heresytrash · 2 years
I wonder if Sanzo feels any apprehension about automatic doors,,,,,,,,, (spoiler) since, ya know, his last incarnation was crushed by the Automatic Door of Heaven and Earth?
I dunno, the thought of this made me snort and so I thought I'd try my hand at the 2000s Saiyuki anime style XD
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heresytrash · 3 years
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they’re bffs!
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heresytrash · 3 years
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They say there’s no such place as Paradise. Even if you search to the ends of the earth, there’s nothing there. No matter how far you walk, it’s always the same road. It just goes on and on… But in spite of that, why am I so driven to find it? A voice calls to me. It says, ‘Search for Paradise’.
Wolf’s Rain (2003-2004)
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heresytrash · 3 years
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heresytrash · 4 years
transcript / Video Desc:
A white girl with blonde hair and a blue shirt.
The sign language reads as follows:
[Hey, I want to cover something important.
As some of ya’ll know, I am deeply engrained with the Deaf culture because I want to be an interpreter and have Deaf family.
The world is slowly becoming more accessible, and I am proud of our progress. However…
I want to discuss this school.
This is the Memphis Oral School for the Deaf.
The school will be opening soon, but they do not let their students sign, they discourage it.
And now they are requiring masks, which means lipreading is out of the window.
This article points out that even without masks, the teachers would often cover their mouths when they spoke so that they couldn’t lipread.
Their reasoning? To ensure that the students were “listening with their EARS”.
Read that again…
You are taking away their (Deaf children’s) language, they are not being given Dynamic Equivalence. They have nothing.
When are y’all gonna learn that Deaf kids don’t need to be fixed?
Please spread for awareness.]
The video is by @elysian_cosplay on tiktok.
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heresytrash · 4 years
Pray [Drabble for Dawn]
Something was off.
He was sure of it the instant he stepped foot into his manor, having been away for a while on a mission for her Majesty. Usually the servants would greet and welcome him home, all with their usual cheerful and mischievious smiles plastered on their silly faces. Usually they were lined up, peering around the corner-however it was not the case this time.
They did greet him. There was Finnian his gardener, his maid Meyrin, the newcomer Snake and Tanaka his former butler. They welcomed him home per usual, but not in the same cheerful demeanour he’s so accustomed to. And there was also the fact that there was someone missing.
His Chef. 
The moment he asked the lot where he was and why he wasn’t there, the gardener and maid had burst into tears. Snake just looked down as if he were ashamed and Tanaka solemnly informed him of the break in. Ciel felt his body run chill as he listened to the details, how they had a sniper and suddenly Meyrin was begging for forgiveness for she had not seen him in time. 
“I must apologize for not informing you sooner, Young Master…..but Bardroy is dead.” Tanaka finished, bowing deeply.
He was so certain, so assured that his guards were impenetrable. No one that was human could possibly outdo Bard, not with his military training. "The bullet went right through his main artery, I had called for a doctor but they didn’t make it in time." 
Ciel gritted his teeth, "How foolish, where is he? Where did you put his body?" 
Body. That was all that was left of him, no longer the over-eager chef he’s become accustomed to. The chef that at times when Ciel just needed someone, but not to talk-who stood by him and listened to him rant about work. The two had kept it inbetween themselves, not even Sebastian knew about it. Bard had just stood beside him, smoking his cigarette quietly as Ciel raved about that damned Yard. 
Now he was gone. It was like losing Aunt Ann all over again. "His body is in the bunker, sir. We were arranging for his burial-" 
"There is no need, Tanaka.” Ciel interrupted him, “I’ll have Sebastian take care of the rest, you lot go get some rest.”
Finny’s eyes teared up again, “B-B-But Young Master-”
“That is an order, Finnian. You are not well enough to work, you’ll ruin the garden even more so in this state." 
The gardener averted his gaze, but nodded. 
"Meyrin.” Ciel said, catching the maid’s eyes even through her thick glasses, “Did you take care of that sniper?" 
"Yes, I did sir. I did.” She answered in a whisper, “I apologize for not getting to him sooner. If I did-" 
"Don’t blame yourself. Now go get some rest.” Ciel turned to the gardener, “Finny, help her to her room." 
"Yes, Young Master." 
The Gardener put his arms around the maid’s shoulder, walking with her even as her shoulders shook from holding back the tears. Even if their relationship was never brought to surface, Ciel had known that Bard and his maid were in love. He exhaled a breathe.
Suddenly his manor became very silent.
Too silent.
The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.
The funeral had been short, but sweet. No elaborate speeches of how great of a friend Bard was, or about how whenever the other two needed a leader the Chef was always the one to step up. Ciel had thought it appropriate, seeing as he always mentioned liking things peaceful despite his chaotic past. 
