kyma-thavma · 4 years
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The woman with the greatsword began to surge forward, as duplicates of the Elezen surged for the other Miqo'te. While the ginger mage avoided the grappling shade, the fiery fighter wasn't so lucky; he drops and screams in pain.
His scream echos and reverberates through the kit's body, joined by a chorus of long-dead phantoms crying out for succour.
And then, there was darkness.
No longer was the arcanist within the halls of the Raven Collective, its sparring ring barely a whisper in the kit's perspective. Voices dimmed into droning background noise, save for the scream of pain.
The barren battlefield littered with the dead and dying, mortal and dragonkin alike.
Above, blackened skies with amber stars falling through them like rain.
In the distance, the churning waters lap at the edges of the darkened lake.
Standing amid the carnage and chaos, a circle of seven mages assembles atop the highest hill. Their grimoires are in right hands while their left stretch outward, towards the mage that stands across from them, as if reaching for the other's hand. Most look at stratagems that decorate the pages of their tomes, but the youngest instead looks to the skies.
White hair flowing into the raging winds like a thick mist swirling away from the young Miqo'te woman. Her crimson gaze locks upon their target - the massive shade of the fallen dragon lord. The stratagem begins to form before her eyes, entwining with the flying abomination, as if to bind it.
And that's precisely what the group of summoners attempts to do. Without much consideration for the others, the mage wrenches control of the casting. Her hand lifts skyward, drawing all of their aether with it, draining them of their essence.
There's an echoing roar as the spell tightens about the form of the draconic shade drowns the screams of the dying, and the woman tightens her fist. An aetheric leash forms between her fist and the behemoth creature as the last of her companions' aether drains into the spell, leaving their corpses to fall to the ground.
"Bachámout," she screams into the skies as she tugs both physically and aetherically on the leash, "you are mine to command! Turn your devastation upon those seeking to destroy Allag!"
Stepping over the dead bodies, the woman shackling the primal delicately steps over the remains of the deceased, leading the draconic shade back towards Meracydia's borders. Groups of smaller draconic figures burn beneath the hellfire the reborn Bahamut reigns down, the creature gathering more and more aether from the land below.
Pointing towards the incoming hordes that the shade once led, the woman screams, unleashing a flare of immense proportions. Raging against her restraints, the primal's power decimates its former followers, scattering them to the winds.
"I'll protect you," she fiercely swears, fist raised skyward, "I promise."
Before she can enjoy her success, something unseen strikes her form, cutting through the memory. Chaos envelopes her as the leash snaps, freeing the dragon as she falls to the ground, clutching her torso.
And then, there was darkness.
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kyma-thavma · 5 years
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Art nouveau necklace “Fuchsias” by Georges Fouquet, 1905. Visible in Petit Palais, Paris. [OC] [1232x1848]
Source: https://reddit.com/r/ArtefactPorn/comments/a7979m/art_nouveau_necklace_fuchsias_by_georges_fouquet/
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kyma-thavma · 5 years
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Working on my design and rendering skills right now!
Shal'dorei-inspired book
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kyma-thavma · 5 years
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Awesome book/tome from an artist on DeviantArt. Fits Taluciela’s aesthetic very much! 
https://www.deviantart.com/magicnaanavi/art/The-Binding-of-Ipos-4k-773405541 Artists link
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kyma-thavma · 5 years
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kyma-thavma · 5 years
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kyma-thavma · 5 years
The tranquillity of his little research site doesn't last the night. Another set of broken stone parts from the Labyrinth fall during the evening, waking him from his slumber. Although he is sure that it's more stone debris falling, he gets out of bed to check on the site itself. His inspection starts at the front of his camp and was to end at the back.
Although he did reach the back of the camp, he didn't get to check on everything there before the strange sensation started again, that odd tugging at his soul that causes him to collapse to his knees as a something akin to migraine washes over him.
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He begins to collapse on his side, curling up into a ball as a hand pulls the disc from the pocket of his robe, clutching the device as that familiar voice begins to speak within his mind once more.
"Good, you're still there," the voice comments, as he feels a harder tug on his being. "I apologise for any unpleasantness you experience, I truly do. Don't be afraid, Kym'a - please trust me."
The boy knew that voice, he knows who it is, despite how confusing the situation was. There wasn't any way he couldn't trust the voice - above all, he trusts those that share a similar lineage as he does.
