marvellouscaptain · 5 years
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“y’think?”  he’s trying to hide his smirk.
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     “mhm,” she hums, smirking subtly. “but maybe you should take it off again so i can confirm.”
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
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      small starter call. these will be done today and tomorrow <3
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
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     “-- Do you have ANY idea where that thing came from?”
@thewonderingsorceress​  - { starter call }
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
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     “I’m just saying... you look MUCH better without the uniform.” 
@diedsaving​ - { starter call }
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
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      small starter call. these will be done today and tomorrow <3
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
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Tony Stark   || Steve Rogers ||  Wade Wilson  ||  Carol Danvers ||         Khan        ||     Han Solo
                                 my list of currently active blogs. i’m not active on them                                  all every single day but replies get done every other                                   day or so. so feel free to come find me anywhere! 
                                                          all penned by Rhi
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
He snorted, shaking his head a bit before taking the tweezers and replacing them with electrical tape. “Yeah, yeah, don’t go doing victory laps quite yet. Now we need to tape the wires before they all start rubbing against each other. Since you’re so good, why don’t you do it?” At least this would hold him over until he could get himself back home, where he had miles of extra cabling he could use to fix this. he’d also be able to buff out any of the scratches and dents, but cosmetic wear and tear was the least of his concern. “Where’d you get handy anyway? You didn’t strike me as an engineer.”
     “You’re right, I AM that good. Thank you for noticing.” Her voice is a little muffled around the torch, but the amusement lacing her tone is very clear. Smirking around the torch for just a moment, Carol refocuses on what she’s doing and sets about taping up the wires to make sure they don’t touch. She snorts softly at his comment about her being an engineer, and glances up at him with an arched eyebrow-- the effect maybe lessened by the torch hanging out of her mouth. “No? I can rebuild planes, Bucky. I do a lot of my own repairs on my ships. No time for hanging around waiting for someone else to do it for me.” 
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
Spock catches the small shift in her attention. he follows her pivot to the overgrown mass behind her. though, it lives, still, it has not moved ; the large mountain of its back rises & falls. slowly, freely, as if merely asleep. a compliment of her white-edged strength. & even fortuitous, on more occasions than simply this one. he is immediate to continue, however. unfazed, despite being inwardly subject to his own pride in her abilities. his shoulder brushes hers quietly — just barely, when he proceeds past her electrified presence & along the path. the fact that Carol enjoyed the confrontation ( perhaps, too much ) has not gone unnoticed. “ yes, Captain, ” he says, hands loose at the small of his back. “ this way —. ”
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Spock’s lips twitch in her favor, “ statistically speaking, you may yet have another opportunity to display your prowess should you choose. ”
      Carol can’t fight off the smile that lifts her lips when he brushes by her, the contact fleeting and minute but definitely noticed. Spock is very aware of his body and his proximity, he doesn’t ever ACCIDENTALLY brush by something. 
      humming softly, she turns on her heel and watches him for only a moment before smiling privately to herself and following after him. there’s something incredibly enjoyable about being on a mission with Spock. just being around him in any setting, really, makes Carol happy.
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      she laughs softly at his next words, catching up with him to walk side-by-side as she glances around them. he’s not wrong. where there’s one giant creature intent on killing you, there’s usually another.
     “mm... maybe. or maybe i’ll let you kick some butt.” she glances at him from the corner of her eye, a grin tugging up the edges of her mouth. “i like watching you work, too.”
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
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It was almost funny how the tables could have turned. So many years ago she was the one waking him up, telling him about her own nightmares, and now he was the one tormented by dreams of events that had happened so so many decades ago. Never directly looking at Carol, gaze instead focused on the night sky above them, Yon took a deep breath before beginning. “It was decades ago before I brought you to Hala. It was my very first mission I went on, with my older brother. We were ambushed. It was an ambush all along. If I had been more prepared and not such a coward I…. I could have fought them back. Instead, Yor-Narr stayed behind so I could stay safe.”
