heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
"That truly amazing," she leans in, intrigued. While GiGi was more of a homebody herself (who didn't love the comfort of their own bed?), she greatly admired anyone who took control of their own life in the way that Aisha did. "What's been your favorite place, other than Merrock, that you've lived in? Visited?"
"I'm more into a hibiscus tea or an oatmilk latte myself, but I'm always eager to try something new!" she takes a sip of her drink, eyes widening at the mention of a spa. It'd been a good while since she'd treated herself to a massage or a facial. Maybe she'd check it out for herself. "Oh, I hope they have a deep tissue. Moving has had me stressed, I could stand to treat myself."
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"Did the whole thing by myself. Obviously didn't do the 'van life,' thing I've been seeing a lot of recently. Just living in a state for a month or two before seeing what else was out there for me." Aisha explained. She didn't like to talk about it often because she knew she was more than fortunate enough to be able to just pack her bags and travel the country. "Definitely! Whats the Tea has an excellent chai latte if you're into that. And I love going to Azure Spa & Salon at least once a month as a little self-care."
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
"The best that I could ever ask for," she stresses, laying a land over his and giving it a gentle squeeze. It meant more to her than she could express, to not only make a new friend for herself, but for that new friend to hold a connection to someone she loved dearly, too. "Which ultimately seals the deal for step three of the Costa, five step plan. Our next encounter at Paco's."
GiGi smiles faintly, "they say all press is good press, but that's not entirely true."
Reaching into her purse, she hands him her phone, "put in your number," she all but demands, the alcohol starting to affect her. "That way we can schedule our next meet up."
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"Always glad to be someone's intro to Merrock," he smiled, sincerity behind the expresssion. Although Darrius still mostly considered himself a newcomer when it came to life in Merrock, he also liked to think that he was a quick study, had learned pretty well as he moved through life.
"Good or bad? Or does it run the gamut between them?" sometimes it wasn't all black and white. Sometimes there were good ones, sometimes there were badones, sometimes it was whatever mood the journalist was in when they picked up a pen and paper. "I can't even imagine," he had lived the epitome of a normal life, and every time he talked to someone who hadn't… he was grateul for it.
"I guess if nothing else, he could be proud of you for your business prowess," might not be the point of being in the Girl Scouts, but if she had used it to develop some sort of skill, it was hard to see it as bad, at least.
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
"Eating out, or at least I used to be, I've been trying to do better. Like I said, cooking-wise, salads are the best that I can do. Maybe smoothies, if you consider that cooking," she laughs again, stabbing at the noodles on her plate. Her parents never cooked growing up, but the few trips she'd taken to Italy to see extended family, she knew that wasn't her whole history. Her grandmother was a wonderful cook, her father's siblings equally talented. It was truly some of the best cooking she'd ever had and she missed those days. More than she could ever express. "That's so beautiful, sounds like true love."
"So I've been told," she says before taking a bite of the summer dish, chewing thoughtfully. It was so good that she considered bringing some ziploc bags the next night in order to have some leftovers. "It's ... bad for me," she waves the question off. "But enough of about my unnecessary business, what've you? How are you enjoying the night's affairs?"
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"So are you the queen of take-out and going out to eat, then?" he asked, genuinely curious. Although Rafael had the odds stacked against him, too, his parents had always cooked, had taught him how at a young age, and even more so when he was grown and older and living in Merrock. It was a good kind of life lesson to hold on to. "Oh, very. We have Sunday dinner every week, and you should see the two of them fighting over who is supposed to be doing the cooking," it could get a little bit testy, but he always knew it would lead to good food.
Rafael nodded his head thoughtfully as she listed her business in town. "I can't say I've heard that one before, you might be the first to come here for that," at least since Rafael had lived in town, but that had been for quite a while. "Unexpected good for bad?"
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
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Headcanon 001
GiGi never took her education seriously and earned only C's and D's throughout middle school and high school. However, while taking her general classes in college, she had one professor who introduced her to the joy of reading. From Anna Karenina to the Great Gatsby to Dracula, she no longer read to learn, but was reading to read. It also just happen to be the first class that she earned an A in.
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
“Money is something,” she’d seen the power that money possessed, especially in business. Her father had shown her that, time and time again. 
