idnm-blog1 · 8 years
Oh well that was awkward (high pitch)! I should do better. (Note to self: did you talk to your shrink about self critic?)
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idnm-blog1 · 8 years
Ok so today I had trouble using a spoon ... I'm so terrified. I'm scared
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idnm-blog1 · 8 years
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idnm-blog1 · 8 years
Does it worth it? Life I mean!
Ok well I’m dying, soon, and it’s not gonna be like “at least he died in peace.” No it’s not gonna be that luxurious it’s gonna be more like “well is there anyone here who is going to put this poor thing out of misery?“type of death. so with that being said, it’s not shocking that I have some dark ideas about this question. Before I answer that question here is a disclaimer: if you are reading this; now I don’t wanna be rude here.. well how to put it more delicately… you are also not living your life to full potential..I guess that what I’m trying to say, so uhm don’t take these serious,seriously don’t. Now to answer that: well yes and no. Yes because although I’m kinda young I had a good run,ah to hell with it I’m gonna even say a great run..so many things feel good I can’t even name them here are a few I’m gonna miss: warm fresh bread, a hot cappuccino in a rainy day, love, sex (oh come on of course sex it’s always sex), wind in your hair; like when you get a haircut and it feels nice, those laughters that end up in tears and stomachache and so on ..an no because from you are gonna live in pain and die a shitty death, are you freaking out of your mind? Of course not. But the truth is no matter what your answer at the end it doesn't matter!
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idnm-blog1 · 8 years
Wimpy kid!
Ok honestly I’m pretty wimpy and based on so many people sometimes I’m a little kid, so I guess that gives me the right to have this profile picture…and also I look just like the picture well maybe a little tiny bit (really can’t emphasize how little) cuter! As If he had a slightly more charming twin brother. (oh stop it me! What’s with all these complements?) (note to self: ask your shrink about why you think looking like the wimpy kid is a complement to you!)
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