He didn't have the ability to reply beyond dully nodding his head, clutching the device.
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"Stay with me, Ky. Focus on my voice," his kinsman echoes from...where? The sensation of his entire essence being pulled away intensifies, but he does as asked, focusing on the familiar voice.
The voice takes on even more of an authoritative tone, one the boy hasn't heard it carry in ages, and despite the pain and confusion, such brings a faint smile to his lips.
"Let expanse contract, aeon become instant," the intonation rings through his entire being, as the pull becomes inescapable. "Throw wide the gates that we may pass."
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The last thing he hears is the sound of the disc falling onto the stones he had been all but laying on.
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kyma-thavma · 5 years
What Actually Happened
He didn't believe in coincidences, not after aeons of occurrences that proved otherwise.
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When he first saw the caravan in the Shroud, he thought nothing of it, until he caught their attention; the sudden gazes of unfamiliar people and their movements towards him caused his earth Egi to become a little too defensive. It led to all the herbs and stones he'd been gathering to scatter on the ground, which caused one of the members of the caravan to approach even more directly.
He knew the man, despite having never met him in this lifetime. Memories sparked to the forefront, and he'd even called him by the name from centuries upon centuries ago. The man had responded, not precisely in word, but in expression.
If it had been any of the other members of the caravan, save for perhaps their captive, he would have continued back to Mor Dhona on his own, as it would have been far faster than waiting for the carriages and walking members.
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Despite how long it had taken them to arrive at the Toll, and the misadventures that had occurred along the way, there was but one person he was comfortable within this crowd, even after the pair of clones had joined them three or four malms before the gates to the aether-infused land. When they arrived at the Toll after a fight with a nasty morbol, they were informed they would be required to use the communal baths - and he was ill at ease at such an idea.
Rather than join the Gold & Glory caravan members at the Salt Water Sulfur Baths, he elected to return to his research outpost in the Syrcus Trench, where he's spent nearly a year working on his project. The trench gave him relative privacy so that his fellows in the Sons would have fewer questions about his work, and he was desiring that privacy a bit after the Toll guard ordered them all to bathe.
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Someone, somewhere, finds his using Silvertear Lake as if it were any other lake to be heresy, but the boy has little care of that himself. To him, the lake is but another lake, as it had been so during his prior times upon this star; sure, it's aether-rich and eventually contained a draconic guardian, but it isn't precisely the source of all magic the way people of this era tended to think it was.
The waters are pleasant enough, but he doesn't stay in them overlong. He wasn't directly involved in the incident with the morbols, due to having to convince the pair of clones to stay with at least him, if not the greater party. The boy doesn't smell much at all like the void-tainted vomit others smelled of.
As he makes his way out of the waters, an overly large, fluffy towel is retrieved from the shoreline before it's wrapped around his emaciated form. His disease barely allows him to retain muscle, let alone fat, and the somewhat skeletal appearance of his form is his reason for retreating at all. The over-large towel is another way to hide his form until he can put his robes back on.
His travel robes float along the shoreline, while a fresh set of robes waits further away from the water. The boy gathers the now washed garments, laying them on the crystalline ground, so he can dry himself off. Fresh robes are donned, the towel used to carry the freshly washed garments back to his little research site, where they all are suspended on a clothesline near the back of the camp.
One of his socks is missing, and once the rest of the garments are on the line, he starts heading back to the shoreline. The sock rests a little ways away from the area he'd set everything down, and with a brief wiggle of his tail, the Keeper picks up the stray sock and turns to head back to camp.
The trajectory is different this time, as he doesn't aim for the centre of his little home away from home, but for the clothesline itself, causing him to circle around the side of one of the large tents that make up the camp. His crimson eyes remain on the line itself, ignoring much of the terrain between the canvas and the wall of the Labyrinth, and therein he makes his mistake - a common mistake for the boy.
Foot connects with crystalline rock, sending the sock flying, the boy falling, and the rocks dislodging themselves from one another. Unsure of whether he's tripped on his robes or something else, he struggles to shift onto his side, to prop himself up on his arm, crimson gaze drifting down to his foot with the expectation of finding nothing.
Instead, he finds something.
Perhaps it was beneath the now dislodged rocks. Perhaps it's what he actually tripped on, but his eyes fall upon a strange looking disc. Though it takes him a moment to adjust his position, rising to his knees awkwardly, the Miqo'te boy manages to right himself take a closer look at the device.
