fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
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Hello again!, back from a long hiatus with lots of new bios and things. We need 5 more accepted characters in order to open the rp fully. Have a look at the tons of open characters we have!, send us in an app or two and i will accept right away, no waiting around for the acceptance days here!. 
Come by and have a look!, i cant wait to read some of your apps!
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
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"The Woman who came from the Desert"
Name: Yara Rhys Other Names: The Red Queen, Yara the Just Age: 37 Species: Human Relationships:  Belagor Rhys (Husband), Yelsin Sun (Secret Lover), Rosan Rhys (Daughter), Tybolt Holtten (Brother), Ornessa Holtten (Sister) FC: Angel Coulby Status: Open
Biography: House Holtten is an old house, born in the deserts and keeping the peace there when the other houses couldn’t. They had often married into the Royal House, but in the past few years their luck had been dwindling. The lack of people trekking into the desert meant less income for their house, even rebels and sellswords had stopped venturing into the desert. House Holtten was seemingly left to rot.
Yara was born during this time, her father had gone to court in order to secure an alliance with the crown. He was worried his family would perish if the drought was left to continue and he was certain that the king, a distant relative would help. Yara did not know her father for a long time and she feared she would never see him. Her mother thought the same, even going as far as to take a lover when she thought her husband would not return. Yet he did and it was a shock to all. Yara was 6 when he appeared on the dirt road up to their castle. His horse was hitched to a wagon full of food and water, able to keep them going for a long time. From that day on, Yara fell in love with the crown and with the king who saved her family.
They maintained contact after that, the crown would often send out supplies for House Holtten and in return, Yara’s father would have to attend court for months at a time. He never minded as long as it kept his family safe. There would be another price to pay however. Yara’s father had avoided promising any of his daughters to the Kings son Belagor, news of his bastard boy had travelled far and no doubt had been heard by all. The king made it clear to Yara’s father, one of his daughters would have to wed his son in order for aid to continue. Yara, Ornessa and their father discussed the matter long into the night when he returned and in the end, Yara took the fall. She was stronger than her sister, able to stick up for herself and for her rights. So the next time her father departed for court, Yara was brought with him.
Belagor and Yara married and while it was awkward at first, Yara grew to genuinely care for her husband. He was strong and handsome; he cared for her and always took her opinion into consideration. They produced a child together, but that was the beginning of the end for their short lived love affair. Jealous that Belagor seemed to love the child more than her, Yara tried her hardest to keep her husbands interests solely on her. It worked, most of the time and while Yara did not hate her daughter, she couldn’t understand the appeal of a daughter to a man who wanted sons. However, with the recent return of Yelsin Sun, Yara fell hard. The feelings were different than those she felt for Belagor, so she considers it true love. They are secret lovers and dangerous conversations regarding the crown and the thrown are common when they are together.
Personality: Yara, as a young woman, was shy and timid, eager to please and work for those who would do her no favours in return. She was used by men and by woman alike for a long time, they made all her decsions for her and never paid any heed to what Yara wanted. It took her a long time to finally step up and take her life back. It was through her marriage to Belagor that this happened. Yara was able to take charge of her own money and estates, as a result she was able to show how fiercely intelligent and politically savvy she truly was. Yara is incredibly suited to the role of Queen and Queen Regent, when Belagor is away. However she is growing colder, toward her husband and her daughter. She wishes to be with Yelsin and him alone, she has shut out her family and her friends in favour of a lover and a maybe King.
Important Bios
Belagor Rhys: The Husband she had no choice in marrying. Yara and Belagor did not meet until the day of their wedding. It was an awkward marriage at first, but Yara couldn’t deny that he drew her in. For a long time she was happy with him but the strain of trying to coneieve a male heir became to great for Yara. She began looking for love elsewhere. Yara cares for Belagor deeply, but it is not love, it was never really love for her.
Yelsin Sun: When Yelsin returned to court, tall and handsome, Yara fell in love. He was so kind to her, so considerate and caring. Yara was besotted by him, feeling young once more. Their affair began years ago and continues to this day. Yara is becoming reckless with this affair and she is considering setting Yelsin against his father and supporting his rise to the throne, even if it means bypassing her daughter as Queen.
Rosan Rhys: Yara loves her daughter very much, yet it hurts her to see how much she looks and acts like her father. Yara often feels left out as Rosan and Belagor are close, they head away on hunts and he takes her to council meetings while leaving Yara out. Perhaps this is why Yara is finding it easy to support Yelsin’s claim to the throne and not Rosan’s,
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
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"A Warrior King"
Name: Belagor Rhys Other Names: The Spear King, The Made Man Age: 45 Species: Human Relationships:  Yara Rhys (Wife), Yelsin Sun (Bastard Son), Rosan Rhys (Daughter), Bastian Rhys (Brother) FC: Idris Elba Status: Open
Biography: Born at the height of the midday sun, Belagor was a large child. He was the eldest son of the King and his wife, and his birth was a happy occasion. They had been trying to years to have a child and nothing had happened. After Belagor’s mother had spend 20 days in the desert as a form of prayer, she returned and within 9 months had a son. Another was born 2 years 7 years later but it would prove to her last. The Queen was forced to have her womb cut out, as it had begun to rot her insides. She survived, but remained bedridden until the day she died.
