halfheartedaiden · 11 years
Amber had no classes today, or ever really. She didn’t go to school. She was supposed to be picking up a friend however and she had yet to actually see her. Hence the tall blonde now walking through the hallways looking for her. She could have sworn she heard noises, groans specifically, from a room she had just passed so she stopped in her tracks and turned around, and leaned against the door. She could barely see inside it so she couldn’t quite make out what was happening. Sounded hot as fuck though. Amber soon found herself knocking on the door gently. “Everything alright in there?”
Hearing the knock at the door let out a low rumbled growl from Aiden's throat, a frustrated breath quickly escaping through his nose as he tightened his jaw. He continued stroking his now agonizingly stiff cock, leaning his head back against the wall and looking up to the ceiling as he composed his voice enough to sound convincing. "Everything's fine. Thanks." He made sure to make the dismissal in his voice clear, irate internally. Of all the times he had made use of empty classrooms he had never once been disturbed, and now that he was having some sort of complex with himself, of course someone would break that trend.
M!A: For reasons best left up to the cosmos, the muse has the uncontrollable urge to indulge in some ‘me time’ every half hour no matter where they are or what they’re doing for 24 hours.
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
M!A: For reasons best left up to the cosmos, the muse has the uncontrollable urge to indulge in some ‘me time’ every half hour no matter where they are or what they’re doing for 24 hours.
"Fuck," Aiden grumbled to himself, feeling the pleasure begin to claw itself at the male’s abdomen, clenching pleasurably together as his head began to spin. This really was getting old, fast. Huffing out impatiently he quickly made sure that no one was within the halls to see him, before slipping inside of the empty classroom at his side, shutting and locking the door behind him. His breath was already slipping off it’s tracks, emitting a low growl of relief as he leaned against the corner of the wall, releasing himself and grabbing a firm hold with the heat of his fist. 
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
MARATHON: For reasons best left up to the cosmos, the muse has the uncontrollable urge to indulge in some 'me time' every half hour no matter where they are or what they're doing for 24 hours. (Try not to get arrested!)
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
                  Lydia splayed her hands over his chest, fingers toying absently with the folds of fabric as she listened to him. Her stare flicked from his eyes to his mouth to his throat to his eyes again. Hungry was a good look for him, she’d decided weeks ago, though that came part and parcel with worry before recent events.             Now, though, when he looked at her that way, a thrill shot through her and a thrill only. Most of that could be blamed on the way he was with her — the slow press of possessiveness that would’ve driven her away if it wasn’t paired with a patience and willingness to listen was was unparalleled.           ❝ It’s a shame that all of these teachers keep dropping like flies. ❞                 The hint of sympathy in her voice was eclipsed almost completely by the smirk she wore to counter his own. Her fingers curled a little tighter into his shirt, guiding him close enough to crowd her against the lockers. ❝ You’d think the school board was giving us their blessing. ❞
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Lydia's response sent a ripple of pleasure down the male's spine, gritting his teeth together with her small fingers curled into his shirt, his frame all too happy to comply with her attempts to bring him closer. Pressing her until her back touched to the metal of the lockers he let one of his large hands settle on the dip in her side, using only a minute amount of his strength to grab onto her there, flexing the grip a bit roughly to transcend his growing need. 
It didn't take long with Lydia for her to send him over the edge. He reveled in having the control, but her countering dominance was something he wasn't used to being thrown back at him, and it was incredibly attractive to him. Fighting the temptation to take her right there up against the lockers he captured her lips in a swift kiss, tugging at her lower lip before he took hold of her hand, keeping his facade as casual as possible as he made his way through the hall with her, a few of the students throwing glances their way in which Aiden completely ignored. 
When he reached the door of the school's chemistry professor, he glanced in to the enticingly empty room that laid behind it, all of the desks unoccupied, a few papers scattered neatly along the desk. Not for long. His mind mused, nodding his head towards it as he opened it for her, meeting her eyes mischievously. "After you."