GiGi looks up at him, studying the frustration etched onto his face, (truly) listening to his concerns for the first time during their conversation. Guilt, an unfamiliar feeling, begins to settle in the pit of her stomach. “… I don’t think you’re an asshole, I admire the love you have for the town and for your family.” 
It was obviously a trait that he and his sister shared with one another. It was the reason why she’d come to Merrock in the first place — for love, for passion, for family. How many times had she and Emeline stayed up at night talking, her friend describing her hometown in such detail that she felt she’d grown up here, too. But, she hadn’t, and no amount of hopeful wishing would ever change that. GiGi was on the outside looking in, always would be. 
Her heels were dug into the sand, however, and she couldn’t back out now. Despite how this man made her feel (no matter his love, his passion, his family), she’d made a deal with her father and she had to see it through … even if that meant countless town hall meetings, campaigning through neighborhoods, schmoozing with some politicians. It’d earn her a year in Merrock, maybe, if not a few months more before her father would get impatient, threatening her inheritance once again. GiGi sets her jaw, eyes steely. “Do what you must, Mr. Newman,” she says coolly as she reaches into her pocket, taking out her phone to order another Uber. Hopefully, the one who’d dropped her off earlier was nearby, “and I shall do the same and we will let the community decide for themselves.”
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"It's not close-minded for people in a town of less than three thousand residents to want it to stay that way. For them to not want to worry about their taxes going up, or worry about the price of pizza in their favorite pizzeria because suddenly there are so many more people hungry at night, or how their favorite corner market got run out of town because the new resort brought in such a huge crowd of hungry, selfish people that a chain market opened. And don't tell me that it's good business and creates job opportunities. Because in the process, someone lost something they've worked on for generations, their whole lives," and he was sure of that. Would swear on it. Wouldn't listen to argument because Cage had been there, working in towns across the country, putting up new houses that were ugly, that erased the history of what it used to be. "There are entire cities where people can go to the beach, build a sandcastle, have a picnic -- why do you want it to be here? Where people have lives? Other than you see us as a small town that's easy to take advantage of. We don't want your money, and your protection? It means nothing," he slashed a hand through the air, shaking his head. "What are you going to do, buy the lighthouse, so people can't graffiti the rocks? Snatch up the marina so people aren't littering in the waters? Buy out the state park to keep people from trashing the forest? You can't do that. Money isn't everything."
"You're not doing yourself any favors by tying to one up the Benefactor when it comes to me, trust me," that acidic tone had returned to his voice, a fire in his eyes. Cage would never be one of those people voicing support for the Benefactor, finding what they did to be beneficial for the town. He found more importance in the work that the people did. In the work that they did through the center, the volunteers at the firehouse, people like his girlfriend working at the school, his sister, writing for the local paper. "And I think you completely missed my point. I'd never defend whoever it is, but to this day, he hasn't suggested doing something that would genuinely harm the town -- hurt the people who live in it, not the way that you want to. And you might think that you're not, you might think you're doing the good thing here because you've seen success stories, but what happens to the people who don't see your vision? What happens to the people like me?"
Cage's hand fluttered to his face, pinching the bridge of his nose as he took a breath in, holding it for a beat too long and let it out. He certainly hadn't wanted to get into a fight or a pissing match with a stranger, with someone he had never met before in a little beach bungalow with creaking floors, hadn't expected his day to go that way. "Look," he tried again, dropping his hand to his side. "My family was one of the founding families in this town. My girlfriend's family, my best friend's family, we have history here, and I -- I get that you don't know that, you can't even fathom my frustration to think that if my girlfriend and I have a kid in the next few years, they might not get to know the town that we knew, the one that made us who we are, I'm just… asking you to consider how we feel, here. To not snatch up property just because you don't think it has meaning." A pause, and then a scrub of his hand over his face, through his hair, "I'm not an asshole, I just love my home."