Belagor was raised mostly by his father, a good king, a kind one. He was much loved in Trayadd, as was his son. Even at a young age Belagor expressed the want to become a knight. He watched them for hours on end, training in the courtyard. He read all the stories and listened to the bards sing about the knightly heros that saved the country. Belagor became infatuated with the idea that he would be a Knight so loved and so revered that it would cast a shadow on all the others. So he threw himself into training, learning everything he could about  the life of a knight. Belagor became good, very good, good enough to be put in charge of a garrison of Knights. The older he got however, the more pride he accumulated. Belagor and his garrison were charged with riding to the Persolis border and settling a dispute. He met a farm girl there, a sweet thing with big green eyes. She was beautiful and he thought it was love. Belagor left when he had to however, returning to court to take up the mantle of a prince once more. 9 months later the girl arrived, a baby in tow and looking for Belagor. She claimed the babe was his but Belagor didn’t need to be convinced. Yelsin was his living image.
He took the babe and the mother in, intent on marrying her as he had already taken her maiden head. His father would not allow it however. He send the girl away, far into the north of the country to a temple to live out the rest of her days. Belagor was sickened by this, and by his father choosing to keep the babe at court. Belagor named him as his son before his father could stop it. The king sent Yelsin away to squire for a lowborn knight, away from court. The king then had to find a wife for his son. He chose the daughter of his distant cousin, Yara Holtten was a beauty if ever there was one.  The marriage between her and Belagor was a quick one that was awkward at first. Yet Belagor grew to love her, she was as strong and caring and the marriage produced a child not long after.
Recently, Yelsin has returned to court and his father has welcomed him back with open arms. He has not seen the boy in a long time but he still loves him. He is keen for Yelsin and Rosan to get along, as there are siblings. He is unsure how Yara feels about him having Yelsin back, but he chooses not to press the subject. Currently he is in talks with King Rearden to have Rosan marry one of his sons, this is going well and he hopes to travel North soon.
Personality: Despite being raised as a warrior, Belagor held close the knights code of chivalry. Kind to those who needed it, caring to those who deserved it, he was always a beacon in his army. Belagor can be headstrong and judgmental, but he is also honest, straightforward, loyal and determined. The knights that he used to fight along side are among his closest friends, and he has quite a large garrison of them in the palace. Belagor strives to live up to the ideal of a true knight at all times, but it always ends up conflicting with the hard decisions he makes as a king. Belagor is naive however, refusing to believe in the problems that plague him and his family.
Important Bios
Yara Rhys: Younger than him by a few years, Yara was always a source of light in Belagor’s life. Despite her young age and sober nature, she has always been kind and considerate of her husband. Belagor loves their daughter but the lack of a true heir is beginning to trouble him. He has heard whispers that his wife has a lover but he refuses to believe it. Belagor refuses to believe that she would hurt him in such a way.
Yelsin Sun: His bastard boy. The only son he has. Belagor is keen to have an heir from Yara, but he cannot deny that Yelsin is his. He cannot deny that the boy is a good politician and a better council member. It has crossed his mind once or twice to legitimize him, to allow Yelsin to become a prince and in time, the king. However, Belagor is holding of in hopes Yara will fall pregnant again. Her time is running out and Yelsin’s is drawing closer.
Bastian Rhys: Bastian and Belagor have always had a good relationship, even as boys. It was Bastian alone who knows the lengths Belagor went to in order to become king. He is one of the few people that Belagor truly trusts. When he disappeared in the North sea, the King sent sailors and soldiers to find him. Each one perished on choppy waters or at the hands of wildlings. Belagor is getting desperate, his brother is still missing and he fears for him daily.
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
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Please note that right now, we will not be accepting original characters. However, you may send in an OC app, just know that it will not be accepted until after the rp has opened for activity. 
We wantt o get as many of the Premade characters taken first, so please have a look at who is open and see if any of them take your fancy. Once the rp if open, your oc will be looked at and accepted, based on the app!
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
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Hello all!
So due to the lack of time i have had to get online and sort out bios, perhaps it’s time to look for a co-admin. If you are interested, please shoot me a message. People already involved in the rp (People who have characters and such) are more likely to be considered for the post. So if you get your app in now, and then want to help me admin i would be very grateful!
