gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
Yeah, well I gotta say it comes in handy when you're trying to do good deeds. It's when you're guilty that it kind of destroys you. Atleast you aren't going to lecture me, I can live with the fact that you don't have a conscience.
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So this is what having a conscience looks like… I can’t say you’re really selling me on the want for one. Boo hoo, she got accused. I’ve seen people deal with far worse here. So I’m sorry if I don’t really see a reason to feel bad for her.
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
Nah, I reckon I can blame myself, because it really is my fault. Yeah, she didn't have to go through anything worse but she shouldn't have had to go through anything at all, the fact that she did... Well that's on me.
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That’s what has you down? [Colette waved it off, sitting down besides him.] You can’t blame yourself for that, Spartacus. That girl is lucky it was you and not someone with a grudge against that blog cause she would have probably got her ass kicked. So she spent a night in jail, so what? Everyone knows she’s not the sick fuck blowing up buildings, so stop it. 
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
Thank you, I mean I think I kind of deserve having to hear this lecture from everyone I encounter.
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I’m sorry you had to learn the hard way that anything to do with the gossip blog is a bad idea.
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
I got an innocent person put in jail for a night, a really nice innocent person who never did anything to me and all for the dumbest reasons.
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Uhm… [Colette eyed him down wondering what was going on, whenever she saw the musician, he was charming and charismatic.] Gus, what’s up?
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
I'm over all of this shit, I shouldn't have ever gotten involved to start with.
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… really? Because Lana being the gossip blog sounded totally legit to me too.
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
I'm a fucking asshole, I get it.
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
Well I'd love to have you around, but prepare your ass for a kicking.
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I’m always down for Mario Kart, just saying. 
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
I think I might tone it down, a little less cleavage maybe.
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I'm thinking Lara Croft this halloween...
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
When I've got friends around.. Which isn't too often. In the meantime it's mostly RPG's, shooters, all that stuff.
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Please tell me this is a strict Mario Kart/Party binge.
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
Right, that's about the conclusion I came to.
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I'm thinking Lara Croft this halloween...
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
No, not all the time, just on gaming benders. As long as I'm stocked up on mountain dew and cheetos, then there's no way I'm getting off of the couch.
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Well that makes sense, at least you’re not always a grease monkey.
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
Right? I mean, it was either that or Mrs. Pacman. Lara was way more badass, though.
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I'm thinking Lara Croft this halloween...
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
I'm thinking Lara Croft this halloween...
Let my inner Tomb Raider out.
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
I... Uh, thank you. I guess that's what marathon gaming does to you.
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I’m not even going to sugar coat it. You look like absolute shit, dude.
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
Well yeah.. That makes sense.
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Sesame Street seemed like the lesser evil, believe it or not.
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
Well I guess you could force the kid to watch something else... Or play video games, that tends to amuse children. O-of course that's as long as your not playing Grand Theft Auto or something.
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Can’t. There’s a baby in the family, so it’s harder to avoid than you’d think.
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gus-spartacus-pahler · 10 years
Well I haven't seen him around these parts so I think you should be fine. Just steer clear of children for the time being if you want to be sure.
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Tell me about it… I swear, one more Elmo laugh and I might lose it.
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