kck59 · 2 months
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kck59 · 2 months
The Political ideology of EQUITY vs. EQUALITY has been discussed at length lately.
EQUALITY historically is regardless of where you start you have opportunity to invest your time, treasure and talents to achieve an outcome that is commensurate and proportional to your input. For example investing $10 and getting $100 of return, or investing $100 and getting $1000 in return (the outcome is PROPORTIONATELY or QUALITATIVELY the same based on the level and quality of the input).
EQUITY (as a socially created construct) is when regardless of your skill, ability, time, treasure or talent, you participate in a process and are given the SAME QUANTITATIVE outcome as the most productive, most talented, most committed person even though your investment or contribution is remarkably LESS capable or LESS productive.
The EQUITY ideology founded in Marxist principle is all persons deserve the same outcome regardless of the contribution, where EQUALITY is based on a capitalist ideology of what you put in influences what you get out.
The ideologies cannot co-exist, because it dis-incentivizes those who truly invest, sacrifice, and give the level of commitment for the long hours, foregoing of pay, loss of sleep, deprivation of short term pleasure, in pursuit of the bigger picture, the end goal payoff for your labors.
Many people cannot visualize this but I think this image may help. A young lady begins committing endlessly hours to physical training, massive dietary constraints, deprivation of friendship and family time to hone their ability to compete within an athletic sport of their choice (competing against other young ladies of similar levels or commitment, talent and performance as identified by divisions, qualifiers, weight classification etc.)
Then a young man who may have the very same aspirations commits the same investment of time, treasure and talent to compete with other men but finds through those same performance mechanisms he will not attain to the level of success he aspires to because through EQUALITY his raw contribution of talent isn’t EQUAL to the others competitors and isn’t willing to settle for a commensurate or proportionally appropriate outcome.
Instead they pursue mitigating criteria that is outside of the natural qualifiers to compete in classifications and competitions they are not naturally qualified for, to seek exceptions that provide a disproportional advantage to them.
Whether they achieve the pinnacle outcome, they still move from mediocrity to elite level which gratifies their appetite for EQUITY instead of the justice of EQUALITY.
The easiest way to pursue EQUITY is to be placed into a victim classification where you can silence opposing viewpoints to their self driven ambitions.
Though this analogy is based on sports, the EQUITY goal is whether you invest $10 or $1000 in a business or investment, the payout should be the same so “everybody” wins.
The ideology whose roots are in Karl Marx statement, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" it truly was lived out in the participation award era, where we recognize all the same regardless of productivity or outcome.
This philosophy has infected hiring practices, admission criteria into schools, fellowships, military service, medical school, and yes POLITICAL OFFICE.
EQUITY does not provide excellence, it creates unwarranted privilege. It’s does not create innovation, revolutionary advances in technology or medicine, it stifles it.
Whether picking your cancer treatment physician, your defense attorney or your national leader, the exceptions that allowed then to gain the recognition must be overlooked to instead focus on the challenges they overcame to arrive at that outcome.
World leaders bent on domination don’t care about diversity, they respond to strength and negotiative prowess. Cancer doesn’t care about the extra points your doctor earned to meet some equity point to get into medical school.
In the name of EQUITY it is necessary to weaken or disadvantage the more capable, more equipped or more productive in order to make those with less natural feel successful in a setting they didn’t qualify to be in, instead of strengthening their own position within the environment their are equipped to thrive in. Whether inappropriate athletes in sporting competitions or flooded borders, EQUITY (MARXISM rebranded). This ideology has killed millions of people and contaminated and ended many great nations.
Be careful what you support. It could lead to your own demise. EQUALITY brings excellence and innovation, EQUITY brings mystery and death!
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kck59 · 2 months
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kck59 · 2 months
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kck59 · 2 months
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kck59 · 2 months
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kck59 · 2 months
Before you try to hurt my feelings, take into consideration that I don't have any and you probably do.
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kck59 · 2 months
No one cares. Intersex? Please!!! Stop you dumb ass position.
The worst thing about the campaign against Imane Khelif (in addition to transphobia) is the demonstration that the truth is not important when it comes to sharing information. There is no one who can prove that Imane is a trans woman and yet Milei, the president of Argentina and J. K. Rowling, who continues to profit from Harry Potter, have already come out to share their transphobic shit. We are talking about two public figures with weight, one of them governs an entire country. Are they going to take responsibility for their lies? Are they going to take responsibility for the damage they are doing to Imane? I don't think so.
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kck59 · 2 months
Before you try to hurt my feelings, take into consideration that I don't have any and you probably do.
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kck59 · 2 months
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kck59 · 2 months
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kck59 · 2 months
Certified bad ass
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This is the most important thing turkey has ever done besides volleyball and cem karaca
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kck59 · 2 months
Olympics are in two categories. Male. Female. Period. Even my gay and lesbian friends agree. None of this intersex bullshit
I just need to rant about the whole boxing situation for a hot second because it's genuinely making my stomach curl. As someone who comes from a culture where if my queerness was ever found out, most of my community would shun me and if I still lived there, would potentially kill me, the way Imane Khelif is being treated terrifies me. I don't think these western world conservatives understand the absolute dire consequences this could have if this rumor travels back to Algeria and gains traction where transitioning is literally illegal. AND SHE'S NOT EVEN TRANS.
The weaponization of a white woman's tears (because she lost) and rampant transphobia have led us to a moment where this poor woman, who did nothing but WIN, but excel at her sport, is being crucified online, having her gender/gender identity questioned and quite frankly is being put in danger. And this is what the trans community has warned us would happen, that transphobia would be used to eventually harm all women.
This world disappoints me every day. Humanity disappoints me every day.
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kck59 · 2 months
This is an embarrassment for the Olympics. Male or female. Which is it! Intersex? Not a gender category at the Olympics last I checked
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