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
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The Q&A (completed on July 2nd, 2023) for the GET BOLD task which can be found HERE. Please be warned that the content underneath can be triggering as it pertains to religion, sex, politics, etc., but it does not go into detail.
financial / class status: WEALTHY | middle class | poor
grew up: WEALTHY | middle class | poor
health / wellness: fit/healthy | MODERATE | disabled | ill
education: below high school | high school | COLLEGE | beyond
legalities: clean record | HAS A RECORD | trouble / prison
town status: local | NEW IN TOWN | somewhere in between
lives: DOWNTOWN | suburbs | coast | countryside
parents: ALIVE | deceased | unknown
came to be: BLOOD | adopted | other
siblings: multiple siblings | one sibling | ONLY CHILD
extended family: LARGE (aunts, uncles, cousins) | small | none
children: NONE | has children | wants children
relationship status: SINGLE | complicated | taken
if taken: dating | relationship | engaged | married
if single: LOOKING | not looking | whatever happens
pets: NO PETS | has pets | wants pets
EXTROVERTED | introverted | somewhere in between
organized | disorganized | SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN
close minded | OPEN MINDED | somewhere in between
CALM | anxious | somewhere in between
easy to get along with | not so much | SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN
cautious | RECKLESS | somewhere in between
patient | impatient | SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN
OUTSPOKEN | reserved | somewhere in between
LEADER | follower | somewhere in between
empathetic | careless | SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN
OPTIMISTIC | pessimistic | somewhere in between
traditional | MODERN | somewhere in between
hard-working | lazy | SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN
CULTURED | uncultured | somewhere in between
are they: religious | AGNOSTIC | atheist
do they believe in ghosts / spirits: YES | no | unsure
the afterlife: YES | no | unsure
reincarnation: yes | no | UNSURE
aliens: yes | no | UNSURE
astrology: YES | no | unsure
fate: YES | no | unsure
political alignment: conservative | LIBERAL | independent | other
are they: PRO-CHOICE | anti-abortion | unsure
are they: pro-death penalty | ANTI-DEATH PENALTY | unsure
are they: pro-euthanasia | ANTI-EUTHANASIA | unsure
are they: PRO-LEGALIZED DRUGS | anti-legalized drugs | unsure
sexuality scale: ALLOSEXUAL | in between | asexual | other
romantic scale: ALLOROMANTIC | in between | aromantic | other
experience: virgin | very little | moderate | EXPERIENCED
number of partners: 0 | 1-5 | 5-10 | 10-25 | 25+
number of relationships: 0 | 1-5 | 10-25 | 25+
preferred partners: men | women | ANY GENDER | other | none
relationships: MONOGAMOUS | polyamorous | other | none
with others: RELATIONSHIPS | casual sex | other | none
in bed: traditional sex | ADVENTEROUS | kinks/fetishes | other
cooking: good | in between | BAD
cleaning: good | IN BETWEEN | bad
musical ability: good | in between | BAD
artistic skills: good | IN BETWEEN | bad
driving: good | in between | BAD
athleticism: good | IN BETWEEN | bad
swimming: GOOD | in between | bad
horseback riding: good | IN BETWEEN | bad
fishing / hunting: good | in between | BAD
gardening: good | in between | BAD
communication: good | IN BETWEEN | bad
handiness: good | in between | BAD
handwriting: GOOD | in between | bad
technology: GOOD | in between | bad
alcohol: excess | FREQUENTLY | average | infrequently | never
smoking: excess | frequently | average | INFREQUENTLY | never
pot/weed: excess | frequently | average | INFREQUENTLY | never
drugs: excess | frequently | AVERAGE | infrequently | never
shopping: EXCESS | frequently | average | infrequently | never
gambling: excess | frequently | average | INFREQUENTLY | never
sex: excess | frequently | AVERAGE | infrequently | never
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
GiGi looks straight ahead, her brows furrowed in thought. If she was being honest with herself (which she so rarely was), no. The only reason she’d suggested Merrock to her father in first place was because she was (a.) desperate to keep her inheritance, (b.) reunite with her best friend, and (c.) get far away from her family’s pressure. Did she really care about building a resort on the east coast? No, it was just a means to an end. “Maybe, yeah,” she lifts a shoulder in a shrug. “I think me moving here is a good step, at least.” 
“Yeah, she still lives here,” she smiles brightly, eyes flickering to her old friend. It was a small town, she’d already met one of Emeline’s roommates after all. Her brother. It wouldn’t surprise her if Ryder knew her, too. They were both artists in their own right. “But, I haven’t reached out to her yet, so you’ll have to wait to find out.” 
