jjaiyy · 3 years
How To Be A Good Business Communicator
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Being in the business world is exciting, honestly. It's amazing how people handle businesses, just like Mr. Neil Patel. A British entrepreneur, author, marketer, and Internet personality. He is a co-founder of Crazy Egg, Kissmetrics, and Neil Patel Digital. He is the creator of Ubersuggest. I admire him for his expertise and how he helps other businesses as well.
But sometimes when others can't manage their business well ends up failing. There are a variety of reasons why some businesses fail. And here are some common reasons; Poor cash flow, management, Losing control of the finances, Bad planning and lack of strategy, Weak leadership, Overdependence on a few big customers. (Five Common Causes of Business Failure)
Moreover, in some instances, the reason why businesses fail is due to an awful manner of communicating with others. As a result, some investors will stop investing, some traders withdraw, which will cause projects to eventually fail too.
So I came up with a list or can be a guide as well in "How to be a good a business communicator". Now you're might be wondering "How many are these?" so for you to find out, you have to read the entire blog.
1. Body Language Speaks Louder
I think we're all familiar with the phrase "Actions speak louder". Paying attention to non-verbal communication to a message to the person you are talking with.
Just like our hand gestures or where our body is facing. It is said that when a person you are talking with is personally with you and their body is not facing your direction kinda indicates that they're not interested. So it's really important to control our actions too not just our words.
2. Use Your Manner
Of course, it's vital to use your manners not just because you have a career but because as a person. Good manners are important to make a good impression on others in daily life. They also help you feel good about yourself and who you are. It doesn't matter wherever you are.
"Being rude is easy, but it's not hard to be a little kinder." this is from a book I once read and even now I still cling to this line. Being polite to others won't hurt any of your dignity, so always choose kindness.
3. Active Listening
Previously I've talked about controlling our actions when communicating, now in this part, it's about listening. Listening to the person who is talking makes them feel that you're interested to hear their opinions.
But for me, active listening can also apply to ourselves. It means we listen to how we speak or how we convey our message to others. It's crucial to be careful with our own words.
4. Ask
You may ask to show that you have actually heard and want to know and understand more. By asking questions, we show that we want to know more, which means we are committed to the situation.
5. Write Better Emails
Now, I'm very well aware that this is already necessary, but the real reason for including this is because research has found that it already affects the way you write emails. That's why writing better emails are so important.
6. Introduce Yourself In A Formal Atmosphere
I know this part should be the first one on the list but I actually intended to put this in the last part so it will serve as a reminder as well. A reminder that in every meeting always show up and formally introduce yourself.
Dressing well not only makes you more confident but also impresses and attracts others. Your appearance and the way you dress make an impression on the people you work with.
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In conclusion, when you communicate better with people in your organization, you are better able to recognize potential problems and implement solutions better. The ability to communicate more effectively can improve the productivity of your work.
However, even if you read all the tips on how to make your business success won't be enough if you don't want to make an improvement on your communication skills.
Evaluate the communication systems in your business and see how these tips work for you.
This blog was written by Angielou Jireh A. Libradilla
: )
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