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When you pay for your training sessions with something other than money ;)
We not only watch sports together, we SPORT together. 
Bae keeps my body right.......
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Last night I learned what the word SHANK means in football lingo and I liked it! At first when I heard Kenneth say it,  I was like “huh! I didn't see anyone get stabbed!” (Ignore my ethnic rants). He laughs at me and says “No bae. He missed the field goal and it’s a SHANK when it’s that bad.” 
We were watching the Bengals and Broncos game. It was the last play of the game and all the pressure to win for the Broncos lied on the cleat covered foot of the punter. His success in making the kick would break the tie and land the Broncos in the playoffs. I usually get anxious when situations like this happen because I just imagine that if the punter miss, his career is over...well, there goes the Broncos’ punter. The last play of the game and he decides to miss the field goal kick, not just miss it, but missed it like he just didn't give any fuc...... Kenneth and I response was an unanimous and loud “OOOOOOOOOOOOO”, then Kenneth yells “SHANK!” 
Typically the punter wants the ball to go between the two yellow posts of the field goal (as pictured above). When a field goal kick ends in a SHANK, the ball goes far to the right or far to the left. Sometimes it could cause a team a win....luckily for the Broncos they won in overtime. Saved that punter’s job I’m sure. 
Next time you and your boo are watching football and a player SHANKS a field goal, beat him to it and yell “SHANK!” 
Now go impress your man!
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Sporting with my boo! 
*****See on tumblr for better viewing
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This had to be the day that I officially became “Dat Baby!” For Boo’s 31st bday I purchased him tickets to the Dallas Cowboys vs Miami Dolphins game. We sat right in the middle of all the action...50 yard line, row 16. I was able to see Dez Bryant dabbin’ on the side line! 
The day I gave him the ticket he said I deserved a ring bigger than what I want, but I think on this day he possibly thought about buying me the whole damn mine. It was a day that he experienced and besides him feeling good, I felt better that I was able to be the one to gift him with it. 
The day was full of rain and storms but for those 5 hours that we were at the game none of that mattered. Our hearts were filled with joy, love and excitement. It’s only one time that a person gets to experience their favorite team/person perform for the first time and I was able to be the one to grant that opportunity to my boo. WINNING! 
Next game, AT&T Stadium in Arlington, TX next year. Trying to decide if we want to see them play the Giants, Eagles, or Redskins there. I vote the Eagles..I want to see them beat DeMarco Murray (trader). 
I just know there better be some Fantasia tickets in my hand for January 1st! I’ll keep you posted.
Want to REALLY impress your man, purchase him tickets to his favorite team’s game. 
Two words to describe this day: Simple Matters
Motto for the day: As long as we are doing this together  
(SN: the lipstick I purchased just to match Dallas Blue. It’s Poe by Kat Von D. SWOON!)
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What you shouldn’t be
I haven't been as consistent as I should! I need to be better at this! Buuuttttt, i have 
1. Mommyhood 2. Full-Time Employment (blah) 3. Full-Time Student (I’m getting this Master’s degree chile) 4. Workout Enthusiast  5. TRYING TO BE A BLOGGER! 6. 500 other things going on
going on and I have been letting my blog suffer. (I’m being way to transparent...but its the truth) and you deserve better! You deserve more. You deserve to know how to IMPRESS YOUR MAN. I MUST do better! and I will....... just watch!
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Women getting into sports is pretty cool. Looking at it from a relationship standpoint, it's empowering. A woman taking interest in her man's interest...it's cool.
Kenneth (that's bae 😍)
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(A bitter post...this ruined me and my hunni’s night! Here’s to Dallas football *cheers*)
PICK: This is also know as an INTERCEPTION; when the team that does not have the ball “steal” it from the team that does. It’s usually a ball that is thrown by the quarterback and it ends up in the hands of a player from the other team instead of his own teammate. It’s simple (Just so happens to be one of my favorite plays when the team I am rooting for is the one that steals), think about it like this.......
When you are out shopping and you see this bad ass item, lets call it Shoe A, and you walk over to it. You admire Shoe A. You pick it up. You try it on. You love it but while admiring Shoe A you look over and see Shoe B. You put Shoe A down and walk over to check out Shoe B. Shoe B is not what you though it was so you head back over to your darling Shoe A, only to find that Woman X has picked it up. She knows you had it. Knows you were returning but she wanted it so bad that she didn’t care. She takes your ish! She, basically, just stole it and you don’t like it. That, my friend in the football spirit, is a PICK, an interception.
PICKs could cost a team the game. Your man doesn’t like when his team throws a PICK. Especially!, If the other team scores from it. 
