kayo-potatoes · 9 hours
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kayo-potatoes · 9 hours
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who's excited for the new mob
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kayo-potatoes · 11 hours
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Is that so?
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I like being in my little box. it's nice, and cozy
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kayo-potatoes · 1 day
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kayo-potatoes · 1 day
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Absolutely captivated by this very specific type of image
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kayo-potatoes · 1 day
“how are all my little juice-boxes today?” 🧃
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kayo-potatoes · 1 day
Oh how I laughed
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kayo-potatoes · 2 days
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made this gem on Sunday. had to wait all week to post it
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kayo-potatoes · 2 days
Guys hear me out
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kayo-potatoes · 2 days
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seeing this made me feel like i just got a letter informing me of my own death
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kayo-potatoes · 2 days
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kayo-potatoes · 2 days
Dear Tumblr, yes, Beetlejuice IS canonically Queer
This isn't just grasping at clues. Here's the canonical evidence of Beetlejuice's queerness.
First in the Beetlejuice Broadway musical he flirts with both Barbra and Adam and sexually harasses both of them. He forcibly kisses Adam and then later Adam distracts him by pretending that Beetlejuice's sexual harassment worked to seduce him and Adam kisses him.
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In the Beetlejuice animated series Beetlejuice had a feminine persona named Betty Juice. Betty Juice went on multiple adventures with Lydia and her friends Bertha and Prudence. (Beetlejuice was not Betty Juice in every episode but was Betty often enough that I felt it was worth noting). And it wasn't treated as just a joke.
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kayo-potatoes · 2 days
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kayo-potatoes · 3 days
Make sure you explain how to get tumblr premium to Twitter refugees or they won't be able to see this picture
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kayo-potatoes · 4 days
Not to mention the fact that I've literally cut ties with most of my online friends, who are unironically some of my closest, and I have no intentions on going back to them, all because I can't deal with emotions.
I make myself sick
Vent post under the cut
I'm so fucking tired. Literally and metaphorically.
I can never get enough sleep and when I try going to bed early, I'm either still exhausted or I wake up early and it cancels out.
I'm also just tired of everyone. My friends, my family, my foes, everyone. I don't like people right now and I wish I could just stay home and not do anything instead of having to deal with everyone's drama and shit every damn day. I hate every time I wake up and have to pull myself out of bed because if I'm not out of bed in time, I'll be punished by my stupid ass parents.
I also don't know who I can trust anymore. Everyone I enjoy the company of either grows further apart from me or unknowingly betrays my trust. It makes me wonder if I'm the issue for not staying in touch or communicating better or if it's them. I hate myself, but do I even have a reason to?
And then there's the fact that I have so many aspirations, but at the current point in time, I'll likely never be able to achieve any of them. I have a show and a book series I want to get out there, I want to make music, I want to do voice acting. Everything I want to do in life is some of the hardest things to get into.
I don't know. I don't usually vent post, but I needed to get all of this off my chest because, by God, I feel like shit. So here I am, yapping into the void, instead of actually working to fix my issues. Fuck me, I guess.
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kayo-potatoes · 4 days
Vent post under the cut
I'm so fucking tired. Literally and metaphorically.
I can never get enough sleep and when I try going to bed early, I'm either still exhausted or I wake up early and it cancels out.
I'm also just tired of everyone. My friends, my family, my foes, everyone. I don't like people right now and I wish I could just stay home and not do anything instead of having to deal with everyone's drama and shit every damn day. I hate every time I wake up and have to pull myself out of bed because if I'm not out of bed in time, I'll be punished by my stupid ass parents.
I also don't know who I can trust anymore. Everyone I enjoy the company of either grows further apart from me or unknowingly betrays my trust. It makes me wonder if I'm the issue for not staying in touch or communicating better or if it's them. I hate myself, but do I even have a reason to?
And then there's the fact that I have so many aspirations, but at the current point in time, I'll likely never be able to achieve any of them. I have a show and a book series I want to get out there, I want to make music, I want to do voice acting. Everything I want to do in life is some of the hardest things to get into.
I don't know. I don't usually vent post, but I needed to get all of this off my chest because, by God, I feel like shit. So here I am, yapping into the void, instead of actually working to fix my issues. Fuck me, I guess.
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kayo-potatoes · 5 days
That makes 500 notes.
Bro why is putting a choker on like trying to fight a pigeon with your eyes closed
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