There is also going to be a co-admin app, that can be found on the app page. If you have messaged the main about becoming an admin, please fill this out so that i can see if you are suitable for the role. 
Thanks guys!, i look forward to the apps!
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
Do you think you might post for a co-admin(s) soon? Cuz I'd really hate to join now and then not be able to start RP-ing due to a lack of energy from the main.
I think i might. However, i would most likely ask the few friends i have in the rp. If they said no, i will perhaps post a app for admins. 
Bios are still in production, yet we have a ton of open and interesting characters that i would love to see taken, so please please please don’t be put off applying. The more characters we get the sooner we can open for roleplay!
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
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"Royally Beloved"
Name: Jademra Kendar Other Names: Mistress of two, Sweetone of the Pier Age: 30 Species: Human Relationships:  Rasha Norvox (Lover), Larron Norvox (Lover) FC: Deepika Padukone Status: Open
Biography: Jademra was born in the south, in a tiny port town near the border with Trayadd. Her mother was the owner of a prosperous whore house, her father some merchant sailor from Trayadd. From a young age, Jademra was forced to work in the House as a servant; her mother cared little for her and often denied her existence to others. To the world, Jademra was nothing more that a slave to the house. She wasn’t meant to be seen or heard. She was meant to serve. For a long time, that was all she did.
When her mother eventually died, Jademra was 15 and she was suddenly thrust into a role she was not prepared for, nor wanted. The whore house was given to her and she was made the patron, but with no knowledge of how to run such a building, the place soon became devoid of customers and of whores. It soon closed, and Jademra had nowhere to go. She ended up on the strrets and that seemed to be the end for her, however there a ships captian who had frequented the House and felt sorry for the girl. He agreed to allow her to live upon his ship, if she would clean it like she used to the House. So that was her life for years and because of it, Jademra was able to come out of her shell. She adored the open water, and the old Captian taught her to sail and tie knots as well as any pirate. She loved her life upon the ship.
It was during a delivery to the King and Queen, that Jademra was offered the chance of another life. Queen Rasha, entranced by the young woman’s beauty, offered her a place among her ladies. Jademra agreed and bit her captain goodbye, she was given a room at court and a place with Rasha in her chambers. The two spent more and more time together until eventually; Rasha took the girl as a lover. Jademra was infatuated by her, however when Rasha introduced her husband into the mix, Jademra was less than happy. She soon came to like Larron, they shared a love of the sea and spent time together outside of court. Jademra enjoys her new place at court, but often wonders what it would be like should she tell Rasha how she truly feels.
Personality: Jademra is shy and quiet, never one to speak her mind or open up about how she feels. Ever since she was a child, Jademra has kept herself to herself, often preferring to watch others or keep quiet in a group. This has made her an easy target in the past, people were able to use her for their own gain before throwing her away. As a result Jademra is cautious about whom she trusts. However, when she does trust or become friendly with a person, there is nothing she would not do for them. The King and Queen are both her closest friends and greatest loves, because Jademra puts her heart and soul into everything. It is rare for her to love too little or hate too much. She is always giving to the max, but rarely receives, though she tries not to let that bother her.
Important Bios
Rasha Norvox:  If there is anyone in this world that Jademra loves, it is Queen Rasha. Since the woman took her in, Jademra has been equally in love and in awe of her. The Queen is kind, considerate and looks out for Jademra and her best interests. She is the only one that has ever made Jademra feel loved. There is nothing Jademra would not do for Rasha, but there is that niggling feeling in the back of her mind that keeps reminding Jademra that Rasha doesn’t love her the way she wants her to.
Larron Norvox: Jademra is fond of the king, he is kind to her and listens when she wants to talk. They have a mutual respect for one another, and she thinks he Is one of the better monarchs that Persolis has had. However, Jademra does not love him the way the court seems to think she does. The two are more like best friends, often playing chess or discussing Castamur together. They share a mutual enjoyment of the sea, so Larron and Jademra can often been seen down at the docks together.
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
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Hi all!, so i’m finishing of Jademra’s bio and soon, i’m going to start on House Rhys. Come and have a look at all our open characters in the mean time!
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
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"The Working Princess"
Name: Casstia Norvox Other Names: The Princess of the people, Lady of the Glades Age: 22 Species: Human Relationships:  Rasha Norvox (Mother), Larron Norvox (Father), Yuri Dovagor (Betrothed) FC: Janina Gavankar Status: Open
Biography: The only child of Larron and Rasha Norvox, Casstia was born when the sun was at its peak. She came red faced and squealing into the world when it was at its hottest. She was a summer sun baby, a bright light that had been brought into the world to shine down upon Persolis and Castamur itself. Or so the prophets said.
