jonesy-gets-healthy · 11 years
A truly MINDBLOWING lesson on the origin of American Southern accents.
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 11 years
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http://www.gofundme.com/3zto4g Hi everyone! I am asking for donations to help cover the expenses of dental and oral surgery. I have over $6000 to raise so that I can have dental work done, so that I can have my wisdom teeth removed, and so that I can get braces to help set my jaw so it aligns properly. I currently suffer from bad tension headaches because of my teeth/jaw that often send me home early from work. I work and I am a student, and unfortunately I do not have medical or dental insurance to help cover the work I need done. If anyone can help by donating even $5 it would be greatly and sincerely appreciated. Visit: http://www.gofundme.com/3zto4g Thanks!
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
The other day I saw someone refer to their journey as “gaining health” rather than “losing weight” and I thought that was awesome. Because I haven’t lost a lot of weight this past year but I know I’ve learned a ton about making healthier choices and treating my body better. I realized how much better we can measure our success by what we gain in positives than just by what we lose in pounds.
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
That moment when...
...you've lost 30lbs since last winter but you have to wear last year's heavy coat and no one can tell you're any leaner. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
me: i'm on a healthy-eating plan
me: i'm very committed to my healthy-eating plan
me: i want to tone up so much
me: i am totally going to succeed at this
me: holy shit they have brownies
me: it's my cheat day
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
What/Who is your biggest inspiration?
I started losing weight that I put on after I ended an abusive relationship- at first I wasn't even losing weight on purpose, but simply out of stress. Then I started dating my boyfriend, who is also my best friend. He makes me feel so good about myself, that I only want to improve, because when I'm with him, I just know I'm awesome. Not only that, but he's so energetic, that I want to get healthier to keep up with him. We started dating when I was 180lbs (down from 195 and I'm 5'3ish), and he is 160lbs and 6'0". Now, almost a year later I am 155lbs. It's cool that I weigh less than him now. I feel confident and healthy. So yeah, my boyfriend is my biggest inspiration since he gives me so much confidence. What or who inspires you to get healthy? What or who gives you the strength to keep going? 
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
I'm going to lose 15lbs by New Years.
This isn't even a goal. THIS IS GOING TO BE A FACT! I went from 195lbs in September 2011 to 155lbs in September 2012, a loss of 40lbs! My weight loss has tapered off recently as I've adjusted to school this semester, my new job, and realizing that I am finally completely over my abusive exboyfriend. So far over him that I can now have a completely healthy and trustful relationship with my best friend, and I plan on marrying him in the next few years. I finally understand that I am not worthless or ugly, and that I am SO WORTH doing what is best for me!  This week, starting today (Sunday 10/21/12) I am going to eat clean again, drink plenty of water, and I've already started jogging and strength training again. I'm feeling good. Just gotta alert my boyfriend that I can have no fast food from now until New Year's. I WILL weigh 140lbs by then. Or less. BUT IT WILL BE COOL AND I AM ALREADY AWESOME SO WHY NOT
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
hello fitblrs! I am back!
Well I've taken a lengthy break from trying to lose weight- because I was experiencing a lot of food guilt and was starting to notice in myself some bad food behaviors that could have gotten terrible if I hadn't gotten help! (hiding food, limiting my food types severely). This just goes to show that even when you try your hardest to be healthy, sometimes your mind just pushes you over your limits into what could be an unhealthy territory. I'm also having more positive than negative days with my BDD- body dysmorphic disorder. When my food patterns started altering, I also noticed that I was so much less content with my self-image. I wanted to crack mirrors and stay inside. Luckily my boyfriend I think has helped me to realize how normal and good looking I am and how many awesome things my body can do- which is amazing and I'm indebted to him. After about a month and a half, I can say I am not experiencing food guilt, but I definitely gained 2-4 lbs. Which isn't that bad of a trade- I'm feeling so much better mentally.  So I currently weigh around 154-156lbs. I started at 195 in September 2011. I've come really far. I'm going to continue to do a protein-based diet. I'll have to re-eliminate sugary drinks, carby starches, and gluten (bad bad! I ate so much gluten. I'm now paying for it in psoriasis).  This time I'm going to go much slower and I'll try to lose .5-1lbs per week... I don't want to focus on seeing the numbers reflected in the scale. Because that sort of drove my bad food thoughts. I'll be okay! Also I have to start jogging again! It's fall now so it's no longer scorching hot, so I can run outdoors without burning up. Prime time for health!  
