  “ What’s that? I didn’t quite hear you. Did you say that I’m ADORABLE? “ His lips immediately quirked up into a cheeky grin. At her question, he lifted up his wrist to observe it as if he had a watch on. “ Hmmm.. nope. Not until at least five, “ He mused.
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“ Why do you have to bother me all of the time? Can’t you just go pester some other girl who’s actually RECEPTIVE of your advances instead of ruining my Tuesday evening?” she sighs, walking a bit faster. Damn him and his long legs. It wasn’t fair. 
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     ‘ i’m asking because i’m curious, but on a scale of one to ten, how much do you think i care about your problems? because you’ve been blabbering for the past three minutes and i’m pretty sure i look like the least likely to care about a damn word you’re saying. ‘
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“ You COULD let them down a bit easier.” she sighs, watching as the second year squeaks and BOOKS it away from the boy. Of course, Alice doesn’t know w h a t she expects- it’s CARROW. He’s an asshole, plain and simple. 
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@fcbprewetts continued from here
“You’re incorrigible.” she sighs, her pace never slowing. She’s got to get to the Quidditch pitch- this is no time to get distracted by some i m p o s s i b l e boy and his antics. “ Don’t you have anything better to do? ”
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      Fabian stared at her BLANKLY when she asked him the question. He should have expected that she’d ask him something so difficult. After all, that was appropriate  retribution for him being a total jackass. “ Well–that is a bit unfair. Is that even in one of our books? “ Fabian questioned. Honestly, that sounded like something that went beyond the typical textbook knowledge of a Hogwarts student if you asked him. “ Ah well–I might pay more attention if I wasn’t so bored, eh? “ He responded. Of course, Fabian knew that he could do better in his school work if he wanted to. He wasn’t an IDIOT. The boy was just far more concerned with having fun than he was with digging into the books. Besides, he got by when it came to his school work and that was just fine on its own, right? “ The PROBLEM, Fortescue, is you denyin’ your obvious attraction to me. It’s really unhealthy, y’know, havin’ things all bottled in like that, “ He quipped.
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“ Protego Maxima. Fianto Duri. Repello Inimicum. Though there are a multitude of combinations. “ she answers anyway, an unimpressed look upon her face. “ That specific combination is not, but you could have listed any three shield charms and I would have accepted it. Which is my point: tutoring, now. “ she stands up, slinging her bag onto her shoulder. “Oh, so suddenly you’re a skilled legilimens, good to know. Of course, i’d have to ask you to go back and cover the basics, since the only place that phrase would possibly make sense is in your DREAMS.”  she spins on her heel, starting towards the  library at a brisk walk. If he didn’t want to come, it was HIS f u n e r a l.
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have you ever gotten arrested?
“ No. “ THATS a surprise (and also subject to change SO FAST once the war starts)
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send me “have you evers” and I can only reply with “yes” or “no”
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a. fortescue
    “ That is exactly what I was doing actually. GO ON. Ask me a question, “ He quipped back easily. The response was honestly immature, but what else could you expect from Fabian Prewett? He wasn’t the type that wouldn’t try to match wits–even if he ended up just looking like an idiot. He should probably think before he spoke, but there was honestly some sort of disconnect between his brain and his mouth. “ Hmm.. maybe, “ He responded with his lips thoughtfully pursed, “ But, I still hold that I wouldn’t fall asleep if they made it a little more interesting. I really can’t be blamed. “ The boy was honestly shocked when the girl managed to put his book and papers back in his bag without the use of a wand. Still, he didn’t let that show on his expression as he looked over her with a bit of a coy smirk. “ Oh, Fortescue, I’ve told you how you can’t show off in public like that. It really gets me goin’, you know? “ He teased.
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“ What is a combination of three charms that creates a barrier which disintegrates anything it comes in contact with? “ Okay, that’s a bit UNFAIR- she mostly only knows since she went a step further than Hogwarts: A History and spoke to Professor Flitwick about the defense mechanisms of the castle, but s t i l l . Fabian thought he was so damn clever, and it was INFURIATING.  “ Ah yes, placing the blame on the other half of the equation, instead of accepting the fact that your inability to even get an A is due to the fact that you don’t pay attention and don’t bother to open your textbook unless I’m here to badger you into it. “ She huffs ( she’ll deny it if it’s commented upon, but she... cares, okay? fucking prewett ), rolling her eyes. Fabian’s comments USED to make her blush and become flustered, but six months of tutoring him had caused her to become i m m u n e to his attempts at being charming. “ I get you going in general, Prewett. I still don’t see how it’s my problem. “
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  It now seemed to be a PROVEN fact that Fabian Prewett could fall asleep anywhere. He had settled down on one of the benches in the courtyard to catch up on his class readings and within just a few minutes had slumped back asleep. The pages of his Charms book fluttered as his snores filled the cold air. His head lifted up in a snap, however, as he felt the weight shift on the bench. He quickly glanced around to see what was going on–clearly a little confused in his state of drowsiness.
