jordanjamesaw · 10 years
literally my friend is getting told to kill herself the 4chan thing isn't fake she is getting people messaging her telling her to fuckimg kill herself
And guess what?  It’s other tumblr users doing it.
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The only point where 4chan got involved was to mess with and expose the people from tumblr lying about being 4chan anons.  Not only would channers NOT use Omegle, but a good portion of them moved to 8chan a long time ago, because the new mods at 4chan are ban-happy moral crusaders.
You can stop pretending as if this is the first time that people on tumblr have lied about something to further their own agenda , or deliberately set out to start shit with 4chan.  Hell, it’s also not the first time that someone has tried to use 4chan as a scapegoat for their own actions, such as the hoax regarding alleged nude photos of Emma Watson (here’s another source for good measure), or the “feminists” that circulated child pornography onto 8chan, just so they could claim that it was the site users behind it.
In fact, 4chan has actually accomplished quite a bit for the betterment of others, while people on this site sit on the computer, and whine about meaningless trivialities that don’t mean squat to anyone with a goddamn brain.
Busted a child pornography ring (and also cooperate with the FBI on a regular basis in taking down anyone circulating child pornography).
Were the ones that began trending #justice4daisy over the unfair treatment of rape victim Daisy Coleman
Took down a white supremacist radio host (who was also unapologetically homophobic to boot), leading not only to his arrest, but to the revelation that he was also an FBI informant that was basically let off the hook for spreading racial hatred (at least up until this was revealed by Anonymous).  In fact, here you can read the email correspondence between Turner and the FBI.
Sent thousands of cards, gifts, and letters to a 90 year-old WWII veteran’s birthday so he wouldn’t be alone.
Rigged a poll so that a $5000 grant was spent on a homeless shelter instead of new park benches in a Michigan Town.
Organized protection for families of deceased soldiers and Boston Bombing victims funerals being picketed by Westboro Baptist Church
Donated over 9000 meals to a food bank to feed the hungry
Raised over $4400 for charities to provide support services for Rape and Sexual Assault victims (which is $4400 more than any of the so-called “feminists” of tumblr).
Exposed an intentional public health violation and had the perpetrator punished.
Helped police track down numerous people posting threats of public violence, or images related to such threats, including preventing a school shooting.
Released an infographic to aid potential car buyers in finding a decent used car for under $5k.
Helped out a pet owner down on his luck.
Paid someone’s rent that couldn’t afford it.
Stopped the abuse of a cat named Dusty.
And numerous other endeavors.
Meanwhile, what has tumblr done?:
Circulating false statistics about rape, and then literally becoming enraged when they find out that women aren’t being victimized as much as they were led to believe.  Wow, that’s a super-healthy attitudes towards women.  These are definitely the people I want standing up for my rights.  NOT.
Giving someone’s personal information to a potential rapist.  Again - perpetrated by a “feminist”.  This has happened TWICE now.
Glorifying unhealthy attitudes and behaviors, such as self-harm, and anorexia (in attempting to respond to you directly, I noticed quite a lot of images glorifying self-harm.  You’re actually violating tumblr’s Terms of Service, and promoting potentially fatal behavior.  Even if 4chan did “raid” anyone, perhaps it would be for the better, since it would save the site mods from having to remove such blogs themselves).  Just an FYI.
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Routinely threatening and victim-blaming rape victims that don’t hold all men responsible for what happened to them.  Have even more from another user regarding the same post.
Attacking and doxxing equity feminists that have dedicated their lives to women’s studies, just because their findings don’t support their precious “rape culture”.
Spreading an unfounded rumor about the leading organization dedicated to the aid of rape victims being “transphobic” after they found out that said organization discourages the teaching of “rape culture” on college campuses.
Using someone else’s copyrighted characters to sell merchandise promoting ideals that their creator is openly against.
Making up and passing around false stories of sexual assault on children.  This, too, has happened at least twice now.
Passing around false information about important historical figures.
Calling in false bite reports in order to get someone’s domesticated pet taken away and euthanized, simply because they were against the owners having it for a pet.
Trying to turn a holiday established by a woman into a “patriarchal conspiracy”.
Constantly trying to hijack tragedies, and try to use them as a political step stool, regardless of the feelings of the families and friends of the deceased (including literally erasing the fact that there were twice as many male victims as female in the Elliot Rodger case, and even claiming they were “accidental” killings , when three of them were his first victims, and were stabbed to death, and despite that Rodger himself expressed a hatred of men, as well as an intent to kill “anyone in sight”).  On top of that, his blog was filled with posts about how much he hated full-blooded Asian men.
Someone on here is currently facing jail for pushing razorblades in front of their suicidal sister, and telling her to kill herself for having “straight-passing privilege”.