Her eyes shift to the games that are lining the streets, little kids running from booth to booth as they shout gleefully. “Well then, Mr. Gucci Sneakers, how about we go shoot some hoops? I’m willing to bet that I can score more baskets than you can.”
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"And have you?" he asked, as she regaled the tale of her father wanting her to take her responsibilities more seriously. Ryder was glad that there wasn't much of a legacy to continue in his family. Sure, his father had a good name. His mother was a socialite. The two of them probably might have wished that he had remained in Boston to attend all the swanky soirees, follow his father's foot steps into business or marketing or financing or whatever it was that he did, rather than deciding to become an artist. But he had decided a long time ago that it wasn't going to be the path that he had gone down. And thankfully, they hadn't put up that much of a fight. Of course, he knew that Gianna wasn't as lucky, with the line of work that her family as in, what they had done to make a name for themselves. Someone had to carry it on.
"No way?" he asked, when she admitted why she had come to Merrock, someone speaking so highly of the little town that it had stuck in her brain. He could understand it, of course. Greyson had always talked kindly enough about Merrock, and his girlfriend had made it seem so quaint and picturesque that he hadn't been able to say no. "Do I know them? Like do they live here still?" Sometimes people spoke highly of palces that were no longer home, places they had left a long time ago.
"I've missed you, too," he laughed softly, giving her a final squeeze around the shoulders before stepping back, giving her space to breathe and gesturing for her to follow along as he began to walk through the carnival grounds once more. Nothing wrong with seeing the sights as they caught up, after all. "He's alright," he smriked, knowingly. He had never really gotten along with his mother's boyfriends, normally just expecting them to ghost within a few days, regardless. This one had stuck around, had money of his own… maybe would make it work. Not that hewas one to judge, but when he felt her head on his shoulder and heard her kind words, he laughed, tilting his head to rest against her, "it's alright, honestly. She's a good girl. Great girl, we were just very different people." And at the end of the day, it had been in both of their best interests to part ways. Go on with their lives. "It's something, I thought I'd hate it, but I've come to sort of like the routine. I work with great people at both places, and it makes me feel…" he trailed off, searching for the words. "Fulfilled, I guess? I mean, I drive a python green porsche and wear Gucci sneakers, so take it with a grain of salt, but I feel good supporting myself."
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
Relief washes over her as she eagerly wraps her arms around Emeline, “believe me, I was surprised, too, and I'm the one who made the decision,” GiGi laughs, reluctantly letting her go and taking a step back. “But I needed a change.” That much was true. Her New Years Eve incident had resulted in an arrest, a damaged public image, and her father’s wrath. Merrock, in all its small-town glory, felt like the perfect opportunity to transform her life for the better. "... so, yeah, I'm sure, it's been time for me to step out of my family's shadow and, I don't know, do some things on my own."
GiGi groans at the mention of learning to drive because she isn't wrong, she'd been avoiding driving herself since she was old enough to get a learners. It didn't matter in larger cities like L.A. or New York, she could easily wave down a taxi or order an Uber, but she had underestimated what a small town had, “I know, I know,” moving to sit down at the table, “I’m renting a place downtown, a condo. Figured that it would be best until I figure out this driving situation … maybe I'll learn better on these roads?” It's not like either of her parents had been eager to teach her and those that offered, well ... they typically rescinded their offer once she got behind the wheel. Two words - Road. Rage.
GiGi props her chin on her hand, searching her friend’s face with genuine concern. “How have you been, Em?”
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How could it have been five years since she had last her best friend in person. After everything in her life, going back to California had never been a possibility, ever. Too much of her blamed herself for spending a handful of years out there, it brought back mostly bad memories -- not from her time there, the pain of when she returned and everything after that. Sure, they had facetimed here and there, texted, but that didn't make up for when you are side by side with the person who had become her best friend in Los Angeles. Sure, she had the friends in town, her family, but this was the woman who had been by her side through fashion school, through meeting her now ex-fiance, who had talked to her through the worries over dating an older man, who had spent hours up with her into the middle night talking about fashion, makeup, and giggling until their stomachs ached the next morning once they had long since gone to sleep.