Casstia was raised at court, her father had been told that he should send her away to live with a governess in the North, like he was. Larron refused of course, he would not send away the child that reminded him so much of his departed sister and his beloved lady wife. Casstia stayed and it proved to be the best decision that Larron ever made for his daughter. Instead of learning to sing and dance and please Lordlings, Casstia was taught to work and to rule, the role she had been born for. Despite many of Larron’s court telling him to try for a son, he refused to listen. He had faith in his daughter. Casstia learned about her homeland from her mother, while she learned how to rule it by her father. She truly was able to sample the best teachings from both worlds. As she was growing up, Casstia and her parents had a very close relationship and it was clear to the whole world that Larron meant to make her his heir.
Casstia had made plans to travel to Trayadd in order to visit several old temples with her mother when her world changed. Larron informed his daughter that she would be traveling North, to Vilyara. She was to meet her betrothed. Casstia couldn’t understand why her father had done such a thing behind her back and the two had a fierce argument on the subject, with Casstia refusing to speak to him for the better part of a week. It wasn’t until Larron promised his daughter that she would remain a Queen in Persolis that she agreed to visit the North.  Vilyara was cold ad harsh, nothing like her warm and jasmine scented home in Starhall. Never the less, Casstia did her duty and met with her soon to be husband but she wasn’t best pleased with his brooding and sullen nature. She has recently returned from the meeting and is trying to get back into her old way of studying. Yet the uncertainty of married life is weighing hard on her shoulders.
Personality: Much like her mother, Casstia is kind and hardworking. She was never one to shy away from doing the right thing and thinks that the wealth of a kingdom must be built on its people. Not its resources. In some respects, Casstia is the perfect Queen, or at least she will be when the time comes. She inspires loyalty among the smallfolk, less so among the people at her fathers court. They think her simple and childish, but Casstia never listens. Casstia can be temperamental however, like her father. She is known to be stubborn when faced with a decision, often never changing her mind once it has been made up. Her temper, while not explosive, is enough to make the Lordlings bow to her will when she needs them too.
Important Bios
Rasha Norvox:  Casstia learned hard work, perseverance and dedication from her mother. Rasha taught her daughter from a young age and so, her personality and ideals were shaped by her mother. Casstia, as a result, is kind and caring toward the smallfolk and often tries to oversee the building of new places with her mother. Rasha is such an important part of her life, that Casstia would be at a loss without her. Casstia is closer to her mother than anyone else.
Larron Norvox: Casstia loves her father very much, he has always been open and honest with her. Casstia knows she is named for his sister, the one he loved more than anything. So Casstia tries her best to live up to the image of the aunt she never knew. She wonders that if she should fail, will her father be disappointed. They argue over very little, though her impending marriage is causing a strain on their once happy relationship.
Yuri Dovagor: Casstia has met the crowned Prince of Vilyara once in her entire life. He was cold, distant and Casstia didn’t like him. She likes him less now that she has gotten time to think about his dark and brooding nature. The match was one her father made in order to grasp footing in the North. It is one of very few things she and her father have disagreed on. Casstia would prefer the marriage be dissolved. Yet she will do her duty if needs be. Her mother has taught her that much.
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
Hello, I really want to apply but I dunno what I should put in ships.
Hi Anon!
If it’s a canon character, then its anyone that you see in their bio that is connected to them. For example, if you were applying for Rasha Norvox, the ship section in her app form would contain ships for: RashaXLarron and RashaXJademra. You can include ships of your own making though, like RashaXCasstia (Mother/daughter dynamic) and so on. 
I hope this helps anon!
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
I really want to apply however English is not my first language and in the rules you guys said that good grammar and punctuation is a must and I'll get a notification for it, so wow, if I commit any little mistake I can't rp here, is that it?
Hello Anon!. 
Thats not what i meant at all!, i should probably have made the rules a little clearer. Good grammar and punctuation is a must yes, but just because English isn’t your first language doesn’t mean you can’t apply. A slip, as stated in the rules, means if you starting using “u” instead of “you” or if you start cutting words down to text form. Thats the good grammar part. The good punctuation part basically means that full sentences, full stops and punctuation marks are needed in order to break up text and para. The notification that you will get will be from the main if we see you writing in text style, or something of the like. 
If English isn’t your first language then thats fine. Thats what the para is for in your app. If you write a good para and the mods see that you are a good writer and have a good grasp of the character, then we will let you join us all no probalem!. 
I’m sorry if the rules didn’t make it clear darling!, though thank you for the help this means i can change them now :)
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
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"The Queen of Love"
Name: Rasha Norvox Other Names: Sweet snake, Lady Queen Age: 40 Species: Human Relationships:  Larron Norvox (husband), Casstia Norvox (Daughter), Jademra Kendar (Lover) FC: Indira Varma Status: Open
Biography: Born the daughter of a Palace Castellan, Rasha was never meant to be anything great. Her future could have been predicted in her cradle. She would marry semi-well and bare may children until she died in the birthing bed or from a fever. Rasha was never supposed to be special and while her parents loved her, they told her that her life would be a simple one. How wrong they were.
