ftwkennedy · 8 years
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ftwkennedy · 8 years
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
Open Text
Dan: What you're good at
Dan: Like call me a fucking idiot and to get over it or something
Kenn: oh stop it, you're making me blush.
Kenn: Alright, alright. Hold on, I got this.
Kenn: First of all, why do you still have her number? And if you didn't, why didn't you block her or change your number?
Kenn: You're hella dumb for answering, and you're hella dumb for feeling some type of way. How even old are you? You said it was 6 years? LMAO like???? the fuck?? Was her vag made of gold or something? Get the fuck over it and stop whining like a little bitch.
Kenn: How was that?
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
“Sure, just stand in the way, not like there’s other people trying to walk too.”
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“Hello?—” there was a confused yet frustrated pause, “Dad? Can you hear me?… Hello?” She looked at her cell phone skeptically as she pressed the phone to her ear “Dad? Are you there? I think—” there was a click on the other line and she stopped dead in the middle of the sidewalk to look at her phone in confusion and aggravation. 
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
“I’m the most good looking model you have sooooo.”
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“Would you hold still a moment, I should have asked a less fidgety person to be my model. And I’m out of paint”
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
Feeling someone push her, Kennedy’s eye twitched slightly and she slowly turned, trying her best not to flip her shit. She was trying this new thing where she didn’t almost strangle people with her bare hands and whoever this was, was just testing her. “Excuse you-”, but she stopped mid sentence, looking at the brunette and she nearly burst out laughing from the scene in front of her. “If I watch you dance do I still have to get out of the way?”
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Everyone knew that Zoey was rarely in a good mood and even more rarely did she show it, but it was amazing the change a few drinks could make in her. The fact that she was an exceptionally giggly drunk was not something she enjoyed parading around but tonight was definitely a night when she needed a few drinks, especially since she had the day off tomorrow. Though she was knocking into people and things all over the place, she didn’t seem to notice. Bumping into someone again, she giggled some more. "If you’re not dancing, get outta the way,” she told them, not bothering to check if she knew who they were or not.
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
Open Text
Dan: I dunno if I should tell you this
Dan: But my ex just called and I kinda feel like shit
Dan: It's been like 6 years too ugh
Kenn: Mkkay
Kenn: What would you like me to do?
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
Text ✉️ Gwen ➡️ Open
Gwen: I'm like officially out of Halloween candy and I'm so sad
Gwen: this is like pretty much the saddest day of the year for me
Kenn: Did you gain like 20 pounds on just candy alone?
Kenn: Because if you did, can I come over and laugh at you?
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
“Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?”
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“I never learned to flirt. Is there some sort of trick to it? Like…pick up lines are pretty lame. I see a pretty girl and my mind goes blank.”
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
“How pathetic do you feel right now, asking a stranger to join you in this pity party you’re clearly throwing.”
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“Do you think you could join me for a drink? I really wouldn’t like to be alone right now.” She gave a soft chuckle before tucking her hair behind her ear. “It doesn’t even have to be a drink… Just anything where I have company.”
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
“I’ve heard those words before, then the next thing I knew I was in the back of a cop  car crossing the U.S./Mexico border.”
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“I promise I a not on duty so you don’t have to stop doing…whatever it you are doing.”
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
“I didn’t think you’d actually sit there and tell me. Clearly you don’t know me at all. I thought we were friends, I’m hurt.”
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“Why did you ask, then? Or were you just trying to be nice…? You do realized that I care about her, right? Why would I do that?”
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
“Hey wait a minute. First of all, that’s my line. And second. What do you even need all those clones for anyways?”
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“The first clone is mine and then after that do whatever you’d like. … okay no maybe the second clone is mine too. For science.”
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
“Yeah, came back for college, my parents are so annoying.” She looked at him, slowly raising an eyebrow, smirking a bit. “Did you want me to call you?” She let out a laugh, shaking her head. “What’s that suppose to mean? I’m like the nicest person you’ve ever met. This is just the way my face is. I’m totally offended right now. And here I was, thinking you were a nice guy.” Of course she noticed him leaning in towards her, she wasn’t blind, but it did give her an idea, one that she would obviously not tell him. “But I do have to point out, you look good, like better than I remember.”
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“A couple weeks? Wow, that’s…” His voice drifted as she reached up, Angelo shifting on his feet and letting out a nervous laugh at the familiarity. “I would ask why you didn’t call, but… it’s been a while, so I’m sure you’ve lost my number along the way. So, no hard feelings. Maybe a little. Or, no, I totally have hard feelings. You’re very rude, Kenn. – I’m really glad to see you.” His grin grew as she spoke. “No, no. I missed it. That’s all.” Shrugging his shoulders, he leaned closer. “If you didn’t have that look on your face, I’d be terribly concerned right now.”
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
“Are you kidding? That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen all day. Can you do that again? Should I go grab a hobo?”
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After snapping at the stranger, Phoebe glanced over at the laughter, rolling her eyes when she saw Kennedy obviously completely taken over with amusement at the scene. After she convinced the man to apologize and leave, Phoebe walked over to her, raising an eyebrow. “I’m glad me getting kissed by some weird stranger was entertaining for you.”
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
“Red velvet. And then you can tell me how you got stuck working in this place so then I can laugh at you.”
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“I’ve got chocolate, red velvet, and vanilla.”
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ftwkennedy · 9 years
@kennydoll: it's November 7th, you hoes can change your slutty Halloween profile pics now.
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