Once her food was set down she turned to hug the woman tightly. "This is such a great surprise!" Really she thought she was just in town to visit, but when she said that she lived her now she had to admit she was incredibly surprised. "I... really? You live in Merrock now? Are you sure?" she laughed a tiny bit. "You know I love you to pieces but Merrock is... so, so far from any kind of Los Angeles, New York City... any of that." she said, she loved her home town, not to get anything wrong. She just didn't know that it was place that Gigi would thrive in. Another chuckle, "You either are going to need to hire a driver or learn to drive, a lot of places are walkable but if you want to get to the coast or the countryside, a car comes in handy." It was why she loved her Jeep so much.
"It's so good to have you here though, you look great. What part of town are you living in?"
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
Tilting her head back, she laughs loudly, "definitely a menace! Even worse if I have to actually turn on the stove or oven. My parents never cooked so unfortunately, the odds have been stacked against me." GiGi glances over at the enchiladas that he had pointed out, eyes widening at the cheesy and saucy goodness. Her mouth was watering and suddenly, the salads she'd been munching on the past week just weren't cutting it. "Those look amazing! Your parents must be very good in a kitchen."
"Business," she lifts a shoulder in a shrug, "my family is in the hospitality industry and we were interested in Merrock, but we'll see, there has been some unexpected developments."
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Widening his eyes just a tad as she lifted her hand to show off the sliced finger, Rafael shook his head, "so what I'm getting here, is that you might be a little bit of a menace to yourself in the kitchen? his voice was lighthearted, clearly teasing her, because he, too, knew how dangerous those knives could be! Especially if one was chopping quickly, not looking, and then bam. "But I'm glad that the second attempt was much safer. I actually helped my mother and father whip up a few dishes. Dad made enchiladas," he gestured down to the food table, "and my mother made about… two dozen things for the entire week, so who knows what she brought today."
Returning the shake, Rafael nodded his head, settling back into his seat, "it's good to meet you, Gianna. What brings you here to Merrock, if you don't mind me asking?"
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
GiGi smiles at him, thankful and relieved., “thank you, and also thank you for your company tonight, you’re a great first introduction to the town.”
“Believe me, I have had my fair share of news articles written about me,” she winces as she finishes off her glass, the memory of her father yelling, waving a crass article that’d brought shame to him and the Costa business. “I have no interest in unhinging any newspapers currently.” 
“There was a brief stint as a Girl Scout,” she admits with a laugh. “My dad thought selling Girl Scout Cookes would be a great introduction to business and well, maybe it was, but I just bartered some neighbor kids to sell them for me.” 
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Darrius lifted his fingers to his mouth, drawing a line across his lips, as though to zipper them shut. "I won't spoil the surprise, promise," he could understand it, after all. If she moved to Maine and was interested in meeting back up with Emeline after a long time away, he could completely understand not wanting the other woman to get the head's up about being in town, not wanting to ruin the reunion. Those could be so, so special. And given that he noticed the slight pinkening of her cheeks, he suspected it would be extra special, though he said nothing.
"Thanks, I actually like reading the Merrock Times!" he admitted on a laugh, "drinking my coffee with the copy of the paper… the last thing that I want is to have to read a hundred opinion pieces that are suddenly very, very unhinged. Although I guess I would know who to come after if that happened." The spearhead of the operations. Miss GiGi.
"Somehow… I have a hard time envisioning you as a scout?" Selling cookies, wearing the little uniform, the whole nine yards, "and I don't mean that in a bad way!"
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
“Likewise, Deacon,” GiGi bats her eyelashes, flirting a little shamelessly; all in good fun, of course. Flirting always came naturally to the brunette, playful touches and teasing words. In business, it was a powerful tool, and a fun way to build connections with strangers at clubs and parties. “You flatter me,” she laughs lightly, “definitely not a model or an actress, but I’ve definitely met a few and believe me, I pale in comparison,” she tilts her head thoughtfully, “Really? Maybe she and I have crossed paths. Wouldn’t that be something?” 
Her eyes glance to the straw between his lips then back to his face, leaning in eagerly. “Just doing some business research for my father, boring stuff really,” while the majority of her reasoning was business, there was more to it, but she didn’t feel like ruining the playful conversation. “Oh, I take clubbing very seriously. I guess you could call me a professional!” she says jokingly, taking another generous sip of her cocktail, “what about you? Is it too cliche to ask, come here often?”
