imaginaen5 · 18 days
I forgot to add the pictures
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Look at them!
I think I finally figured out why deathpool and wolverine felt so familiar as a dynamic!
It feels like a version of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. The two guys one serious and the other goofy without ever shutting up. They hate each other at first but become close by the end of the movie. There’s a lot of fighting and humour. They fight a criminal organisation. The two heroes have mostly the upper hand in a fight.
Sure the two Bud and Terence don’t wear spandex or have gore, they also don’t swear as much. But something between the four people feels so alike and just scratches my brain in a similar way you know?
The literal biggest difference is that Bud and Terence act like brothers. While dead pool and wolverine act like a romcom couple.
Anyway I’m just saying what came to my mind when I was watching one of their movies.
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imaginaen5 · 19 days
I think I finally figured out why deathpool and wolverine felt so familiar as a dynamic!
It feels like a version of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. The two guys one serious and the other goofy without ever shutting up. They hate each other at first but become close by the end of the movie. There’s a lot of fighting and humour. They fight a criminal organisation. The two heroes have mostly the upper hand in a fight.
Sure the two Bud and Terence don’t wear spandex or have gore, they also don’t swear as much. But something between the four people feels so alike and just scratches my brain in a similar way you know?
The literal biggest difference is that Bud and Terence act like brothers. While dead pool and wolverine act like a romcom couple.
Anyway I’m just saying what came to my mind when I was watching one of their movies.
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imaginaen5 · 3 months
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Joining art fight for the first time!
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imaginaen5 · 5 months
When the band gets together
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imaginaen5 · 6 months
Reblog if
A) you're panromantic
B) you like cats
C) you wish you were a dragon
D) you're hanging on by a thred
But don't say which
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imaginaen5 · 6 months
Protect your art and stay safe out there!
📺 🚨 Emergency Broadcast 🚨 📺
+reminder to turn the prevent 3rd party sharing button ON not off as shown in last pic ;)
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imaginaen5 · 7 months
Something we all have to realise and learn.
Who is going to stop you?
Ok so I was just sitting and came to the most insane realisation. No person can stop you from writing whatever insane story you have in mind.
You can write using the children's logic of “and then”. You can make a million oc’s just interacting with no plot. You can make the silver age of comics ,where Batman was dressed in a rainbow costume to distract everyone from Robin's injury, to shame with how nonsensical and plot contrived your story is. What can anyone do to stop you? Nothing.
They can act like you writing an oc or into already existing media is wrong. They can get mad at you for writing out of character fanfic. They can call you out for being unrealistic or cringe, but that is the extent of what they can do about it.
So be cringe.
Be insane and unpredictable.
Fill your stories with plot holes and pointless characters.
Go a mile and a half with your head cannons.
Be free!
And remember. There is nothing you can't do in your own stories especially if you post them on the internet for free. I mean what are they going to do not give you attention?
That's not why we do it. We write and draw so we can make that voice in our head go quiet. So the little guys are filled with adventure they just went on, they are tired enough to sleep and stop running in our minds uncontrollably.
And finally remember, both DC and Marvel started as just short one off stories with their little guys.
You can take already existing characters and change them to your liking and call them oc because people have been doing that for hundreds of years. Dc and Marvel constantly copy each other and they are successful. Why would it be different for you?
There is no reason why you can't reach greatness with your weird and unconventional stories. Maybe, just maybe you will make the new top selling story. You can be great. You just have to start somewhere, even if it's an out of character, bad grammar fanfic. Even if it's a cringe anime drawing. Even if it's a barely moving animation meme. And even if that somewhere is cringe Gatcha Life contends.
Your greatness is waiting somewhere out there on top of the creativity mountain, you just have to climb it.
Also take breaks where you need it. Don't burn yourself out by always taking your work seriously, we are not machines. We need rest and entertainment to recharge. You don't always have to improve. You can draw or write or anything else you do for fun, not just for improvement. You can do what you want without feeling guilty. Everything doesn't have to be serious. 
You can make something silly and weird just because you want to. There doesn't have to be a reason.
In short.
No one can stop you.
You just have to start and never stop trying and improving.
Don't let others stop you. If you aren't harming anyone or spreading harmful stereotypes and misinformation that is. You and your work are valid.
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imaginaen5 · 7 months
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Danny and Jason dancing
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imaginaen5 · 7 months
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I made this guy in summer of 2020 and this is the first time he has a full name
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imaginaen5 · 7 months
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His daughter (Violet) painted his nails. Just saying.
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imaginaen5 · 7 months
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imaginaen5 · 8 months
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He’s funky
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imaginaen5 · 8 months
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He became a mother instead
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imaginaen5 · 8 months
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He doesn’t know he’s about to become a father of a lot of avians…
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imaginaen5 · 8 months
Percy Jackson Kaiju AU
First things first thank you @Arianimates for helping me understand Tumblr.
Now then onto the AU:
The universe and how it works
The gods and monsters are replaced with Kaiju, Aliens and different Monsters.
The world setting is kind of like a sci-fi from the 60s where people were not comprehending how fast the technology was evolving so they thought phones would always be big and bulky. But mixed with some futuristic stuff and modern day stuff.
The story
Just rewriting the story taking inspiration from all 4 versions (the book, the series, the musical and the movies [I know we don't talk about the movies but they had few good scenes sooo yeah]) but with the aforementioned changes in world building.
The whole Kaiju having kids with humans will be explained in the fic.
Also I plan on writing in 3. person because 1. person tends to make people turn away.
Would anyone read this story? 
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imaginaen5 · 9 months
I have a question.
How do I tumbler? It’s my first day would love any help you can give.
Thank you.
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