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Much to his surprise, he discovers it's a tomestone, but its shape differs from that of any tomestone he's ever seen - even the colours are unlike those familiar to him. Without much caution or hesitation, he picks the disc up, staring at what was the upright surface of it.
And that's when the odd sensation hits him, causing him to fall to his knees as the world distorts into an almost shattered view.
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"I have-- YOU?!" a voice echoes through his mind, familiar yet somehow off from what it should be. "Unexpected, yet I could make use of this, I suppose. Your assistance would be welcome, but it will take some time to adjust everything. Don't stray too far from the Tower!"
As suddenly as it began, the strange feeling evaporated, leaving the boy shaking, his body curled up around the disc as he lies on his side. He'd toppled over during the encounter, his weakened form unable to remain upright. For a long moment, he stares at the disc in confusion, wondering if the incident was triggered by the device. He considers standing up and tossing it aside but...
...the voice was all too familiar.
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Shaking his head, he manages to right himself fully, the stray sock is forgotten about in the aftermath of the experience. Wide, crimson eyes flicker from the disc in his hand to the site as he makes his way towards his workbench, which sits beneath a long awning jutting out from the front of the main tent.  The disc is placed on the workbench for a brief moment, as he reaches for one of the strongboxes filled with tomestones and broken devices before there's hesitation.
Hand reaches for his linkpearl, with the intent of calling the lost man who was once his college, and often times his mentor, meaning to inform him of the safe little research site and invite him to wait out any of the more powerful aether storms there, only to find that he'd never gotten the blacksmith's frequency.
The disc is slipped into one of the inner pockets of his robe before the strongbox is stashed back inside the great tent with the others. Different magical and technological measures to keep the place locked down while he's away are enacted, and the boy begins to make his way out of the Trench.
The Toll is technically still close to the Tower, and he needs to at least get a handful of linkpearl frequencies before anything else happens. He shouldn't be away long, as twilight nears and he intends to sleep in his own bed.
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"H-hey Rammbroes... I um, I n-need to head back to the Toll," he murmurs into a different frequency, making his way to the shore at the end of the Trench once more. "I-- I forgot something."
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kyma-thavma · 5 years
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kyma-thavma · 5 years
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kyma-thavma · 5 years
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Segment 1
4. Your character’s reaction to being asked to go to The First
“I was still a kid when I began learning about the cosmology of this star. About the fact that there were now multiple ‘shards’ that were some sort of mirrors of this world. How once all of this aether was united as a single shard, a single star. How this world is the Source, while the rest are the mirrors.”
“By the time I became fully aware of myself, by the time the Crystal Tower opened to us, I already knew that whatever the Void touches is connected to anything and anywhere else the Void touches. Part of me realised that the void gate within the Throne Room wasn’t just a portal to the World of Darkness - it was a portal anywhere the Void touched.”
“After Unei and Doga saw to the end of the compact that cursed our blood after G’raha explained the echo of our ancestors that had awakened in his veins, I knew that it would all lead to this, but I didn’t know how it would lead to this at the time.”
“With the loss of Unei and Doga, with the loss of G’raha, I expected that the Tower would slumber for quite some time. The door required two keys, and I was now alone on this side of it, so until we could either recover more cloning technology from ruins or until I could figure out how to do the transference that was done to G’raha, I assumed we would be locked out.”
“I wasn’t wrong about the Gate, but I was wrong about being alone. Others survived the fall of Allag, others escaped from the Tower when it first rose from its slumber. I finished waking up, so even if there weren’t other relics from that bygone era, the blood could be shared.”
“This is what my destiny is. This is why I survived time and again. This is why I even exist. While I don’t know what it’ll be like on another shard, while there’s still anxiety and fear, I feel a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders, finally.”
I used Kym’a for this because since getting home from the hospital, I’ve ended up in a story arc that’s focused on going to Norvrandt. His reaction’s also the most complex and detailed too.
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kyma-thavma · 5 years
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For once, the Keeper was somewhere other than Mor Dhona; he had checked in at the company Hall in Limsa, then stopped by his home in Gridania, visiting both with the intent of taking stock of his supplies. He was terrible at keeping track of anything but tomes, grimoires, and scrolls so he often ran out of things he needed, right when he needed them.
