What do you think of Wes and Aurora and the whole cheating issue?
Honestly, what issue? From what I know about it, Melody said something, Wes misinterpreted, then Aurora somehow magically knew what had gone on and set everything straight in one go and he forgave her with no protest. It was over and done with after just one conversation – couldn’t have been that big an issue. Ask again later when they actually have something interesting rocking their relationship.
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What do you think of Hal and Sylas right now?
They are using this tragedy to get over some of the bumpier parts of their relationship and while it’s obviously not ideal (for Sylas’ health, anyways), it’s admirable that they’re handling things maturely.  They weren’t the most functional relationship before this ‘incident’ but I think they’ll be better off afterwards. We’ll just wait and see.
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Overall thoughts/ships for Blake?
Overall, she’s grown on me. She seems to have a wide friendship net and I dig that, especially from someone so young. As for ships, I’ve kind of been a Blake x Cordelia shipper for a while now even though I’m pretty certain Cord doesn’t swing that way. Mae and Blake seem to have some chemistry but overall, I’ll be leaving ships open ended for Blake. Her last one didn’t go so hot so temperance will suit her well.
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Wes and Aurora?
I don’t understand why every single conversation they decide to have while they’re making out? And every time I’ve seen lately, it leads to sex. Nothing wrong with an active sex life, don’t get me wrong, but that’s legit all I’ve seen of them lately. Similar to Freya and Easton, they’ve lasted long enough for me not to have a big bone to pick with them but, like, chill on the teenage hormones, please. It’s okay to just talk and cuddle and stuff, especially about serious topics, I promise! Aside from that though, no issues. Good on them for lasting.
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Freya and Easton?
Are we doing a couples opinion hour? Sounds fun, anon. Freya and Easton have fluctuated for me as a ship. I had enjoyed their chemistry before they got together but when they actually both broke off relationships to be with one another, it felt messy and forced. Now that they’ve lasted a while, I’m not quite so annoyed but that’s neither here nor there. They’re both branching out more than the love-obsessed first few months where they only talked to each other. I loved how little Juliet called Easton out on his shit though because he really does think the sun shines out of Freya’s ass and it ain’t cute, though. I’m Team Juliet.
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Ryan and Ariel?
See, they were flirty with each other ages and ages ago which didn’t mean much where a potential ‘couple’ was concerned. It probably could have actually developed into something I would ship. But now, after all the Jake drama and heartbreak, suddenly they’re a full blown thing? Just like that? I don’t know, friends. It probably would have been different if Jake hadn’t been in the picture but right now, Ariel just looks over eager to be in a relationship. It’s only been a month. Girl moves quick.
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Did you notice Christian's buddy Cameron getting a little frisky with his ex? Scandalous. I wonder how Christian will react once he gets wind of the happy couple...
Now, we’re getting somewhere. Who doesn’t enjoy a good love triangle, am I right? Though I say love a bit loosely. As evidenced by poor Christian’s broken heart, Miss Hit and Run doesn’t seem the ‘happy couple’ type. I’d say all three are on track for a trainwreck and I’m here for it.
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Who would you vote best dressed at prom?
Clearly, we’re asking the hard-hitting questions around here. C’mon, surely someone has something to give me.
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A tiny facelift and we are back in action ‘round these parts! Come send in the latest goss and I’ll be sure to reward you with my expert opinion. Surely with the whole town in shambles, something’s going down. Or going down if you know what I mean.
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It’s the last day to vote in my FAVES survey for this week -- get your tallies in and while you’re at it, drop me something interesting happening in this drab town.
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Do you have any personal favorites (people or ships) at the moment? Or any least favorite?
I save the faves for you lot to decide because I really can’t be bothered picking among the drab Brookfield natives. Ships are eh to me right now – I’m okay with BENNETT and ELLIOT and like, CAS and SETH but the rest are quickly losing my interest. Least favorites, I could name but that’s too cruel, even for me. You’re all just going to have to guess or leave it a mystery.
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apparently tristen is having second thoughts about being gay. What are your thoughts on that, if any?
Sexualities are fluid for lots of people. You can’t force anyone to be a certain way but if the feelings are genuine, just because you identified one way doesn’t mean that can’t change. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if a cute guy comes along and sends TRISTEN questioning all over again. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
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Did you miss me? Things have certainly been quiet around here without the daily gossip -- come fix that by sending in your juiciest secrets. Or perhaps take part in this weeks POLL to see who comes out on top!
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What do you think of CJ and Aib?
It should probably bother me that they’re going out on a date after, what, one conversation? But they’re both so shy and awkward about it, I’m surprisingly pro-this ship. I guess it’s because even if they’re rushing the asking out -- they’re still doing things a traditional way that I respect and it’s kinda sweet, isn’t it?
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CORY seems like a heartbreaker. I think DEVON should be careful. What do you think?
Agreed. Nobody tames a player that quickly and with how uncertain about herself she seemed to be, DEVON needs to really keep her wits about her before even going near CORY. 
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favorite staff members?
Tristen. That’s it.
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Who wins for top five most boring students?
Highkey, everyone. I challenge you to name five interesting students -- and they have to genuinely be doing something worth noting. Pretty hard, huh?
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