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     “That’s not... Yon, that’s not your fault. You can never truly be prepared for every outcome, you know that-- sometimes things are just out of your control.” She sighs softly, looking across at him for a moment before she draws her gaze off to the grass in front of her. “He wouldn’t want you blaming yourself-- I know I don’t know him, but I know that much. He was your big brother, he would’ve done anything to protect you no matter what. Accidents happen, Yon, and with it being your first mission of course you’d be nervous. You can’t blame yourself, okay?” She nudges him gently with her shoulder, glancing back at him again. “Is this what’s been keeping you up?”
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
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“I mean, I know you’re the most prodigious troublemaker in the universe, which is saying something given both Loki and Rocket even exist. But to your compliment, I still think yours is the best kind of trouble, and it is a big universe out there,” he supplied as his hands wove through the motions to bring up an image of the region that had been under assault of late, and every spectrum of energy scale even the sorcerers understood of what had been assaulting it. “It’s not anything I recognize, which narrows it down but not necessarily in a way that’s helpful for you. But it seems to have an odd sort of… mutated solar radiation? I only say that in comparison to how our sun behaves, but the energy coming through it is from a hugely different source than what is even in this quadrant of space for the most part, so far as I know.”
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     “Now THAT is a compliment if ever I’ve heard one. And I totally agree with you, Doctor, my kind of trouble really is the best kind. I’m glad someone notices.” She smiles to herself, before bringing her focus to the image that Stephen brings up. She studies the actual area, first, before shifting her eyes across the spectrum of energy to see whether or not she can pick one out as something she recognizes. “That is unusual...” She concedes, furrowing her brow a little in her concentration as she studies it. “It’s not something I immediately recognize... but it looks like something SIMILAR to a quadrant that I’ve been to. I would need to feel it. Can we go there?” 
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
@diedsaving ctd from { x }
      he is a HORRID tease. she should have known, really, that asking him to sit patiently whilst she finished her work wasn’t going to end well. he’s never been particularly good at sitting still and doing nothing.
      she hadn’t expected him to do THIS, though. her work sits forgotten on the desk as her fingers grip the edge of her desk, her head tipped back against her chair and her thighs spread a little where she’s seated. god he knows exactly how to work her up and she hates it. she doesn’t.
      he’s thankfully tinted the windows, but she still needs to try and keep quiet, and that’s becoming increasingly difficult with the way he’s rolling those rough fingertips across her sensitive clit. her thighs tremble, and she barely hears what he says, taking a moment to process it as she moans quietly under her breath.
     “fuck-- i’d be HAPPY to give you a lesson, captain.” she teases, before she grabs his wrist and pulls his hand out of her pants, a little regretfully. rising to her feet, she drags him forward and pushes him down into the chair, settling herself in his lap without missing a beat.
      they’re doing this here. NOW. because she can’t wait until they get back to their room. her fingers work swiftly to get his pants open, pulling his cock free from his underwear, and she brings her free hand up to cup against his jawline. 
     “ready to learn?” the grin she shoots him is entirely playful, but it fades into a soft parted lip moan as she lowers herself down onto him. she sinks down until he’s nestled DEEP inside of her, her fingers clutching at his hair now, her inner walls trembling. she’d already been close, but with him nestled inside her she’s not sure she’s going to last long.
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
Bucky looked down at his hands, then around the room. He hadn’t brought a gun… this time. And to his knowledge, there were no pastries in this room–really, he could go for a cannoli. If Airforce here was holding out on him and hiding the sweet treats, she was gonna get it.
“What cannolis? What am I missing? There better be something with chocolate in my future, Danvers, or there will be hell to pay.”
     “Huh... Figured you’d have a gun. You ALWAYS have a gun.” She squints playfully at him for a moment, for ruining her joke, before she produces a box from the bag tucked behind her legs.
     “I bring sweet pastry.” She sets the box down and flips it open. Inside, there’s a couple cannolis and a couple of chocolate donuts. “And if this doesn’t make me your favorite person for at least a few minutes you don’t get any.”
