maddenycung · 3 months
"This guy look like he's got the time to sit around and wait for them to turn it off?" Madden asked, with little more than a side glance at the younger man. The fact that he'd stepped up alone, might have held enough weight - perhaps even a little more in the fact that he very clearly understood that acting now was just as dangerous as waiting around. "Don't sweat it - you fuck up, it smells just like bacon." A large stretch of the truth, undoubtedly as he stepped aside slightly, revealing the drive in his entirety. Crushed shoulder and all.
"I'm no doctor but, that looks like bone and I can't imagine he's all that comfortable, hm? Give me your jacket." Madden didn't pause, as he took his own off. Tossing it into the window and pulling it back and forth until it covered some of the broken glass and metal beneath it. "You ever been shocked before? This ain't it... -- probably kill us both if we fuck this up, but...--"
The man sat in the driver seat began to mumble something, reaching to grab at anything that might lear him closer to safety. Madden's only reaction was to grab his hand, and latch it to his own wrist. Better that, than the alternative. "I got him on this side, if you think you can handle the other. Windows big enough and he doesn't look like he's all that big."
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Grayson watched the scene unfold, his expression akin to that of boredom. Perhaps God was finally sick of this town and had decided to do Grayson a favor and burn it down, along with everyone inside. The former Hunter would've liked to have believed that to be true, but he knew better. God had abandoned this town - and Grayson along with it. He paid little mind to the older man who had reacted, instead stepping forward to move around the group of gawkers and take his leave. The wannabe hero had other plans.
Staring at the man clicking his fingers, Grayson did his best to keep his expression neutral. Who snapped their fingers at people like that? Rude old man. "Sure," he cleared his throat. "Yeah, I can help," he said after a beat, long strides taking him to the car and the passenger within.
His gaze took in the sight of the car, noting no signs of smoke or fire. "They're going to need to turn off electricity before we can do anything." Grayson turned to the other man, "Unless you're planning on us dragging him out the window and hoping for the best." Grayson had a bad feeling that was exactly this guy's idea. He had that 'shoot first, ask questions later' type of thing going on, if him charging into an electric death box was anything to go off of.
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maddenycung · 4 months
status: open @thecursed-starters location: in town somewhere note: during the ascension/carnival
The rancid scent of blood and smoke stung his nostrils and it was impossible to stop the grimace that flourished upon rough features. In the seconds passed in which the ground shook with ferocity, Madden had barely stepped upon the sidewalk beyond the grim lighting of the bar and heard the screech of tyres and the ungodly sound of metal objecting as the power line fell as it's founding pillar was ripped clean from the ground - finding it's new home across the bonnet of several cars. He felt the spark of electricity in the air and before too much movement flocked towards the mess of metal, and limbs - Madden reacted, "Don't touch anything," his hand reached out, pushing the occupant of the vehicle back into their seat as gently as he could, "I think that line is still live, you're basically sitting in a giant bug-zapper," darkened hues flickered to those nearby and immediately wished he hadn't been the one to do more than stand and gawk - "Hey," the hand not gently pressed to the vehicles passenger shoulder flew out as he clicked his fingers - a rather obnoxious act anywhere else, "Earth to...-- this guy needs help, think you're up to it?" Madden was never very good at that game - operation, and he wasn't about to give it a shot on a life-sized version, consequence, death.
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maddenycung · 4 months
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