ignedeo-blog · 7 years
    “I think I understand just fine. You humans are all the same, aren’t you?” Her attitude is definitely irritating him, as is made clear with the way his shoulders tense up and his eyebrows knit closer together. Apparently, even he wasn’t immune to agitation.
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    “I don’t like any of your kind. Especially not you.” God, he hated that stupid smile. Stupid. Damnit. It didn’t help at all that her face appeared with this sort of passive guard- the kind he knows was probably impossible to shake with brute force, threats, or shows of power. The only things he could ever do.
    At the other statement, he tenses, shoulders raised- yes, it was true, her signs of resistance were what initially got his hostility. And perhaps he had been brainwashed himself, falling so easily into that trap- just another cog in the machine- but if humanity deserved to be controlled, they would be. He feels no pity, he convinces himself. “Hmm. Maybe. What’s it to you?”
   she puts a hand on her chest, expression taking on one of being faux-offended.
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     “ i’m hurt. wounded, even. offended. ” her tone is clearly not taking him seriously, but she lowers her hand and shoves them back in her jacket pocket. “ i thought we were bonding, hmmm? i thought we had somethin’ going, you and i. ” she’s kidding. of course she’s kidding, but she’s still wary around that gun and there’s a tightness in her chest that won’t fade, and it’s easy to see by the tension in her shoulders.
    “ what, are you breaking up with me? ” wiiiink.
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
canon/oc shipping unlocked the other 90% of my brain and while y'all were out there telling ppl it was bad i was learning telekinesis
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
“ for days on fuckin’ end? i’m kinda jealous. wish i coulda slept through this shit like that. “ — unfortunately, her homesickness and need to protect her friends that aren’t unconscious and/or hurting her kind of hinders this plan of hers, and she hasn’t had a decent rest since a certain paramedic essentially forced her to. the girl sips her soda, wincing at the sting it leaves, before slamming it down on the cafeteria table and throwing her head back in annoyance.
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“ seriously still sucks though, like…good for you that you weren’t fucked up by them, but now you won’t believe any of us?? hell, someone got possessed by ‘em! i don’t know what the hell you think possesses people besides ghosts, but y’know, whatever. “
    head tilts off to the side, and she puts her hands in her pockets as she hesitates. 
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    “ there’s, uh, something i need to clarify. i believe in a lot of shit-- demons, gods, goddesses, uh... angels, shit like that, but i don’t believe in ghosts. i believe in souls, but i don’t think... they can live on? if a person dies, people can get revived, in a robot body or somethin’, but ghosts? specters? especially ones we can see? i don’t. i don’t believe they can be real. if they are, i don’t think we could see em, so it’s easier to say i don’t believe in ‘em at all. ” everything she just said was a contradiction of itself, but she doesn’t care. 
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
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she remains completely and utterly silent, only doing what mel has told her to. what is this thing. why is it here. what does it want from her. and, most importantly of all- WHAT THE ACTUAL FU
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   “ let’s just... bow, really quick to it, sorta... ” she bows, and then raises her voice a bit to be heard by the ( all hail ) clown box. “ we are going to approach you now! we have a device! ” she turns to allie again. “ alright, let’s get it goin’ ! take out your phone. ” this is how you bond with teens, right? 
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
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    “ i don't know if i've... prepared you enough, for my invention... it's so important that you be safe. follow my lead. it will... acknowledge us, before we acknowledge it. ...right about, here, is about as close as i want us to be right now. ...so this is the clown box. ”
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
Blue Crab larvae are incredibly vulnerable to jellyfish.
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“ babe, are you a parking ticket? the future terrifies me. ” 
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
bad puns to tell my crush
are you a parking ticket? the future terrifies me
when was the last time you took your vitamins?
i’m a thousand years old 
we could make it if we really tried 
can we play some drake? i’m going to play some drake 
i killed my parents and they deserved it
enough to break the ice in tennessee 
i want to die
blue crab larvae are incredibly vulnerable to jellyfish
i think about you more than i’d ever admit 
i threw up on the way here 
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
               Shes the kind                                                   that’ll ask if you’re okay                                                then punch you for being                                                                      r e c k l e s s. 
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
“ what the fuck’s a bad day? ”
        jon bellion; “ the human condition ” ask meme. // accepting.
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    “ jesus christ. ” she pinches the space between her eyebrows. honestly, ignoring her utter denial of the existence of phantoms, she’s equally as shook as everyone else in this place. she’s scared of this thing, but the inherent anger festering inside of her towards that thing sort of overpowers that fear. she is fight, not flight. “ every day has been one since we woke up here. ”
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
@ignedeo – will these two ever get along for more than a couple seconds
“ hey, mel. where’ve you been all this time, anyway? while we were all fuckin’ tryin’ to survive this shit? “ — oh, she’s hardly bitter about it; no, she’s furious!! while allie and the rest had been surviving whatever fresh hell malach and their ‘messenger’ would serve each day, mel and a few others were nowhere to be found, without fail.
