katanaforsale-blog · 5 years
Overview of the main samurai swords
The samurai sword is one of the famous swords. It is popular for its symbolism and rich history. There are lots of authentic samurai swords today but there are a variety of the decorative katanas in the market. The decorative samurai swords are used for commercial purposes. You can check the Wakizashi for sale and purchase the Wakizashi at a lower price. This type of sword is the main weapon in the fight.
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The samurai sword is art wonder made by the quality material. The samurai sword is longer than the knife. The samurai swords can be classified into the three categories such as kokuho, Juyou-Bunkazai and Juyou-Bijitsuhin. There are more than nine hundred swords in the Juyou-Bunkazai and only hundred-twenty swords are accepted as koku.
Samurai sword in the modern days
The history of the samurai sword is part of the literature nowadays. Both the Koto adorn and genuine Shindo national museums in Japan and in the art center of Asia, America, and other countries have a lot of the samurai swords. They also have the long ceased their fearsome, destructive purpose, utilitarian and others. Design of katana
The katana design is explained by its great functionality. The samurai or warrior brings the samurai swords as the primary weapons to the fight. The warrior who wielded the samurai swords is mounted on the horseback. The clans’ battles were in the form of a surprise attack and traps. It is perfectly fitting to have the curved blade weapon that the rising slash power and its resultant damage.
Samurai sword making technology
In the 15th century, the Kota sword making techniques were started. It is mostly used for chopping. You can find this sword in the top sword shop that offers it an affordable price. The civil winds war fanned vigorously and all over the country was surrounded in the bitter battle alongside itself. The civil war required not wonderful but not reusable and simple to manufacture. One of the good things about sword purchasing is Wakizashi for sale allows you to find the swords easily.
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katanaforsale-blog · 6 years
Top 5 elements of a perfect katana
The katana sword is considered a feather in the cap by the people in the Samurai world. This is the reason a lot of emphases is being given to the making of the sword. In this context, the custom katana is the type of sword that all the samurais wish to have in their kitty. Having said that, what are the elements that make the great katana great? In the coming lines, we will try to have a look at the top 5 elements of a perfect katana.
1.    The length: This is one thing that has often been ignored by the manufacturers. The greater length is not able to make the samurai who is a little average built and comfortable. So, the customization is one process that is making the things quite smooth for the people all around. Also, the making of a custom katana has become a really easy task and people are resorting to it more often. One just has to login in the website and then, fill in the details about the requirements and finally, letting the magic happen. This is how far we have come in terms of technology.
2.    The handle (Tsuba): This is one more area where a lot of work is being done in the custom katana. The grip of the handle has to be made with such a precision that the hold of the samurai on the sword is stronger than ever. Also, a number design and the beauty features are coming in these days that are making it all the more attractive.
3.    Blade: Here comes the really deadly part of the sword. This has to be dealt with some caution so that it doesn’t hurt anybody. The sharpening of the edges can be done in a clean fashion. This will give the sword the desired shape and strength.
4.    The looks and the design: Though it does not contribute to the actual strength of the sword. This can be a game changer in the case where the competition is top-notch and it all remains a game of inches. Here, the one with the better accessories will have the better word.
5.    Finally, the carbon content: The carbon like the 1060 steel and then the 1095 steel are some of the carbon features that are making it quite strong. So, one has to factor in this component also.
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katanaforsale-blog · 6 years
What makes a Good Samurai Swords?
Japan has a very rich and old history of Sword making which can be traced back to the 5th Century. But, we could find the mention of the Samurai Sword at around 12th century. Most of the famous Samurai Swords are inspired from the Tang blades, of the Tang dynasty of Japan. But, the only difference with the Tang blade is that, the tang blades are straight, the curved blade of the Katanas, as several historians opine, was inspired by the Arabian merchants who came for trading in Japan during the 12th century.
Properties of a Katana The Japanese Katana, is an extremely beautifully designed sword of the Japanese (Nihonto) family and is a very important weapon when it comes to the Japanese martial arts training. The first mention of the Katana in the sword history of Japan in the 12th century. Although inspired from the tang blades, the Katana gets is curved feature keeping in mind the swords of the Arab traders. However, during the 14th century “Tokugawa Shoguns Regulations”, the Katana was newly standardised as in the past 200 years the quality of the Katana had greatly declined, because of the huge demand and the mass production quantity had take better of quality. Sadly enough the Katanas made even after the “Tokugawa Shoguns Regulations “could not surpass the old school Katanas.
