lotxsbloom · 4 years
Oops. He had crossed over again, hadn’t he. He really needed to stick to his own timeline.  But he heard that familiar voice, and he couldn’t help but feel his heart both flutter and sink at once. He looks up and over to Rumi, and smiles weakly. 
“Seems I got lost again..ahah! I’m sorry, Rumi-san, am I in the way?”
It’s been awhile since Rumi saw the teenager that reminded her of the man she loved and was cruelly taken away from her on what should be her happiest day of her life.
So the woman was surprise to cross path with the boy again as a friendly smile worked onto her face.
“Hello, it’s been awhile.”
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
Swap Futaba walls up to Takuto after a assembly about the Phantom Thieves, cheery as ever. “Hello there. Would you happen to know about any suspicious students that may be related to the Phantom Thieves? Any information helps.” (Acecyberdetective)
“The..who now? No, sorry! I don’t know anything about them!” 
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
He smiles a bit, nodding.  “Yeah, I’ll try to get some sleep tonight.” Sleeping wasnt exactly easy though, between school and..memories and his dreams.
Ah but the other didn’t need to know that! 
“You should try as well.” The way he replied made it sound like he didn’t get much sleep, either. “Your health is important!”
@lotxsbloom / cont.
“ You’re still young you know. You should get some sleep while you can. God knows you won’t get any of it once you become an adult,” He grinned.
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
“Why are you awake right now?”
“Well...I WAS gonna sleep early tonight but...” Lotus smiles, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. He sheepishly looks at his older counterpart. “I started thinking about Rumi again and....ah! It’s a bit of a mess.”
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
I really wanna write here! Can you guys send asks please?
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
“Bigger maruki-san no...”
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
s-starter call? owo?
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
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                                         For A Better Future
RP Blog for Faith!Takuto Maruki 18+ Only
                                               Rules | About
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
I-I wanna do,,,fusion drawings,,,,send me your character to see,,,lotus and them fused hell yeh
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
Physical Contact Starters
No explicit NSFW, but some could be interpreted that way. Alter as necessary!
“Your hands are so warm.”
“Ah, that feels good…”
“Wait… are you braiding my hair?”
“Is it okay if I lean on you?”
“Just hold me for awhile. Please.”
“You don’t mind me touching you there, right?”
“Oh! I didn’t mean to fall asleep leaning on you.”
“Don’t stop stroking my hair…”
“Be gentle with me.”
“Y’know, I could go for a back rub right now. Just saying.”
“Please… Kiss me, even if it’s just this once.”
“I bet I’m strong enough to pick you up.”
“Can I use your lap as a pillow?”
“Touch me. I don’t care how. I just need to feel something right now…”
“I could kiss you all over.”
“That tickles!”
“Mind washing my back for me?”
“I didn’t know you were the cuddling type.”
“I love how soft your lips are.”
“Don’t get up just yet, I’ll miss having you next to me.”
“No one’s kissed me like that in a long time.”
“Ow! That fucking hurt!”
“Keep talking, and I’ll seriously slap the shit out of you.”
“You stepped on my foot!”
“Did you do that on purpose?”
“Please be more gentle next time…”
“Don’t squeeze so tight!”
“Hey, don’t touch me there. It hurts.”
“Did you just bite me?!”
“Next time I’ll hit you like I mean it.”
“Is that the best you’ve got?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“I’ll make you bleed.”
“You really can’t take a hit, can you?”
“Hey!! What was that for?!”
“Shit, are you crying? I didn’t mean to do it that hard.”
“That stung a little. Go easy on me next time.”
“Don’t tell me you can’t handle a little sparring.”
“You almost knocked me over!”
“I won’t stop until I hear you scream.”
“That’s gonna leave a bruise…”
“You broke my nose!”
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
s-starter call? owo?
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
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                                         For A Better Future
RP Blog for Faith!Takuto Maruki 18+ Only
                                               Rules | About
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
Lotus,again, had slipped between the realities. He found himself near Kosei, a little dazed and confused. But...Well, there was a familiar face. Though, he didn’t look too similar in terms of fashion. But, that was definitely Kitagawa-kun! Just, not his.
Lotus smiles, waving a bit as he adjusted his shujin blazer. He must look so out of place here! 
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
s-starter call? owo?
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
Lotus seems a bit downcast today
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
❝ i think i forgot what human contact felt like. ❞
“That’s...horribly unfortunate. Would you like to stay here a little longer?” 
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lotxsbloom · 4 years
touch-starved starters!!
❝ no one’s ever done that to me before. ❞
❝ could you play with my hair? ❞
❝ i can’t remember the last time i did this with someone. ❞ 
❝ that feels nice. ❞
❝ i haven’t been hugged in years. ❞
❝ i never want to let go. ❞
❝ let’s just cuddle forever. ❞ 
❝ you put your arm around me and i literally felt my knees buckle, this is so pathetic. ❞
❝ i just want to be held for a little while. ❞
❝ you’re legally obligated to keep holding me. ❞
❝ i think i forgot what human contact felt like. ❞
❝ i need to remember what hugs feel like. ❞
❝ do you mind if we stay like this for a little longer? ❞
❝ my family was never the touchy-feely type. ❞
❝ i’ve never been in a relationship before, so i don’t really know how to do the whole…kissing thing. ❞
❝ you were my first kiss. ❞
❝ could we cuddle, like, platonically? ❞
❝ i’m in desperate need of a hug. ❞
❝ i didn’t even know i was ticklish there! ❞
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