kenzie-fabs · 5 years
“Teddy!” Kenzie exclaimed, it being the first thing that she noticed when she opened her eyes. She ran to it and hugged it in her arms as she took in more. “I love flowers,” she smiled, picking up the bouquet and sniffing each different kind of flower. “That’s intoxicating,” she determined and smelled them again, eying the rest of the items. “You’re into it?” She asked after a confused and silent moment.
Elements of Surprise
Grey was impressed, actually more then impressed with the competition and all of its performances. As soon as Kenzie told her about it she started canceling her plans for the day so she could come and watch, although it was a surprise to Kenzie because she didn't want to throw her off her game. She came in disguise, and sat through the whole competition from beginning to end, and only got up at the end when they were giving out awards. It was to easy to get backstage while everyone was focused on the award ceremony.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
“Fried chicken?!” Grey’s personal aesthetic definitely didn’t scream ‘fried chicken’, but Kenzie was more than happy for comfort food. She stayed where Grey told her to, watching the driver unload the cart to make sure he was careful with her awards. “I’ve seen hotel rooms before,” she joked as she covered her eyes with her hands, slipping out of her shoes.
Elements of Surprise
Grey was impressed, actually more then impressed with the competition and all of its performances. As soon as Kenzie told her about it she started canceling her plans for the day so she could come and watch, although it was a surprise to Kenzie because she didn't want to throw her off her game. She came in disguise, and sat through the whole competition from beginning to end, and only got up at the end when they were giving out awards. It was to easy to get backstage while everyone was focused on the award ceremony.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
“Yes, a concussion would not be helpful,” she agreed, climbing onto a suitcase and holding on to it’s handle. “Concussions aren’t fun. You talk funny and they don’t let you do cheer.” She rode quietly as they took the elevator, Kenzie watching the floor numbers change and wondering how high up they were going. “What kind of food is it,” she asked after a while.
Elements of Surprise
Grey was impressed, actually more then impressed with the competition and all of its performances. As soon as Kenzie told her about it she started canceling her plans for the day so she could come and watch, although it was a surprise to Kenzie because she didn't want to throw her off her game. She came in disguise, and sat through the whole competition from beginning to end, and only got up at the end when they were giving out awards. It was to easy to get backstage while everyone was focused on the award ceremony.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
“A hotel?” Kenzie questioned as they pulled into the lot. “That’s different.” She hoisted herself up onto the luggage cart, wanting to ride it like a scooter but her foot hurting too much. She got off to let the luggage on, but then looked curiously at the amount of space left. “Can I sit on my suitcase?” She gave a sheepish smile. “I just want to ride on the cart.”
Elements of Surprise
Grey was impressed, actually more then impressed with the competition and all of its performances. As soon as Kenzie told her about it she started canceling her plans for the day so she could come and watch, although it was a surprise to Kenzie because she didn't want to throw her off her game. She came in disguise, and sat through the whole competition from beginning to end, and only got up at the end when they were giving out awards. It was to easy to get backstage while everyone was focused on the award ceremony.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
“I don’t have the energy to ask super duper nicely,” Kenzie admitted, rolling her ankle around in a circle. “Can you at least tell me whether it’s more or less than fifteen minutes away? I need to ice my ankle and Id rather do it here than have it get in the way of whatever you’ve planned.
Elements of Surprise
Grey was impressed, actually more then impressed with the competition and all of its performances. As soon as Kenzie told her about it she started canceling her plans for the day so she could come and watch, although it was a surprise to Kenzie because she didn't want to throw her off her game. She came in disguise, and sat through the whole competition from beginning to end, and only got up at the end when they were giving out awards. It was to easy to get backstage while everyone was focused on the award ceremony.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
Kenzie followed Jojo through the crowd as well as she could, but her bags made it impossible to slip between people, so they did indeed get separated from the young star; but it got them to the curb where the car was waiting unnoticed, which was the goal. Kenzie handed over her things to the driver to put into the back of the car, taking care to keep her dress from wrinkling too much as she sat down in the backseat, waiting for Grey to get in and the doors to all be closed. “I’m so happy you came, Mistress,” she smiled cutely, her cheeks still red from running around all day. “What do you have planned for us tonight? Are you going to tell me?”
Elements of Surprise
Grey was impressed, actually more then impressed with the competition and all of its performances. As soon as Kenzie told her about it she started canceling her plans for the day so she could come and watch, although it was a surprise to Kenzie because she didn't want to throw her off her game. She came in disguise, and sat through the whole competition from beginning to end, and only got up at the end when they were giving out awards. It was to easy to get backstage while everyone was focused on the award ceremony.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
“Nah it’s fine, I can go with you. I got Jojo Siwa to escort us out. In kid world and dance world both, she’s more famous than you.” She hung her arms around the woman’s neck just for a moment. “I look forward to it.” She put her blush and lipstick into their places in her makeup station, closing the lid and folding it, converting it to a suitcase. She did the same with the clothes rack, then fitting as many trophies as she could in between the clothes and zipped the things up, grabbing her duffel bag that had her shoes and other dance supplies in it and tossing it over her shoulder.
