keycarried · 6 years
cannot shake the hc that the first time lea n isa met rowan she was just straight up sitting in a fountain , fully clothed , drenched to shit .  very calm about the whole ordeal !
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keycarried · 6 years
the little princess has a surprise hidden in her small little hands. she giggles in delight as she sneaks up behind the older girl & plants her little treat, a small purple pansy tucked into rowan’s hair. kairi needs to step on her tiptoes to place it there however since the four year old still isn’t very tall, but at least it looks nice when she’s done.
@islelight .
                it’s often that she finds herself lost in thought  ,    far more so than she used to   ------   before the war  ,  before the sleep  ,  before  ...  this .  this life  ,  both the same and completely anew and now is no exception as the teenager sits alone  ,  distance in her eyes as she stares out at nothing in particular  ,  a fatigue etched into her features that she strives so hard to  hide  in the company of others .  this world reminds her so much of  home  that it leaves her  physically aching  ,  memory turned  blunt instrument  and as thankful as she is to have woken up here  ,  to have something  familiar  to envelope her in both scenery and purpose  ...  it’s a lot to handle  ,  a special kind of weight that seems particularly  heavy  today .
                ‘  i wonder if everyone  ...  would they hate me  ,  for being here  ... ? ’    a thought  ,  a frown   ------   faint  ,  scarcely a difference in expression at all   ------   as she thinks of the past  ,  the present  ,  the  ...  future  ,  to some degree .  somber and macabre and saddening and  broken  ,  her train of thought is  broken  momentarily by the sudden presence of  sunlight incarnate  ,  giggles and small hands and rowan’s eyes widen as she turns to meet kairi’s own  ,  a soft  wha--?  escaping her as she processes the situation .  a flower .  it’s a flower in her hair and  ------
                ❛  ---  kairi .  is this a gift for me ?  ❜      lips change their shape to resemble more of a soft smile  ,  something a little  tired  still carried in the corners of her lips but the girl is a nice change of pace  ,  enough of one that the warmth she feels blooming quietly in her chest is sincere .      ❛  i love it .  think it matches my eyes .  ❜      a little  wink  as she crouches down to be more kairi’s height .      ❛  but look at me  ,  empty handed  ...  i can’t just leave you without anything of your own  ,  can i ?  ❜
                thoughtful little  hum  escapes her  ,  index finger tapping at her cheek for a moment before a  lightbulb  goes off over her head  ,  reaching out to hold kairi’s hands in her own with both their palms facing  up .  it’s an easy enough spell  ,  water spouting from rowan’s hands to seep through the crack between kairi’s own and she gives a little laugh  ,  a reassuring  just watch  to the girl’s surprise   ------   &  gives it shape .  from the space between their palms does the water rise  ,  twist  ,  contained spouts that change and warp ‘til they resemble a small  lily  ,  blue and translucent and one of a kind .
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                ❛  there you go .  ❜      she says  ,  casting a simple stasis spell on the created flower once its achieved the proper  look  and she’s gentle with the way she curls kairi’s hands around the stem  ;  she’ll probably lose it  ,  as children do most things  ,  but that’s alright .  it’s not like it’s hard to make another  ,  and another  ,  and  another  ...  it’s the least she can do  ,  really .  a thank you for tearing her so frequently from the things that plague her  ,  reminding her of what  warmth  is when she feels so  cold  lately .      ❛  it’ll stay just like that now .  yours to keep .  and  maybe  ,  ❜      she  boops !  her little nose      ❛  one day i’ll teach you to make one yourself .  ❜
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keycarried · 6 years
> clears throat > clambers up to stand on the table
i mentioned before that rowan’s goal is to  destroy  kingdom hearts  ,  utterly and completely  ,  to prevent it’s misuse  ever  again and  ,  she hopes  ,  sever the connections between wielders and their keyblades as she  assumes  it’s the power source that permits that connection to exist in the first place  ,  given it’s the heart of  everything  and requires keyblades to unlock its powers .  how she plans to  do  this however  ,  is something she’s been painstakingly mulling over and attempting to figure out on her own and essentially  ...