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
word of the captain’s victory is as obvious as he sees it. Spock observes her standing on its insentient form, stood proud, her hands glowing in a spectacular image of raw, unfiltered power, & yet she entertains, smiles even —                          perhaps, in jest or playfulness ( he has yet to discern which ), the possibility of failure, reassuring him of best intentions, in spite of these things. she returns to him ; the slide of her eyes, not unnoticed. ah. it is flirtatious. Spock should have known. “ I suggest nothing, Captain. ” he leans, eyeing it over her shoulder. it does not move. nor does he assume it will for some great time. for its own sake, at least, “ perhaps, now — we may proceed with our mission? ” the interruption was of little difference / Carol had disposed of their problem ( as inaccurate as that description is ) rather quickly. & without a hair flung out of place. 
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“ there is, after all, still the matter of dilithium we must procure. ” 
      Carol casts a glance over her shoulder when he suggests that they do nothing, her eyes flickering across the beast momentarily. to be fair, it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere anytime soon, so she’s probably not going to have to carry it somewhere further away. which is good. 
      when she looks back at Spock, her expression almost instinctively lightens, a smile plastering itself onto her features even though, really, she should get focused on the mission at hand. she simply enjoys being in their presence-- whether they’re working or in the privacy of their cabins.
     “right-- that. i almost forgot.” 
      she’d maybe had a little bit too much fun there. it’s been a long time since she’s had the opportunity to punch something using her ACTUAL strength. 
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     “lead the way then, Commander.” 
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
   jealous / possessive  meme
“ you’re mine. you hear me? ”
“ were you with him/her? ” 
“ why is she/he calling you? ”
“ do they know we’re together? ”
“ were you with him/her? ”
“ i don’t want you seeing them anymore ”
“ did she/he make a pass at you? ”
“ i know you were with her/him ”
“ you belong to me ”
“ i can’t believe you were with her/him ”
“ i don’t like the way he’s/she’s looking at you ”
“im NOT jealous ”
“ i thought you only had eyes for me ”
“ he/she can’t make you feel the way i make you feel ”
“ you’re too good for her/him  ”
“is there someone else?”
“ you were flirting with them ”
“ they were flirting with you ”
“ i don’t want you talking to them again ”
“ i can’t stop picturing you with him/her ”
“ the thought of you with him/her makes me sick ”
“ tell me i have nothing to worry about ”
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
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      if anyone wants a starter hit the heart
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
❛ i got a bed in the other room. ❜
nsfw sentence starters || accepting || @diedsaving
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      Carol smiles into his mouth when she hears his speak, her fingers cupping either side of his face, and she draws away with a soft nip to his bottom lip. “Mm… You do, don’t you?” She breathes, her eyes flicking across his features slowly, before she takes a small step back. 
      His pupils are blown, his hair a mess thanks to her fingers tangling through it, and he looks GORGEOUS. Chewing on her bottom lip, Carol takes another step back, fingers lifting to work her shirt up and over her head. The fabric is tossed aside, and Carol turns away from him, heading toward the door to his bedroom with just a little added sway to her steps.
     “You coming?” 
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
“ work your hips for me ”
sexual sentences || accepting || @symbiotesoldier
      Carol can barely think-- she’s got her fingers curled tight into the sheets beneath them, forearms braced against the mattress to support her as she pushes back into each thrust. He feels INCREDIBLE, hitting all the right spots inside of her, his hands firm where they grasp her hips-- and it’s too much and not enough all at once. 
      When he speaks, Carol lets out a soft whine, her eyelids fluttering a moment, before she shifts herself to be able to better support her weight when she moves. “Fuck-- HARDER.” She pleads, and begins rocking her hips back into him properly, circling and snapping back, taking his cock DEEP with each and every push of his hips. It’s incredible, and Carol swears she sees stars, her fingers scrabbling to get better purchase beneath her.
     “Fuck-- more, please--” 
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