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𝐈𝐍 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘-𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒, deacon has met his fair share of transplants and visitors alike, people coming in for an event or just passing by en route to a neighboring town. and so he's well-familiar with this doe-eyed look, as it were, as if they'd just stepped into a fictional fairytale town come to life. it probably doesn't smell as nice as it would in the storybooks, but it's just as quaint and colorful as one might imagine. "nice to meet you, gigi." he props his chin on his hand, pressing his cheek comfortably against his palm. "LA, huh? you've gotta be an actress or a model or somethin'. i've personally never been, but my sister lived there for a while. what brings you to our teeny tiny town, then?" everyone's got their reasons. no one would trade life in a big, sparkling city like los angeles for a small, humble coastal town on a whim. "i'm sure we can arrange for somethin'," he says, bringing the straw of his drink to his lips in an almost suggestive fashion when gigi mentions repaying him. "that's some dedication to clubbing if i ever saw it," he says, managing a small, amused smile.
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
“That,” she points an accusing finger. “That’s close-minded because yes, people should experience those things, but you’d rather keep it hidden. Hundreds of families could have the chance to experience this view, building sandcastles, having picnics, and actually experiencing history, not just viewing it behind ropes and glass,” GiGi rolls her brown eyes, obviously this wasn’t going anywhere except straight to the town hall. “Even if they turned this into a museum or a protected beach, who visits? Tourists! Tourists that will still do all those things you’re terrified of — didn’t you just say that people don’t respect landmarks? That it’s you and the locals that have to clean it up? This,” she gestures around, “could be protected by me, by my money, by a full time security staff that would be here at every second of every day, something that you can’t guarantee could be continuously funded through the historic society. Eventually, other priorities take precedent.” 
How did this Newman manage to get under her skin? With every sarcastic laugh, he’d managed to wound her pride; a feat that was not so easily accomplished by most. GiGi grits her teeth, jutting her chin in defiance. “The Benefactor who helped skyrocket tourism? He may not have funded, but he definitely helped bring it to our attention,” if he hated her already, she could only imagine his feelings toward a mysterious benefactor. Truthfully, GiGi hadn’t known of the conspiracy that was Merrock’s funder, but was she wrong? The small town had once been a blip on the map, and no matter how passionately GiGi negotiated with her father, he wouldn’t have agreed if the potential wasn’t there … potential that was brought by recent tourism. 
He had started to turn away, but she couldn’t let bygones be bygones, GiGi reveled in having the last word and she wanted to get under his skin, like he got under hers. “No,” she looks at him, unblinking. “The success stories of hundreds of other cases tell me that I can, even if you successfully prevent me from this location, there are others here. Eventually, I’ll find something … eventually, people will see the vision. Whose to say some already don’t?”
The mention of his family makes her stomach sink, taking a surprised step back because in her impulsivity, in her desperation to be reunited with her best friend, she hadn’t thought how Emeline might feel about all of this. GiGi, for the first time in this conversation, was afraid of what might happen if she dragged this all out. “I … I guess we’ll see what happens,” she holds her binder close to her chest, eyes flickering away from his all too familiar visage. 
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"The alternative being my crew being hired to come in, painstakingly working to return this place to the home that I remember an older couple spending their glory days in, their grandkids coming over to have access to the beach, a picnic in the dunes… and then letting another family have that experience," he gestured around the house, shrugging both shoulders, "or letting the historical society turn it into protected beach space, a museum, I wouldn't be here if there wasn't interest from them in this property other than letting it," he lifted his hands, curling his fingers into air quotes around the words, "sit on the market because I am too close-minded. Which, good judgement call, truly. Because you know me so well."
"Congratulations…?" his laugh was laced with sarcasm, because Cage, too, had studied business. Cage had worked since eighteen in carpentry and construction, spent countless hours pouring over books and online courses about home styles and historical bylaws and everything that he had needed to get to where he was in his life, but he wasn't going to tell someone like her that, not when he suddenly didn't care to get to know a single thing about her. "And who do you think the people are going to listen to? Someone who waltzes into a small town with a chip on her shoulder, thinking that she can make things better, that she can change things, give them a new lease on life? Even the Benefactor hasn't come up with the oh so brilliant idea to take land and turn it into some ridiculously overpriced, flashy resort that -- shock, surprise -- no one sits up at Cobblestone Cafe saying, "you know what we could use in this town? A resort. Yeah, that'll make my life better." No one wants that here." People moved to Merrock to escape from tourism, to get away from the busy, hectic city life. "Just because times are changing doesn't mean that we should have to sacrifice our happiness for an outsider who thinks she knows better than people who have lived here for generations."