Making sure Grey had her disguise back on, she opened the door when it was knocked on again, a blonde girl with a big bow and bright clothes bouncing on the other side. “I’ve never been this close to beating Maddie in my life!” She hugged Kenzie quickly before continuing. “Alright let’s go, I have a meet and greet in fifteen minutes.” She looked up at Grey. “I don’t know this one. She’s not a sorority clone, who is she?” “A friend from high school,” Kenzie lied easily. “Super unimportant.” Jojo narrowed her eyes but said nothing. “We’ll get separated by the fans once we get to the lobby, but stick with me as long as you can and we should be able to get you out. Thanks for choreographing for me, I’ve wanted a solo from you for like a year.” They hugged goodbye before Kenzie grabbed Grey’s hand so they wouldn’t get separated, then followed Jojo out the stage door and into a pack of tweens.
Elements of Surprise
Grey was impressed, actually more then impressed with the competition and all of its performances. As soon as Kenzie told her about it she started canceling her plans for the day so she could come and watch, although it was a surprise to Kenzie because she didn't want to throw her off her game. She came in disguise, and sat through the whole competition from beginning to end, and only got up at the end when they were giving out awards. It was to easy to get backstage while everyone was focused on the award ceremony.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
“Yeah well, I’m impressive,” she shrugged, the confidence feeling weird with Grey. “I can’t believe you came here all day. Why did you do that?” She was looking deep into the woman’s eyes when a knock came to her door, Kenzie opening it but not enough to show that she wasn’t alone in the room. “Hey, Maddie- I’m on the phone with my mom and then I have to leave. We can talk next time I’m at the studio okay? Oh, can you go find Jojo and the two of you can walk out with me?” The girl outside the door smiled knowingly. “You don’t feel like talking to people, do you?” Kenzie shook her head. “Not at all. My friend Sara came to surprise me so I want to get out of her so she and I can have some fun before campus curfew, and the only way I’m getting out of here without being swarmed is if people are swarming you two.” The girl nodded with a chuckle and went off to find her friend as Kenzie shut the door. “People are going to be stopping by to talk to me,” she explained. “It’s best to get you out before that happens.” She went to her bag and took out a marker, writing a notice with her name and number and taping it on the outside of the door. “Potential clients can just text me. I’d rather be with you than them.”
Elements of Surprise
Grey was impressed, actually more then impressed with the competition and all of its performances. As soon as Kenzie told her about it she started canceling her plans for the day so she could come and watch, although it was a surprise to Kenzie because she didn't want to throw her off her game. She came in disguise, and sat through the whole competition from beginning to end, and only got up at the end when they were giving out awards. It was to easy to get backstage while everyone was focused on the award ceremony.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
“You saw me? And-and my kids, too? When did you get here? Did you like the dances?” She was beyond shocked to see Grey here of all places. “Wait wait,” she seemed to slow down, her cheeks heating up. “You saw my dances? Like..all of them?” Her jazz dance had been something different than usual, and it had been unnerving to do it. Knowing Grey had seen it was just weird to think about.
Elements of Surprise
Grey was impressed, actually more then impressed with the competition and all of its performances. As soon as Kenzie told her about it she started canceling her plans for the day so she could come and watch, although it was a surprise to Kenzie because she didn't want to throw her off her game. She came in disguise, and sat through the whole competition from beginning to end, and only got up at the end when they were giving out awards. It was to easy to get backstage while everyone was focused on the award ceremony.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
Kenzie received hugs from a few more people, who soon cleared out of the small room she’d been assigned. It was small; but it had enough space for her popup makeup station and a rack for her costumes, so it was good enough for her; trophies now lined up against the wall on the floor. She’d turned to the makeup station to put the loose things in their place, using the mirror to see who had entered the room. “Grey!” She whirled around so fast that a piece of her curled hair got stuck in her mouth for a second as she closed the distance and delivered an overexcited hug. “What are you doing here?!”
Elements of Surprise
Grey was impressed, actually more then impressed with the competition and all of its performances. As soon as Kenzie told her about it she started canceling her plans for the day so she could come and watch, although it was a surprise to Kenzie because she didn't want to throw her off her game. She came in disguise, and sat through the whole competition from beginning to end, and only got up at the end when they were giving out awards. It was to easy to get backstage while everyone was focused on the award ceremony.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
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Wanted to draw something for the occasion! (I also did a hand-painted cel but that uhhhhh didn’t turn out so well…BUT, that’s okay! Learned a lot and this most recent one doesn’t have a big hole in the acetate like my FIRST cel paint project, so. Progress!)