Rasha helped her father as she was growing up, With 3 younger sisters and no sons to help him, he had no choice but to enlist the help of his eldest daughter. Rasha didn’t mind, she enjoyed the duties of a Castellan. Her father gave her small jobs at first, feeding the animals, making sure the rooms had been cleaned properly and things of the like. Rasha proved her worth however and her father ended up giving her more responsibility the older she got. Rasha was eventually given full charge of the east and south wing of the Royal familys summer palace. Rasha enjoyed her work, she enjoyed earning money for a job well done. She was keen to advance however, at 18 she wanted to be given charge of the entire castle when her father retired. So she worked harder.
It wasn’t long after that she met the man that would change her life. Her father had been trying to get her to marry, even telling her that she could pick whoever she wanted. Rasha had to interest however, telling her father that the man she would marry would be the man she loved. She loved no one yet. Until Larron arrived. The two had been rasied together as children for a few short years, though their relationship had been one built on childish competitions to see who could ride better, fight better or hide better. Now they were older. Now they were able to truly see each other. Larron was handsome but broken, the death of his sister had hit him hard. He had locked himself in his room, refusing to eat or sleep. Rasha eventually intervened on the 10th day. She crawled in through his window and offered to help. Larron told her everything and she was the first person he truly opened up to, other that his sister. They were inseperable after that.
They married in that summer palace and when the old King died, Larron returned to court with Rasha to be crowned. She was made Queen right beside him, his equal and his wife. She bore him a daughter not long after and the pair have been happy and in love since. Rasha worries about Larron though; his obsession with the North and their backwards ways makes her wonder if he is willing to intervene in their war.  
Personality: Hardworking, honest and loyal are some of the words used to describe Rasha upon first meeting. She worked for her own money up until her marriage, so she has a strong work ethic. She values honesty and loyalty, particularly toward her husband and her house. She is kind too, almost to a fault some say. Her love for her husband and for her family is blinding so she sees no faults in them. Rasha often sides with the commonfolk during reforms and court sessions, which has made her many enemies in court. Though she doesn’t care, she wants Persolis to do well and for it’s people to be happy and content, if that means she needs to cause strife among the lordlings then so be it. She has no time or patience for men that claim to do good but really do nothing.
Important Bios
Larron Norvox: Larron is her one true love, the man she would kill and be killed for. Despite their dislike of each other as children, they now had created a solid and loving union. Rasha adores him, he makes her laugh, looks after her and would do whatever she asked. Despite the many lovers that they both take, it is always together as they could never have one without the other. Rasha trusts him above everyone else but is honest with him, as she refuses to allow him to be controlled by his court.
Casstia Norvox: Her daughter and only living child. Rasha and Casstia have a very good relationship of one another. Rasha is fiercely protective of her daughter, as she sees so much of Larron and herself in her. Casstia is the future Queen of Persolis, so Rasha makes sure she knows it. She and Casstia often go riding to visit the small folk and the towns that lie around the bay. They are a team when together and Rasha has taught her daughter how important hard working and being Kind are.
Jademra Kendar: Rasha’s chief lady in waiting and joint lover with Larron. Rasha was drawn to her kindness, her shy nature and her beauty. She took her in, gave Jademra a place at court and allowed her to live with them. Rasha introduced her to Larron and they became a close knit group. Rasha enjoys studying Jademra, often choosing to sketch her paint her to pass time. She cares about the girl, much like Larron does, but she doesn’t quite believe it is love. She is starting to hear rumours about their activities, but doesn’t believe that it is Jademra who has started them.
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
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"The King of Golden Glades"
Name: Larron Norvox Other Names: The serpent, The Sly King Age: 42 Species: Human Relationships:  Rasha Norvox (Wife), Casstia Norvox (Daughter), Jademra Kendar (Lover) FC: Pedro Pascal Status: Open
Biography: Larron was born in House Norvox’s summer palace in the North. His birth was hard and it almost killed his mother. Yet she and the babe survived. Larron spent the first year of his life in the palace, his father to afraid to bring him south until he was sure his son would survive. The King already had a daughter and while Larron’s sister was strong, she was not the son the old King wanted. Yet now he had his heir, and Larron was to be raised as such. He was to be a good king. A Fair King. A King who understood where his priorities lay.