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
feeling empowered, yo.
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
food log- 8/26/12
Another date night with my wonderful boyfriend. Went to Chili's. Ate steak, broccoli, and only a few bites of the potatoes. Didn't eat the appetizer because they put so much darn salt on everything. Definitely ate enough. :) Just dealt with some bad sugar cravings, luckily I had the sugar free candies. Put me a little too high in carbs, though. Cravings get less and less every day! That's the beauty with protein. 
Eggs - Eggland's Best - Extra Large, 3 egg Oscar Meyer Louis Rich - Turkey Bacon, 2 Slices Chicken - Breast, meat only, cooked, roasted, 1 breast, bone and skin removed Chili's Bar and Grill - Lighter Choice 6oz Sirloin With Broccoli, 1 meal Russell Stover - Sugar Free - Pecan Delights, 2 pieces  Russell Stover - Sugar Free Peanut Butter Cup, 2 pieces Russell Stover - Sugar Free Toffee Squares, 14.67 g (3 pieces) Russell Stover - Sugar Free - Mint Patties(Net Carbs), 1.0 Pieces Chilis - Smashed Potato Plain, 0.15 cup Totals: 1,336 calories 46g carbs 67g fat (eeee, a bit too high!) 126g protein (woo!) 2,532mg sodium (ack! so much! damn chili's) 8g fiber 
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
Food Log- 8/25/12
Good day today! Date day with my boyfriend, we went to see the Expendables. It was super awesome. Also I have a crush on Sylvester Stallone. Anyways.
Oscar Meyer Louis Rich - Turkey Bacon, 3 Slices Eggs - Eggland's Best - Extra Large, 3 egg Peanut Butter - Jif - Creamy Peanut Butter, 4 Tbsp Gala - Small Gala Apple, 1 Medium apple Chicken - Breast, meat only, cooked, roasted, 2 breast, bone and skin removed
Milk 2% - 1.5 cup Matcha Green Tea Powder - 1 Tsp
Russell Stover - Sugar Free - Pecan Delights -1 pieces Russell Stover - Sugar Free - Mint Patties - 2 pieces Russell Stover - Sugar Free Toffee Squares - 1 piece Totals 1,819 cals 58g carbs 93g fat 165g protein 1,555mg sodium 11g fiber
Not so bad. My doctor suggested  again eating Low Carb and High Protein/Healthy Fats. I have to even out my carb intake and fiber intake, so I have to make better choices with my allotted carbs. I can eat unlimited lowfat dairy, so minus those carbs, I am in at 41 carbs for today. Not too shabby. I do need more fiber though, to help with the high amount of protein I'll be eating for the next few weeks. Will still be eating a piece of fruit per day, basically eliminating starchy carbs. I already feel good. My insulin response isn't going insane. I wasn't tired today. Drank tons of water. Things in italics are things I can reduce/eliminate/make better choices. I'm proud of today! :) 
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
I've lost 40/60 lbs thus far. I'd like to get my navel pierced, and I'd like to get a small tattoo of a chickadee on my side/ribcage (nothing extravagant). Should I wait until I lose the last 20? Or should I just get them done now? I'm at a plateau, at any rate. 
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
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jonesy-gets-healthy · 12 years
My Workout For Tuesday August 21
I earned 463 points for my workout on Fitocracy!
Jumping Jacks +78 pts
200 jumping jacks (+78 pts)
Jump Rope +24 pts
0:04:00 (+24 pts)
Reverse Pushups +78 pts
20 reps (+78 pts)
Push-Up +39 pts
20 reps (+39 pts)
Lateral Lunges +78 pts
30 reps (+78 pts)
Body Weight Lunge +62 pts
40 reps (+62 pts)
Body Weight Squat +16 pts
20 reps (+16 pts)
Crunch +19 pts
30 reps (+19 pts)
Oblique Crunch +19 pts
30 reps (+19 pts)
Reverse Crunch +50 pts
30 reps (+50 pts)
Think you can beat me, or want to comment?
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