So of course, he didn't have enough of the herbs, ore, and gemstones he desperately needed. This has lead to wandering the Shroud, trying to find all the things he needs to continue his research. An earthly Egi follows along behind him, carrying some of the load he's acquiring.
They're not far from Camp Tranquil, so it's not the sound of people talking that draws his scattered attention but the fire that they're around that manages to draw his crimson eyes in their direction. His nose wrinkles a touch, causing the Egi to move around his side until it's between him and the gathered group, protective and guarded.
"Gi, den eímai pia paidí," he laments, his voice more of a higher alto tone, belying his statement. "Stamáta to."
At the language there was a flicker of eyes up from where Luke currently sat, a brow raising before expression smoothed back out and tea was lifted and sipped.  Rising to his feet with a nod towards Lirilith he pitched his voice to the miqo'te and the... egi? He had seen very few but recognized them, almost.
"Lo there, traveller. Y' lost....?"
Much to the boy's distress, the Egi starts to rush the man approaching him. A hand reaches out in panic, Allagan being muttered far too rapidly to be followed. With a burst of rock, silver ore, various herbs, and aether, the Egi's form breaks apart mid-charge.
"Syngnómi!" the boy calls out to the blonde, before quickly correcting himself. "I mean, I-- I'm s-sorry! He ah...he's j-just over p-protective!"
(( @glowinggunmetal ))
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kyma-thavma · 5 years
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kyma-thavma · 9 years
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Seventeenth Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon
[Directly from the personal plot progression for Audrelle Arbeaux, during the open RP event itself, entitled afterwards as Austerities of Flame: Connection & Control]
[1]<Kym'a Thavma> "Um. Ah. M-mister Eric is busy with matters in Ishgard. S-something about the eldest F-fortemps, and the Falcon's Nest, and Western Coerthas. And I - I have b-been tasked with gathering the summoners for a ah, p-progress query in regards to th-the austerities and their Egi."
[1]<Kym'a Thavma> "I...I th-think it would be best if we gather in the c-courtyard for this."
[1]<Audrelle Arbeaux> "I will be another moment. I've just arrived in Mist."
Audrelle Arbeaux: "I suppose I was closer than I thought."
Kym'a Thavma nods politely to Audrelle. "H-hallo, Miss Audrelle."
Audrelle Arbeaux bows her head politely. "Hello, Kym'a."
Kym'a Thavma: "Do - do you have th-the ability to summon your ah..."
Kym'a Thavma he pauses to look at a ledger. "...Ifrit Egi?"
Audrelle Arbeaux nods. "That would be the one."
Audrelle Arbeaux: "Need me to quickly summon him? Or leave him be?"
Kym'a Thavma looks up from the ledge, closing it and tucking it into a holder on his hip. "Y-yes. The Egi themselves will b-be needed for this," he replies. "If - if you could p-please summon him." The Garuda beside him squarks rather in a surpremicist like manner, glaring at Audrelle rather imperiously. The boy turns to look at her, sighing as he mumbles something in High Allagan to her, reaching up to pet her gently.
Audrelle Arbeaux: "One moment."
Audrelle Arbeaux || The Egi would soon manifest in a burst of flames, seeming rather displeased with Audrelle, but did not attempt to make any hostile movements.
N'aomai Tierell walks outside and takes a seat, a look of anticipation on her face as she looks toward Kym'a.  "SO...No lasting damage, I take it?"
Kym'a Thavma winces at Garuda shrieks at the newly summoned Ifrit, as if trying to put him in his place. Kym'a immediately speaks to her in High Allagan, "Please, I'm sure he understands that you're the Queen of Primals. There's no need to get to...challenging over it."
Audrelle Arbeaux || Ifrit certainly didn't seem intimidated by Garuda's shrieking. In fact, the egi rumbled lowly, as if annoyed.
Violet Seas looks at the summoners as they practice their craft, "Well, good thing I do know restoration magics in case something goes wrong."
N'aomai Tierell smirks.  "They're an able bunch, Im sure they can take care of themselves.  Im just here for the sho...uhm...to watch over and act as witness.  Yeah..
Kym'a Thavma: "Y-yes. Um. Th-there's no lasting d-damage, mom."
[1]<Elviane Lefebvre> "Suppose I'll be out in a min-" as the sound of something sizzling enters for a moment. "Ahh twelve damned slag!" *Cutting it off there*
Audrelle Arbeaux snickered lowly at N'aomai's comment.
