imprfect-blog1 · 6 years
DARKRCCM .       /       RACHEL  AMBER .
“So how was Taylor’s sleepover?” Rachel inquires, a faint smile on her lips. She’s well aware of the tension between them, the way that Victoria’s expression flickers between faux admiration and disdain. Regardless, she presses forward, interested in seeing how long the other can pretend to care before she breaks. 
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“Did you guys talk about boys and steal from her parent’s liquor cabinet?”
@imprfect ♥’d for a starter
A  SOFT  HUM  IS  RELEASED  FROM  SMOOTH  LIPS ,    other’s  words  contemplated  carefully  prior  to  offering  a  response ,   having  acquired  the  knowledge  that  dealing  with  rachel  was  never  an  easy  feat .     (   one  must  stay  on  one’s  toes ,   especially  around  threats .   )     a  strained  smile  is  plastered  onto  complexion ,   the  turmoil  of  emotions  from  within  too  hectic  to  conceal  through  a  poorly  crafted  mask ,   hauteur  seeping  through  the  cracks .
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❛      ━━━     wouldn’t  you  like  to  know .   maybe  you  wouldn’t  be  so  out  of  the  loop  if  you  hadn’t  ditched  us  for  that  lame  concert  you  went  to .      ❜
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imprfect-blog1 · 6 years
“ This is your breakfast! Breakfast in bed? ” / from max eyes emoji
SMOOTH  LIPS  PRESS  TOGETHER  TO  CONTAIN  A  CHUCKLE ,    the  sight  of  max  with  a  tray  of  delicious  food  placed  so  neat  all  for  her  an  endearing  one .     (   but  she’ll  be  damned  if  max  found  that  out .   )     so ,   with  a  playful  roll  of  olive  hues ,   petite  frame  moves  from  seat  at  her  desk  to  the  bed ,   still  clad  in  delicate  silk  pajamas  whilst  landing  with  a  plop .
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she  wastes  no  time  in  letting  max  know  the  act  is  one  that  she  deems  unnecessary   &   irrelevant .       ❛      ━━━     i’m  only  agreeing  to  this  right  now  because  i’m  starved .   not  because  you  made  me  breakfast .   just  so  you  know ,   maxine .      ❜       the  rosy  tinge  that  creeps  up  on  high  cheeks  exposes  true  emotions  instantly ,   though .   &   she  can  only  mumble  unintelligently  to  herself  whilst  taking  a  large  bite  of  toast  at  that ,   cursing  internally  for  being  so  painfully  obvious .
meme .       /       status :   accepting .
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imprfect-blog1 · 6 years
IT’S SO FLUFFY!  //  sentence starters
a request by an anon, asking for something fluffy!  as per usual feel free to change pronouns & word orders to make the following sentences more suitable for rp! 
“  hey…  lie  down  with  me.  ” “  I’m  not  tickilish—-  DON’T  YOU  DARE.  ” “  then  she  said—-  what  are  you  smiling  about?  ” “  Out  of  all  the  idiots  in  this  world,  I  love  you  the  most.  ” “  Your  heart  is  mine!  ” “  I’d  go  to  the  store  on  black  friday  to  get  your  soul  if  you  ever  lost  it.  ” “  we  should  get  a  puppy.  or  a  kitten.  ” “  your  mom  called!  your  parents  have  invited  us  out  to  lunch.  ” “  can  you  roll  over?  you’re  crushing  me!  ” “  I  know  we’ve  been  together  for  a  long  time  but,  do  you  still  like-like  me?  ” “  asking  for  a  friend  but,  would  you  go  a  date  with  me—  I  mean  with  my  friend?  ” “  ___  we’ve  been  dating  for  a  year?  ” “  If  I  asked,  would  you  let  me  braid  your  hair?  ” “  You’re  my  kink.  ” “  I  could  look  at  you  forever,  even  if  you  had  lettuce  in  your  teeth  and  garlic  breath.  ” “  Babe,  for  you,  I’d  do  anything—  except  give  up  vine  compilations.  ” “  I  often  think  about  you  in  the  middle  of  the  night.  your  snoring  keeps  me  awake.  ” “  I  could  stay  like  this  forever …  I  need  to  pee.  ” “  Get  back  on  this  sofa  and  spoon  me  this  instant!!  ” “  You  want  a  piggie  back?  You’re  looking  pretty tired.  ” “  I  could  lift  you  up  dirty  dancing  style  no  problem!  wanna  try?  ” “  I  couldn’t  think  of  a  better  person  to  be  judging  other  people  with.  ” “  I  was  this  close  to  buying  a  puppy  today.  ” “  This  is  your  breakfast!  Breakfast  in  bed?  ”
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imprfect-blog1 · 6 years
a  random  thought  but ,   what  if ,   i  came  back  to  this  blog  ?