Anyways! I just think it’s neat that there’s a weekly TV show about this hopeful, helpful, compassionate Kryptonian, and I look forward to seeing what future episodes bring!
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
Kenzie sat with the other people in her age group, chatting with Charity and Andres, who she had choreographed a duet for. They had nailed it; and while she had also nailed hers, she was certain they’d beat it.
The awards started with the little kids, doing the top three in each genre and then the top ten of the whole category. All of Kenzie’s routines got trophies in both, the young ones going to other side of the stage where she was to hug her. Next came the same process in the Junior category, and the results were the same; Kenzie’s two heavy-subject routines that weren’t meant to be competed ending up placing first and third of the overall, which was insanely good, especially considering the fact that second, fifth, seventh, and ninth were all also hers; including one solo that had been a total gamble. Her preteens did well too; a complete clean sweep of the Preteen Group division. The teens placed top five. As they got to her Senior age division, she was aware that her own performances were now going to be her make or break.
Charity and Andres got first place in duets, but Kenzie took second and third with hers. Her group got first in Senior Groups. None of that was exactly shocking, though it helped with confidence because one of the duets had been partly hiphop which wasn’t her choreography comfort zone for herself. It was the solos she was unsure of. But she got multiple trophies in the solo category. And her contemporary solo, Ashes, placed first overall. It meant everything particularly it meant that she’d beaten Charity and Andres’ performance, which she’d probably never do again in her life.
She waited to be handed her score sheet and compared it with theirs, and then had a couple students help her take the trophies to the dressing room, not even noticing Grey as she walked by her.
But by the end, she was tired of saying her own name and studio into the microphone, and she couldn’t hold all her trophies.
Elements of Surprise
Grey was impressed, actually more then impressed with the competition and all of its performances. As soon as Kenzie told her about it she started canceling her plans for the day so she could come and watch, although it was a surprise to Kenzie because she didn't want to throw her off her game. She came in disguise, and sat through the whole competition from beginning to end, and only got up at the end when they were giving out awards. It was to easy to get backstage while everyone was focused on the award ceremony.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
Kenzie: I have a huge dance comp tomorrow and I can’t sleep. Send milk and cookies.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
Kenzie: Because I don’t have enough brain space to come up with that right now
Kenzie: I don’t want to lose. And I have 25 which means Im gonna lose something. I want to only be beat by own routines but for no other choreographer to beat one of 25 routines isn’t realistic so its a fact that Im gonna get beat.
Kenzie: I have a huge dance comp tomorrow and I can’t sleep. Send milk and cookies.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
Kenzie: How can you possibly not know if you’ve worked with Reese Witherspoon or not? It’s Reese Witherspoon!
Kenzie: Starts at 9 so I’ll be there at 8:30. It’s all one competition so idk exactly what time it’ll be when my division starts but it probably won’t be until night. 8 maybe.
Kenzie: If anything goes wrong or someone has a meltdown, it’ll be on my mind. I have 25 routines in this comp and only two are mine, so that’s 23 dances worth of people potentially getting wrecked; all of which will happen before I hit the stage. And if my performance suffers then my scores suffer and I place lower or don’t place at all, which could affect my sorority ranking and my credibility for work and my rep at school, which means I could lose my scholarship and/or my job.
Kenzie: I have a huge dance comp tomorrow and I can’t sleep. Send milk and cookies.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
Kenzie: What are you working on? Photoshoot? Read-hrough for a movie with Reese Witherspoon? That’d be awesome.
Kenzie: It’s a really big competition, it’ll last like all day.
Kenzie: And I don’t perform til the end because the go from the youngest age group to the oldest.
Kenzie: But I still have to go early to be there for the kids I choreographed for. Which is a lot.
Kenzie: And there’s a few numbers I did for school projects that the danxe studio entered into this big competition and they weren’t supposed to. So now I’m gonna have children doing heavy subject material in front of an audience of more than 1000 people that they know, when all they signed up to do it in front of was 30 college students they dont know and will never see again.
Kenzie: I have a huge dance comp tomorrow and I can’t sleep. Send milk and cookies.
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kenzie-fabs · 5 years
Kenzie: College kids can get high off anything if they try hard enough. It’s an ability that comes as a package deal with the debt.
Kenzie: It helps me feel better but it doesn’t help me sleep.
Kenzie: I have a huge dance comp tomorrow and I can’t sleep. Send milk and cookies.
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