[1]<Audrelle Arbeaux> "What in seven hells are you doing, dear?"
Kym'a Thavma coughs. He turns to look at Audrelle, but pauses at Elviane's outburst.
N'aomai Tierell smirks at Kym'a's response before settling back.  "Good.  Dont mind me, then."
Elviane Lefebvre groans, rubbing at her arm. "So what'd I miss?"
Kym'a Thavma looks over to Elviane as she exits the Hall. "Um. N-nothing yet. Are uh, are you okay?"
Violet Seas turns to Elviane, "Are you doing? okay?"
Audrelle Arbeaux looks El over. "Yes, are you alright and where did you get that outfit?"
Elviane Lefebvre: "Careless with excess metal, slag flew away and hit me on the arm."
Elviane Lefebvre motions to the open spots on her right arm, a long welt appearing down the length.
Audrelle Arbeaux blinks several times. "You should get that looked at as a precautionary measure, love."
Elviane Lefebvre: "Bah, I'll be fine, I've done worse in the past."
Kym'a Thavma: "Er. Th-that is not really all that p-protective for working with molten metal..."
Kym'a Thavma is not looking at most of Elviane's outfit. He is instead blushing and looking down at Elvian's feet.
Elviane Lefebvre: "I have another apron I put overtop when working. I'm not that dim."
N'aomai Tierell watches Kym'a's reactions with interest and no little amusement.
Elviane Lefebvre leans down towards Kym'a's height. "My eyes are up here."
Kym'a Thavma: "Ah. R-right. V-very good then."
Kym'a Thavma slowly looks up at Elviane's face. "T-true. But um. Th-the rest of you was in the way."
Audrelle Arbeaux looks El up and down. "I rather like that outfit on you." She shrugged.
N'aomai Tierell snorts....
Elviane Lefebvre just shakes her head. "I had a heavier outfit for up north, but it gets too hot this far south, even with ventilation so I piece it out a bit more."
Elviane Lefebvre: "In any case. What's with the gathering?"
Kym'a Thavma coughs, scratching the back of his neck with his right hand. "I - I uh, h-have been tasked by Master Eric to check th-the progress of the summoners Austerities," he stammers. "Mainly, th-their progress b-bonding with their n-new Egi, and if they are satisf-factory, assign them a new memory orb and n-new Egi to acquire."
Elviane Lefebvre glances over at Audry's Ifrit Egi. "Well, isn't that a hot topic."
Kym'a Thavma startles as Garuda squarks imperiously; he's clearly nervous as all get out.
N'aomai Tierell face-palms.  "And I thought Atticus was bad..."
Violet Seas nods slowly as she gets a bit of a revelation.
Audrelle Arbeaux: "It was only a matter of time before she made that remark."
Audrelle Arbeaux seemed completely unsurprised.
Elviane Lefebvre: "Would you rather me make it towards you in public?"
Audrelle Arbeaux: "... Fair point."
Kym'a Thavma looks confused, looking around from person to person. "...wh-what?"
N'aomai Tierell looks toward the burn on El's arm.  " I would say that 'she's on fire tonight', but it seems that event was a little premature..."
Audrelle Arbeaux || The Ifrit-Egi was focused on Garuda and her squawking. He grew more and more annoyed with her.
Elviane Lefebvre: "We could always turn the heat up once more."
Violet Seas bursts out laughing.
Kym'a Thavma adjusts his glasses. "O-oh. Word - wordplay."
N'aomai Tierell glances toward Garuda.  "Seems like tonight may be a good time to air everyone's problems…
Elviane Lefebvre: "Especially on Kym'a, seems he's on ice."
Audrelle Arbeaux: "I can see this conversation getting a little heated, though."
Kym'a Thavma simply sighs. "If - if you're all d-done with the jokes, Miss Audrelle needs to be tested."
Audrelle Arbeaux glances at Kym'a. "Ah, nothing wrong with having a bit of fun, Kym'a."
Elviane Lefebvre smirks. "Oh my, this'll be interesting."
Kym'a Thavma: "N-not when there's work to be done, ma'am."
N'aomai Tierell mimes wiping a tear while speaking in a stage whisper.  "My poor boy, one on one with a girl.  Its finally happened."
Violet Seas smirks trying to keep her professional composure.