she’s a  nobody  right now  ,  or an  empty vessel .  she figures  ,  then  ,  that there may be a way for her to  absorb it  ,  and become a  host  to it given it is  ,  essentially  ,  just a  heart  and those seem able to be shoved in to just about  anything  if the fit is at least  kind of right .  
she assumes her body won’t be able to contain it for longer than perhaps a few seconds  ,  concluding she’ll ultimately be rejected and best case scenario it just  hurts a lot  when she loses her grasp on it  ,  worst case she’s  horribly  ,  painfully killed .  neither matters much to her as her plan is in those few  ,  precious seconds  ,  to  destroy herself .
with no  kingdom hearts  for the heart to travel to  ,  the assumption is it will  die with her  and be forever out of everyone’s reach .
she  is  aware that there are a large number of potential negative repercussions to this for the worlds at large but ultimately has decided it’s worth it to prevent war after war after war .  watching her friends die  ...  was traumatizing .  losing her own heart  ,  watching the organization act as it did  ,  watching  children  yet again have to step up like lambs to the slaughter all for the sake of this dark vs light  kingdom hearts  bullshit  , was  traumatizing .
even if humanity were to  restart  after her actions  ,  that’s alright .  as long as they’re restarting without this kind of burden .
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keycarried · 6 years
@thalassus .
                there’s blood seeping from her side  ,    a side effect of  carelessness  in her current predicament and it’s less the  pain  that bothers her than the fact that it creates a  trail  when it drips  ,  the hand she has pressed against it hardly enough to stop the bleeding and she  would  be using a cure spell  ,  if not for the fact she’d already  exhausted  her magic with the spell it took to put some distance between herself and the lesser nobodies .  seems a waste now  ,  given they’ll doubtlessly find her again soon between the breadcrumbs and the fact that the distance itself isn’t very  much  but  ...  oh well .  she’ll  make due  she simply wishes she didn’t have to in such an  annoying fashion .
                a step forward  ,  a stumble back  ;  her free hand catches herself on the cavern wall beside her and she lets out an audible grunt of pain to accompany her  wince .  it isn’t often she misses her keyblade  ,  the weight that accompanies it  ,  but right now  ...  things sure would be easier  ,  wouldn’t they ?  not that her rapier doesn’t serve her more than simply  well  but  ...
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                ❛  ------   who’s there ?  ❜      her head  ,  snapping toward the sound of unexpected footsteps and it’s a  surprise  to see a familiar face emerge from ‘round the corner .  that’s  ...      ❛  ah  ...  it was percy  ,  right ?  ❜
                the kid with the weird pen .  in a way  ,  she’s grateful  ;  that it’s  him  and not  isa    (  saix  ,  saix  ;  she reminds herself again and  again  and it never seems to  stick  )    or  xaldin  or any of the other  pests  she spends her time avoiding .  and in a way  ...  she’s irritated .  it’s  embarrassing  to be seen in such a state but  more  than that  ,  it means  he’s  in danger too .
because of her . great .
                ❛  you shouldn’t be here .  i have  ...  company  i don’t think you wanna run into .  ❜      distantly  ,  there’s a  skittering  sound .  they’re getting closer  ,  because of course they are .
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keycarried · 6 years
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dare you to look me dead in the eyes and tell me 16 y/o rowan isn’t the most adorable girl in the world  ,  look me in the eyes and lie to me 
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keycarried · 6 years
@fireize .
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                ❛  ---  so you got it back .  ❜      his heart  ,  his life .  filled that void in his chest with what was missing and she’s happy for him  ,  to the extent that she can be .  she only wishes it didn’t come with a  cost  ,  keyblade in tow  &  some title of  guardian  thrust upon him .  the world may not be ending anymore   ------   for  now  at least   ------   but he’ll be asked to play savior when the balance shifts once more .      ❛  that’s good .  but  ,  it doesn’t make up for the time you lost without it  ,  does it ?  ❜      the time she’s  still  losing  ,  void within her chest .  that’s alright  ;  she doesn’t need saving  ,  and no one should be forced to play the part anyhow .
