hyperlaziness · 7 years
|| I forgot my own log in
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
“ And everyone on the planet knows that if you win with friendship, you win at life! “
Home ♥ Rules
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
//Starter call!
Like or reblog this if you are fine with me sending you a meme, sentence, or any other thing as a starter!
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
// FOr anyone wondering, I’ve been over at rainbowxtwins and sweetxviolence
I’m also going to be changing up my theme when I get some free time~
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
Okay so, I’ve been away from this blog for a while because I’ve been working on my OCs RP blog.
rainbowxtwins and I’m probably going to be making another bleach muse. 
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
Well, color me ultimately shocked! Under two months and I hit over two hundred and fifty followers! I really wasn’t expecting it! I’m so glad all you lovely people came to join me in this sin filled world called tumblr roleplaying! First off,
Keep reading
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
//Going to be making my OC blog
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
//I've started school. So my ability to be here is gunna be a bit sparce
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
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“H-Hey now! Wait a sec! Don’t you get any ideas, Mako!” A yelp of sorts escapes from her, for she knows that look in the sidekick’s eyes a l l too W E L L. And so, with Senketsu practically b e g g i n g her not to, she snatches up the footwear close to her chest. “If you’re that hungry, we can just go get somethin’!”
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“THen lets go!!!!” she practically glomped Ryuko at the mention of getting food, actual food. Without even too much bothering to change out of her PJs, she began urging Ryuko towards teh door. “We should go to that new place that just opened up!”
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
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“Say, Mako– I think Guts is chewin’ on my stuff again..” Her eyes gaze down at slobber covered shoes as she speaks, eyebrows knitting together in disapproval. 
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Mako rose her head from whatever she was doing and looked at the slobber covered shoes. “Oh he probably got hungry before his lunch.” she hten got to thinking, I wonder how shoes taste...”
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
I really, really hate how awful I am in regards to keeping in contact with others. I want healthy and fulfilling relationships with my friends, but it’s very hard for me to wholly invest myself. I want to talk to you, but it’s difficult for me to muster the energy to do so sometimes. I want to hang out with you, but isolation also sounds nice right now. I’ll read your texts, but I’m not necessarily in the mood to reply at the moment. Then I feel anxious attempting to reach out when I do have the energy and I am in a good mood because I feel like I pushed you away and you dislike me now, so I usually remain isolated. I feel selfish because of it. And I feel like a bad friend.
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
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                            ❝ To H E L L with your OPINION! ❞               Independent Ryuko Matoi | Semi-selective | Private                                          E n t e r | R u l e s
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
She sat all by her lonesome. No one around, no one to talk to-- she felt like everyone had just vanished from her side in an instant. She let out a sigh as she ate, taking a few bites of her usually favorite lunch before feeling her throat adn stomach clench, looking at the food pieces within her chopsticks before closing the bento box and putting it away. She hadn’t even ate 25% of her lunch.
She let out a soft groan as seh leaned forward, retreating into her thoughts... Even her imaginary friends had been lost in the darkness.
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
Reblog if you want Anons to tell you who they ship you with and why.
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
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“Mako… You’re my best friend! I wanna be close to you, too. Well, I guess I could learn to like dancin’, If that’s the case.” 
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“Yosh! Then lets go!!” Mako then grabbed Ryuko’s hand, and quite literally pulled her off and rushed to the dance studio where their lessions would take palce.
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hyperlaziness · 9 years
Sorry I haven’t been online. I’ve been feeling sick and a bit depressed.
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