lupin-is-lupout · 23 days
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art by Seth Tobochman
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lupin-is-lupout · 23 days
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lupin-is-lupout · 23 days
pickles looks like a shivering, diseased Victorian orphan.
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Wrong. He’s swagged out
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lupin-is-lupout · 23 days
last week i was chatting with one of my coworkers about the restaurants in the area and he mentioned there's a place with amazing churros that he orders lunch from sometimes and i kinda laughed and said i've never had a churro but i've always wanted to try one because they look so fantastically decadent and i kinda joked that it's on my bucket list because every time i walk by a place that sells churros i think i should buy one but then i don't
i just came back to my desk after feeling really frustrated by an instrument in the lab that broke and ruined my data for the day, and found a churro wrapped in tinfoil with a sticky note on it that said "bucket list: ☑️ churro" and i'm
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lupin-is-lupout · 23 days
So this is the original video that the black cats are good luck see him face audio came from
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lupin-is-lupout · 23 days
we need to bring back the word square like i don't think it's problematic that you listen to taylor swift i just kinda think it's lame as hell
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lupin-is-lupout · 23 days
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my dawg
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lupin-is-lupout · 23 days
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this is a fucked up thing to see on a youtube video
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lupin-is-lupout · 23 days
I just made a 6 year old girl really mad at me in the mall and it was actually a heartbreaking experience
Because I was picking up more moisturiser, and this clearly really young girl and her mother came in to shop skin products, and her mother picked up a combined kit and was like “This is the one you want? Okay I guess” and I took a peak and gently butted in and told her mother I thought that was a really bad idea because she looked super young and those products had a bunch of actives
This little girl was glaring at me like I kicked her puppy while I chatted to her mother, who seemed really embarrassed she didn’t know that, asked some questions, and told me her daughter was 6, obsessed with skincare, said all the other girls at school had similar products, and always watched YouTube videos + Tiktoks about these things.
I told her pretty bluntly it’s a bad idea for young people to use most of these actives/products, gave her some keywords to search online so she’d have a better idea about what to look up and learn more, and suggested maybe they could work on instead building a routine with washing faces with water, a little dab of a very neutral moisturiser and some sunscreen every day (let’s be clear - this little girl does not need a skincare routine, but it’s a compromise without completely shitting on her and helps routine building in life anyway)
I told this kid she was really pretty and she didn’t need anything, and I’m sorry I ruined her fun but I didn’t want her to burn her face with something like retinol or salicylic acid. She was not impressed.
Please chat with the young people in your life about these things, get some rudimentary knowledge if they’re asking for products like this, and please be careful!
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lupin-is-lupout · 23 days
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lupin-is-lupout · 23 days
but it only works if 4 people are having sex lol
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lupin-is-lupout · 23 days
we're having sex and you pull out at the end to discover your cock is entirely gone, dissolved (ive digested it like a pitcher plant). bye!
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lupin-is-lupout · 23 days
Word of god confirmation from writers/directors isn't canon because unless they had a studio exec breathing down their neck it's like well you could have just done that. But word of god from actors is canon because it's funny to me when they're just like "oh yeah I was playing my character gay as fuck on purpose" when nobody asked them to do that
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lupin-is-lupout · 23 days
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i mean, what can i even write to something like this
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lupin-is-lupout · 24 days
i can convince myself anyone deserves to be mistreated. i am also unshakable in my belief that i'm pure of heart and objectively a good person <- how you guys sound to me
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lupin-is-lupout · 24 days
so I started a new anxiety medication this past week and so far it’s been going very well except that I have extremely vivid dreams and apparently sleep texting. I seem to have sent this at 3am and i have no memory of it
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but i am Right
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lupin-is-lupout · 24 days
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