kwizzy26 · 3 years
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kwizzy26 · 3 years
Can’t wait for the next update
One Hit West
Chapter 7
Author’s Note
Ok so like its late (I’m sorry) but its here, I pray its not underwhelming. Its quite a nasty cliffhanger so I’m sorry about that.  And now I’ll leave you to it.
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kwizzy26 · 3 years
YES!!!! I have been waiting for this
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Lol. Alright. What do you want to know, @itzvickilou? (Besides when it will be 😆)
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kwizzy26 · 3 years
I was hoping you would can’t wait to read it
In case anyone was wondering, yes, I am going to write that implied sex scene from tonight’s ep. 😏
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kwizzy26 · 4 years
It’s a boy!
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kwizzy26 · 4 years
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kwizzy26 · 4 years
I love this. Keep writing
A Pair of Lips I Can Kiss - 1/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: I know…I know…another new fic. And a multi-chap at that. But writer’s block is slowly killing me, so whatever I’m inspired for I’m pretty much writing at this point. Hopefully it won’t last. Enjoy this chap!
Synopsis: 2x13 - Canon Divergent - Barry’s trip to Earth 2 goes somewhat differently after Iris surprises him the night before he leaves. 
Chapter 1 -
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kwizzy26 · 4 years
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kwizzy26 · 4 years
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kwizzy26 · 4 years
Heck yes!!
Grandice smut fic idea just popped into my head - thanks to @jennlee44 & @smileyscorner04
Would y’all read it?
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kwizzy26 · 4 years
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kwizzy26 · 4 years
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kwizzy26 · 4 years
I loved the way you ended it. I am so proud of Iris for living her life and choosing Barry. Thank You for this, I will be rereading this again all chapters. 
The Girl in the Black Cadillac - 20/20 | westallen fanfiction
A/N: WOW. What a ride this has been. And what a long chapter this one is! I just thought…this is the end. It’s really the end. I need to include absolutely everything that I want a part of this story. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I have. And while the ending line may seem kind of random, I envision it as a movie that ends on a line like that before everyone starts singing and dancing as the credits roll by. So that’s my take on that. Enjoy!
Chapter 20 -
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kwizzy26 · 4 years
Will you be updating hot to the touch and hazy?
I know it soon to ask since you just updated a story recently but what story are u going to be updating next???
If Only She Knew is next on my list.
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kwizzy26 · 4 years
I’m really loving This fic. Thank you again for bring us into your world.
The Girl in the Black Cadillac - 19/20 | westallen fanfiction
A/N: Only one chapter left! I hope you enjoy this one. :)
Chapter 19 -
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kwizzy26 · 4 years
My poor heart. 😭😭😭😭
The Girl in the Black Cadillac - 18/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: THE GOODBYE CHAPTER. I hope you enjoy it! Just two more chaps to go!
Chapter 18 -
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kwizzy26 · 4 years
Please could you update AU and OHW. I’m really missing those, I have reread the chapters you have up. I can’t wait to see what Barry is going to say about having a daughter and her being in a wheelchair. I can’t wait for Iris to tell TW to go to hell and no about being in a marriage with him. Can’t wait for the next update
When you send a friend a sample of a future update and her response is : You're confusing your characters. He wouldn't do that. 😂
Yet you laugh internally cause it's exactly what you wanted! 😂😂😂 Never a dull moment in the life of a writer. That being said. Updates are being typed. Hang in there for me. Also I need an emergency list to know what to focus on cause I haven't updated in centuries. Which cliffhanger has you shippers most intrigued/uncomfortable/anxious/angry/all of the above? 😂❤️
Give me a shout ❤️
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