Cage had every intention of turning and leaving, calling in a favor to someone who would know more than he would about environmental studies, ready to go to war with this woman, ready to show her that Merrockites weren't going to just roll over and let someone from a big city across the country stroll in and think that they knew better than everyone else because of their name, because of their money. And then she seemed to think that she was going to one up him, and he turned around to face her as he reached the door, letting out a hollow laugh. "So because your daddy knows someone who did it one time, you think that it gives you the right to do it here?" he reached out to touch the door frame, and shook his head. "What's next? If this doesn't work out, you start going door to door, knocking on houses and giving people that sweet little rich girl smile, offering them millions to buy out homes that their grandparents built with their own two hands, because no one's ever told you no before, and times are changing, so you should be able to do that?" He shook his head. "I will fight it. My family will fight it, the families in this town will fight it. Just think about what we want, what the people who call this town home want before throwing around your ideas like you own the damn place and everyone should fall in line."
He took in another breath, shaking his head, a little fight leaving his voice, because at the end of the day, Cage cared about this town that he called home. "It's not about money and tourism here. It's about family and community and blood."
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
“Maybe so, but you also didn’t see me cutting those strawberries,” GiGi laughs as she lifts her hand, a band-aid covering one of her fingers. Having nicked her finger with the knife, she had to start the salad over. “Don’t worry, that was my first try and I threw it out, bought some of those lovely, food-grade gloves and tried again. What about you? Bring any dishes to the dinner?”
Taking his hand into her own, she gives a firm, solid handshake as a smile plays on the corner of her lips. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Bardales, my name is Gianna Costa. Just moved to town this past month.”
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"Even if you can't cook, being able to bring a salad that looks and tastes good is still a good way to go," he conceded with a laugh, nodding his head. After all, there were some who couldn't even manage to put that together, wouldn't know what to do if they were handed ingredients and a bowl. "I'll have to try some of that next, I do love a good salad," he chalked it up to the Italian inhim, having a salad with every meal, no matter what. Realizing that he didn't know the woman who made her own vinaigrette, he held a hand out across the table. "Rafaal Bardales, I don't believe we've met."
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
Her heartbeat stutters as she lays eyes on the blonde beauty for the first time in five years; that confident smile GiGi typically wore like one of her many sparkling accessories wavering, had she made a mistake traveling to Merrock? Having crossed paths one night in an L.A. club that she frequently visited, she had first been captivated by Emeline’s sense of style then quickly fell for her passion and determination. GiGi had never once questioned her role in life, she’d always known that she’d follow in her father’s footsteps as his only child and heir. However, as she’d listened to Emeline’s story, drinks in their hands, she had been … inspired. Maybe there could be something more for her, too. 
Then her best friend had disappeared (for good reasons, of course) and it had broken her heart, so when she stood in front of her father, negotiating the location of the hotel’s expansion, why not where they could reunite? “… surprise?” GiGi says weakly, brightly colored carnival flags swaying gently in the wind and lively carnival-goers passing them by — maybe she should have called or at least texted, thought this through, but she’d always been too impulsive. She reaches out to help her settle the food she’d been carrying to the nearby picnic table. “I live here now, I just moved out a few weeks ago,” dragging her teeth across her bottom lip, adding, “which maybe I could have handled better, but it’s been so long and I thought it might be fun to surprise you, but then I couldn’t find you, and I still haven’t gotten my drivers license so it kind of limited … my …” 
GiGi takes a step forward, dark eyes twinkling, “I missed you, Em, and I wanted to see you and you always spoke so lovingly about Merrock so I thought, why not?”
