jamaicadesembrana · 1 year
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“How can you observe Social, Ethical, and Legal Responsibilities in the use of technology tool and resources?”
We need Technology for different types and kinds of things. We can use it for learning, for work, and it will help us as an individual. We can learn so much from it. We can create experiences, and we can share our memories with this. We can build a friendship, and we can use technology to communicate with our loved ones. Even if they are far away from you, you can still access them through technology and the internet.
Responsibilities are something we should do, we should follow, and we should observe. For the reason that if those responsibilities fail, what will happen next? things might get worse. Other people online can do something harmful. Can harm other users, and can do not-so-good things through the usage of technology and the internet. As an effective user of Technology, we must learn how to cope with other people. How to be social, how to respect other’s opinions, how to share our thoughts, and most importantly, how to communicate nicely. As a user, and as a student, we should obey the rules. We should also do our responsibilities as a user, as a citizen, and as a person who will use technology regularly.
Social, Ethical, and Legal Responsibilities, also as our rights as an individual. Technology helps us to build our confidence, and to practice how to be a good user. A good user is a must, responsibilities is a must. By the use of technology tools and resources, we can provoke each one of us to do more, to do proper action, and to obey and follow the rules and regulations of the social media, and the sites we are using.
Always remember that every person has a different kind of personality and situation in life. But no matter how hard your life is, you should always make good and proper decisions, proper actions, good example, and always obey and observe your responsibilities. We must always stand for the rights that we deserve.
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