imawriterhearmeroar · 10 years
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boo is the new bro
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imawriterhearmeroar · 11 years
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When you call out a bully by bulling them. #notahypocrite
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imawriterhearmeroar · 11 years
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Wait.. is that a blogger complaining about how bloggers are not considered media? #whatshouldwecallme
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imawriterhearmeroar · 11 years
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Or, what I feel when fashion bloggers take "regular journalist" seats at Toronto Fashion Week.
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imawriterhearmeroar · 11 years
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When PR folk think their event is too good for d-listers. Classic.
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imawriterhearmeroar · 11 years
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When people don't understand that I'm being genuine about the things I get for free to write about on my blog.. and then PR agencies try to engage with a virtual ass kissing and misspelled, irrelevant hashtag.
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imawriterhearmeroar · 11 years
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When I become so artsy and pretentious that I don’t think writing should be about what the writer wants to write. #notablogger
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imawriterhearmeroar · 11 years
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You know, Canadians sometimes put spaces in between their sentences too. 
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imawriterhearmeroar · 11 years
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When the Queen won't apologize for something that ended more than 100 years before her accession. #disgusted
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imawriterhearmeroar · 11 years
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When free product has a low monetary value. #influencerproblems
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