Kym'a Thavma pointedly ignores N'aomai's comment, though he turns pinkish from eartip to tailtip, and opens his ledger again. Garuda squarks in a particular manner, and Kym'a raises his arm much like a falconeer...and she perches on his shoulder and upper arm so she can read the tome too.
Elviane Lefebvre snickers lowly. "Maybe he'll turn his own heat up before the Egi does it for him."
N'aomai Tierell: I dunno...this is kinda public for those kind of displays from him…
Kym'a Thavma: "N-now. We are here to t-test how well you have b-bonded with your Egi. You will be instructed t-to give your Egi a series of commands, and k-keep it in control th-throughout a series of escalating conditions."
Audrelle Arbeaux nods in understanding.
N'aomai Tierell shakes her head, muttering to herself loudly enough to barely be heard.  "Innuendo, kid...."
Violet Seas looks at the situation to see how it will turn out.
Audrelle Arbeaux removes her tome from her side.
Kym'a Thavma adjusts his glasses. "We - we'll start simple. Order your Ifrit t-to attack the striking d-dummy," he states, intently watching Audrelle and the Ifrit-Egi.
Audrelle Arbeaux keeps her tome open, turning towards the Ifrit-Egi under her command. "Stop focusing on Garuda and redirect your anger towards that training target." She spoke sharply.
Kym'a Thavma watches for a moment, and then addresses them. "N-now, command your Ifrit-Egi to treat th-the dummy as if it were a real target, and t-try to stun the attacker."
Violet Seas focuses on the Garuda-Egi. He eyes narrow slightly before focusing back on the training that is going on.
Audrelle Arbeaux nods again to Kym'a, then returns her attention to the Egi. "The target's come to life. Disable it or you're done for." She spoke sharply again, the Egi obeying the command, even with a bit of anger, as it spins into a cyclone, immediately initiating a move that would stun a normal foe.
Kym'a Thavma nods a bit, carefully jotting down a note so as not to disrupt Garuda too much; she seems pleased with his care, though she does glare at Ifrit. "And n-now this has garnered the attention of all th-the foes around him. He m-must protect himself in the best way he can."
Violet Seas whispers to N'aomai, "K'yma has grown up a bit. I'm proud to him like this."
N'aomai Tierell shrugs, though she does seem pleased.  "He's done some growing, but still has a ways to go.  He's probably more socially responsible than me, at this point."
Audrelle Arbeaux narrows her eyes a bit, contemplating Kym'a's instruction for a brief moment. Noting key points of the instruction, she issues a command, though likely silently praying she chose correctly. "You're surrounded. Defend yourself!" She barks at the Egi, prompting it to initiate an offensive move that would damage any and all foes around it.
Audrelle Arbeaux mutters softly. "... Not what I was hoping for, but it might be just be the right answer."
Violet Seas nods slowly, "Well, I haven't given up on you. So, I know there is a something in there that can be fixed." She whispers.
Kym'a Thavma frowns a bit, making a note in the book. "I - I see," he replies softly. "And th-though wounded, they press the attack," he states. "Wh-what else can be done to d-defend from many?"
N'aomai Tierell simply responds with a finger, her attention still on the Egi.
Audrelle Arbeaux glances back at Kym'a, "I believe that's his go-to, if he finds himself surrounded." She returns her attention to the Egi, "I said DEFEND yourself, you fool!" The fiery summon didn't take kindly to name-calling, but shielded himself accordingly.
Kym'a Thavma nods at the pair, noting things in the ledger. "Ifrit - Ifrit is an offensive p-primal by his nature, so the m-mistake is understandable. Now, th-the fight is dire, but there is a chance th-that the Egi may be able to incapacitate your foes if the proper attack is delivered in the proper manner. How is this accomplished?"
Elviane Lefebvre smiles, muttering to herself. "Control young apprentice, you must learn control."
Kym'a Thavma: "Ah. Th-those on the benches may wish to move b-back..."
N'aomai Tierell sigh's, before slipping away…
Violet Seas stands up and moves off to the side.
N'aomai Tierell: thats as may be...but im sending Damimi to you for the cost of repairs, Kid.
N'aomai Tierell smirks "After all, if the benches get toasted, im curious to see what happens to the Lawn.
Audrelle Arbeaux glances back at Kym'a. "His stuning move, if I recall correctly, would only disable one of the foes.."
Elviane Lefebvre: "Suppose we'll all have to cool off then."
