lorettaroma · 6 years
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Everything about this is soft and dreamy, like a perfumed envelope.
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lorettaroma · 6 years
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Claudia Cardinale
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lorettaroma · 6 years
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lorettaroma · 6 years
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The Godfather, Michael Corleone. Al Pacino.
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lorettaroma · 6 years
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Happy Family Day!
Al Pacino and John Cazale in The Godfather
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lorettaroma · 6 years
You owe your Don a service. Are you prepared?
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lorettaroma · 6 years
      "No,” he said with warm intention, looking away from her and up at the window above them. In truth, he did want to take her to bed. At this point in his life—unmarried and approaching forty—it was an electric invitation. But Michael was raised well, and though deep down he was not so religious, he respected custom.
      “I’ll come for you, tomorrow,” he said softly, his attention drawn to her parted lips. “in the morning. Will I find you?”
Loretta bites her lip in disappointment, playing with her dress like a child.
"Okay fine you don't come inside." She said smiling. "I will be here in the morning."
Loretta sighs, giving him a look over one more time. "Goodnight, signore. Don't bring your friend tomorrow."
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lorettaroma · 6 years
      “Almost twenty,” he repeated, taking her gently at the elbow to encourage keeping the pace. “then we should get you home soon.”
      It was growing darker and less beautiful now. All other voices had quieted; no one was tending their shops or playing with their families. This is not a part of the city suitable for any young woman, particularly for one who appeared so absent minded, as did she.
      “My name is Michael,” he said quietly, gesturing over his shoulder to Neri. “and this is Albert Neri. He frequently accompanies me.”
      An intimate silence had fallen between them in the time it took to escort the girl home; she seemed similar enough to Apollonia that it was a comfort. He felt so inclined to touch her skin and smell her, as if he’d done so before at some other time.
Loretta stopped in front of a small flower shop, resting the bike underneath the display window. "Well.. Signore.. This is where I live."
She smiled and pointed up above them. "My room is up there. My friend owns this shop. I sleep here." When Loretta looked at Michael, she caught him looking in such a strange way. It gave her butterflies.  "Do you.. want to come see it?" she asked Michael with a blush.
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lorettaroma · 6 years
      “I see.” Michael said, licking his lips to avoid the smile reflex.
      His eye followed the soft curve of her hip as it shown in outline, beautifully jutting from beneath the thin fabric of the dress she wore. There was something familiar about this girl.
      Maybe it’s because carries herself elementally, like a flame, with an almost boyish femininity to her. Perhaps she reminded him of Apollonia, somehow. Something he couldn’t place or bring into focus.
      Michael frowned for a moment and cast his eyes away from her, looking up the road. He could feel his pulse quickening with adrenaline, though he felt there to be no reason for it. This is not Apollonia.
      “What is your name, ragazza?”
Loretta wrinkles her nose and huffs. "I'm a woman, don't address me that way... boy." She smirks. “I have almost twenty years of life!”
She takes a moment to look at him again before turning down another alley. “...And my name is Loretta.”
She looked at him flirtatiously. “Who are you and who is that other man.”
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lorettaroma · 6 years
      “Well, signora,” Michael said, “why don’t you ride the bicycle?”
      He looked ahead as he waited for her reply—or anything else—observing the stranger’s body language with indirectness. Even from the corner of his eye, Michael was adept in his ability to read people. He finds himself doing this regularly and without thought; women, of course, draw the senses most easily of all things.
The girl snapped a look toward him. The nerve! She didn't even know this man. Why should she answer any questions! As she looked at him again, she sighed. He seems so patient.. He really is beautiful. The way his dark eyes watched her body made her feel strange. Loretta took a breath. "I cannot ride a bicycle, if you must know. I have stolen this bicycle and I will learn how to ride it.”
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lorettaroma · 6 years
      “Mi scusi.” Michael responds instinctively, stepping aside to make passage for the young woman.
       As she brushes by, something about the sound of her bare feet patting the road makes him feel attentive; curious. Unguarded. Michael’s eyes follow, beginning at her flash of leg and then transferring to the bicycle she rolls at her hip.
      “Sai parlare l'inglese?” The Don asked as he strolled alongside her, arms held behind his back. __________________________________________                                            
The girl blinked curiously and then slowed down. She turned to look back at the man. “Sì..... yes.” 
After getting a good look at him, she bat her lashes heavily. He was handsome.. beautiful. “Why do you ask me?” She asked in broken english, pulling her dress down a little to cover her thighs.
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lorettaroma · 6 years
Alecta just shrugged. “I don’t care. I don’t know anyone here. I just want to go home and get away from all of these fools.” she replied. Alecta grabbed another drink off a tray passing by and downed it easily. “Let’s go.” she said taking her lover’s hand and moving towards the exit.
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Loretta giggled loudly, and hiccuped from the wine. She stopped to take her heels off, throwing them away for good. “So-long. I don’t miss you.” Loretta looked at Alecta with a smile. “I stole something. Does that embarrass you?
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lorettaroma · 6 years
Loretta whined quietly as she walked between the old buildings, pulling a bike at her side. The old road was hurting her bare feet.. all she wanted was to be home now!
In front of her walk two shadowy men, she hadn’t seen them right away. Loretta sighed impatiently. “Scusami!! Ey!” She rang the little bell on the handlebar.
An Evening In Roma
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il-michael-corleone & lorettaroma 
Palermo had not changed. The old city still crumbled beautifully—the roads remained a romantic stonework, frozen in time. Though now wealthy Americans swarmed the city during the day, the locals retained their old-world way of living. It appealed to Michael, reminding him of his father.
With only the best intentions, Tom Hagen had booked the most luxurious hotel available. He’d told Michael to relax, to sleep; as if somehow he could leave his burdens in America and walk free of them. The opposite is true. They feel heavier now, but he would bide his time patiently for all involved.
With Al Neri armed at his side, Michael had taken a restless walk about the city in the cool of the evening. His hands were clasped militantly behind his back as they stepped between the old structures, casting long shadows in the small walkways.
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lorettaroma · 6 years
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Loretta was a little excited by the shocking statement.. she enjoyed the unexpected.
“Let’s go. I want to take off my shoes now. RIGHT now. Will you be embarrassed if I abandon them?” She asked with a smirk, in heavy Italian accent.
Alecta was supportive of her lover, she came to this event for them after all, but she was no longer having fun. All she wanted was to go home. “That was the fourth man to proposition me. Can we go home now? If there is a fifth, I will start killing them.”
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lorettaroma · 6 years
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Lago di Sorapis, Italy - by Daniel Laan
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lorettaroma · 6 years
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lorettaroma · 6 years
"What makes you think I'm alone?" the girl asks, trying to hide that the other is correct.
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