Differential Hardening of Katanas The differential hardening of the Katanas has an official name of Clay Tempering the Katanas. The clay tempered katanas are more durable and resistant than Katanas smoothed in other ways.
The clay tempering of a Katana is an art. It is a process in which clay is used to heat the portion of the sword that needs to be softened, and after the sword is heated and quenched, the clay cools down slowly. This allows the spine of the sword to cool down much after the cutting edge thus giving the Katana it’s required downward cutting ability.
To conclude, it’s mainly due to its clay tempering process which makes a Katana an object of art worthy of collection rather than just a sword.
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katanaforsale-blog · 7 years
Samurai Swords for sale
Are you a fan of Samurai legends and their action? If yes then you must be aware of the special Katana Swords that were used by the mighty Samurais to fight with their enemies? The Samurai katana Swords are the super sharp swords made out of special jewel like steel that have rounded or square type end. These swords are traditionally provided with great handgrip area.
Online shopping of Katana Swords: Are you planning to buy a Katana Sword for yourself? If you are not sure where to look for then you can easily visit the online stores for great offers on Japanese Samurai swords for sale over there. You will come across several variations of Japanese swords available in the market. The popular one in demand is always the Katana Swords.
If you are shopping online for Japanese swords then you have complete freedom to choose among the wide range of swords available. You can select the size, the grip etc. A detailed description of all available products is mentioned in the websites. But if you can find the exact specification of sword then there is nothing to feel disheartened. The online stores have come up with new features that provide you the chance to customize your own Katana Sword.
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Custom made Katana Swords from online app: If you have special specifications for your Katana Swords then you should download the online store app of the Japanese Samurai stores. Here you will come across the unique feature of customization of swords. If you are customizing you katana then you get to prepare it by following the steps as below –
1. Choosing the preferred type of blades
2. Deciding the size and quality of steel  for the blade
3. Deciding on the sword fittings requirement
4. Selecting the sword handle.
5. Finally selection of scabbard.
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katanaforsale-blog · 7 years
How to choose battle ready sword?
Swords are available in a wide variety of designs and each sword has its unique characteristics. Every sword may have different functions.  Therefore, it is very important to choose the right sword depending on the purpose of buying the sword. If you are a student of the martial arts and looking for a battle ready sword, you should choose clay tempered steel as it is flexible and has high strength.  A few more tips are given here that will help to choose a battle ready sword:
Clay tempered blades are crafted well and they are very sharp and can withstand high force during a combat. They are fully functional and extremely expensive.
If you are a non-serious collector, you can buy a simple sword that is not tempered. There are affordable swords available on the market that can be hung on the wall of your room.
Many collectors want a historical sword. They look for a functional and a historical sword that is made by using the traditional techniques of sword making. It is difficult to find such a sword because most ancient swords are available in the museums and rarely found in stores. If you get a chance to find one, it will be available at a very high price.
You should check the quality of the blade before buying a battle ready sword. The blade of the battle ready sword should be sharp. It should be flexible and properly clay tempered. Authentic swords have a clear finish and they have a good shine.
If you want a real battle ready sword, you should buy a sword made of carbon steel. Carbon steel also comes in a wide variety. Swords made of high quality carbon steel can be used for cutting. The blades of the functional swords are sharp. The price of the battle ready swords is high and make sure you are buying the real worth for your money.  Check the signature of the sword smith on the handle of the sword and also check the unique hamon line that distinguishes the real Japanese sword from other sword types.
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katanaforsale-blog · 7 years
Curved Blade VS Straight Blade
Swords are an important part of our historical researchers. When the analysis is being done for ancient wars, swords were found to be an integral part of it. The swords continue to fascinate us even today when none of the wars used swords at all. Today’s battles are advance and with no use of swords. When we compare different swords which were very popular, we also come across many major differences among them. Katana swords are the most favorite of all the enthusiasts. But you can find difference of advantage, disadvantage, and skills. The most common talk about feature of swords is the shapes of swords. It is available in straight and curved both. In ancient times, European culture started using straight swords whereas Eastern people were more attracted towards curved swords. Even the Indian talwars, Ninjato Swords were much more fascinated about.