Here’s someone who not only had a knife sent to their home address with a note reading “Please kill yourself”, but someone also called 911, and gave a false report saying that he was suicidal.
Here’s someone that had a false police report filed on them, and had to stop the SWAT team from entering his house.
Here’s someone who had a syringe sent to their home address.
Here’s someone asking a young mother if her infant child has died yet.
The same people also tried to illegally have said mother’s husband deported.
“Feminists” from this site caused a woman to lose her job, because they decided to harass her boss via email (she has since gotten her job back).  Why?  For making comics based directly on interactions she witnessed on tumblr, complete with links to those interactions as sources.
Here’s a teenage girl trying to take a little boy’s attempted suicide, and make it all about her.  Mind you, she and her followers are people that perpetrate the exact same kind of bullying that this boy tried to end his life over.  And they still continue to do it.
Here are her followers threatening people with death and violence over things as pointless as fandom polls.
People on tumblr were the ones who CAUSED the “raid” on tumblr by trying to “#shutdown4chan”.  4chan became bored after a single night, while tumblr continued crying like babies, and making false claims that people on 4chan were “being arrested by the FBI”.
Meanwhile, the sane people of tumblr mocked the shit out of them for intentionally kicking the hornet’s nest, and then whining when they got stung.
People here and on Twitter had enough of a shit fit over The Fine Young Capitalist’s fundraiser to promote women in gaming that they actually hacked the fundraiser page.  Why?  Because 4chan contributed over $23k to it.
Here’s a sampling of even more examples of people abusing activism to basically act like entitled bullies.
Yet more examples, but in screencap form.
Even more screencaps.
People even fucking COSPLAY as tumblr.  Pretty sure that says a lot about the overall perception people have of this site.
So, what have you, or any of the so-called “activists” on tumblr, done for anyone else lately?
Yeah.  That’s what I thought.  A whole lotta jack and shit.
The only reason 4chan keeps becoming targeted is because whiny little teenage bags of snot can’t handle the fact that the people they hate the most (mainly for calling them out on their bullshit) accomplish more genuine good for others than they likely ever will.
In the end, it doesn’t matter what either side of this argument says about the other.  You are not a “good person” just because you sit around screaming at the top of your lungs trying to convince people that you are.  When it comes to 4chan, they let their actions speak for themselves.  They show genuine altruism while under a veil of anonymity.  They don’t go out of their way to be known or recognized individually for their contributions.  That alone speaks volumes about how tumblr “activists” are merely wearing positive labels like a fashion trend, and not actually conducting themselves in any manner to attempt to live up to those labels.  They are consumed with a rabid desire for others to see them as pious martyrs, regardless of whether or not they’re deserving of such impressions.  Unfortunately for them, true goodness is determined by ACTIONS.
In the final tally, regardless of the other incidents 4chan has taken part in, tumblr still has them beat by a long shot when it comes to acting like horrifyingly disgusting human beings.
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night,
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams with you and me.
412 notes · View notes
jordanjamesaw · 10 years
Please say other people remember this!
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
Bodger and Badger for Ukulele
My favourite description of ‘Bodger and Badger’ is this -  'Not many people realize that Bodger and Badger is actually an intensley political and philosophical show which discusses and ponders the tensions between anarchy(Badger) and order(Bodger) and the strains that anarchism and chaos place upon capitalist enterprise. Or it could be about a badger that REALLY likes mashed potato. ' - @Shalashaska8636 
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
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oh my god
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
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everybody knows badger loves MASHED POTATO!
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
Ahh, not one of these things... err... of all time? -House -That 70's Show -Hornblower -Blackadder -Jonathan Creek
auspiciousemma tagged me to name my top 5 favourite tv shows :)
(not in exact order idek)
-American Horror Story
-Bob’s Burgers
-Adventure Time
-Parks and Recreation
-Any Poirot or Miss Marple episode they’re all fab :’)
I’m gonna tag
maddyleah daisyryethings jordanjamesaw broganheart and alantheaslanrr
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
Just to prove that I logged out of maddyleah's tumblr. Although she does really love Peter Jöback really. She thinks he's dreamy.
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
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In fantastic news for our Japanese F1BEARDWATCHers, the Circuit of Suzuka have announced that they’ll be selling “Lion Heart” Mansell Moustaches at this year’s Grand Prix. For the small price of 800 yen (around £4.50), you too can carry a lip rug just like Our Nige. But be quick - they’re limited to 555 pieces! [x]
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
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Colm Wilkinson’s awesome eyebrow appreciation post ^^
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jordanjamesaw · 10 years
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White Weasels Are So Cute. http://cute-overload.tumblr.com
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