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
Aiden often found himself worrying about things he shouldn't be. When they had arrived at Beacon Hills, Deucalion had instilled in them that they were here on assignment, to cleverly push themselves into the lives of the closely knit group Lydia found herself in. Yet throughout the time they spent here, both of the brothers found their worries shifting, their intentions moving elsewhere regardless of what their leader had told them. Ethan had caught feelings for Danny, and quite openly showed them, regardless of Aiden's harsh attempts to pull him back from the reality that was why they were here - but the truth was their reality was changing. And slowly but surely, the red-headed girl that leaned so possessively against his locker happened to be becoming his, in a way opposite to what he had ever intended. 
He smirked somewhat proudly to himself as he approached her, leaning his forearm up to rest against the cool metal of the locker as he leaned down to her, pressing his lips to her neck - making sure to the outside world it seemed as just a casual kiss. Emitting a low growl he drew in her scent heavily, trailing his nose back along her jaw before pulling back just enough to look at her. It had become such a routine for the to of them that his class just before lunch went by agonizingly slow, the second hand taunting his rising pulse, echoing it as his body heat rose.
Narrowing his eyes he squinted off slightly, pursing his lips in thought before he came to his own conclusion, nodding with smirk still present. "A lot of things, actually." he murmured in response, holding her gaze enticingly now as he stood there before her, the number of students flooding the halls slowly dwindling as their stomachs rumbled anxiously. "Like the fact that Jane Lewly, the chemistry teacher is calling out sick as we speak," honing in on his senses worked to his advantage. "Meaning her classroom will be awfully, awfully empty for the remainder of the day."
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          Everything was normal. Nothing was normal.                   To Lydia, normal was written on the faces of other girls in the hallways at school. They worried about Homecoming, about getting at least a B in their Chemistry class, about whether or not they’d get a car for their birthday. Normal for Lydia was a daily reminder that she hadn’t been shredded into ribbons. Normal was waking up after a full night’s sleep and breathing easier now that she knew no one would die. Normal was sort-of-dating an alpha werewolf.            So maybe that was a perk rather than something that highlighted how batshit crazy her life was now. Or maybe it was both.                     Chewing over that thought, Lydia leaned against Aiden’s locker, her arms folded beneath her chest and her eyes focused on the students moving this way and that as she waited. Lunch hour never meant finding some crowded table in the cafeteria. Lunch hour meant stealing a chunk of time to spend however they wanted, usually away from everyone else.
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         When she spotted a familiar face, though, she pulled out of her thoughtful reverie with a slow smile. So things weren’t normal in the most basic sense, but they weren’t bad.                      ❝ So… how was class? Learn anything interesting? ❞
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
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For the past few days, she’d been spending more and more time with Stiles, Stiles of all people, out of everyone. There’d been reasons for it of course, reasons she wasn’t exactly ready to admit quite yet. She had a connection with Stiles, she was his emotional tether and that was something the pair were exploring ever since that night. When Stiles had a nightmare? He text Lydia and she came running, and it was vice versa. She’d let her walls down to the scrawny brunette, she’d let him in finally and they’d grown closer because of it. The only problem with that? She’d been spending less time with Aiden, and it was something she’d noticed of late. She’d been laughing about some joke that Stiles had just told her, some teasing little remark that made her laugh and playfully hit him on the arm. And he’d leaned into her, and she’d felt that tiny little buzz she’d felt that day in the locker room when he’d suffered through his panic attack. And yet, her eyes had darted down the corridor to see a certain someone turning his back and walking away alongside his brother. Maybe she’d been spending a little too much time with Stiles lately. But that wouldn’t bother the alpha, would it? No. It couldn’t. Aiden didn’t seem the type to suffer from the green eyed monster, although the petite strawberry blonde had never been with an alpha before and therefore didn’t really understand the intensity of the emotions the wolves could go through. The bell rang signalling the end of the school day and Lydia immediately let her eyes dart across the crowds, attempting to find that one person she wanted to see. Her brows knitted together before she felt a hand on her arm. "He’s gone already." Her eyes darted to her best friend beside her before she frowned once more, pulling her phone from her bag. Dialing Aiden’s number, she made her way down the hallway, her hand gripping her phone before she tossed it into her bag angrily after hearing the engaged tone. Marching her way outside, her eyes fixed on the twin who was closing in on his bike. Oh no, he was not getting away that easily. Quickly, almost jogging over to him, she held her bag on her shoulder, the wind picking up and blowing her hair from her face. “Are you going without saying goodbye?” Her voice was accusatory, her eyes glaring up at his as she stopped on the spot, her arms folding across her chest. “I was looking for you earlier, thought maybe we could go back to mine later, what do you think?”
