itsthetiffanysandra · 7 years
Breathe in.
Release it.
Breathe in, again.
Let it go, slower. 
Okay. Are you ready? For what, you ask? I don't know. Whatever the thing it is you are scared of or have been putting off, but really really want to do. But, there is always something else more important, right? Yeah, I know. Something more useful you could be doing with your time. Like, meal prepping, doing your laundry, running errands, working out, there is always something we can put in-front of what we want and are craving to do.
My question back to that is, why? Is it because of the lack of feeling like ones own desires are not important enough to put first, not enough discipline to just  do the damn thing, there isn't enough confidence or drive in the soul, not having experienced enough encouragement or support, responsibilities, commitments, fear, what is that comes before doing whatever it is which scares your, or your spirit has been nudging you to go do/try?
I see each of those parts in myself through my own eyes. But, the cool thing is those are just parts, not the whole thing. Understanding, seeing and knowing those parts is a step in the process, not the finish line. 
Do any of those responses hit home for you, too? Feeling stuck in where you are, afraid you can't move anywhere else? Well, guess what buttercup? You were made flawlessly and there is nothing wrong with you. But, this world we live in is sure messed up. Their is darkness and it can get reaaaaaaaal ugly. But, I am sure I didn't have to tell you that. It has a heck of a lot of brokenness around every corner, making it difficult not to trip and fall sometimes. Not to worry! You aren't stuck, you can get right back up, you can turn around, you can try again. 
We aren't stuck. We are allowed to move out of where we are.We can ask for help, prayer and support. We can reprogram our brains and we can always choose to start going after what it is we want rather than what it is we have to do. 
I wanted to start writing. Boom. Writing. 
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