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“ i thought you fuckin’ died, dude. you’re not the kinda person who would just stay in one spot for so long, i’d think? “
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        “ sleepin'. hell, maybe i did die. certainly would be better than dealing with that--” not-ghost “-- whatever the hell that malach thing is, anyways. ” indeed, she’s been sleeping. mel is the kind of person to not sleep for two weeks and then sleep for three days straight because of that, leading to her generally irritated attitude and short temper ( one of the contributing factors, at the very least ) .
    so, she’s oblivious. completely oblivious to whatever is going on, and she knows it, knew it the second she walked into the cafeteria and everything was either completely vantablack or eyes or not-a-ghost or on fire.
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
      My faith is ᴍʏ ʟɪғᴇ               it’s rolling the dice.
                                                           If you try to push me,                                                                   it ain’t gonna be 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝒆.
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
jon bellion - “the human condition” ask meme.
“ really puts it in perspective. ”
“ what the fuck’s a bad day? ”
“ nothing has changed. ”
“ we are the same. ”
“ we can hook up in the back seat and let my best friend drive. ”
“ i really think i peaked in high school. ”
“ take me back to ninth grade shit. ”
“ take me back into the future. ”
“ i’ve been trying to fix my pride, but that shit’s broken. ”
“ money is not the key to wealth. ”
“ i need a family that loves me right. ”
“ i had a conversation with an angel. ”
“ it’s amazing that the crown of a king doesn’t change me. ”
“ might be gold, but that shit’s still a chain. ”
“ i wonder why i get paranoid when i’m high. ”
“ i guess if i never fell, i wouldn’t need grace. ”
“ i wonder why i miss everyone and still don’t call. ”
“ we live in an age where everything is staged. ”
“ all we do is fake our feelings. ”
“ i realized that a need you here, as desperate as that sounds. ”
“ everything about you is so overwhelming. ”
“ hey, do i impress you? ”
“ you could be the shoulder i lean on. ”
“ i don’t hold the weight of the world anymore. ”
“ my father’s warnings run through my head. ”
“ you’re making a ruin of me. ”
“ it’s my own fault, but you had this planned. ”
“ you make me forget who i am. ”
“ all of your good is mine. ”
“ i’ve been trying to keep up with all of thee great expectations, so i keep on faking. ”
“ we’re secretly out of control. nobody knows it. ”
“ where’s the party? ”
“ you cut me open. ”
“ i used to know love. ”
“ the secrets you tell me, i’ll take to my grave. ”
“ there’s bones in my closet, but you hang stuff anyways. ”
“ i love that you love me, even when i lose my head. ”
“ you set my soul ablaze. ”
“ all these nights, they’ve been cooking me raw. ”
“ don’t lose faith. ”
“ your whole life’s in the hand of god. ”
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
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    we’re given only what we need, only the chance to survive. and even then, it’s a coin toss, a roll of the dice. there’s gotta be something better, something that feels more alive. SO I’M BREAKING OUT OF HERE TONIGHT.
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
qhostplanet :
wtf- want to fight dtf- down to fight af: always fighting iagtfts- i am going to fight the sun
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
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A hand clenches overly dramatically on the chest. Ghosts aren’t real?… there’s someone who still believes that?! Golly, he hopes it’s not like fairies, or a ghost somewhere is disappearing forever.
( @ignedeo )
    head tilts slightly, quirking an eyebrow. she’s either completely ignoring the phantasmal quality about the other or just straight-up doesn’t notice anything off.
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     “ ... you okay there, buddy? you seem kinda... hurt. ”
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
i went to meet a ghost and all i got in return was a wicked stab wound and depression
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    “ you know why that is? ghosts aren’t real. ” she’s firm as all get out in that belief, completely unshakable in that thought and belief.
    arms are crossed firmly and she quirks an eyebrow, breathing in ( shoulders raise, lower ) and she bites the inside of her mouth. ghosts aren’t real. they can’t be.
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ignedeo-blog · 7 years
( MUNCH : N. )
@ignedeo has asked for an audience!
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“…you know that humans aren’t generally supposed to eat that, right?”
     she looks down at the bath bomb in her hands, currently round and crumbly. very crunchable.
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     “ doesn’t matter. ‘s all natural ingredients. ” monch. it tastes very sour.
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