Lets take the video above, WATCH THE BALL CLOSELY....quarterback in the blue (Seattle Seahawks) is trying to throw to his teammate. #21 from the team in the white (New England Patriots) comes in and PICKS the ball, causing the blue team to lose the Super Bowl (will take about this later). DEFINITELY NOT A GOOD LOOK!
My night in a nutshell: Dallas :quarterback” threw 3 PICKS tonight AND they lost. My night ended really early, he's already sleep. But I followed my own rule from “His team lost...YES his world is over!” and I left him alone. His “moment” just so happened to be the entire night tonight. Poor me, I guess.....
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What does Drake and this man above have to do with one another??? not a damn thing. LOL! I just been so heavy on Drake’s Hotline Bling and may have looked at the video about 5 times before writing this post (I’m doing the Bachata now...*side eye*) and I just had to shout him out. This song is GENE-YUSSS! (DJM) #MusicDiaries
As for the man, that’s my man.... He wears the pants in my house. A lot of decisions are made around him and his success.. STUPID...RIGHT?! I think so too but it’s been that way for the last 5 years. 
More specifically, he is TONY ROMO, Dallas Cowboys starting (well not for the last few weeks. He’s hurt...clavicle being disrespectful and ish but he should be back before we go see them play the Dolphins next month. He better be at least!) QUARTERBACK, and no, not the lame ass joke. He’s not a refund. He leads his team to victories or losses on the field.
Many factors go into the success of a team and the QUARTERBACK is a major one. He is the one that stands behind the guy that’s bent over and yells “HIKE!” to que the bent over guy to throw the ball to him. Once he gets the ball he must use his spidey senses, laser vision and his holy savior to find an open teammate to get a touchdown, a 1st down or, at the minimum, gain some yards. YES! He’s that guy! Stress..I know!
He commands the offense, reads the defense, calls plays, watch the clock, listen to the coaches...BASICALLY, he saves the day. 
Just like in a family, winning for a football team is a cumulative effort and, just like a family, if the team lose the person who wears the pants is usually the blame.....that would be the QUARTERBACK on the field. At least thats how it goes in my house....Tony is usually blamed for all of Dallas’ problems. I feel so bad for him sometimes. Poor guy.
But let me help you out,
Here is a list of all the starting quarterbacks by team AND division (remember we talked about that a few posts ago....here....http://girlsgridironandgameday.tumblr.com/post/130000889646/time-to-get-down-to-the-good-stuffthe-basics-we):
(Quarterbacks) http://www.ourlads.com/nfldepthcharts/depthchartpos/QB
Find your man’s team, research the quarterback a little and then...
Thank me later 
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Get that shit offff!!
My Man - when the time clock to hike the ball is running down and Tony Romo is not asking the center to hike it....THAT WAS A LOT, I think I forgot to breathe
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Guess what layyyy-deeezz!!!  This week was a BYE WEEK for Dallas. While I love football as well, I look forward to this week.
WTH is a BYE WEEK? YOU might ask.....
It’s only YOUR BFF during the football season. So get to know it, really well.....Time it like YOU time YOUR...NEVERMIND, back to BYE WEEK
It’s the only weekend YOU may be able to get your man to do something other than football on Sundays
It’s the only weekend YOU need to plan vacations, outings and YOUR wedding during football season 
It’s the only weekend YOU could invite the in-laws over for football and it will be 4 at the table and not 2....follow my drift
Hopefully YOU have noticed that I made this week about YOU, that was on purpose.....this week YOU and what YOU want might matter....
BYE WEEK is a week given to every football team. It’s the one week in the season that each team gets to rest and doesn’t play. BYE WEEK for each team is scheduled differently and that is done by the association. 
How do YOU find out YOUR man’s team BYE WEEK.....check the team’s schedule on their website. The schedules are released about 6 months in advance. 
With this knowledge YOU could be on YOUR way to vacation, dinner or YOUR wedding... Today, I got my beau to go with me to the store. TOUCHDOWN!
Now go impress your man!
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His team lost..YES his world is over!
Last night Dallas played. My heart stands still a little everytime they do because one of two things will happen:
They are going to LOSE or WIN
The rest of my time with my hunni after they play definitely depends on which outcome prevails.
Well last night. SUNDAY NIGHT PRIMETIME FOOTBALL (the BIG show), the Dallas Cowboys decided that they would allow Drew Brees and the Saints to beat them in a matter of minutes in overtime. I swear it was over before it started.
But this post is not about that, this is about us ladies. When your man team lose, what should you do?????
NOT A DAMN THING. You mind your business and let him have his moment. It’s like how you feel when the baby throws up right before walking out of the house after you just spent 2 hours getting everyone dressed. YES! That feeling...RIGHT THERE...is how he is feeling right now.