Only Larron never became the King his father wanted. From a young age, Larron knew his father was a picky man. Larron was close to his sister Desstia, the siblings shared a bond and despite Desstia being almost 6 years older than him, she understood Larron. She cared about him in a way his parents did not. They would take long walks together, train with practice spears and ride horses around the large track in the stables. Larron’s father cared little for his daughter, so he wished for his son to spend at little time with her as possible. Larron would not listen, defying his father at every turn until the King struck back. He arranged a hasty marriage between his daughter and a Oyerturn Lordling. Desstia’s husband was old and sickly, the marriage used as a cover up for the old king to have his son to himself. Larron, now a young man, fought against the marriage but it proved futile. Desstia was sent away and it was the last Larron saw his sister alive.
2 years later, the news arrived that this sister had died in her childbed. Larron, distraught and overcome with rage left the family castle by the sea and travelled to the summer palace. It was here he met Rasha, the daughter of the palace’s Castellan. Larron was enamoured by her, she was beautiful and intelligent and helped him greatly during the hard years after his sisters death. Eventually he married Rasha, despite her low birth. Larron only returned to Starhall when his father passed away. He was crowned king upon his return and a year later, Rasha gave birth to a daughter. Larron named her for his sister and loved the girl as much as he did the mother. Now, Larron is keen to gather the Kings to discuss the Northern Conflict and see If there is any truth to the stories of dead men.
Personality: Larron is often described as charming and charismatic. He has been known to change the minds of men and woman easily with nothing but his words, and rarely resorts to violence to get what he wants. Despite hits perceived lustful nature, he is incredibly faithful to his wife and to his marriage in general. He loves with a passion and cares without restraint. Larron does everything to 100% and he is well known for it. Larron has a strong sense of justice, often standing up for others that cannot. He is known for his strict punishments for those he thinks deserve it, so he often has a big say in who is arrested and who is released. Larron is quick witted and incredibly intelligent, which makes him popular among his friends.
Important Bios
Rasha Norvox: Larron met Rasha as a young man and it was her that helped him in his darkest days. He loves her more than anything in this world and would surely die for her if it came to it. Her love for life and passion for fun help Larron greatly and has been his salvation with the duties of being King become over whelming. Rasha has helped him through many things in life and he would not be the man he is today without her.
Casstia Norvox: His only child, Casstia is his pride and joy. He sees so much of Rasha in her that it was impossible for Larron not to love the girl. She has her mother’s perseverance and her fathers way with words and Larron knows that she will be the perfect Queen when he is gone. Larron’s dismissal of a male heir in favour of his daughter has many of his small council and court up in arms, though he rarely listens to them anyway.
Jademra Kendar: Larron first met Jademra when Rasha took her in as a lady in waiting. He knew his wife had taken her as a lover and was jealous of the girl for a time until Rasha invited him to join them one night. Since then, he, Rasha and Jademra have been close. He cares for the girl deeply but does not love her like he does his wife. She is a great comfort when he needs it but he often cannot perform with her by himself. He needs Rasha with him.
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
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Hello again rp world!
Im currently in the process of writing up House Norvox but in the mean time, i would love to read some apps!. Have a look through our open characters and see if any take your fancy!
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
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 "The Risen Lady"
Name: Mara Pensive Other Names:  The Once friend, Lady Ambition Age: 25 Species: Human Relationships:  Erik Erlean (Lover), Elehena Erlean (Ex-friend, rival) FC: Jessica De Gouw Status: Open
Biography: Born in the south, Mara was the daughter of a self-made man who was not overly wealthy, but was incredibly smart. He utilized what little he had and after a while, he was making just as much money as the men who had been born with it. He had several children with many women, but only 2 with his wife. Mara was one of these children, the other was an elder brother who she got along with quite well. Mara grew up in relative luxery, but didn’t know her father as well as she wanted to. He always seemed to be away, taking her brother with him to teach him the family trade. Mara spent most of her time with her mother, or with the daughter of her father’s best friend, Elehena.
Mara was young when tragedy struck, her father was killed in a freak accident on the docks, a year after her mother left them all for the love of a young sailor. Mara was left alone; her brother took up the family business but was bankrupt within the year. He was not as well suited to making money as their father was. Mara’s brother ended up drinking himself to death which left her well and truly alone. It was Elehena who took pity on her and offered her a home with her. Mara went to live with her best friend in the years that followed her move, the pair became as close as sisters. They were inseparable and Mara loved Elehena, she loved how kind and caring the girl was and she vowed that they would always remain friends.
When King Erik agreed to marry Elehena, it was Mara who travelled to Crystalport with her and it was Mara who held Elehena when she cried over the news. It was Mara who laughed with her and gossiped on the way to the Palace. In the end, it was also Mara who broke her heart. Barely a month after Elehena’s wedding day, Mara had caught the eye of the King. The attention he showered upon her was glorious, Mara was young and in turn, she ate it all up. In the end, she was willing to forsake her friendship for the sake of wealth and a space in the Kings bed. After their first night together, Mara returned to Elehena and begged her forgivness, thinking it would be the last time the king called her. She was wrong. Erik soon asked Mara to be his Mistress and so, she left Elehena’s serve and created a band of Ladies for herself. The pair turned from friends to rivals seemingly overnight.