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imprfect-blog1 · 7 years
so ,   i’ve  already  been  inactive  on  most  of  my  blogs  for  awhile  now ,   but  at  the  time  i  had  just  been  telling  myself  i’d  come  back  soon .   unfortunately ,   that  hasn’t  been  the  case .   my  personal  life  has  been  hectic  these  days .     (   i  was  hospitalized ,   there  was  a  death  in  the  family ,   &   now  my  puppy  is  sick .   all  of  this  has  happened  in  this  month  alone   &   things  don’t  seem  to  be  letting  up .   )     as  you  can  imagine ,   my  mental  health  is  in  a  really  bad  state  these  days .   the  only  reason  i  even  get  out  of  bed  anymore  is  because  i  know  my  puppy  is  depending  on  me .   otherwise ,   i  wouldn’t  even  get  up  to  have  a  proper  meal .   the  point  is   :     i  don’t  know  when  i’m  coming  back .   i  think  it’s  best  for  me  if  i  take  time  away  from  doing  drafts   &   being  active   &   instead  focus  on  helping  myself  feel  better  these  days .   i’ve  been  trying  my  best  to  keep  positive   &   be  strong  but  in  the  end  i  think  i  just  need  time  to  figure  things  out  before  jumping  back  into  the  rp  community .   i  hope  everyone  can  understand . the  blogs  going  on  hiatus  are   :     @truthsoughtt ,   @imprfect ,   @solluss ,   @shedeathh ,   &   @mirthborn​ .
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imprfect-blog1 · 7 years
receiving love makes me anxious
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imprfect-blog1 · 7 years
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imprfect-blog1 · 7 years
@mevndick· .       /       CHLOE  PRICE .
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“Oho.~ I’m shaking in my fucking boots, Teri.” There’s a cheeky grin coming from the punk, more than proud of their actions place upon the ‘Queen of Blackwell’. “What’re you gonna do? Tell the teacher on me? Hilarious.”
THERE’S  A  PAUSE ,    an  infuriated  little  huff  exhaled ,   a  deadly  glare  directed  other’s  way .   if  only  looks  could  kill .     (   why  does  she  have  to  be  right  ?    .  .  .    pull  it  together ,   vic .   )
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❛      oh ,   i’m  going  to  do  more  than  just  that .   you’ll  see .   you’ll  be  begging  me  for  mercy .      ❜        the  threat  is  empty ,   lacking  in  confidence .   in  fact ,   she  hasn’t  the  slightest  clue  as  to  how  she’s  going  to  stir  trouble  up  for  the  blunette .
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imprfect-blog1 · 7 years
asdfghjkl  my  activity  on  here  has  been  such  garbage  lately .   i  hope  everyone  can  forgive  my  lame  ass  but  i’ve  been  dealing  with  some  personal  matters   &   taking  a  break  from  most  of  my  blogs  in  order  to  catch  my  breath   &   let  more  positivity  in .   i’m  going  to  try   &   increase  my  activity  on  here  soon  but  in  the  meantime ,   if  you  wanna  chat  or  plot  anything  or  just  gush  over  lis  then  pls  feel  free  to  add  me  on  discord   /   skype  !     (   KIT KAT.#5300   /   voxsetesbelle   )     just  pls  tell  me  your  url  when  you  add  so  i  know  to  accept  your  request  !
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imprfect-blog1 · 7 years
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                                              Once upon a time in a land far away,
                           There lived a little boy and he drank all day.
Friends called him stupid and his brothers called him gay,
Emptied all the bottles ‘til the pain went away.
r. | a.
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imprfect-blog1 · 7 years
@ adults who grew up in the age of “don’t even give out your first name online” what was ur fake name growing up online
I went by Snowfall on neopets for six years.
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imprfect-blog1 · 7 years
PVNKGHOST .       /       CHLOE  PRICE .
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“Yo, Victoria. Got something hella gross on your face–” Leans in to give a slobbering kiss to the cheek, “–Right there. You need to get rid of that.”
A  LOUD  SCREECH  IS  RELEASED ,    hand  rising  swiftly  to  wipe  away  at  the  excess  saliva  coating  her  cheek .   brows  are  furrowed ,   her  annoyance  clear  as  she  crosses  arms  over  chest .
