hedgehog-archi · 1 year
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(I like to draw Elliott's profile)
* Angry hedgehog sounds continue*
I just wanted to write a description for the drawing, but it turned out to be some damn big story that inspired me to make some more drawings!
In short, the story is written on behalf of Elliott:
(And the gender of the farmer is not important, but I prefer that the farmer here was a man)
🧭 I recently celebrated my birthday. It was unforgettable. That beautiful day I was in a circle of friends. We ordered the most expensive wine in the saloon, played billiards.
Therefore, after the saloon closed, we, drunk to the bone, began to go home. Our local farmer was more sober than us, so he had to make sure that everyone returned home.. ha-ha.... as always, he is the most responsible!
Soon we were alone with the farmer.. after all, my house is on the beach, the furthest from the saloon. I thanked the farmer for his help, and we chatted about all sorts of nonsense for a while... well, I didn't want to part! After all, I'm very rarely in someone's company.. I feel sorry for the farmer who listened to my drunken nonsense... I wonder what I said to him then?.. but that's not the point!
At one point he interrupted me and then started rummaging through his bag... Oh, yes, then I was complaining about my pen! Well, he took it out of his bag... A feather! Yes, just some kind of feather, which, according to him, was given to him by his duck! Imagine, he gave me a duck feather! God, I don't know what came over me then...Why was I so happy because of a stupid feather?! Then I was almost touched... Maybe it's all because of the wine?
It was the moment from my birthday that I remember best... Well, then....I still remember this moment with admiration. I decided that I would keep this gift as a keepsake. Yes, let it stand on the table for beauty. Oh, that damn farmer... that little Cupid! Pierced my heart with his pen.. 🧭
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hedgehog-archi · 1 year
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* Screams of an angry hedgehog*
I really don't like autumn! I'm sick, my parents are sick, my friends are sick, everyone around is sick! It's cold and slushy outside... and the nose is constantly blocked, there is nothing to breathe with! In short, it was me who exploded in the background
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hedgehog-archi · 1 year
What about Marnie and Lewis' relationship?
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how do you feel about the relationship of these two?
Как вы относитесь к отношениям этих двоих?
I'll tell you briefly: I didn't like Marnie from the very beginning (partly because she wasn't at work at the right time). But soon I began to treat her neutrally, this situation with her relationship with the mayor is quite funny. it's very nice to watch all sorts of clues, in the form of a note in the mayor's room or a statue of Lewis, which may end up in Marnie's room. And Marnie herself is a funny girl! And as for Lewis, I can say that....what....he's funny too!😅
But drawing this pair is a completely different matter. It's such a pleasure for me! A lot of the songs I listen to are associated with Marnie and Lewis. Well, I have nothing more to say about them.
Скажу вам вкратце: Марни мне не понравилась с самого начала (отчасти потому, что ее не было на работе в нужное время). Но вскоре я стал относиться к ней нейтрально, эта ситуация с ее отношениями с мэром довольно забавна. очень приятно наблюдать за всевозможными подсказками, в виде записки в комнате мэра или статуи Льюиса, которая может оказаться в комнате Марни. А сама Марни - забавная девочка! А что касается Льюиса, я могу сказать, что... что... он тоже забавный!😅
Но нарисовать эту пару - совсем другое дело. Для меня это такое удовольствие! Многие песни, которые я слушаю, ассоциируются с Марни и Льюисом. Что ж, мне больше нечего о них сказать.
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(I drew the first drawing a few hours ago... and the second one, it seems, a month ago! there is progress, and it's cool)
(Первый рисунок я нарисовал несколько часов назад... а второй, кажется, месяц назад! прогресс есть, и это круто)
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hedgehog-archi · 1 year
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«I don't want to grow old as a lonely hermit on this beach...»
«Я не хочу состариться одиноким отшельником на этом пляже...»
Hi, you can call me Archie. I love to draw, sometimes I also like to come up with long descriptions of my drawings. I hope I can find my place on this platform.
(I use a translator, sorry for the errors, if any.)
Привет, звать меня можно Арчи 😙. Я обожаю рисовать, иногда так же люблю придумывать большие описания своим рисункам. Надеюсь я смогу найти свое место на этой платформе.
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