leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
“you’ve worked with her – or i mean, your bosses for long?” he asked the other in the room, looking at her curiously with a grin. “i mean the kid is an absolute sweetheart, one of the daycare’s favorites, you know? can’t imagine what her parents are like.”
Relief washed over her and she let out the breath she had been holding. She felt a bit bad though that she only got here now. While she was thankful that this teacher was willing to stay behind like this, he had a life too and there’s no doubt that this was keeping him from getting on with that. Surely she could make it up for him somehow. Just as she was about to ask if he wanted something to drink or eat, he posed a question to her.
She stopped a little, slightly thrown off, but the question wasn’t completely unexpected.. “Only for a year so far, since I moved here” she replied with a small smile. “The schedule is a bit crazy, and the workload sometimes feels like a bit too much, but it’s not like I’m the only one who’s in that boat.” Even as she was standing here, her boss was still at work, plugging away and probably will be for a while longer still. “Really, her parents are wonderful, I just think they get lost in their work a bit too much.”
As she finished speaking, she took the opportunity to pose a question of her own. “I wanted to apologize for how late it is so, if it’s alright with you maybe I could get you dinner? Or at least something to drink. I feel bad for how late you’re staying just because my boss didn’t check the time” she chuckled. “Oh! After I drop the little one off, that is ...”
Was that too strange to ask? She meant it as a good gesture but she also realized that the question could be taken another way but she really meant it when she said she wanted to make up for it.
Overtime Babysitting
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
Just throwing this out there but uhh, to @pjvho & @kim-dojoon I can reply to our threads if you still want to continue them :3
As for anyone else whom I don’t have a thread with but is totally interested in starting one, let me know!
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
I came home to this and it makes me a little sad =_=
I know I haven’t been around much but y’all who are left seem really cool so like if any of you want my twitter, or skype whether to chat or even to rp, just msg me :3
I will probs adjust this url a bit so~
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
work and school have been killing me x_x
if I don’t get to anything when I get home tonight, poke me until I do ._.
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
As if her expression could brighten anymore, her eyes might as well have been stars with the way they twinkled. Just from watching him speak she could tell how much he enjoyed what he did and his passion for music. To be honest, that in itself was quite inspiring and she admired the fact that he still stuck with it all these years. Sure, maybe it’s not quite the life he may have imagined but he genuinely looked like he liked where he was and that was honestly nothing short of amazing to her.
“Photography?” she shook her head though, “well, I do like taking pictures a lot but it’s not really the pictures but what’s in the pictures I’m really passionate about. I like inspiration and being inspired, and finding that inspiration. So, usually I’ll take pictures of something that catches my eye or keep mementos from a special memory. I have a bunch of books at home and there’s phrases that I have highlighted in a lot of them or just words that catch my eye.“
She lets out a small sigh as she takes a sip of her water, "when I was younger, high school maybe? I always wanted to do something creative as a profession, whether it was music, art or fashion, I just really liked the idea of it but things didn’t really work out and I ended up in business” she laughed. “Still, I like things that inspire me, music, books, scenery ... people” there was a pause as she looked at him but her eyes averted quickly in the hopes that he wouldn’t notice the slight tinge of pink on her cheeks.
This was nice. It was honestly really nice and she was genuinely enjoying every moment of this. When their server arrived with their food it was like a careful reminder that, despite how wonderful this was, time in fact was moving and at some point they’d go back to their respective homes and then ... what? She thanked the server and made herself look busy as she fumbled for her chopsticks while stealing glances across the table. While she thought everything was going quite well, she hoped it was the same for him and they could do this again. It didn’t have to be dinner specifically again but well, anything.
“If we did this again, you know, go out like this, what would you want to do?” Might as well take the plunge and ask it, “hypothetically, of course. I mean, we don’t have to but ...” ‘I’d like to’ she added as an afterthought.
Give it a Try
“The best part of it though, is when I do play on the streets - children can run up to me and ask me to play a song from a kids show and I know it; I know it because I make it my goal to know songs to please everyone. English, Japanese, Korean…All sorts of music.” because he wanted to bring other people joy with the very thing that makes him the most happy. It’s the same thing his mother had done with him; bring him up on music - something she loved, and let him experience it too.
“Do you have something you’re passionate about?”
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
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💕Can we take a moment to appreciate this look💕
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
Workaholic Alcoholic
The sky was pitch black, no traces of sunlight anywhere. Eunjae looked up at the sky, taking in the nice view of the stars at least, but also reminded that she had literally just finished work minutes ago. All she could do was let out a heavy sigh as she pulled her phone out from her purse. Another sigh was released as she saw the time, 8pm. Who in their right mind works till this late? Her, she did and she questioned her own sanity ever since she took that promotion. Well, there was one good thing about her job, and that was the comfortable amount of spending money she got, and what better way to spend that than to invite someone out for drinks?
[ ✉ -> Dr. Jieun] Unnie, drinks? Usual place.
She sent the message, hoping the other would be able to answer and positively. While there was nothing stopping her from going out by herself, she wanted someone to talk to and Jieun was always welcome company. Their friendship was one of a happy coincidence, both not being native to Busan and moving here for their own personal reasons. It was something to bond over and they at least had the same interest in drinking. Maybe the conversations weren’t always that deep, but Eunjae genuinely enjoyed her company.
She settled down on a nearby bench as she waited for the other’s reply, yawning a little as she stretched her arms. Maybe just a couple drinks tonight.
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
Overtime Babysitting
I need you to do something for me
It always started like that and she almost wanted to roll her eyes. Whenever her boss had a new task for her that deviated from her normal schedule it was never usually that pleasant and always meant far too much extra work for her. She was glad the job paid well at least, even if she was asked to do ridiculous things sometimes.
