just discovered there’s a whole little inbox section for ‘asks’ and uhhh... shit... sorry for not responding ever!  feels weird to do so now...
uhh i log in here very infrequently so...  donate to https://www.gofundme.com/f/legal-fund-1492-land-back-lane
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It's bandcamp friday again. We made this several years ago and finally released it in December (wanted to get in on that 2020 is the worst year hype).  
The album is free, but there's a ton of leftover merch.All money (minus shipping) going to 1492 Landback Lane legal fund (link in the comments).  
Like, comment, subscribe, share, retweet, fav, and upvote, to appease Zucc's algorhithm
uhhh follow “us” on twitter I guess: https://twitter.com/marusya42069
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well, we released this thing finally.  and I remembered we have a tumblr account!  wowie
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Here’s a short clip of the new shit. Follow our grams. 
"non-violence plays a function of recuperating social struggles, of taking out their teeth, making them harmless so that they can just sort of exist in this cesspool of democratic plurality, in which everything is ok, nothing can really be challenged or changed, and ideas and opinions can be expressed infinitely without ever really having any real impact, and without really translating into action." (Peter Gelderloos)
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Here’s a song (not mixed or mastered yet) from our new album, “Divisive”, about the moral imperative of punching nazi’s - suddenly a very popular topic.  Also, below is a semi-coherent open letter to our more liberal listeners/followers/friends about patriotism and fascism, written in the wake of Charlotteville.  Hope y’all aren’t too mad:
“It should go without saying that being ‘anti-fascist’ is undeniably just, and it is nice to see more people understanding the need to confront fascists and white supremacists with more than just ‘love’ (so much for the tolerant left indeed); however, it is a mistake to conflate anti-fascism with patriotism - as if these countries are built upon a foundation of opposing fascism / racism / ‘tyranny’, and not, in fact, built upon foundations of white-supremacy and settler-colonialism. North America was built on the genocide of indigenous peoples, the enslavement of Africans, and the historic and ongoing exploitation of the labour of various ‘non-whites’ followed by their periodic expulsion and/or exclusion. 
On the topic of authoritarianism in general, and fascism specifically, our governments had little to say about the rise of Mussolini in Italy in the 20s, or Hitler in the 1930s in Germany (until he annexed Czechoslovakia and invaded Poland, and suddenly ‘we’ were at war).  In ‘36 we did nothing to stop the rise of fascism in Spain.  In fact, the Canadian government forbid its citizens from joining the volunteer armies of the International Brigades. Specifically threatening to revoke the citizenship of any who chose to defend the Spanish Republic from Franco. In general, before the war fascists were not condemned by our politicians, but admired (just look into MacKenzie King’s pre-war man-crush on Adolf). The fact that our governments specifically fought fascism via the Nazis is incidental - moreso a product of conflicting empires than a conflict in ideology. Following World War II, our countries propped up dozens oppressive right-wing (occasionally neo-fascist) dictators in literally every continent to secure access to both the exploitation of resources and cheap labour. Today we continue to support, both economically and militarily, the most brutal regimes on the planet. So, believing that our governments’ participation in World War II has had anything to do with opposing fascism or tyrannical government, or that participation in armed conflicts today has anything to do with a concern for human rights, is unbelievably naive. Nothing about the Canadian or American past or present should give anyone the impression that these states are inherently anti-racist or anti-fascist. Denouncing white supremacists or (neo-)fascists specifically as ‘unpatriotic traitors’ misses the point entirely.
Patriotism is a nebulous and ultimately dangerous ‘ism’ (one which both white supremacists and liberals profess varying levels of fondness for). And being a “traitor” to a white-supremacist settler-colonial nation-state should be seen as nothing but admirable. Fascists and racists should be opposed (read: destroyed) based on what they fundamentally believe in and represent, not on some misguided appeal to an ahistoric notion of what your country represents. Patriotism plays into the same arbitrary us vs. them mentality that allows far-right populists / nativists to secure political power (which in turn normalizes more overtly racist organizing). It should be met with the same derision which we have for the so-called 'alt-right’. Fuck all neo-fascists, racists, and white supremacists. But also, fuck Canada, and fuck the USA. Stop buying into patriotism. Nation-states are just as fucked as the tiki-boys y’all have finally decided it’s okay to punch.”  
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On friday we “re-released” our first album in its originally intended form - VHS. Since we only made 10 copies, here it is on youtube.  New album some time near the end of the summer.
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Spent the last of my University photocopying credit on flyers. Whoops. Friday May 26th at @thewindsorbeerexchange with HOLY GRINDER, SAUDADE, AND BLANK WALL. ALL AGES // 5 BUCKS See you there! (at University of Windsor)
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Recording more
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Fixed #flyer. 1 more probably maybe playing... London friends. #uncleray #minors #hxky #marusya #houseshow #happyhaus #evicted #propertyistheft #killyrlandlord
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Fixed #flyer. 1 more probably maybe playing... London friends. #uncleray #minors #hxky #marusya #houseshow #happyhaus #evicted #propertyistheft #killyrlandlord
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show at happy haus with without, uncle ray and 1 more. no drugs, no assholes, no bullshit.
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Friendly reminder, we're broke as fuck. No more black shirts. Reblogging yourself is pretty tacky isn't it.
we’re recording next month and we’d like to raise a little bit of cash to offset recording costs. so, if any of y’all want to buy some merch that would be greatly appreciated (lots of grey and ‘sand’ coloured shirts, about 10 CDs left, but only 1 black shirt left, and 1 back patch). we’ll send you a digital copy of the new album once its finished via e-mail/dropbox. 
also, unrelated, but I would highly recommend the It’s Going Down podcast for those of you who like to do the podcasts. The last few episodes have been particularly good.
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Absurd 8xVCR tower from our first show (or one of them) #hardcorepunk #vcr #tbx #
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we’re recording next month and we’d like to raise a little bit of cash to offset recording costs. so, if any of y’all want to buy some merch that would be greatly appreciated (lots of grey and ‘sand’ coloured shirts, about 10 CDs left, but only 1 black shirt left, and 1 back patch). we’ll send you a digital copy of the new album once its finished via e-mail/dropbox. 
also, unrelated, but I would highly recommend the It’s Going Down podcast for those of you who like to do the podcasts. The last few episodes have been particularly good.
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Merry happy folks
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Hey we're playing one last show this year. Its at the Dominion House with Without, Minors, and Safe Word. Come enjoy one of the last nights you'll have before finding out which members of your family are fascists or fascist sympathizers at xmas dinner. https://www.facebook.com/events/1348800128464884/?ti=cl
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our setup was so over the top last night at fam fest
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