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The air filled with the smell of fried foods, screaming excited kids, and the flashing lights was something she could say she loved about being back in Merrock. Even though it had been a few years since she had returned home prior to her father's passing, it still reminded her why she loved it here. Sure, she had more opportunities with the things she loved like fashion and jewelry in Los Angeles but the city left a sour taste in her mouth after everything. It wasn't being in the city that was the problem, it was her own beliefs that bobbled around inside her head that she hadn't forgiven herself for.
She was just grabbing a batch of mini corndogs with cheese and french fries, also with cheese, and balancing them in her hands. Just as she was standing around looking for a picnic table to sit at and just as she spotted one someone stepped up next to her.
The voice sounded familiar at first, but she didn't think anything of it. "I mean, they probably are, honestly." she said, "But you kind of learn the different tips and tricks to make them work for you around here." Which was true tons have won different things around here. "I think the Benefactor likes to make it so people enjoy their time here." Now she finally turned to spot the woman, "Gi!" she said completely surprise "What are you.. How.. You're.. here.. in..." she moved to set her food down. "My hometown. Merrock. How, when?" she was completely surprised. The last thing she'd ever expect was to see her best friend in her little small town.
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
"Thank you!" she grins that toothy grin of her as she takes a few pretzels from the bowl, nibbling on the salt snack. "The people have been wonderful so far, very welcoming, and everything is so beautiful. There's a lot that I haven't experienced yet. You see, I actually don't know how to drive ... so most of what I've seen is like, a walk from my condo. I've been wanting to check out the beach, but I haven't made my way over there."
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“Yeah? Well, welcome to town!” Jamie said enthusiastically with a warm smile. It wasn’t anything new to meet a new face in town. He helped himself to a few pretzels from the bowl in front of them, gesturing to GiGi to take some too if she wanted. “How are you liking Merrock?” He asked.
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heiressgigi-xo · 1 year
“He has been exploring different options for a couple of years now. Traveling all across the east coast and taking me with him, of course, desperate for me to take my responsibilities as his heir more seriously. Merrock was my idea, actually,” she admits as they walk through the crowded streets, arms linked and it all feels so familiar, comfortable. Maintaining friendships didn’t come easily for GiGi, they never had. Making friends, she could make a hundred friends, no problem! However, months down the road, they often drifted away as they grew tired of her. Tired of her partying, tired of her arrogance, tired of her childishness. That was never the case with Ryder, she thinks as she beams up at him. “Believe it or not, I actually met someone a few years back who talked about Merrock so passionately that I couldn’t curve my interest!” 
GiGi flashes him a brilliant smile, patting his arm lovingly, as she teases, “I’ve missed you, too, Ryder.”
Her eyes widen as he tells his story, “that’s amazing and also, wow, congratulations to your mom on the new boyfriend, she deserves it.” Furrowing her brows, she notices the way that Ryder winces when he mentions his past relationship. GiGi leans her head on his shoulder, attempting to comfort. “Well, whoever they are, they don’t deserve you!”
Looking up at him fondly, she says, “look at you, growing up and stuff. Meanwhile I’m still carrying my silver spoon in my designer purse.”
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There were a hundred million people that he would have guessed he might have run into in Merrock other than Gianna… but very few that he would have wanted to run into. It was just that kind of friendship, that managed to transcend the time that they spent apart, keep them close despite years having separated them. And now, in Merrock, they could get to know each other again, as adults who only finger painted on the walls when they were drunk. Well, probably. He had a little bit more self control these days.
"What are the chances you guys ended up picking this small town, of all places?" he laughed, shaking his head. There were so many towns in Maine, or hell, along the entire eastern seaboard; this one was a tiny blip, not on anyone else's radar. Although maybe that was part of the appeal, too. Less competition if it was a town that no one else was visiting. "Not that I'm complaining, for what it's worth, I think it's the best surprise I've had in a long time."
As he fell into step next to her, linking their arms together, he let out a laugh, "I am. I had a big show in Boston, my mom's dating some art dealer that helped me get it all set up, which was pretty cool of him. But after that I took off and left Boston to come here, admittedly because I was in a relationship with someone living here at the time," he winced at the thought, before shrugging one shoulder, "we've broken up, but! I leaned hard into that humbling yourself in a small town lifestyle, living with two really good friends in the 'burbs, working a couple of jobs so I'm not living off of the silver spoon in my mouth, that kindof thing."
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