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❛     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━    you’re  really  going  to  wish  you  didn’t  do  that ,   kari .     ❜
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imprfect-blog1 · 7 years
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imprfect-blog1 · 7 years
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imprfect-blog1 · 7 years
❛    we  are  capable  of  love  but  choose  to  be  toxic.   ❜  ❛    you  have  a  sadness  living  in  places  sadness  shouldn’t  live. ❜ ❛    i’m  difficult  to  forget  and  not  easy  for  the  mind  to  follow.  ❜ ❛    you  are  a  war.   ❜      ❛    every  revolution  starts  and  ends  with  his  lips.   ❜ ❛    the  truth  is..  you  make  me  speechless  ❜ ❛    he  makes  my  tongue  so  weak  it  forgets  what  language  to  speak  in.  ❜ ❛    what  drives  you  crazy?  what  keeps  you  up  at  night?  ❜ ❛    so  that’s  what  you  do..  you  command  attention.  ❜ ❛    you  look  like  you  smell  of  honey  and  no  pain.  ❜       ❛    i  always  get  myself  into  this  mess.  ❜ ❛    i’m  a  dreamer  and  that  will  be  the  death  of  me.  ❜ ❛    you  were  so  distant.  i  forgot  you  were  there  at  all.  ❜ ❛    don’t  mistake  salt  for  sugar.  if  he  wants  to  be  with  you.. he will.  ❜        ❛    you  were  temptingly  beautiful       but  stung  when  i  got  too  close.  ❜ ❛    don’t  come  here  with  expectations  and  try  to  make  a  vacation  out  of  me.  ❜ ❛    the  thing  worth  holding  on  would  of  never  let  go.  ❜ ❛    love  made  the  danger  in  you  look  like  safety.  ❜ ❛    i  don’t  grieve..  i  shatter.  ❜        ❛    when  i’m  angry,  i  don’t  yell        i  burn.  ❜ ❛    we  began  with  honesty.  let  us  end  in  it,  too.  ❜ ❛    your  voice  alone  drives  me  to  tears.  ❜ ❛    like  a  broken  promise..  let  it  go.  ❜ ❛    our  backs  tell  stories  no  books  have  have  the  spine  to  carry.  ❜   ❛    you  were  a  dragon  long  before  he  came  around  and  said  you  could  fly.  you  will  remain  a  dragon  long  after  he’s  left.  ❜ ❛    the  world  gives  you  so  much  pain,  and  here  you  are  making  gold  out  of  it.  ❜      ❛    you  split  me  open  in  the  most  honest  way  there  is.  ❜
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imprfect-blog1 · 7 years
❝   john   mulaney   /   starter   sentences.
here   are   some   john   mulaney   starter   sentences !   you   know,   the   salt   and   pepper   diner   guy.   feel   free   to   change   the   pronouns   to   make   these   fit !
‘ you have the moral backbone of a chocolate éclair. ‘ ‘ anyone who’s seen my dick and met my parents needs to die; i can’t have them roaming around. ‘ ‘ i’ll keep all my emotions right here, and then one day i’ll die. ‘ ‘ i was once on the phone with blockbuster video, which is a very old-fashioned sentence. ‘ ‘ because bill clinton never forgets a bitch. ‘ ‘ in terms of like, instant relief, canceling plans is like heroin. ‘ ‘ excuse me: i am homeless. i am gay. i have aids. i’m new in town. ‘ ‘ the more you do stuff, the better you get at dealing with how you still fail at it a lot of the time. ‘ ‘ i’ll book a ticket on some garbage airline. i don’t wanna name an actual airline so lets make one up, lets just call it delta airlines. ‘ ‘ i was always the squarest person in the cool room, and alternatively, sometimes the weirder person at the mainstream table. ‘ ‘ i have a lot of stories about being a kid because it was the last time I was interesting. ‘ ‘ why do people shush animals? they’ve never spoken. ‘ ‘ comfort is everything. you start doing something and you want it to be perfect right away, but most babies are born ugly and then they shake it out and you get beautiful toddlers. ‘ ‘ i’m a very lucky person. i’m an idiot, and i’ve shoveled through life rather nicely so far, so i don’t feel like i deserve good treatment. ‘ ‘ i always thought that quicksand was gonna be a much bigger problem than it turned out to be. ‘ ‘ one thing that the character mickey mouse is lacking is any personality traits whatsoever. ‘ ‘ you can do good work simply staying up all night and eating nothing but junk food, but probably not in the long term. ‘ ‘ you can’t always see both sides of the story. eventually, you have to pick a side and stick with it. no more equivocating. you have to commit. ‘
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imprfect-blog1 · 7 years
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