intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
Sorry ahhhh school's really getting to me and I just started working so...sorry for the inactivity. I'll get to all the threads ; v ;
Kay I'll get to it.
sorry ; v ;
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
((oh geez sorry if i wasn’t on much forgive me ; v ; school is just killing me sobs ))
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
Thankfully the restaurant was near the library. If it was any farther, Cheren would have called it quits. Though he may have a slender body, he was not at all athletic. As they got closer, he could smell the scent that usually made him nauseous. They were going to a ramen restaurant. He had never been to one due to the fact that he didn't favor the oily, noodle soup at all. An unpleasant childhood experience with his mother overcooking it had left him disgusted and scarred. Once they entered though, a wave of noise and the overpowering stench punched him full on in the face. This was certainly going to be pleasant.
Lucas and the owner of the ramen happily greeted each other. He must come here often then. Besides the smell of the food, the place seemed quaint and had a homey feel to it. Cheren followed the other boy to their seat and sat down across from him. "It does? Well, I guess I'll have to try it then." Cheren smiled politely. He was a guest, and guests always acted accordingly. 
The woman walked over to their table and glanced at Cheren. Before he could introduce himself, Lucas had beaten him to it. A friend? Well, it was nice being known as a friend to someone other than the ones that he had grown up with.
Once it was his turn to order, Cheren grabbed the menu sitting on the table before him and scanned it. It seemed that they had every flavor of ramen imaginable. It sort of gave him a headache seeing the strange flavors such as cream cheese ramen and bacon ramen. "Um--" he cleared his throat. He had to sound confident after all. "I'll take the..." Cheren pointed to the safest looking one on the menu. "I'll take this one."
So I heard you liked ramen?
Cheren was still looking quite sheepish, and Lucas could only assume that it was because he was embarrassed from knocking over the books.  He certainly looked like the type of person who didn’t embarrass himself much in public.  Lucas couldn’t help but smile at the boy’s actions, but didn’t point them out.  There was no need to make him more embarrassed, now was there?  ”Sure, I’ll lead the way!” he replied.  ”Just follow me.”
Lucas led Cheren out of the library, grateful to escape the glares of the people who were observing them shrewdly.  The restaurant was extremely close by, only a few buildings next to the library.  Lucas sniffed the air as they got closer and sighed.  Ah, it smelt fantastic as usual!  He opened the front door to the restaurant, causing a little bell above the door to ding.  A women holding multiple trays looked up as he and Cheren walked in and grinned.  ”Well, hello, Lucas!” she greeted pleasantly.  ”Come and take a seat.”
“Thank you,” Lucas responded, walking over to a table right next to a large window.  He took a seat and motioned at Cheren to sit across from him.  ”This place has the best ramen,” Lucas said excitedly.  ”You definitely have to try it!”
“Oh, who’s this, Lucas?”  The woman from earlier strolled over to the table, a small notebook and a pencil in hand.  
“This is Cheren,” Lucas explained.  ”He’s a…”  He hesitated for a second, looking for the right word.  ”…A friend of mine,” he decided.  
“I see,” the woman replied.  ”Well then, what’ll it be?”
“I’ll have the ramen,” Lucas responded.  He looked over at Cheren.  ”What about you?  What will you order?”
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
Cheren paid no heed to the girl once she sat down next to him. Probably just another "beach babe" out to "catch some rays" or something. But once she started to talk to him about the Gym he was starting in Aspertia (something he hadn't said to anyone, even to his closest friends), he stared at the girl. Of course the locals there would know. They were probably bursting with excitement. He quickly started to sip on his lemonade again, trying to regain his calm disposition. Showing any sign of weakness, no matter how small, was something Cheren did not tolerate at all.
The girl was cute and the buns didn't seem outlandish among the other beach-goers. He couldn't help but blush at her enthusiasm. He was quite nervous at the aspect of becoming a gym leader. It was far below what he had planned when he had first started on his journey, but it was better that being just a wandering trainer.
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He cleared his throat before answering, "Ah, yes. I am the upcoming leader for the Aspertia Gym...It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Cheren looked down at his drink as he swirled it around. "Well, I hope you will come challenge me someday." Hopefully that didn't sound too...cheesy. The building itself wasn't much; it was only behind the local trainer school. He sighed inwardly. Hopefully with enough challengers, maybe he'll be able to make it an official building, with puzzles, secret doors, and trivia. 
"But I hope you're enjoying this weather more than I am." Cheren fanned himself as he smiled sheepishly. Even in the shade, it was burning out here. Mental Note: Don't come back to Undella unless it was for official leader matters or what not. Raising the cup to take another sip, he took another glance at Ivory. She did have that spunk similar to his friend Touko's. Even the hair color was very much alike. 
[Ivory and Cheren]
Ivory shook her bangs out of her face, having effectively gotten them wet after getting some surfing time in at the beach. It was refreshing and relaxing to be hitting the waves, though in all honesty, she didn’t think she was that all stressed to begin with. Maybe she was, and she just didn’t know it? Oh well, now she was pretty happy and upbeat, so there wasn’t much of a reason to fret about it. 
The sand was warm, but she wasn’t expecting the concrete to be to hot! Ivory squeaked and bounced from one bare foot the other, holding her surf board against her body and almost whacking innocent people walking past her as she bounced around in pain. “Owwie! Oh gosh, so not the smartest thing I’ve done…” She whimpered, jumping back towards the sand. Letting out a sigh of relief, she backtracked to where her towel was and picked up her bag, remembering to put on her flip flops this time before walking out onto the concrete path. 
Ivory walked carefully this time, avoiding the small children that suddenly crossed her path in hopes of not hitting them with her surf board. There was a lemonade stand ahead of her, and her eyes lit up at the sight of it. “Perfect! I was just getting thirsty too.” Ivory hurried over and set her board down by the wall and out of the way, along with her bag and her clothes as she ordered herself a drink. 
As she sipped on her lemonade through the pink straw — ironically matching the same shade as the swim suit she wore — , she noticed the unhappy looking young man sitting next to her. Oh dear. Ivory blinked, his face becoming more and more familiar to her as the seconds ticked by. Could it be…?
“Ah… Cheren? It is you, right?” Ivory asked in a hesitant and soft voice, hoping that she wasn’t wrong. She honestly wasn’t that familiar with him just yet— he was awfully new to Aspertia City. “You’re the new gym leader in Aspertia? I’m from there, actually! I’m Ivory.”
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
((I’m back! Please message me if you want to start a thread or if we have any existing one! Thanks <3))
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
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Cheren’s faces in this update are kinda adorable omg
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
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I can’t say I’m very fond of them - Normal types can’t hit ghost types. Whitney from the Goldenrod Gym, though, has her own way of working around that problem.
Poor Morty. I think he owed her dinner after that. 
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
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intelligentahoge-blog · 12 years
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