He needed to get out of there, maybe it'd be smarter for him not to come back. To stop playing the role of every other high school teenager that roamed the halls of that place. They hadn't come here to get attached, just like Ethan had told them when they were starting out. He was only suppose to be keeping an eye on Lydia, and if that meant divulging in the red-headed girls seemingly endless pleasure drive then he would do that, quite willingly now. If he didn't come back she'd be fine, much more important people in her life had left her than him, and then she could be with Stilinski if that's what she really wanted. He could give her that human life, blush whenever she touched him and mull to her over and over again how long he's been waiting for this. All Aiden could give her was a stubborn heart, with walls built up and in so deeply that he wasn't sure if even she could get in, the determined Lydia Martin.
Aiden's past had made him destructive, hyperaware of everyone around him and the way they felt about him - the way they looked at him. When Deucalion had adopted the brothers out of their abusive second-base of homes, he had convinced them to kill the Alpha that had turned them, the one that left them as scrap-feeders, doting them useless and making sure they felt as so. Physically, Aiden could heal. Most particularly now that he had the incredible gift that came with becoming a wolf, but he seemed unable to strip himself down from his need for power. To be in control, overly protective of himself and his brother. He refused to ever be put into a position of weakness, one that belittled him into the Omega he had once been. And so he was rough around the edges, and this wasn't like him. Caring. Jealousy. Anger towards the petite Martin for not showing her affection to him instead.
He felt his phone buzz in his pocket, gritting his teeth together while his heart sank into his stomach. He already knew it was her, but for some sick reason to assure his own nausea he pulled the device out, seeing her name tauntingly glaring back at him. Immediately he hit End, shoving it back into his pocket after silencing it. He would be damn better for her than Stiles. How the hell could that kid ever protect her if it came down to it? Sure he could look at her with those puppy-dog brown hues, but that would only go so far. He couldn't look after her the way Aiden could. He just couldn't.
His mind spun back and forth like this ferociously, fumbling with the straps before he heard that sharp, accusatory tone burning into the large frame of his back, stiffening as he glared off into the trees behind the school. Don't mention his name. Don't do it, don't let yourself look so god damn vulnerable in front of her. It's not worth it. Turning to face her he forced a quite convincing smirk across his lips, one he held so well, so often. "I have things to do, Lydia." No, you don't. You have absolutely nothing to do and now you are going to kick yourself when the time comes that you'd normally be scoring her house to glide into her window. "I can't tonight. I don't think-" he grumbled sharply. "Maybe this isn't a good idea anymore." He set his eyes with hers before he was forced to pull his own away, pausing to hit his helmet on his thigh before taking a last glance back at her, holding in the anger that ached at every one of his nerves. "Play time's over."
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✘ -- redhair-and-immunity
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
✘ -- redhair-and-immunity
A low grumble nestled itself uncomfortably in his throat, leaning against the cool lockers with a clear glare set through the crowd of people flooding through the halls. Her striking hair wasn't hard to keep place of, but it wasn't the strawberry-headed girl his glazed-over eyes were boring into, but the fragile, pathetic thing standing next to her. "Stilinski." He let out lowly, his brother roughly jerking at his ribs and cocking a brow at him, "What's your problem now? Lydia made you sleep outside?" Aiden wasn't in the mood for his brother's endless prodding, regardless of whether he deserved it or not given he gave Ethan shit over Danny religiously. Frankly he deserved it, but seeing as he hadn't heard from Lydia in a few days it was starting to wear on him, and even someone mentioning her name caused a chill to settle throughout him. 