Now, Mara holds lavish feasts and dances in her own private chambers, never inviting Elehena. Erik seems to spend all of his nights with her, and when he does not, Mara gossips fiercely to see where he has went. Mara tries her hardest to keep his attention on her, for she knows that he could cast her aside as easily as he made her.
Personality: Before becoming the Kings Mistress, Mara was a bubbly girl who enjoyed having fun and spending time with her friends. She and Elehena would gossip and play for hours when they were friends. Now the wealth and power seems to have gone to her head. Mara will do anything to keep Erik, even if it ends up hurting her in the end. Mara is a vicious gossiper and always seems to know everyone’s business, she is known to spread rumours too, something the other ladies despise.  While Mara is not cruel or vindictive, she is keen to reach her own goals and is incredibly ambitious, something she learned from her father.
Important Bios
Erik Erlean: Mara truly believes she loves Erik. She believes with all her heart that he loves her too. There was a time, when they had just begun to court, where she believes that he would set Elehena aside for her and they had even talked about it, early in the morning while still in bed. In the end it was nothing but pillow talk and the ladies all laughed when she told them. They told her he would never set aside someone with so much money for someone with northing. Mara doesn’t believe them. She loves the King and still holds out hope that he will see sense and want to marry her someday.
Elehena Erlean: Once the girls were good friends, sisters even, until a trip to court changed that. Now they are always trying to one up each other. Mara tells her Ladies that she hates Elehena and that the King is silly to have married her. However, something deep inside of Mara still cares for Elehena and she often wonders if they can be friends again. She doesn’t know if Elehena feels the same and she is too stubborn to ask it. So they remain at each other’s proverbial throats for the time being.
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
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"The Alley Princess"
Name: Sarella Glass Other Names:  The secret Bastard, Lady Unshattered Age: 25 Species: Human Relationships:  Erik Erlean (Half-Brother), Amelia Thrane (Half-sister/Enemy) FC: Holliday Grainger Status: Open
Biography: Sarella was born in a Tavern near Crystalport. Her mother died giving birth to her so she was left in the hands of the reluctant Tavern keep. The woman was old, and thought her child rearing days were done. Never the less, she took care of the babe, housing and feeding her as the years passed. Sarella grew up under her adoptive mothers watchful eye but the tight restraints that she was forced to live in made her act out and cause trouble. Sarella would often promise to change and stop behaving to boldly when she was caught. Only she never did.
When she was 9, Sarella was caught stealing gold from the Tavern’s safe. The Tavern Keep finally decided that was enough. She threw Sarella onto the streets and with nowhere to go and no one to turn too, Sarella had to learn to survive on her own. So she began to loot and steal, living in alley ways and sleeping in abandoned buildings. This was her life for a few years, and she got good at stealing and running away from guards. Until she slipped up. After stealing a loaf of bread, Sarella had tried to take to the roof of a Whore house, only the smooth stonework and marble tiles did not make for good grip. She fell and broke her leg, allowing the guards to catch her easily. She was taken to the dungeons in the guards barracks and awaited the punishment for her crimes. Until an old man appeared and set her free. He was dressed finely and told her that he was a good friend of her fathers. He explained who she was, who her family was, who her father was. She was the daughter of a king. He explained that he had been charged with keeping tabs on her once her father had found out about her mother’s death.
The old man had her cleaned up and her leg properly strapped up before he presented her to the king as his sister. Erik saw it instantly, she had the same blue eyes as he did, as Amelia did…as their father had. Sarella was overcome with the news but did not question the fact. She was invited to live in the palace, Sarella did not turn up the chance of a home. She and Erik became fast friends, but Amelia wanted nothing to do with their fathers bastard. Now Sarella continues to live in Crystalport, however she is growing bored of everyday being the same. She often tries to get Erik to spend time with her, but he seems to be busy all the time. Sarella wonders that if she left, would anyone notice?. She has more than enough money to use to travel, should she decide to.
Personality: Due to being raised on the streets, Sarella is very good at self-preservation. She knows when to speak and when to keep her mouth shut. Despite how well she dresses, Sarella is able to loose people very easily and is able to escape sticky situations if she needs too. When she first came to the castle, she was forever scaling the walls until a mishap caused her to fall one day. Sarella is incredibly adventurous and often just leaves the castle to go riding, or for long walks. She often stays out for hours, which means Erik often has to send guards to look for her at night fall. Sarella is not a person that wears her heart, or her emotions on her sleeve. She is very guarded and will only open up to a person if she trusts them. She was taught never to trust on the streets, and that has been reinforced to her by her brother at court.
