to start something to post an anime/manga character you personally identify with and why
I’m tagging @psychewritesbs @blog-of-hubris @midnight-in-town @suchine-toki and @kcuf-ad
My post begins under the cut
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Noriaki kayoin
So to show you why I relate to this character I’m gonna have to reveal some things about me
I am diagnosed with autism adhd and(potentially) anxiety
Growing up I wasn’t that much of a social kid hell I’m not one even now
I would always just keep to myself and stay in the corner and was usually soft spoken I also moved 4 times so I never had a consistent friendship outside of family
And to this day it had an effect on me to the point I find myself curled up in bed out of loneliness
Why do i bring this up because that’s what kakyoin was like
We both knew we were different and we both kept to ourselves when we were young
We were both polite smart and soft spoken
But we were also lonely
Being lonely wasn’t the only thing I had in common with kakyoin
We both know obscure bits of knowledge
We both felt comfortable being ourselves around people we liked
We both liked video games
We could both be weird
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I want to say I’m not that weird but that’s a total lie
And we both grew to love the friends we ended up finding as a started finding more friends online and I love them a lot
I know most people don’t care for this sentiment bs and i suppose I did waste your time
I just wanted to get this out
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maskedmaster52 · 1 month
Can I ask for your reasoning for headcanoning Kakyoin and Josuke as autistic? I’m really curious :3
ty for asking!!
(i'm gonna explain how these traits are autism traits just in case some people reading are not familiar with autism so sorry if this a little long or it looks like i'm over explaining.)
for kakyoin, i believe his whole backstory is basically every undiagnosed autistics childhood (i know its about stands but still). a lot of autistic kids grow up knowing they are different than other kids and its hard for us to make friends because we can't relate to other kids our age. we prefer to be by ourselves.
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i also think that his very polite attitude comes from masking. again, a lot of autistic people learn the "rules" of society when they are growing up so they can try to fit in. as seen in the picture above, his teacher says "he seems rather reserved; too reserved in fact" which happens to so many autistics (and neurodivergents in general). personally, my parents have been told this several times when i was growing up. another part of his extreme politeness is that when he gets comfortable around people he starts to let down the politeness and "unmask". an example of this is when he refused to attack the canteen when polnareff asked him during the n'doul fight. most autistics unmask around people they are comfortable around.
he is very loyal to the crusaders and would do anything including (SPOILERS) dying for them. (SPOILERS OVER) they were the first people he considered his friends. when i have a friend (which is not often lol) i am very loyal to them and would do anything for them as well due to not having a lot. other autistics i've talked to are the same.
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he knows a lot of trivial things, mainly world cultures, showed when he told jotaro the tea etiquette in hong kong etc. a lot of autistic people gather facts of things they find interesting (sometimes called a special interest). its possible he has a spinterest in world cultures or just likes learning random facts.
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i also think he had a spinterest of video games, we can see his talent and skill in the second d'arby fight. a lot of people can have a strong liking of video games, but kakyoin had literally memorized the entire map.
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he also has a thing with cherries, idk how to explain it but thats just autistic af to me
thats basically all i can think of rn for kakyoins autistic traits. i'll make an edit if i think of more.
for josuke thats more of just a fun hc, one of my fave hcs is that all the jojos are autistic so of course he is included. i feel like he is more of an adhder.
i think his hair obsession could be considered an autistic thing. a lot of autistic people are very particular about things, when they like something they LIKE it.
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that's basically it!! sorry it took so long, i wanted to be thorough. if you/anyone else is curious about my other hcs just send an ask :)
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maskedmaster52 · 2 months
Unfortunately it looks like he may be first to do it
On the bright side with him in office I’ll have unlimited excuses to use this gem
After researching a bit more into the history of presidential candidate assassination attempts in US History, I have noticed that not a single one went on to win the election. Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, George Wallace in 1972, and Gerald Ford in 1976.
The assassination attempt against Reagan was in 1981, after he won election.
If Trump does go on to win, he will be the first to have done so following an assassination attempt in American history.
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maskedmaster52 · 2 months
Do you think God puts up humanity’s greatest art and achievements up on heaven’s fridge like “yo, look what my kids did!?”
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maskedmaster52 · 2 months
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Geez what’s wrong with this guy he’s taking this ship war thing too seriously and it’s making people block him who is this guy
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Block this loser everyone he’s a bitchless jobless loser who spends more time screaming at people over fictional characters than anything productive
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maskedmaster52 · 2 months
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I’m starting to think I have a type
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maskedmaster52 · 2 months
When Gillen told Lunge: "In your mind, Tenma must be a bad person. If he were not, your whole world would fall into pieces." That inference described what superiority or god complex was as a response to a personal insecurity... Which Lunge can't seem to accept because that guy lives in his own head too much.
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maskedmaster52 · 2 months
This joke is so hijikata coded I swear I can see him making it
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maskedmaster52 · 2 months
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If theirs one positive thing I can say about joss Wheadon is that he is truly an advocate for female rights and fights against disgusting objectification
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maskedmaster52 · 2 months
This is batman
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82 YEARS AGO - BATMAN DEBUTED FOR THE FIRST TIME Eighty-two years ago on March 30, 1939, Detective Comics #27 hit newsstands, introducing the Caped Crusader for the very first time in a featured story called “The Case of the Chemical Syndicate.”
“And for all that fierce exterior, I’ve never met anyone who cared as deeply about his fellow man as Bruce Wayne.”  - Amanda Waller, Justice League Unlimited, Season 2 Episode 13 (2005)
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