Hey, paso mucho tiempo y se que nadie lee esto porque la única persona que lo leía ya no esta solo quería escribir algo rápido, fue una época hermosa. fui muy feliz y la verdad no lo cambiaría por nada.
Basta de drama.
Basta de todo. 
me va bien creo y eso es lo que importa.
quizas regrese en unos años de nuevo y mire, los recuerdos, las imágenes, los memes y sigan siendo tan buenos como cuando los deje.
Un Oso
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Some days are grumpier than others…
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peter parker, expressing his affection as any teen would: thor i would die for you :)
thor, gripping his shoulders with the intensity of ten thousand burning suns: i would never let that happen
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Avengers: Endgame alternate ending where Thor gets hold of the gauntlet in the final fight to snap instead of Tony, and when he snaps, he doesn’t just wipe out Thanos’ army. With that agonizing flick of his fingers, he brings back all of Asgard and the dead Asgardians as well – both those killed by Thanos and by Hela. The gauntlet burns and shrivels his arm in the process, and while he survives, he ends up losing the arm (leaving him looking like comics!Thor–)
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(Also he doesn’t dust Thanos but leaves him for Nebula and Gamora to finish off. He’s had his turn before, it’s time they get theirs. And as he staggers back to his feet, Bucky immediately points out that if he’s in the market for an arm, he knows a gal.)
The effect of Thanos’ forces turning to ash is easy enough to observe, but Thor doesn’t know if his snap worked to bring Asgard back as well until he looks up and, warily, calls out Heimdall’s name…
…And the bifrost opens.
He smiles to his companions, then takes the bridge back to the newly restored realm eternal. His friends are all there on the bridge waiting for him, and through the crowd, a familiar lean figure steps forward, smirking.
“I told you the sun would shine on us again,” Loki remarks, before Thor crushes the breath out of him in an embrace.
The king is returned. And the sun shines on Asgard in the dawn of a new age.
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Arabian Little Red Riding Hood with a red hijab
A Japanese Snow White with her coveted pale skin and shiny black hair
Mexican Cinderella with colorful Mexican glass blown slippers
Greek Beauty and the Beast where Beast is a minotaur
Culture-bent fairy tales that keep key canonical characteristics
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— Divinity: Original Sin 2  |  Random scenery gifs |  1/??
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so i was talking to my grandmother about old-school video games and she was all “y'know there was one game i used to play, and it had like a maze, and it was underground, and there was a guy in first person and he had a weapon” so knowing her penchant for puzzle games, i started guessing like myst, or legend of grimrock so we start hunting through these 90’s-era games featuring dungeon crawls. turns out. it was not a puzzle game. it was nothing close to a puzzle game. apparently, in the mid-90s, my grandmother would sit down and play fucking Wolfenstein 3D and listen to AC/DC for like hours on end.
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These Brilliantly-Designed Stores Are Living in the Future (x)
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Im a yellow rubber chicken and god is a 19 year old viner throwing me off of buildings and beating me with unusual objects to make me scream for the enjoyment of his followers. send post.
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My new D&D character
me, a street urchin in Ravenloft: why don’t the gods help us??? if you gods are so powerful and benevolent, why can’t you do one thing, JUST ONE THING, to make the world better for the people around me?
me, now a paladin: … no, not like that
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this is without a doubt the funniest shit ever put in a cartoon
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there’s a fucking furry at the mall!!!!
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Here he comes
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Gentle and understanding bear
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Sloth bear appreciation post
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i sleep nude because if someone ever breaks into my house they gotta fight me while im naked and i dare you to try and swing on a nigga when his dick is out
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Game of Thrones should end how Monty Python Holy Grail ended where a bunch of cop cars come n arrest them all
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