Important Bios
Amelia Thrane: In the beginning, Sarella desperately wanted her sisters approval. She tried as hard as she could to get Amelia to like her, or to appeal to the things her sister liked. In the end, Amelia still acted coldly toward her. Sarella couldn’t understand why her brother would like her but her sister would not. In the end, Sarella eventually gave up with trying to get onto her sisters good side. They ignored each other around Crystalport and when Amelia left to get married, she demanded that Sarella be left behind while the court travelled North for the wedding.  When the sisters did engage in conversation, it was clipped and often ended in arguments.
Erik Erlean: Sarella is fond of her brother Erik. He is the only family that has shown her any kindness and she is grateful for it. He is also the only one who spoke out for her when the court wanted to cast her onto the streets. Erik has often said that she is of his blood, so he will look after her. Sarella often tries to please him in any way she can, and normally takes his side during court arguments and council meetings. The Lordlings dislike her greatly, but will not say anything about it, as they fear what Erik might do to them.
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fight-your-fate-rp · 9 years
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"The Queen who saved"
Name: Elehena Erlean Other Names:  Southern Sweetling, The Kings Saviour Age: 25 Species: Human Relationships:  Erik Erlean (Husband), Amelia Thrane (Sister in law), Sarella Glass (half-sister in law), Mara Pensive (ex-friend, rival) FC: Emilia Clarke Status: Open
Biography: Elehena was born in the south of Oyerturn, close to its border with Persolis. She had a much older brother, born of their father’s first wife. Her father owned a vast trading hub on the southern coast and it made him a very rich man. In turn, this made a lot of men in Oyerturn want his daughters hand in marriage. Elehena was barely a teenager when the first flood of marriage proposals came. Elehena never understood what they were or how they would end up changing her entire life.
Her father held off on her marriage however, he reviewed all of the proposals but in truth, he had his eyes set on the ultimate prize for his daughter. The king was still unmarried and while he was not actively seeking a wife, Elehena’s father knew it would only be a matter of time. His prayers were soon answered. Elehena was 21 when another rebellion began to brew in the south. Her father acted quickly, sending aid and money to the capital and to the king. He also propsed his daughter for a marriage pact, the marriage to a local woman and one with such money and power would surely solidify Erik’s hold over the Throne. So Erik agreed and before Elehena could protest, she was traveling to Crystalport.
Elehena thought that her new husband would be kind to her, that he would love her for saving him and his people. When she met him, she was, like many, drawn to how handsome and imposing he was. Yet when they were married, Eriks true nature reared its ugly head. Elehena had to suffer in silence, for she had been taught from a young age that a woman was not to question her hsuabd. She found herself hating Erik and not meaning too, he was kind to her in some respects, but she was not the husband she had wanted. Elehena does want to give Erik a child, but she is beguning to think that the fault in conception lies with him and not with her. She has mentioned this to only the closest of her ladies, whom she is with most often.
Personality: Many would describe Elehena as meek and timid, and this is partly true. In public or with her husband, Elehena keeps herself to herself and is usually quiet. Her husband often comments on this, saying she would be better suited in a temple, not a throne room. Elehena tries her best to ignore him, which only reinforces her need to keep silent around him. Yet, with her ladies and with her friends, Elehena is bubbly and enjoys having fun. She is a keen singer and dancer in private, often performing elaborate dances with her ladies. She also enjoys gossiping and the only time she laughs or smiles in public, is when she shares rumours and gossip with her ladies. With her friends, she is confident and able to be her true self: a king young woman who enjoys having fun with her friends.
Important Bios
Erik Erlean: When Elehena first met Erik, she thought him handsome and caring. Yet her perception of him soon changed. The more time she spent with her husband, the more Elehena came to realise that he wasn’t the kind of king she thought he was. Elehena keeps her opinion of Erik to herself, however she often tells her ladies that she is embarrassed of her husband’s appetites for wine and women. However, Elehena does find herself wanting Erik to settle down and to care for her more. She is willing to try for him, but only if he is willing to try for her. Currently, because she can not give him a child, their relationship is rocky at best.
Mara Pensive:  Mara was once Elehena’s closest friend. They grew up in the south together and Mara even came to live with Elehena and her parents when her father died. Upon arriving at Crystalport, the friendship seemed to dissolve over a couple of months. When Mara met Erik, the two formed a bond based solely on their sexual attraction and while she would never admit it, Elehena was incredibly jealous. Elehena removed Mara from her trope of ladies but she remained by the kings side, his official Mistress. So Elehena must watch as Mara and Erik have the relationship that Elehena wishes they had.
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