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keycarried · 6 years
ok im HOME n mutuals can like this for a lil starter  ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
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keycarried · 6 years
@conflagrationsstyle .
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                ❛  what’s sadder  ,  do you think  ---  ❜      a tilt of her head  ,  hair cascading o’er shoulders as she rests cheek in the palm of her hand  ,      ❛  forcing children to fight a war  ,  just as a concept  ,  or that no one seems to be bothered by it ?  ❜
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keycarried · 6 years
@thuskindlyiscatter .
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                ❛  what’s your home like ?  ah  ...  if it’s okay to ask .  ❜      not quite timid  ,  more  ... self - aware  ,  quiet query posed only to realize how  strange  it is to ask that of a girl you’ve only known for several hours .  but nostalgia grows heavy   (  there used to be so many strange faces  ,  all friends to be made  ;  the world seems darker now  ,  somehow  ,  and her weariness is the same as wariness  )    and she can’t help but wonder  ,  yearn for something both new and familiar all at once .
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keycarried · 6 years
@ilurora .
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                ❛  you’re not going to find him .  at least  ,  not here .  ❜      spoken so casually  ,  as if she weren’t the barer of  bad news   to a boy who hasn’t a clue who she is  /  as if it doesn’t make her sound like some kind of  warden  to a boy whose soul resides in another world  ,  dangling just out of his friends’ grasp .  she isn’t  ,  but it’s not her problem if he believes otherwise .      ❛  even if he was  ...  there’s no telling whether or not you’d be able to bring him home .  it’s a wonder that boy’s heart is still working  ,  the condition its in .  ❜
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keycarried · 6 years
@islelight  .
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                ❛  oh  ---  good morning  ,  kairi .  ❜      she’s surprised by the little one’s sudden appearance  ,  particularly this early in the morning    (  children seem to have so much  energy  ....  was she like that when she was that young  ,  too ?  )  but it’s quick to melt into something  soft  ,  a smile as she crouches down to be more eye - level with the girl .      ❛  lea’s not with you  ,  huh  ... ?  i hope you’re not getting into  trouble .  ❜      &  a playful  poke  to the child’s nose for good measure .
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keycarried · 6 years
ok im HOME n mutuals can like this for a lil starter  ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
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keycarried · 6 years
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i’m gonna keep this quick n clean until i feel able to flesh it out properly ok here we go 
i .  born and existed in the khux era .  she was a lux collector in the anguis union and  turned down  ava’s offer to become a dandelion .  she felt it was  fucked up  and wished to die among her friends  ,  though she was determined to prove the prophecies wrong .
ii .  instead of dying on the battlefield  ,  she was cast into darkness and fell into a long sleep where she later awakened in radiant garden shortly before the events of bbs .  she wiggled her way into being one of ansem’s apprentices due to uncomfortable feelings regarding the whole crew .  she attempted to undermine their work and failed  ,  ending up forcibly turned into a nobody .  she did play a role in assisting isa  &  lea in their goals  and while i’m open to individual interp. of their friendship  ,  i do default to her having been friends with them and blaming herself  ,  in part  ,  for them losing  their hearts .
iii .  her ability to use a keyblade was lost  the moment she lost her heart due to the trauma of the experience .  she also refused to join the organization and ran away  ,  hiding herself from everyone for 10 years as ansem continued to quietly look for her with the desire to use her as a vessel
iv .  after becoming a nobody she obtained the ability to  sever one’s connection to their keyblade  and block off portions of their hearts .  it’s a  temporary  ability  ,  as it can ultimately be overturned  IF THE PERSON IS STRONG ENOUGH  ,  but if they’re too weak  …  it can be permanent .  
v .  her  ultimate goal  is to  destroy  kingdom hearts and completely eradicate humanity’s ability to use keyblades as a whole  ,  wipe out the entire system .  in her mind she’s doing a  favor  ,  seeing it as a way in which she can stop  children  from becoming child soldiers for the sake of light  ,  something she sees as a never - ending cycle until something is done to stop it .
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keycarried · 6 years
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