green-hero-mom · 8 years
Name: Inko Midoriya
Gender: Female
Age: 41
Quirk: Attraction of Small Objects(Ever since Izuku started getting bullied, Momma Izuku secretly started training her quirk. She can now call small objects easily from 10 feet away, and medium objects from 5 feet away with some success.)
Nationality: Japanese with a little American from her Mothers side
Appearence: 5 feet exactly, and fairly chubby. But under all that chub, she actually has quite a bit of muscle! When she was younger she always felt weird having a “weak quirk”, so she decided to make up for it by taking a lot of fighting classes. She doesn’t work out as much as she used to, but she tries to at least do something active each day. She can still chop wood in half, and did so once to scare off a boy who tried to follow Izuku home(who didn’t realize at the time). She has green hair and eyes like her son, but he inherited his freckles from his father.
Clothing Wise: Very modest, mostly long sleeved blouses with a cardigan and skirt. Short sleeved shirts for the summer, usually with a floral pattern. She has one or two very pretty dresses she never wears but keeps around just in case. Also may or may not have...secret things.
Mitsuki Bakugo: She was childhood friends with her, and frequently kept in touch even when they became mothers. But when Katsuki began to bully her son, Inko began to grow distant. She feels horrible about it and wants to talk to her again, but secretly worries that Mitsuki hates her...
Katsuki Bakugo: She doted on him slightly before he had his quirk, due to him being her sons first friend. But when he began to bully Izuku, she cut him off from her home. She wanted Izuku to have a safe space, and his bully wasn’t going to be involved in it. She might warm up to him slightly if she hears from Izuku he’s stopped, but it would take a lot of time for Katsuki to be back in her good graces.
Hisashi Midoriya: Her college sweetheart, once upon a time. They got married right after college, and Inko quickly got pregnant. They were both excited for their first child, and got a small place near the city. Hisashi acted normal the day he left, said he’d be back around 5 when he walked out on them. He even kissed his wife and 2 year old son goodbye. He sent the divorce papers through the mail, all filled out with an agreement to pay child support. Inko was crushed for a long time, and she has a slight aversion to romance now.
All Might/Yagi Toshinori: Izuku loved All Might growing up, and his love for his hero was infectious. Inko began to like All Might quite a bit, starting to develop a small crush on him as most housewives develop crushes on Steve from Blues Clues. But she never let her son know, lest he start to say things like, “You should marry him Mommy, then he can be my Dad!” She’s not sure how she would handle that... But Yagi might win her heart after all, especially when he cares for her son as fiercely as she does.
Izuku Midoriya: He is her son, and one of the reasons she can get up to do anything in the morning. She loves him completely, and though she can be very fearful for his safety, she does her best to be a good mom for him. She always felt the regret for not telling Izuku he could be a hero in his youth, and she’s doing her best now to make up for it. She’s always so proud of her son for wanting to help others, but she’s always worried for him. Especially when he was breaking his bones... But she can see he’s getting better, and with All Might’s assurance he would be safe, she’s getting better at trusting in his safety.
The Class of 1-A: She doesn’t know them individually all to well, but she’s so happy that Izuku has so many positive influences in his life! She wants to get to know her son’s friends better, but she’s a little worried that she would be infringing into his personal life too much...
The Faculty of Yuuei: She knows them fairly well, as a few give reports on how her son is. She thinks they’re fairly capable, but the constant danger Class 1-A seems to face does make her wary of them. But she likes Recovery Girl a lot, they talk sometimes over tea when Inko visits.
Personality: Shy and polite to a fault when you first meet her, but if you become her friend she becomes a bit more confident to speak her mind about things. She can actually be a pretty outgoing person around someone like her best friend, but it’s very rarely seen. She would probably be more outgoing naturally if not for her husband walking out on her; Him leaving made her become a lot more introverted and closed off. Being a mother has certainly made her wise, as she seems to know little bits of about damn near everything. She’s highly observant like her son, but doesn’t like to point out things unless she has to.
Likes: Cheesecake, a nice rainy day, knitting, being able to help others, Pokemon(she played them with Izuku since he was small, as a bonding experience) and cooking shows(Fave is Best Thing I Ever Ate)
Dislikes: Bullies, rude people, hot weather, her formal husband, and trashy reality shows
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green-hero-mom · 8 years
((I’m gonna try and rp here, but feel free to send me stuff and I’ll do my best to answer them as Inko! Also I’m not that good at rping, so please be gentle?))
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