Kym'a Thavma: "I - I was g-given permission. M-mister Eric will be coverint the c-costs."
Kym'a Thavma glances from the Ifrit-Egi, and back to Audrelle, before looking to the Egi again. "Th-that is correct."
Audrelle Arbeaux: "I suppose we'll have to see what he does..."
Audrelle Arbeaux turns back to the Egi, who seems perfectly content with lighting the free company's training target on fire. She clears her throat and speaks to it again, "Do or die time. Light them up!" The Egi seemed rather annoyed that his attention had to be diverted from scorching someone else's property, but seemed happy with the opportunity to surround himself and sear everything around him with an inferno-like attack.
Violet Seas looks up to Mihoshi, "What do you think about all of this, my friend." He simply nods blows out a puff fire.
Elviane Lefebvre rubs at her chin. "Anyone have a steak that needs grilling?"
N'aomai Tierell shrugs.  "I prefer my meat rather more rare than what I would expect to come from that..."
Kym'a Thavma nods a little, then shakes his head a bit, and writes down some notes. "Now. N-no matter what, k-keep that Egi attacking the dummy..." he states softly. "C-clear?"
Audrelle Arbeaux nods to Kym'a. "Understood." Turning back to the Egi, she spoke again. "Keep your focus on that target and that target ONLY."
Kym'a Thavma says nothing more to Audrelle, and turns to look the Ifrit-Egi. He suddenly shouts in High Allagan, "Garuda, Queen of Primals, let us end this farce! Destroy that worthless imposter, and suffer his presence no longer!" He lifts his arm and the Garuda-Egi takes flight, brutally attacking the Ifrit-Egi without restraint.
Kym'a Thavma: "Releasing Garuda-Egi combat restrictions. Opening gates 3 through 7."
Kym'a Thavma: "Phase integration 99%, target designation -Ifrit Egi-."
Violet Seas bows courteously to Mitsukuni Nathrezim.
Random! You roll a 481.
Random! Audrelle Arbeaux rolls a 357.
Mitsukuni Nathrezim gives Violet Seas a big hug.
Audrelle Arbeaux sighs, seeing the situation before her escalate. "No real surprise here... FOCUS!" The fiery summon would slash, claw, and scorch the training dummy until Garuda's attacks forced him to lose focus and immediately turn on Garuda. However, the move proved to be fatal and the flame was snuffed out by the whirlwind.
Violet Seas gives Mitsukuni Nathrezim a big hug.
Kym'a Thavma extends his arm out to Garuda, murmuring in High Allagan to the Egi, "And the Queen of Primals succeeds again..." The Egi perches on his forearm for a long moment, before leaning forward to brush her beak through his hair, still moving rather imperiously. Once she rights herself, Kym'a says, "Your Grace deserves a rest, as the test of the lessers is over."
Audrelle Arbeaux remained silent for a moment, simply staring straight ahead.
Violet Seas whispers, "How are you Mitsukuni. Nice seeing you again."
Kym'a Thavma closes his eyes and leans his head away some as the Garuda-Egi squarks, disbursing in a swirl of wind and aether.
Garuda-Egi withdraws from the battlefield.
N'aomai Tierell glances around those assembled before she shakes her head.
Elviane Lefebvre: "And I thought I was a bitch."
N'aomai Tierell: ...Well, that was a thing..
Kym'a Thavma looks to Elviane as he starts writing in the ledger, glancing between the two until he's done writing. "She - she wasn't always mad," he says softly. "Th-there was a sort of monstrous b-being she consumed to save th-the Ixali, and th-that being was made of pure m-madness. She, even a primal, c-could not fight it."
Kym'a Thavma: "She - she was m-much more beautiful before."
Elviane Lefebvre shrugs. "Matters little to me now, the 'Queen' of primals is something that can be kept far from me." Quietly laughing.
N'aomai Tierell shrugs.  "Ive fought her enough, the here and now is what concerns me.  One of the reasons I never followed the path of the Summoner, probably."
Audrelle Arbeaux still remained silent, appearing to be deep in thought.
Kym'a Thavma turns to look at Audrelle. "M-miss Audrelle, will th-there were some distinct d-disconnects with the Egi, th-they are expected with this particular Primal," he states. "He is t-too offensive, and it is hard to t-tear him from that. However, th-the level of control you've expressed is wonderful. You sh-should consider which Egi you would wish to obtain next - Garuda or T-titan."