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Ninjato Sword became the choice of most of the warriors of feudal Japan. This Samurai Ninjato Sword is believed to be designed based on Wazikashi. From 1960 onwards, the Ninja museum of Japan has housed replicas of Ninjato Sword.
Curved bladed swords were very popular in Eastern countries. That was so because most of the eastern countries have wide expanded lands which worth used for cavalry charging. Most of the army on horse found it easier to hold a curved sword better than any straight sword. A warrior holding curved sword and sitting on a horseback was much confident to face hundreds of soldiers in the battlefield.
Ninjato Sword also had a great historical line. It was known to be found popularity during mid 80s when for the first time any American tele-production features these swords. A straight sword needs lots of training and focus for anyone as the handling is very critical. The weight of a straight Ninjato Sword is too much to be handled while sitting on horse-top. One will also have a fear of losing battle or losing the Ninjato Sword as it got stuck to one of the victims. This could never be an issue with a curved sword.
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katanaforsale-blog · 7 years
Craftsmanship of Samurai swords
Samurai swords are known all over the world for their distinct and beautiful craftsmanship. Each samurai sword was made with a special technique. It is a complex process and only skilled sword smiths can make a samurai sword. You can visit the link https://samuraiswords.store to learn about the making of the samurai swords. There are several people involved in the making of the samurai swords.  The different processes involved in the making of the samurai swords are discussed in the article.
Murage: This is the first step for making of a Japanese sword. The tamahagane steel is made in low clay furnace known as the tatara. The person who looks after the furnace is called as the murage and he will stay there once it has been lit. There are many other workers to operate the one week long production of the tamahagane steel.
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Tosho: The tosho refers to the blade smith gathers who select the right steel required for making the sword. The pieces are forged and go through a folding process thus creating many layers of the steel.
Tosogu-shi: This is a sword fitting maker or fine metal worker. This person makes the metal parts of the Japanese swords such as tsuba, fuchi, and kashira. The person uses different tools for making the different parts of the sword. The materials used for making the fittings of the sword include steel, copper and different alloys.
Togi-shi: This person is also known as the blade polisher. He uses different grades of water stones to make the edge sharp and also to give it a beautiful appearance. He also checks for the proper shape and geometry of the sword blade. Once the sword is properly shaped and sharpened, the sword polisher will polish it with the shiage polish.  This is the final touch. 
Saya-shi: This saya-shi is the wood worker and he is responsible for making the handle and the sheath of the Japanese sword. He uses a variety of tools for making the handle and he also gives shape to the tsuka and the saya. Tsukamaki- shi: He is responsible for finishing the handle of the sword. He can also determine the shape of the handle and the exact space required for wrapping and fitting the sword furniture so that everything coincides with the shape of the sword.
Habaki-shi: He could be the same person as the tosogu-shi. But, his work is different. He is responsible for making the blade collar of the sword. The habaki locks the saya over the blade and it also functions as a stopper for the tsuba. Nuri-shi: He is a lacquerer. He uses urushi lacquer which is a resin based lacquer made from the sap of a lacquer tree.
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katanaforsale-blog · 7 years
How to choose Samegawa?
Katanas are the most important Japanese swords that depict important features of the Japanese history. They are considered to be the weapons of the samurai class of Japan. They are generally handmade and have different parts that are assembled together to make the complete weapon. Katanas are very complicated weapons and are considered to be excellent pieces of art. These weapons are customized and constructed as per the demands of the samurai. Several materials are used for making the katana. Natural materials such as wood, ray’s skin for making the tsuka were also used for making a unique katana. The ray skin was used for coating the wood of the tsuka before mounting the Mekugi, Menuki and before wrapping the tsuka Ito. Ray skin is an important material used for coating the wood used for the Tsuka. It is naturally harvested and treated in a specific manner to make it suitable as a coating material that lasts for a longer period of time.