   “ Mmmm.. Wha’s going on? “
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“Were you planning on learning Charms through osmosis, or...?” she deadpans. Normally, she would have just left him there, but she was supposed to be tutoring him at the moment. Which she, understandably, couldn’t do if he were snoring on a bench halfway across the school.“ You know, maybe if you stopped falling asleep while revising, you wouldn’t need tutoring. “ Alice gives the boy an unimpressed look, and with a flick of her wrist, sends the book and some of his papers into his bag. Maybe that wasn’t quite necessary, but she was practicing her wandless magic, and she also just liked winning...whatever kind of game they had been playing since the first tutoring session. 
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Potions was brutal. If there was a definition of hell, it would be standing over yet another melted cauldron with Slughorn’s disapproving glance staring you down. Thankfully, Mary had managed to veer away from that for the day. For once she had successfully gotten through a class without any accidents, and the best way to reward yourself? Lemon cakes. Glancing down at the plate that had held far too much food for her stomach to handle, the corners of her lips turned down slightly at the realization that there was no lemon cakes left.
              The audacity of some people. Who would eat all the lemon cakes?!
Well, this was a problem that needed to be fixed immediately. One does not simply survive a Potions class and not reap the reward. Sitting herself up, she made her way over to another section, sitting next to the person with a hesitant smile.
              “On a scale of one to ten, how willing would you be to give me a lemon cake? My part of the table is all out.”
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It had been a L O N G day. Quidditch, tutoring, clubs, that extra credit assignment for McGonagall- Alice is typically on her shit, but even the most organized person would be overwhelmed with her workload for today. Thankfully, it was dinner time. Which meant that, even if she were still stuck doing her assignments, at least she could do it with a piping hot meal in front of her. 
Of course, with her friend group, she isn’t TOO surprised when her peace and solitude is interrupted. But as it’s Mary, she can be forgiving. ( After all, the whole point of friends was to drive each other up the wall while still loving each other, right? )
“ Part of me wants to be surprised you walked across the dining hall in search of cake, but I’m really not. “ there’s an affectionate eye roll, as she gestures to the tray in front of her. “Help yourself. Let me guess- Potter and his band of merry men ate the entire Gryffindor tables worth?”
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So persistent. No wonder The Ancestors find you so annoying.
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“hey laurel you really shouldn’t be- shh” silence young child (i’m literally like the second youngest person in this rp wtf am i saying) and let me tell you of my new child alice.
1. alice doesn’t have TOO many memories of her parents. they died when she was five- hit wizards, meaning the circumstances of their deaths are top secret and all she knows is that they “didn’t go quietly”. some kids might hear this and vow to never go down that path, but alice had adored them, heard (watered down) tales of the important work they were doing, and decided to follow in their footsteps.
2. She grew up with her uncle Florean. He was frequently (affectionately) exasperated at how outgoing and stubborn she was, contrary to his quiet and even temperament. They have a very close relationship, though, and he’s the one that got her interested in History in the first place (she’s a fking history NERD it’s kind of cute actually)
3. Yeah okay alice is freaking smart in general though like she may geek about history the most but homegirl is top of her class in charms and part of it is because she’s naturally like that but the other part is that she’s such a hard worker
4. fun fact: alice was a hat stall. not a particularly long one, but the hat was pretty torn between putting her in ravenclaw or slytherin (i say this bc i was pretty torn about it too). Ultimately, she chose ravenclaw because house that values knowledge is 100% her cup of tea (or coffee, bc she’s a bit fonder of her caffeine)
5. okay so personality wise, as with benjy, i think i deviated from fanon. like. hella. Because okay look, alice is typically nice, charming, loyal, etc. like we’ve all headcanoned her. But there’s also a sense of ruthlessness within. It doesn’t come out very often, but god help the soul that comes for those she loves. Typically she’s very aware of consequences of her actions and how they affect the people around her but once you touch a friend or family member, she will raise hell (“the end justifies the means”). I also feel like people play her more…maternally, i guess? And while my Alice is still protective of people she cares about, she’s still a kid. She makes stupid decisions and doesn’t think things through, just like everyone else.
6. I labeled alice the “visionary” bc in my head, she reminds me a lot of enjorlas from les mis. she’s focused, she’s going to change the damn world, damn personal cost (like that line from story of tonight “I may not live to see our glory but i will gladly join the fight” ALICE AND THIS WHOLE WAR IN A NUTSHELL).
so i feel like there is more to be said but tbh i’m on mobile so like hmu with plots friends :)
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