Elviane Lefebvre: "If she's got one for offense, suppose it would make sense to have the other side of the spectrum. At least in this humble broker's opinion."
Audrelle Arbeaux: "I honestly do not know."
N'aomai Tierell shrugs at El's words.  "That depends on whether she fights Solitary or as a member of a group.  Having a Defensive minded Egi will benefit her more if she does more solitary endeavors, however if she runs primarily with others, possibly a more rounded Egi should be considered."
Kym'a Thavma frowns at Audrelle. "I - I cannot assign you a new m-memory orb without knowing what Egi yo will seak, unfortunately. Master Eric will n-need to know," he states quietly.
Audrelle Arbeaux: "Titan, I suppose."
Kym'a Thavma jots down the selection, then tucks the ledger back in its holster. He fetches the memory pearl from his vest pocket, and makes his way over to Audrelle. "H-here is the pearl. And um, I'm s-sorry I had to attack your Egi," he states.
Elviane Lefebvre snickers quietly. "She'll probably just poison your next drink."
Audrelle Arbeaux shakes her head. "Don't worry about it." She accepts the pearl without another word.
Kym'a Thavma nods a little, ears limp enough for his peach blossom earrings to sway dangerously in the light breeze of La Noscea. "Did - did you have any q-questions, Miss Audrelle?" he asks softly.
Audrelle Arbeaux finally glances at Kym'a, snapping herself out of deep thought and shaking her head. "Not at the moment."
Kym'a Thavma gives Audrelle a weak smile. "O-okay. C-congratulations on passing the first Austerity," he says, giving a half-bow/half-curtsey before moving towards the hall.
Audrelle Arbeaux bows her head politely.
Elviane Lefebvre smiles, hanging her head slightly, adjusting her bandanna before giving a slow slap.
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kyma-thavma · 10 years
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Well, tonight was another one of our gathering at the Forgotten Springs. It was...awkward, as always, though it was a bit more awkward than usual.
It started with Asshole-Verus trying to imply that the reason the Drake Tribe is so kind to the Embers, and particularly to me, is because they're trying to court me as a potential breeding male. I...am absolutely positive that he doesn't understand a thing about Seeker culture, or he'd realise that an outsider Keeper is definitely not wanted as a breeding male, even if he were healthy and strong. Furthermore...the Nunh is one of the Company of Heroes, so there's certain expectations for their breeding males to begin with - and he wasn't a mage, he was a fighter.
I am not the kind of Miqo'te the U Tribe would want as a breeding male, clan aside.
Keepers can't become breeding males in Seeker tribes anyway. I sorta wish he'd drop it, but he seems convinced that it's the real reason the Drake Tribe is letting us keep coming to the springs every moon. He's so dense, it's infuriating.
If that wasn't awkward enough, as he started stating such things in the middle of town, that Roegadyn woman who seems so curious about me was there as well, and she was...quite forward, which was only encouraged by Mogchi. The Moogle has decided to help her in whatever sort of...I don't know - she kept saying things about winning me over, and I don't really understand what she's after, it just was...awkward.
There was a brief respite from this when another Roegadyn woman arrived, one that seemed to know Miss River, and she was distracted by this taller, even more...well, clearly female Roegadyn.
The lack of clothing is perhaps the most awkward thing about the hot springs, conversation aside. Everyone seems to be so comfortable in the most scant of swimwear, except perhaps Miss Lahn, and it's...very uncomfortable being around that many exposed people...and being in front of that many exposed people. I hate being in anything that doesn't cover me up, that doesn't hide how scrawny I am.
Miss River claims that I have a ah...desirable derriere, however I'm not all that convinced of it, because of how lanky the rest of my body is, and how bony everything else seems. I guess that maybe I lucked out, and one part of my body wasn't ruined by the disease?
Thankfully, things wound down not long after Miss River's friend left, and I was able to slip away and return to the safety of my desk up in the study of the Embers' Hall. The plants have grown in thick, and only really leave enough space for me to slip past them; I keep them neat, but they hide most of the desk itself, and have started to merge with the ivy from the wall boxes, making it harder to see me when I'm there. It's very comforting.
Now, if only I could pay attention to my work. All of their...discussions have my mind in an awkward place...knowing my luck, Scrappy Cat will find me anyway...
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