Rayskin samegawa is preferred because it has granular and rough surface. It is useful for making the handles of the katana because the katana has to be held with both hands. Samegawa mainly helps to keep the sweating hands dry and prevent them from slipping over the tsuka when practicing. Samegawa is a tough skin and has excellent resistance to the effects of fluids and humidity. The skin is thick and can be hardly stretched. It is not easily extensible. Samegawa has many properties that separate it from other materials.
Samegawa needs less herbal tanning treatment when the skin is removed from the animal. The removal of the skin from the animal is a very delicate procedure and has to be done carefully and slowly not to alter the skin. Once the skin is removed, it is dried on a stretcher. If any desired color has to be applied it is done on the inner side of the skin.  This helps to keep the glowing property of the skin and the color will not dissolve when it comes in contact with the hands.
The most important function of Samegawa is to support the tsuka and reinforcing its tightness. It also provides ornamental beauty to the tsuka and supports the hands while grabbing the sword. Thus, a person can ask for a customized samegawa. It is a simple part and a person can ask for a particular type of wrapping to give a unique look to the katana sword.
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katanaforsale-blog · 7 years
Wakizashi for sale
Swords have been popular in Japan in the ancient period but now swords have become popular all over the world. The Japanese people have been known as the masters for forging blades. They used claying techniques and they were perfect in using this technique for making the blades perfect and resilient to breaking. They Japanese swords are flexible and strong. The blade is made up of high carbon steel. Not only this, the Japanese swords have other important parts as well to make the swords perfect. Even today, the Japanese workers make top quality swords. 
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Japanese swords come in a wide variety. They come in different shapes and sizes. Mainly they are divided into three main types:
• The tanto which is the short sword • The wakizashi which is middle sized sword • The katana which is a long sword 
All the swords became popular during the samurai times. You can purchase different types of Japanese swords from online stores.
New swords made in the today’s world are also made by using the similar techniques that have been used in the past. These are also great swords that are collected by many people. They can also be used for combat. People who want to learn the martial art have to buy samurai swords for practicing. There are fully functional swords that are available in the market that can easily cut through the objects without breaking. High quality swords are available in the online stores. 
The wakizashi sword is a traditional Japanese sword worn by samurai.  The size of the blade varies from 30 to 60 cm. the wakizashi sword was always worn along with the katana and it was the sign that the wearer belonged to the samurai class. When wakizashi was worn along with the katana, the combination of the two swords was called as daisho. The katana was the big sword and the wakizashi was the smaller companion sword. Wakizashi have been in use during the fifteenth and the sixteenth century. It was used as a backup sword and was used for close fighting attacks to behead the opponent. The katana was used only by the samurai class but the wakizashi was used by the chonin class as well which included the merchants. This was used by them when travelling to encounter the bandits. The wakizashi sword was worn on the left side and was secured to the waist.
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katanaforsale-blog · 8 years
Katana Swords for Sale
Samurai warriors and fights are a history, but one such thing that continues to be popular today is the weapon set that was used by the fighters in the past. Frankly speaking, Samurai smiths or sword makers are considered to be the most creative ones and this is why the blades that they made are a hit even today. 
If you are someone who is fascinated by the weapons that the warriors used to use, go ahead and explore the internet to find a Katana for sale. Believe it or not, most of the sites have this magical sword in their inventory, which means making that purchase is not going to be tough at all.
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If you are a sword lover who has not purchased any sword so far, go ahead and begin with a Katana for Sale as this is going to come out as a great beginning. There are sword makers that still use traditional techniques for both forging and tempering to give you an ancient looking Katana.
You can enter Katana for sale online and start looking at the options that the sites out there have to offer. In case, you are not too sure about the pick that is to be made, go ahead and place order for a custom made Katana for sale. The ones who have any doubts in mind can get in touch with the sword maker to learn about the options that are available for Katana for sale. Ensure that you settle in for a trustworthy seller as this is going to safeguard the purchase, whilst ensuring that the one being bought is going to come out as an authentic one. Do not act in haste when buying a Katana, try and get details of the blade as with this reaching out to a real masterpiece becomes easy.
With so many sellers out there, carrying out a quick cost comparison always comes handy as with this you can learn about the quality of blade and about the deals and offers available. So, now that you know it all, get going with the purchase now!
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