I used to beg him to talk to me during this time. Begging and pleading more than a Keith Sweat song. I really didn’t understand and then I had the nerve to get mad at him for not speaking to me. But I had to realize....it’s not me, it’s the game. 
All he need is a few minutes to deal with the reality that the baby just threw up on his clothes right before getting out of the door...give him that. 
So, you sit there with him in that awkward silence and when he has processed what just happened, he will come around. By bedtime last night, I was snuggled closely to him laughing about something stupid. My forehead was kissed and my dreams became sweater.
HE WILL GET OVER IT....Quickly.....if you don't pester him in the meantime. 
No go impress your man!
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Save your questions until AFTER the game
My Man during Football 
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Weekly Scheduled Program
So does football come on EVERYDAY?????
While it feels that way, it is actually only on FOUR days a week. During these days your man might be watching PROFESSIONAL or COLLEGE football (we will talk about college on another day…. In the meantime, GOOOOO FSU!)
PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL DAYS ***the football week starts on Thursday and ends on Monday
Thursday Game: 8pm only ***maybe 8:30pm Sunday Games: 1:00pm, 4:00pm, 8:30pm***several games going on at once for each slated time Monday Game: 8:00pm
Thursday Game: 8:00pm ***maybe 8:30pm Friday Games: TIME VARIES Saturday Games: 12pm, 3:30pm, 7:00pm, 8:00pm, 10:00pm ***several games going on at once for each slated time
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Time to get down to the good stuff….The BASICS. We will call this FOOTBALL 101, cliche? I know.
Its like “learning to apply makeup”. You start with lip gloss (that thick glossy one that made your lips stick together….I know I’m not the only one). Then you graduate to eye liner and mascara, next you add a little eye shadow and THEN the big stuff….Foundation, setting powder, blush, the correct brushes and all the other FUN intricacies of makeup application. (You could tell I get carried away when it comes to make-up).
Our take on football will be the same…..
First Quarter…. “Lip Gloss” (The sticky one)
#AmericanFootballLeague #FootballTeams. There are 32 football teams and each one has their own mascot. NO, every state doesn't have one. YES, some states have more than 1.
It’s about to get more difficult, so follow me.
These 32 teams are divided into 2 CONFERENCES that are broken down into 4 DIVISIONS.
This is when you yell “bihhh wheeetttt”………my response……Calm down, calm down, I GOT YOU!
The answer is in the eye of the beholder (*look at the picture above*) SN: Don't talk about me, I couldn't post the table I worked so diligently on; therefore, the picture has to do!
Now go impress your man!
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Season Opener
I closed my eyes and opened them and it was September…AGAIN. I spend my Septembers through Januarys as many other women who are in a committed relationship or married do……IN FRONT OF THE TV WATCHING SWEATY (YET SEXY) MEN IN TIGHTS (*SNICKERS*) RUN UP AND DOWN A FIELD CHASING A DAMN BALL MADE OF PIGSKIN! Here’s how I got there…
First Quarter
I’ve been with my hunni for almost 5 years now and he is the prototype of a football fanatic. During the season, life stands still as I know it. No “we need to talk”s on Sundays, a lot of “who cares if the toilet just blew up” on Mondays and “Here’s my wallet, just go” on Thursdays. My favorite is:
“Dallas just lost…not now baby” *you read between the lines*
It wasn’t long before I realized that I was on a losing streak if I didn’t figure out how to include myself in the most barbaric 4 moths of my hunni’s life. So, I, the girliest of the girliest, decided to give FOOTBALL a chance, even George had Jane and to my surprise, I think I have become worse then my boo during this time of the year!
Second Quarter
My Septembers are now filled with “Bae! Is he serious!”, “WTF DUDE!” and, my favorite “I can’t look right now, let me know when its over (*put hands over eyes*)”. With this new found interest, I have noticed a closer bond between me and my beau. We have something extra in common, I’m included in a very important part of his life and I get to hang with the boys from time to time. It’s so cute when he takes his time to explain to me what’s going on, its like he wants me to get it. lol
But me getting it, has led me to getting “IT” during what could be a very painful 4 months of my life. “IT” is not only sex, but I’ve gotten time, attention, bonding, intimacy, reciprocated interest (Yes, he watches Braxton Family Values and things alike from time to time) and many other factors of a thriving relationship.
Third Quarter
I stopped resisting it and I gained a little knowledge about myself…I actually love football (basketball as well) and I want to learn everything (ok, maybe not EVERYTHING) about it and ladies, I’m going to document it here for you. Maybe I could save a relationship or two…it could happen. What I learn you will learn and we together will take back our SEPTEMBERS though JANUARYS (if your mate likes all sports, year round for you), but by playing his game.
Fourth Quarter…
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