Setting his head to the side he didn't bother glancing over at the twin beside him. "Not now, Ethan." he muttered out, but his brother was much more perceptive than Aiden wished him to be, following his gaze over to the two of them, Stiles leaning into Lydia who was really only giggling - but to Aiden it was dramatized to an agonizing extent. "You really think she'd go after Stilinski? Come on, the kid's been after her since the prehistoric ages." It was true - it wasn't just a little known fact between the group of them, really anyone that took a good look at the way Stiles looked at Lydia whether she was reciprocating the attention or not gave a pretty obvious view into the way he felt about her. "I mean he isn't the worst candidate, but..." and that's where Aiden cut his brother off, smacking a hand over to the male's chest and setting his eyes blankly with his own. "I'm fine."
He couldn't just swallow down everything that had happened between him and Lydia, sure she had checked him off so blatantly as just a distraction, but is that really all he was? Was she just using him to get a physical kick, to distress herself from everything going on? Granted, it definitely did help, it made him sick to think she'd go to Stilinski over him for any other sort of comfort. He wasn't the only one pulling her into classrooms, and yet as he sat there with his head in his hands, the locker room completely empty aside from himself, he couldn't help but to feel a bit worthless. Lydia Martin had one-upped him. She was playing her game and she had won. Now he was the one sulking, and she was going off with someone who could make her happy. But couldn't he? Didn't he have it in him to give her the same, if not a hell of a lot more than that pale human so awkwardly leaning into her? He had a lot of walls, and he knew that, but Lydia wasn't exactly easy to break through, either.
Yet here he was, the anger bubbling up in his chest wildly, bunching his fingers into a white-knuckled fist before he slammed it over against the lockers at his side, ignoring the indent he made. 
The final bell for classes rang and it wasn't soon enough that the Alpha found himself making his way towards his bike in the back of the lot, leaving his back turned to the school, to that girl, to every inhabitant that walked within it. The last thing he wanted to see was Stilinski bidding her some love-sick adieu.
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
"Or," Aiden rolled his head, his eyes eventually coming to land on the redheaded girl holding that powerful smirk along her lips. "We could hang out tonight," he muttered off, his eyes narrowing in on her as he leaned in slightly, lifting a hand to tuck her hair behind his ear, giving him the proper space to place his lips before it. "And you can wear that lingerie set I love so much." he growled enticingly, pulling back with a wicked smirk of his own.
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"I had a pleasant day. I got to tell someone that of course we could hang out., on February 30th. And that they could wear the outfit they were wearing again on that day too, because a striped shirt and plaid shorts aren’t atrocious at all." 
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
"I'm pregnant and it's yours." Send this to the next 10 people on your dash just for shits and giggles to get a reaction.
Aiden's spine stiffened at Scott's words, let alone the fact that they were coming from the male's low tone itself. Clearing his throat he set his eyes flatly on McCall's. "Explain to me exactly how that worked out?" 
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
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If your character could take a trait from another character what would it be and why? (x)
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
Aiden paused where he was, keeping himself firmly planted on her doorstep as he could sense the hesitation in her body language. Sighing and reaching a hand up to rub at the back of his neck, he lifted his hand into the air before letting it slowly come back down to find his pocket again, he was hoping they could possibly avoid any suspicions now, after what had happened. The words he had spoken up to her from the metal table at the clinic weren't out of arrogance, it had warmed Aiden's heart in a way he wasn't used to, an affection he hadn't felt for a long time. Really, though, he only had himself to blame. The image he carried around wasn't exactly trustworthy, but if there was anyone he would be willing to let past that, it was the girl standing just before him now. "Lydia I came to check on you..." he said, his voice gentle. "I wanted to make sure that you were alright. I figured you'd... I don't know, you'd appreciate it. Or that at least some part of you might want me here?"
✘ -- xtheimmunemortalityx
"I guess so" Lydia said taking a step back and holding the door open at the same time. "Was there something specific you came for? I mean other than to just look at me, in that Aiden way that you do" She pressed her full lips together and put her free hand on her hip watching him. She of course couldn’t say she knew his intentions. She just knew he hadn’t came to hurt her, if he wanted to he would have done it by now. Especially considering their rough short past with control and playing different sides.