He wasn’t sure of any living relatives, so it had just been the servants and himself. Elizabeth had even dropped by to pay her respects, but because of fencing practice she couldn’t stay much longer. With her she had brought a bouquet of flowers courtesy of the Midford family. 
There was work to do around the manor, but Ciel alotted the servants to hover over their already buried comrade. He watched quietly, noting the slightest quiver of his maid though he knew she was trying to be strong in front of him. Or perhaps she didn’t want to show out of respect for Bard, as stoic as he seemed at times. 
Snake was the first to head back, having not known Bard for as long as the others he held no emotional attachment to him. After him followed Tanaka, who returned to his tea in his room-perhaps to lament about the former Chef. It took a moment for Meyrin and Finny to leave the grave, the maid with trembling hands hovered her fingers over the lettering that spelled Bard’s name.
Her lips moved, but he couldn’t hear what was said. Ciel could only watch as the two went back to the manor, close together and trembling still. Turning around he faced the gravestone, which he had ingraved with a quote and before Bardroy’s name was the title seargant along with the Phantomhive Crest.
He came to him as a soldier and he died a soldier. ‘How fitting.' 
"Young Master,” The Butler’s calm voice chimed in, “we should head back to the manor, it is getting late and you’ll fall ill if-" 
"I just want to stand here, for a little while longer." 
"As you wish. ”
The two stood in silence, Ciel pondering the finality of death. He knew his path, he knew what was at the end of it. Perhaps Bard had known at well, maybe that was why the bloody fool had been so fearless in everything he did. 
Exhaling breathe the young Earl turned his back on the grave, in nothing more than a mere whisper he murmured two words.
For Dawn. Yes I give you an angst drabble.
The quote on Bard’s gravestone is from Douglas McArthur
Also the title doesn’t really make sense but I don’t care.
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heresytrash · 4 years
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i said this a year ago and it's still the hill I'm okay dying on
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heresytrash · 5 years
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💙And finally Big Daddy V™!!! 🕶 💙💙 
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heresytrash · 5 years
I’m watching the last czars and like....Alix is pissing me off with her stupidity. I mean same with Nicholas but yeeeeeeah.
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heresytrash · 5 years
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detective pikachu is a super cute movie
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heresytrash · 5 years
Meet and Greet experience.
Ok so I can’t remember half the show, or I do and I’m just bad at articulating live reports so I’m just going to talk about actually meeting the band. (Side note: I got a lot of interaction with Aoi so I’m happy at least about that.)
First was Aoi, I was actually really nervous that he was first! I was trying to think of what to say, but I ended up saying ‘Thank you!’ and shook his hand as I bowed, after I slid the Metallica Tour shirt I got for him and said “This is for you!” and I think we were also shaking hands still at that point??? He said ‘thank you’ to me back again. I almost melted right there. 
Next was Reita, and I don’t know why but I like sort of aggressively grabbed his hand with both of mine, and he put his other over mine. (I love him, smh) and we both said thank you to each other. It was a little awkward as I was holding Ruki’s gift in my hand.
There was a brief moment where I was stuck between Reita and Ruki so I literally just stood there swaying. (I was like ‘yeet me outta here’ in my head cause I was too damned nervous.)
When I approached Ruki I bowed first, put his little Fennec Fox plushie I got him on the table and said ‘this is for you!’ he smiled, poked it a little and went to grab it but I also went to grab his hand at the same time.So we shook hands and he said thank you and we made eye contact. 
I approached him and he turned to me just as the person infront of me left him, and I was like ‘KAI!’ and he just beamed. I think he’s the one I said ‘Thank you so much!’ to, it was either him or Reita, but now that I think about it was probably definitely Kai ha ha. He gave me so much energy just by being next to him!
Uruha was last and honestly I swear to god he stared into my soul as I approached him. I did the same, grabbed his hands with both hands and said thank you, looked up at had another staring contest with him for like three or four seconds before I left him. 
Honestly his smile was so cute in person! 
I’m so happy I went with VIP this time! I’ll definitely never forget it, ahhh.
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heresytrash · 5 years
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heresytrash · 5 years
panic really does turn you into a complete fucking moron huh
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heresytrash · 5 years
are you still friends with that one girl?
I’m friends with a girl?
idk what you mean.
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heresytrash · 5 years
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When will I know I’m ready?
You won’t. It’s a leap of faith. That’s all it is, Miles. A leap of faith.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) dir. Peter Ramsey, Bob Persichetti, Rodney Rothman
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heresytrash · 5 years
Unpopular kpop opinion
Y’all don’t even care about the music artists make anymore (if you ever did to begin with.) you all only care about breaking records and streaming. It literally doesn’t make any sense and y’all look stupid doing it. Y’all don’t even take the time to appreciate the actual music and cinematography that artists put so much effort in, but y’all want to break a fucking YouTube record. True dumb ass behavior
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heresytrash · 5 years
I’ll probably order food while I’m in line. I don’t think I want a repeat of last time.
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