Like right now, where she was running to the daycare for the sake of her boss. Was this even legal? She vaguely wondered if, despite her boss having called ahead of time, the staff would even let her take the child. She wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t seeing as how she wasn’t an actual relative. Still, her boss was expecting her to go to the daycare and at least ensure their daughter that they hadn’t been forgotten.
It was so late already Eunjae was sure that they were probably the last one there. Half the reason she had even agreed to do this in the first place was because she did have a bit of a soft spot for the little girl. She had to babysit her a handful of times for work, and she was always a pleasure to look after, so she didn’t mind.
Reaching the daycare, she took a moment to catch her breath before walking in. It was quiet, to be expected at this time. She was almost certain this was past their regular working hours too. A daycare was not an office and she felt bad for whoever was left watching over her boss’s child, all because they were determined to finish their work instead of spending time with their family.
She pushed the thought from her mind as she went looking for the teacher who was left, putting on a polite smile as she greeted them.
“I’m sorry I’m late! I’m Lee Eunjae, I believe her parent had called saying that I’d be picking her up?” The daughter waved at her and her smile warmed as she waved back. “I mean, if that’s okay. I completely understand if you’d rather have her actual parents come instead”
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
Just to keep you guys in the loop here. I’ve slowly been working on all the starters I owe (school and work and all) BUT I am making progress LOL. I may have messaged some people for some small ideas but here’s my current list of who I’m working on starters for:
@bnjieun @bnrian @bnhaena @bnjooyeon
I’ve been throwing them in my queue so they aren’t all posting right away, but if the name’s crossed out that means I finished it :3 Pardon my slowness~
Oh and if you want one too and aren’t on the list? Feel free to like this post and I will add you too!
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
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© baeby
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
His attention definitely didn’t go unnoticed. To be honest, she was having moments where she wanted to look away. Not because she didn’t like it but rather, when was the last time anyone ever looked at her so sincerely and just seemed genuinely interested in what she said.
The desire to hide her face only increased more when he said he was a bartender at Amber. While she didn’t think of herself as a regular she went often enough. No surprise that she wouldn’t recognize him, she probably was either too drunk or far too caught up in conversation with her friends to take notice. It wasn’t very often that she actually struck up conversations with the bartenders, but maybe now ...
Her eyes seemed to light up though when he mentioned music. “Really? I’d love to hear you play some time,” and she really meant it. She wondered though where he performed exactly, mostly because she wanted to watch and a part of her was curious to see if he was still the same man when he performed.
She nodded her head to his question, “I’m a sucker for love songs but I like any kind of music that speaks to me. You know like, you just listen to it and you just really feel it if that makes sense?” her voice got a little higher as her sentence progressed, nervous that she just sounded silly as she said it. Interests though, her eyes wandered again to her bracelet and she decided now was as good a time as any to talk about this. “I also like making jewelry,” she held her hand out to show off the charm bracelet she had made and her other hand tucked her hair behind her ear so she could show off the small drop earrings she worse. “I made both of these and well, when I had more time I used to sell them but ...” she shrugged, “work gets in the way a little.”
“Other than that, I like relaxing when I can, just to take it easy for a bit. It’s been a little hard though lately since I’ve been bringing work home but, I’m managing.” As the words left her mouth she instantly regretted them. That detail probably wasn’t necessary, and she hoped she didn’t accidentally bring the mood down so she tried to change the subject as best she could. “Do you happen to write your own songs?”
Give it a Try
The waiter came around again and Dojoon ordered for them while he refilled their drinks, when the man left again, Dojoon turned his gaze back to Eunjae. “I think your job seems nice; it’s professional right? I always thought I’d end up as a lawyer or something, but instead I found myself sticking to my job as a bartender. I meet a lot of interesting people there.”
If he could tell the stories of the people he met; Dojoon would probably be able to write a very interesting novel. “What are your interests? You know I like music…Do you?”
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
Not drunk he said. Well, she hadn’t noticed any of the usual signs of intoxication, and she knew those well. Hell, she was almost certain she probably looked at least a little tipsy herself, certainly more than him. She was mildly impressed though. For someone who had such a small hint, he was certainly persistent in looking for this treasure he mentioned.
“I ... I see” honestly she had no words. She had no idea what to actually say to that. It’s not everyday you stumble upon someone digging for treasure in the middle of a city. “Well, maybe it’s not buried?” she took out a handkerchief from her purse and the small bottle of water she got from the party, lightly moistening the fabric. “Sometimes I think when people talk about treasure, maybe it’s something a bit more sentimental” That was probably a bit of a stretch, seeing as how she had no idea what this online posting he was going by had talked about. Chances are, she was probably really off.
“Here,” she handed the damp handkerchief to the other, giving it to him with the intention of letting him wipe the dirt off his face. “Not to scold you or anything but, I’m almost certain you’d get in trouble for digging up public property like this. Why not call it a night?” As strange as the whole situation was, she didn’t want him to actually get in trouble. He seemed to have nothing but the best intentions and he looked a little upset that he was lead on a wild goose chase.
It was kind of weird, but also kind of adorable and the vaguely wondered how old her was. She was almost certain he was younger than her, and this whole thing brought out the older sister in her.
“Did you eat?”
digging for answers.
               “ someone online mentioned there was something buried here… like, some sort of jewel or something… maybe… but, as it turns out, there’s nothing here… ” 
          seonho began to trail off the more unbelievable and downright strange he started to sound. sighing, he hung his head in shame and just prayed that the other wouldn’t call the cops on him. 
               “ i’m not drunk, i promise. ” 
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leexeunjae-blog · 8 years
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Irene (Red Velvet)
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