malaria-the-fool · 1 year
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Nefarious things are happening on twitter rn
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malaria-the-fool · 1 year
Yeah I'll reblof this
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malaria-the-fool · 1 year
  catboy plague doctor  
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malaria-the-fool · 1 year
Man what the heck
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Hey anon? You haven’t pre-ordered Starfield yet? You’re making mommy mad 😡 you will not receive my milk until your purchase is completed 🍼
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malaria-the-fool · 1 year
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malaria-the-fool · 1 year
watching a video of a twink getting railed and then getting engrossed and misty eyed by the sight of a bee fruitlessly trying to get into my home by flying into the window screen
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malaria-the-fool · 1 year
i'm not the praying sort, but i'll probably always have a soft spot for the astronaut's prayer
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malaria-the-fool · 1 year
Who knew sleeping in the woods in nothing but a sleeping bag would reward me with bug bites. Feelin like Jonny joestar rn
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malaria-the-fool · 1 year
Going through the pile of books to go to charity shops and there’s this amazing kids history one that’s literally like
Give your friend a neolithic burial
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malaria-the-fool · 1 year
Some of us
Are the gay people still in my phone?
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malaria-the-fool · 1 year
buisinesses mislabeling their job offers in databases gives so much unintentional comedy, I just searched under "no experience needed" and "no degrees needed" and it gave me a job opening for 'dentist'. Like sure I'll have a go, give me the pliers
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malaria-the-fool · 1 year
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This woman has giant boobs!
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malaria-the-fool · 1 year
Every Friday this post gets an uptick in notes
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malaria-the-fool · 1 year
Everyone in this place (the brain) wants to be like me ugh (misfolded protein)
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malaria-the-fool · 2 years
reblog this post if you're strong enough to :3 in 2023
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malaria-the-fool · 2 years
Fuck dude it sure is
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malaria-the-fool · 2 years
Every other day I log back in to tumblr and am greeted with those fucking porn bots
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