fredsarebeds 9 months
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fredsarebeds 11 months
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This is a specific whump trope that has been sitting in my mind and I had to draw it. Hidden injury but not so hidden? Whumpees are on their recovery journey, all is good, all is fine, but the bandages and pain are still here whever they're trying to conceal it or not
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fredsarebeds 11 months
This prompt is one I've been thinking about writing for a while. You know how sometimes the leader is too focused on something so they don't realize something else has happened? Yeah that's pretty much this but they don't realize one of the team members is injured and they try to hide it.
Caretaker was currently running from the police. Whumper had framed them. Go figure. Now they were stuck in a parking garage trying to find a way out, so they could go figure out a plan to save Whumpee, and not get arrested in the process.
Caretaker felt a buzz in their pocket and realized it was a call from Team leader (again). They were about to pick up this time when they heard sirens (again), so they ignored it and put the phone back in their pocket. They exhaled sounding slightly exasperated.
Can't ever catch a break huh.
They peeked their head around a corner trying to see if they could make an escape route. Only to find that the police had completely covered the perimeter of the garage. Caretaker cursed. If they couldn't make their escape without detection they had two options:
Option one, give up and let themselves get arrested. Whumpee would probably die (causing the rest of the team to eventually fail because both Caretaker and Whumpee are now gone), and Whumper would get away with framing Caretaker.
Option two, making a break for it through the line of police and trying to lose them on the streets. Maybe still get arrested, but if they did lose them then they could regroup with the team. Whumpee would also have a chance now.
Both options sucked Caretaker decided, but the only real choice was option two unfortunately.
They ran down the ramp of the garage to a motorcycle, and began working as fast as they could to jump start it. A few policemen saw Caretaker and started shouting. Shit. Caretaker started working faster. But by the time they had gotten the engine jumpstarted, they had the undivided attention of all the police. Caretaker revved the engine and swerved the bike around to the other direction around a concrete pillar, not noticing a singular police officer to their back with their gun raised.
The officer didn't hesitate to take a shot.
The sound that echoed through the garage was deafening, and caught Caretaker almost more off guard than the unexpected pain that went through their side.
Caretaker staggered on the bike for a second then revved it again, and bolted out of the garage into the night air. Their primary focus was on losing the police and getting to the rendezvous spot which was around 30 blocks away. Not the gaping hole now in their side.
Losing the police on a motorcycle was fairly easy. The city has so many back alleyways and crevices that cars can't get into. Caretaker drove down one of the cities many abandoned subway stairwells, and came out on the other side only about 6 blocks away from the meeting area.
With the police now off their back momentarily, Caretaker took a deep breath and winced while putting their hand to the wound. It came back bright red, and the adrenaline of the chase had started to finally wear off a bit. Every slight jostle sent a sharp pain through their entire abdomen. They lifted their shirt to try and assess the damage.
It seemed pretty bad. Yay.
Caretaker had hoped that the bullet at least had went through and through. And it did, which was evident because of the exit wound through their stomach. But based on where it was located and the amount of blood, it had nicked an artery on the way out. Not nearly as bad as what Whumpee had been going through though. Whumpee had been taken hostage by Whumper for a little over a week, and the tings they did...
Everyone probably thought it was Caretakers fault. Caretaker didn't blame them.
They should've been faster.
Whumpee was the youngest one the team, and they shouldn't have to go through the same thing that Caretaker had with Whumper. Caretaker almost shuddered at the thought.
That's why they needed to save them as quickly as possible.
And this stupid bullet wound would only slow the team down from doing exactly that, Caretaker took their jacket off around their waist and put it on. Caretaker hoped that this would help stem the blood flow while also hiding how much they were bleeding, and set out for the safe house. They could patch up there, and then they would go save Whumpee.
Just walking was agonizing, but they couldn't risk bringing any unwanted attention with a stolen motorcycle. Before walking in, they looked themselves over for any signs of blood, Team leader glared at them as Caretaker tried not to stagger through the door.
"TEN. MISSED. CALLS. What the hell Caretaker?!" Team leader shouted. Medic and Teammate quickly acted like they were busy around the console, Caretaker cringed at the volume. Shit, their head was pounding.
Teammate walked over to Team leader and put a hand on their shoulder, "We can't start getting side tracked right now," They gestured to the table everyone else was gathered around, "We need a plan."
Team leader sighed and pressed their fingers to their temples, "Look, I didn't mean to raise my voice. But we're all worried about them. I just want to get Whumpee out of there as fast as possible."
Caretaker looked at their feet feeling guilty. Yeah me too.
They had only been standing at the console for a few minutes but their side was burning again and it was getting hard to stand up straight and focus. Caretaker carefully backed away from the screen console they were standing around to lean against a nearby wall while subtly wrapping a hand around their side, pressing on their stomach. Making sure to put pressure on their back too, Caretaker bit back a hiss and closed their eyes.
Teammate noticed their pained expression and walked over to Caretaker's side. "Hey, you good?" They looked at them, sounding slightly concerned.
Eyes still closed, Caretaker responded, "Yeah, it... it's just been a long day. I'm probably going to go lie down."
"That's great Caretaker, but that's not an excuse to be taking a nap right now." Team leader said not taking their eyes off from the console. Caretaker was grateful they were focused on that because they would've no doubt seen how pale they were. They also felt their side was starting to get sticky, and their jacket was clinging uncomfortably to their skin. Caretaker actually wanted to go sleep with how exhausted and cold they felt now, but they needed to go find a med kit and stitch this up first. Maybe drink a Gatorade too.
"So get back over here because we aren't done," Team leader ordered.
Caretaker didn't make any effort to move from the wall. They physically couldn't. Dark spots started clouding their vision, threatening to take over.
"Caretaker are you sure-" Medic started.
But before they could even finish, Caretaker's knees buckled and they collapsed onto the ground with a breath of pain. Medic cursed while they knelt down by Caretaker's side, and started searching for the source of the blood on Caretaker's hands. But with all the blood oozing from one side underneath their jacket, Medic quickly found the source of the problem, and lifted their shirt. Team leader just stared at the hole in their friend's side, and Medic started putting pressure on the wound with their hands right away, causing Caretaker to cry out.
"Caretaker... holy shit. Teammate go get me a medkit right now!"
"Medic, stop..." Caretaker slurred, weakly attempting to push their hands off. Medic just presses down harder, grimacing when the slippery liquid seems to seep out even faster like they were on a blood thinner.
"Did you take a whole bottle of aspirin or something?"
Medic sighed, "Save your energy dumbass, it was rhetorical."
Team leader finally gathered their thoughts enough to speak, "Why didn't you say anything?" The words came out sounding like whimpering puppy dog.
"Your brother..." Whumpee.
Caretaker tried to say something else but the words were just sluggish and mumbled. They felt someone tapping their face and shaking them.
"Hey, no. You stay awake!" Medic pleaded.
Too tired.
The dark spots in their vision took over.
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