Tracking science: a way to include more people in producing knowledge
Tracking science: a way to include more people in producing knowledge
Interesting piece from Louis Liebenberg! The term “citizen science” is intended to widen the network of people whose contribution to science is acknowledged. But the word “citizen” can be problematic.  Read Article in The Conversation theconversation.com/tracking-science-a-way-to-include-more-people-in-producing-knowledge-159587
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An Imaginative Adventure: Dartmoor to the Coast, with one of the Greatest ecologists of our time: Aldo Leopold
An Imaginative Adventure: Dartmoor to the Coast, with one of the Greatest ecologists of our time: Aldo Leopold
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Thoreau as Mythic Engineer
Thoreau as Mythic Engineer
                                                                           “It is a great art to saunter”
                                                         (Journal; April 26th, 1841)
I will never know Henry David Thoreau. I need to settle for the “Thoreau” that Henry engineered throughout his life and writings; the Mythic Henry David Thoreau.
Part of his opening salvo to his readers in Wa…
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The Lost World of Adolescence
The Lost World of Adolescence
“What does education often do? It makes a straight-cut ditch of a free meandering brook.”
                                                     H.D. Thoreau (October 31, 1850, journal)
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Let’s begin with taking a look at the world of todays adolescent and see if we can put this unique and somewhat explosive period into a healthy perspective.
Everyone, of course, will have their personal take upon…
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Walking as Art
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Metaphor plays an important part in education and communication. It’s often used to help make a connection in our ability to conceptualize an idea; to help forge the relationship between our inner and outer world experiences – a bridge of sorts!
Though prevalent in communication, we may often not use them in our own language, yet they can actually shape how we perceive and act in accordance with…
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Pottering About
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Adolescence should be considered a time for adventures.  Whether that is true, or not, it is clearly a time packed with its own fair share of explosive energy. It doesn’t appear to be viewed culturally as much more than a tumultuous period between the adorableness of childhood and the respectfulness of adulthood. This period of life is time often observed as needing to be navigated as quickly…
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The Restorative Power of Trees, by Natalie Slivinski
The Restorative Power of Trees, by Natalie Slivinski
More than half of the world’s population lives in an urban setting. People in cities run a 20 and 40 percent higher risk of both anxiety and mood disorders than people in rural areas. And we’re spending more and more time away from nature. Researchers estimate that if every city dweller spent just 30 minutes per week in nature, depression cases could be reduced by 7 percent. Globally, that’s a…
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Journey Through Britain
A classic read, and a classic experience that all youth should ponder doing at some point in their education! Imagine going on an adventure like this when turning 14 or 15 years of age? It would put the quest back into the questions that should be part of education, yet fall so short of providing within the hallowed halls of…
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The Most Important Skill Nobody Taught You | Design Luck
The Most Important Skill Nobody Taught You | Design Luck
Before dying at the age of 39, Blaise Pascal made huge contributions to both physics and mathematics, notably in fluids, geometry, and probability. — Read on designluck.com/most-important-skill/
A skill never learned unfortunately when within the confines of a school schedule! 🐾
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The Decline of Play and Rise in Children’s Mental Disorders
The Decline of Play and Rise in Children’s Mental Disorders
via The Decline of Play and Rise in Children’s Mental Disorders
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An Appalachian Experience
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The Practice of Walking, by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee & Hilary Hart
The Practice of Walking, by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee & Hilary Hart
When was the last time you connected with nature, paused to take note of your surroundings, or admired a simple sunrise? The hurried way by which we often live our lives can distract us from the beauty of the natural world that surrounds us. Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee and Hilary Hart suggest that the simple practice of walking can help reconnect us to the web of life, and the soul-awakening moments it…
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Nature, Joy, and Human Becoming | The On Being Project
Nature, Joy, and Human Becoming | The On Being Project
Nature, Joy, and Human Becoming | The On Being Project — Read on onbeing.org/programs/nature-joy-and-human-becoming-may2018/
Worth a read or listen! 🐾
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The Long Walk Toward Royalty
The Long Walk Toward Royalty
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It was hard to resist walking this one. Having often sceen the iconic view of this walk over the years when dreaming about future walking adventures, as well as gracing the cover of the best read on the history of walking (Rebecca Solnit’s Wanderlust: A History of Walking), a free afternoon in Windsor and fair winds made this a most definite walk.
The walk (actually called the Long Walk),…
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The Living Mountain: Pioneering Scottish Mountaineer and Poet Nan Shepherd’s Forgotten Masterpiece About Our Relationship with Nature – Brain Pickings
The Living Mountain: Pioneering Scottish Mountaineer and Poet Nan Shepherd’s Forgotten Masterpiece About Our Relationship with Nature – Brain Pickings
“Place and a mind may interpenetrate till the nature of both is altered.” — Read on www.brainpickings.org/2018/03/19/the-living-mountain-nan-shepherd/
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Walking the Old Ways
Walking the Old Ways
A sweet walker’s blog to start following! John Bainbridge covering the best of rambling & ruminating in the British Isles!
via Walking the Old Ways
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Eastern Cougars Declared Extinct—But That Might Not be Bad
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By Sarah Gibbens
“Cougars are very cryptic animals,” says Michael Robinson from the environmental advocacy group Center for Biological Diversity.
He’s referencing the fact that cougars often travel alone, often at night, and they’re hard to track. When most people come across one in the wild, it’s usually by accident.
To see one in the northeastern U.S. is…
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