fragiledelinquent · 10 years
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
; &. texts !
siah: that's not even what i fucking said you are literally overanalyzing everything i say in order to make me feel guilty about it
siah: how the fuck you do expect me to know that? do you expect fucking hospitals to just email me the weekly obituary updates what the fuck is wrong with you. you don't know me and you don't fucking know what i deserve, go crawl back into your den in hell and leave me the fuck out of this because this whole thing is not my goddamn fault
rowan: you're right, none of this is your fault, because at the end of the day it's him who picked up that bottle and it's him who spilled it down his throat, right? there's nobody else here to blame, and it's lovely to know that you're so quick to defend yourself and eradicate the blame from your own conscience. i really, really hope you're proud of yourself, siah, but we're done here so don't text me again, understand me? because if you come near me or his funeral, i will slaughter you in the most horrific way possible not for me, but for him. burn in hell, siah, at least then you'll be able to say sorry to him while you're there.
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
; &. texts !
siah: 'because it would make elwood happy' oh but then 'i don't aim to please elwood' make up your fucking mind dude why the fucking hell are you doing this to me, because it has nothing to do with elwood. i don't care, i'll fucking destroy you from the inside out and make you wish you were the one in his fucking position. you deserve it
siah: stop fucking texting me you've made your point
rowan: there's a difference between wanting elwood to be happy and dedicated my entire life to making it happen, you fucking idiot.
rowan: the one in his position? who the fuck do you think you are he drank //bleach// do you fucking understand me you little twat he drank bleach to see if he could make himself hurt as much as everybody else did so no you insensitive fucking asshole i don't wish to be in his position you make me sick and honest to hades i hope you lose everything like he did because spending eternity alone is the least you deserve.
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
i need
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
; &. texts !
siah: you really think elwood would want me to feel like this? if he's so fuckin 'in love with me', he wouldn't want to see me hurt. that's what love is, but you'd know nothing about that. yeah, you're a fucking prick and i don't give a shit i'll rip your fucking tongue out of your mouth buddy
siah: what the FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU
rowan: i don't aim to please elwood or whatever the fuck virtues he might or might not have had, but here's a result he doesn't control me and i don't even know if he knows i'm here, genius. you're "kinda human", you wouldn't be able to get close enough before i fucking singed your skin off, princess
rowan: what the fuck is wrong with me ARE YOU A FUCKING IDIOT
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
; &. texts !
siah: why are you doing this what are you trying to fuckin accomplish by making me feel like shit what do you fucking want from me ? i didn't know i had no idea what was happening believe it or not i can't actually read fucking minds because contrary to popular belief that's noT ACTUALLY A NORMAL FUCKING THING TO DO
siah: i'm gonna tear your fucking head off
rowan: because that'll make elwood happy, wherever the fuck he is, because on top of everything else you'll attempt to slaughter his brother, you really must be on a conquest to get into his good books
rowan: at least you don't have to worry about hell destroying him, since you made sure there'd be nothing left of him to burn.
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
; &. texts !
siah: if he loved me he would have said something, he wouldn't have left when i needed him the most
siah: fuck you, you don't know fucking anything
siah: stop it fucking stop you're lying you're messing with my fucking head stop
siah: i dare you to try
rowan: he left you because he was in love with you and couldn't stand to see you love someone else, because why should he? god forbid elwood be selfish for once in his fucking life and make it easier for himself because people like you are always around to make him feel shit about it
rowan: i know more than you ever will, now run along back to your little boy toy because we're done here. you're a monster -- and one of these days you'll come to realise that.
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
my entire history a level course is on the usa and we done that for my gcse why do i have to go over all that agAin
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
; &. texts !
siah: he was never in love with me
siah: he's my friend i deserve to say goodbye
siah: how was i supposed to know all of this i'm not a mind reader he never told me
siah: leave me alone
rowan: he was stupidly and foolishly in love with you
rowan: no, you deserve nothing
rowan: he's dead, siah, that man who your proclaimed to be your best friend is dead and in two days his ashes will be dust at your feet because that's how you must see him if after all of this, you stay with mason
rowan: do not show up, because i will kill you. that's a promise.
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
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siah: i think you have a wrong number
rowan: know what? i think i do, because i don't fucking know how elwood could ever be in love with someone like you.
rowan: if you turn up to his funeral i will rip your jugular out with my teeth and shove your body in a box far, far away from him, because you don't deserve to say goodbye.
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
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siah: go fuck your own face you giant assfuck
siah: well considering you just implied that it was my fault that i didn't know much about elwood, yeah, please enlighten me.
siah: great i don't care who you are. who is katherine
rowan: beautiful
rowan: first of all, you're dating his ex husband. said ex husband who almost tortured his best friend to death, and on a whole other level of fucking sick attacked an innocent woman in the hospital and strangled her after she had been brutally raped and almost murdered, implying that she "should have been more careful" since her son was with her at the time. on top of that, he cheated multiple times and even took his twin brothers virginity, because of course nothing screams faithful more than ditching one brother for another one ; he's a brilliant lay, don't get me wrong, but he's the sickest son of a bitch i've ever know. so you want a reason, siah? elwood might hate my guts more than anything, but at least i've never fucking betrayed him.
rowan: go fuck yourself, kiddo. elwood isn't the one who belongs in a coffin.
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
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siah: fuck off. you aren't funny
siah: what the hell is that supposed to mean
siah: again, fuck off. i know exactly what a human is. i'm kinda human. sorta. but why was he human?
rowan: don't intend to be.
rowan: want me to really list why?
rowan: i really don't care what you are ; he's been human ever since katherine died
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
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siah: oh my god i want to murder you
siah: so fill me in. he kept a lot from me
siah: human ?
rowan: you're one of many
rowan: i'm not surprised he did
rowan: do you need me to explain to you what one of those are?
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
; &. texts !
siah: hey newsflash it isn't a good thing to be a prick
siah: oh well sorry i don't know the expanse of elwood's entire family tree for fuck's sakes i only know about one brother so how about you find your chill and lay off buddy
siah: but you just said he dies every week, is he coming back or what
rowan: hey newsflash if i wanted your opinion i would have asked
rowan: you proved my point ; you know nothing about him, isn't that a shame.
rowan: obviously not, when a human dies a human stays dead genius
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
; &. texts !
siah: and you're a prick wow 10/10
siah: yeah we've been friends for a while are you saying he's okay or not ? he fuckin warned me about you i feel like i shouldn't trust you
rowan: i'm so glad we understand each other on that
rowan: you don't even know who i am? what are you the fucking messiah all of a sudden he has three brothers dickface i could be any of them and a little sister for that matter
rowan: he is dead are you incapable of listening
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fragiledelinquent · 10 years
; &. texts !
siah: the fuck is your name dude dickass fuckin mcgee ??
siah: elwood's not dead nice try buddy
rowan: you're fucking hilarious wow completely amazing 10/10
rowan: when isn't elwood dead he dies like three times a week did you even know him at all
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