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
Since the situation with Aiden, Lydia had been doing her best to not give him more ammo to use against her in the way of liking him. She didn’t want him having an advantage over her to tease her about. She heard the knock and peeked out of the room before she made her way downstairs flipping the light on before she opened the door to look at who was on the other side. “This is new” She commented out loud. “I don’t think you’ve ever made a house call, surprised you know where I even live” She leaned in the doorway.
Aiden let out a low chuckle at her witty comment, cocking a brow at her as he kept his gaze locked on hers, refusing to let it stray elsewhere. "I think we've had one too many sleepovers for me to possibly forget where you live, Lydia." he noted, tilting his head slightly with mischief gleaming in his eyes. Licking his lips he peered in around her into the dim house that was still in the background, stuffing his large hands into his pockets. "Can I come in?"
✘ -- xtheimmunemortalityx
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
✘ -- xtheimmunemortalityx
Aiden knew that regardless of the slightly dramatic situation that had led to him discovering the girl had a trace of feelings for him, Lydia wasn't the one to prod for certain attention. Though he couldn't keep the look of pride off of his features, a content smirk plastered on his lips, a child-like glow in his eyes. Deciding to be a bit more cordial about things, the Alpha knocked at the girl's front door, the overhead light kicking on as he took a step back, glancing up to the small window that held her room within it.
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
The sex-themed Magic Anon list (All NSFW!)
Sex Pollen: That tickle in the muse's nose? It's not hayfever, it's a pervy plant, and for the next (Anon decides) the muse is going to want to shag everything that moves. Especially if it moves in front of them.
Marathon: For reasons best left up to the cosmos, the muse has the uncontrollable urge to indulge in some 'me time' every half hour no matter where they are or what they're doing for (anon decides). (Try not to get arrested!)
Sensitivity: All of the muse is their new erogenous zone, and clothing does not. help this. for the next (anon decides)
A sudden um...: For the next (anon decides) muse will suffer an impromptu orgasm every time (anon decides-breathing does not count) happens. It may be multiple things and it may utilize any sense, including time (IE every half hour)
The urge: Whether or not they were aware of it before, the muse now has a mating season and it's open. For the next (anon decides) the muse will be driven crazy with the need to go forth and make babies or shag themselves exhausted trying.
A gift: Muse is tied up in a chair or a compromising position with a list of instructions detailing others to do (anon decides) sexual act(s) to them. Anyone who comes across them will be compelled to act out these instructions for (anon decides)
Irresistible: There's just something about the muse today, and for (anon decides)...but no one they come across will be able to control themselves. No matter who they are or how they feel, they'll be compelled to try to get some personal time with the muse. And it's not for an interview.
It's not the Midas touch: If the muse touches someone for the next (anon decides) that person will have a sudden (terribly timed) orgasm. Oops?
Owned: Either the muse owns another, or is owned by someone else for (anon decides) but they'll both be compelled to take certain sexy advantage of that for as long as it lasts.
Absolute Obedience: Anything anyone asks the muse must do for (anon decides) but one catch - it must be sexual in nature. Oh...wait, no there's two catches. Every time they issue a command they lose more control of themselves and can't help asking more next time. Absolute power corrupts.
Four minutes: The world will end immediately if the muse doesn't shag whoever they see for the next (anon decides). And that would just be terrible, wouldn't it?
Impaired judgment: Booze, drugs, sex, they all blend together. The muse has had a bit too much of something and thinks everyone around them is prime sex estate for the next (anon decides). They're not compelled to or any good at picking people up, they just think everyone's really hot, you guys.
Sleeping Beauty: There's only one way to wake the muse from their slumber (other than waiting for anon decides) and it's not a kiss.
Frustration: The muse has a desperate need for relief for (anon decides) but no matter what they do it just won't come without a little help from a friend. A person friend, not a plastic friend.
Candid Camera: The muse and someone else have been trapped in a room with cameras an ordered to perform..FOR SCIENCE. Anon could decide who, or it could be anyone who encounters them for (anon decides).
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
My biggest fear is that eventually you will see me the way I see myself.
Anonymous (via perfvert)
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halfheartedaiden · 11 years
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